Guest TSMAdmin Report post Posted October 2, 2002 WWE Confidential: May 25, 2002 This was the first episode of Confidential, which featured the infamous Shawn Michaels interview regarding the "Montreal Incident". As of now this is the highest rated episode of Confidential, but the ratings have yet to come in for the WWE's mini-marathon last Saturday night, so that record may not stand very long. Mean Gene welcomes us and introduces Confidential. The show starts with part one of the Shawn Michael's interview. The good stuff is yet to come... Cover Story: Shawn Michaels "I was given a gift and I abused it, so it was cut short." That sums up his career pretty well. Vince remembers that Shawn caused him a lot of trouble, but he never really did anything about it. Shawn thinks that wrestling controlled his life because of what the fans expected from him day in and day out. Even outside of wrestling Shawn didn't shed his persona and ego because the fans fed off of it. Gerald Brisco says that Shawn was a great wrestler, but he was very hard to work with. Shawn considered himself the most immature 30-year-old there ever was. Well that revealed nothing. The clips were pretty cool and brought back some memories, so it wasn't a complete waste. Segment 1: 0.5/1 Brad Landis as Goldust More "quality" imitations here. Brad seems to be pretty good. The WWE mixed in some clips of the real Goldust, thus making this pretty cool. Brad sounds a little like Jim Cornette. Hmmm...maybe Jimmy really will do anything to get back on TV. Next up Rob Van Dam introduces us to the guy who airbrushes his tights, Joe Holland. Giant Baba originally suggested RVD get a pair of distinct tights during his tenure in All-Japan. A quick All-Japan clip is shown. That was different. RVD's first pair of tights were just red with a silhouette of him during a kick. The airbrushing itself is pretty cool to watch. It really makes you appreciate RVD's tights even more. If RVD really likes an outfit, he would say, "Joe this is one bad fuckin' outfit. This just totally kicks fuckin' ass." Joe finds that funny. RVD's favorite outfit looked like it was real metal armor. Joe's favorite is the one with the bleeding bones that debuted last fall. Segment 2: 1/2 This is one of my favorite Confidential segments ever...TRISH GIVES US A TOUR OF HER KICK-ASS HOUSE!! I don't think she should have a great house because she is on the road 4 or 5 days a week. I stay home everyday, so I should be the one with a house like that. I could properly appreciate such a big house. On a whole it has a very modern look (black granite) with a whole bunch of collectible stuff. Trish actually created one of her rugs and this artsy thing above her bed. She talks about her nephews a lot and we see a picture of her younger sister. She has A TON of movies. Hell, she might actually put CHUD to shame. Trish has accomplished what every women only dreams of, she turned a whole room into a closet. For the record, that girl who poses with Trish on many of her pre-WWF pictures IS NOT her sister. They just look shockingly alike. I didn't know Canadian Supermodels made THAT MUCH money. Maybe that's an industry I should consider seeing how internet writing isn't getting me anywhere fast. Segment 3: 2/3 Mean Gene starts the segment with a lie, stating Bret refused to drop the title to ANYBODY. I recall Bret wanting to job to ANYONE but Shawn Michaels. We're off to a good start. The audio of the Bret Hart-Vince McMahon meeting prior to the big match starts the segment. Shawn thinks he would have been the "bad guy" whether he knew or not. Brisco was the only guy who knew at the "Gorilla Position". Even Patterson wasn't in on it. The finish of the match is shown. A clip of the infamous “Bret Screwed Bret” speech follows. Earl Hebner found out of the finish 10 minutes before the match started. After he called for the bell Earl bolted and left in an already running car. Vince could have left, but chose to stay for Bret. Shawn supports Vince's decision because of all the obvious reasons. Next up is the part of Wrestling With Shadows where Shawn denies being in on it when Bret asks him. Shawn finally admits to knowing about the screw-job day before the match. The night before the Survivor Series, Brisco told Shawn the finish and he taught him some self-defense moves incase Bret went after him. Vince believes he owed Bret a free shot, so he didn't leave the arena. In a hilarious moment Brisco actually stepped McMahon's ankle and broke it during the Hart-McMahon "fight". Typical stooge screw-up. Brisco really pisses me off now when he says this, "On that night Shawn Michaels became a real man and a stand up guy." What an asshole. Gerald Brisco considers lying and destroying a man's career the traits of a real man. Good for him. On a whole this I may not agree with everything that was said here, but it was really interesting. In the end I think Vince made the right decision. Bret was the really jackass for not wanting to job the title in his HOME COUNTRY. Let's take a pause for a quick reality check... Almost every champion jobs the title in their home country! Even more importantly WRESTLING IS FIXED. Who gives a shit where you lose the title? In the real world does the title even mean anything? Bret was being very selfish and quite frankly he got what he deserved. On a side note, I truly wish Bret a speedy recovery from his stroke. And no, that last sentence wasn't sarcasm. Segment 4: 3/4 As we all know Lita ruptured two discs in her neck while filming the season finale of Dark Angel. She continued to work for five days and then waited two more weeks before going to the hospital. When she first found out what happened she called Steve Austin. She started to cry and he wasn't going to put up with any of that bullshit. That was just what Lita needed to hear. Steve introduced Lita to Dr. Jay Youngblood, his own doctor. Part of the actual surgery is shown. Very nasty stuff. She should recover 100%. Also, Lita should NEVER leave the house without makeup. Segment 5: 3/5 Mouthing Off: Ivory on Breast Implants Ivory supports breast implants as long as they aren't too big. It looks like the WWE is still putting clips of Sable and B.B. to good use. Ivory does have implants and she got them because now she can fill out clothes and feel feminine all at once. Well that's just splendid. Segment 6: 3/6 A decent first outing I guess. Most of the segments were boring, but the one the wasn't was REALLY interesting. Thankfully they scrapped "Mouthing Off”. Although I wish more wrestler's houses were on the show. A little "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous" type thing would be cool. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next Up: Best of the WWF Vol. 1 will be done by Friday. More Confidential on Sunday and that seems to be it. You can e-mail me the qualities YOU think a real stand-up guy should posses here: Retro Rob Share this post Link to post Share on other sites