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Guest TheDames7

Which PPV best demonstrated these workers talents:

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Guest TheDames7

Trying to start some new topics, just like bps21, so please forgive me.  


I'm going to list a number of workers below.  I'd like to know which sole PPV do you believe best demonstrated their talents.  For example.  


HHH - I believe that in Royal Rumble 2000, HHH showed the world that he practically do it all in the ring.  He wrestled well, bladed perfectly, sold well, and showed that he could brawl, wrestle and tell a good story in the ring better than any other PPV he has been in.  


Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that you have to select the workers best match on a PPV, just the ones that sold you on their strongest abilities and why.


1. HHH

2. Austin

3. Angle

4. Hogan

5. UT

6. Flair

7. Beniot

8. DDP

9. Bret Hart

10. Owen Hart

11. Hall

12. HBK

13. Nash

14. RVD

15. Shane O' Mac

16. Savage

17. Ted Dibiase

18. Sting

19. Vader

20. Goldberg

21. Hennig

22. Scott Steiner

23. Edge

24. The Dudley Boyz

25. Christian

26. Lance Storm

27. Chris Jericho

28. Rhyno

29. Kane

and Finally, 30. The Rock.



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Guest goodhelmet

ddp- without a doubt his match with Goldberg. DDP's had better matches but his insistence on planning and preparing a match helped Goldberg through a watchable and enjoyable match.


lance storm- vs. Edge at Summerslam. I've known Storm was a good wrestler but alot of his ECW matches were not tailored to good technical wrestling. This was the first match in the WWF where he was allowed time to develop a story in the match and it worked great!


owen hart- his match ith bret at WM10. He not only kept up with his big brother but produced one of my favorite matches ever.


scott hall- both ladder matches. the only hall matches worth a damn. proves every hall match in the wwf should be a ladder match.


shane o mac- vs. the Big Show, Backlash 2001. proved this guy was nothing but a bump artist who was carried by better workers in every other match he ever had (except for Test, which was carried by the posse). If he runs the wwf from a wheelchair i will not be surprised.


benoit- pick one. i'll go with the nitro match with bret. beautiful match where neither guy had to carry the other because they are both so damn good.



savage- steamboat wm3. his best match ever that ended a great feud and savage's truly heelish ways.

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Guest Brian

I'm just going to hit the top three and number thirty for now:


1. HHH

I'd have to go with No Way Out, because it cemented him. Both as a wrestler and as a main eventer. He worked his ass off.


2. Austin

As a worker, Survivor Series 1996. His best non-gmmick match and a true ruler of his ability.


3. Angle

Still have yet to see his full potential, but I'll have to go with WrestleMania X-7. That match showed the most potential in Angle than anything else I've seen from him.


30. Rock

Easily the Iron Man match at Judgment Day. Some will complain that there were too many falls, but Rude and Steamboat had similar and the ability to tell a story throughout is much more important. Showed the Rock was open to improvement even though he didn't have to be.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Great topic.


Does anyone else think that this is the best time of day for this messageboard?





1. HHH:  Fully Loaded 2000 (he was already a star...but he made Jericho one too.)


2. Austin:  Bash at the Beach 1994 (I'll be the only person to ever pick this...but (I was already a huge Austin fan) this is where he proved his worth.  His match with Steamboat stole the show IMO...and the Main Event was Hogan vs. Flair.


3. Angle:  WrestleMania X7  (for a match with no stiry coming in...he and Benoit tore the house down.  This match did more to give him cred.  then his World Title run did)


4. Hogan:  Bash at the Beach 00  (it's a shame he came back...this is how he SHOULD be remembered)


5. UT:  Bad Blood  (Micheals made him look like a God...which is more than Taker's talents would normally allow)


6. Flair:  So many...Royal Rumble 92 (WWF) and any of the 89 Steamboat ppvs (WCW)


7. Beniot:  Fully Loaded 00 (this show showed he was world champ material...too bad the WWF wasn't watching)


8. DDP:  Uncensored 98 (his hard work shines through...)


9. Bret Hart:  Survivor Series 96 (IMO he was NEVER better than this night...and that says ALOT)


10. Owen Hart:  WrestleMania X


11. Hall:  WrestleMania X is too obvious...I'll go with Summerslam 94.


12. HBK:  Mind Games  (people always say that Foley was at his best...well...I've NEVER seen Micheals better either)


13. Nash:  Survivor Series 95


14. RVD:  Vengeance 01 (bumped his ass of to carry Taker to a good match...INVASION got him over...Vengeance proved he deserved it...No Way Out proved he's not going anywhere)


15. Shane O' Mac:  KOTR 01


16. Savage:  WrestleMania 5


17. Ted Dibiase:  WrestleMania 4


18. Sting:  Although not a PPV...I'll still say the first Clash of Champions


19. Vader:  Starrcade 93 (AND HE LOST!)


20. Goldberg:  Halloween Havoc 98


21. Hennig:  KOTR 1993 (AND HE LOST!)


22. Scott Steiner:  Summerslam 93


23. Edge:  Summerslam 01


24. The Dudley Boyz:  Royal Rumble 00 (they lost...but it made them WWF stars)


25. Christian:  WrestleMania 00 (only because he hasn't been given much since E+C)


26. Lance Storm:  Summerslam 01


27. Chris Jericho:  Fully Loaded 00


28. Rhyno:  Anarchy Rulz 00 (back when beating RVD made you a star...it did)


29. Kane:  WreslteMania 14 (one match and he was a star)


and Finally, 30. The Rock:  Survivor Series 98 (no the matches were'nt great...but with Rock...it's always been about character)

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Guest goodhelmet

What sold me on the Rock was WM14. The match with Shamrock was nothing bur his mannerisms and the Gennifer Flowers interview was downright hilarious.

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Guest No Name Dudley

The Dudley Boyz- Heatwave 99' or Hardcore Heaven 99'


Best.. Tag.. Team.. Ever..

(Next to the Freebirds :) )


Of course, the WWF has ruined them forever.

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Guest Tony149

I'm only doing 1-10 & 30.


1. HHH - Royal Rumble 2000. His match with Foley turned HHH from a heat less heel to an over heel.


2. Austin - Survivor Series '96. Austin was catching fire here. And much like HHH...this match made his career. Honorable mention to KOTR '96.


3. Angle - I'm also going to go with WrestleMania X-7. Great match from him & Benoit. A little bit of everything here. Some wrestling, brawling, etc.


4. Hogan - I want to go with bps21's answer, but I'll say Royal Rumble '92. Not because he did something, but because the fans started to turn on him. Which made the WWF edit Hogan's boo's to cheers on the home video.


5. UT - Badd Blood. Great match with HBK. Taker wasn't as broken down as he is today.


6. Flair - Chi-Town Rumble '89; Flair vs. Steamboat - this match would start a series of great matches between the two.


7. Beniot - Fully Loaded 2000 - Great match with The Rock. Didn't look out of place in the main event scene.


8. DDP - Halloween Havoc '98. DDP carried Goldberg to a good match. Crowd heat was awesome.


9. Bret Hart - Survivor Series '96 - Bret & Austin tore the place down that night. Both men had their A game.


10. Owen Hart - WrestleMania X - Owen & Bret had a great match. Which made Owen's career.


30. The Rock. - Judgment Day 2000 - The Rock went 60 minutes and showed he learned some more moves.

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Guest TheDames7

I might as well answer my own damn question...


1. HHH - Reason stated above.

2. Austin - Bret from WM 13, because Austin did it all there, told a story, wrestled, brawled, sold amazingly well....and turned face.  

3. Angle - KOR'01.  He wrestled 3 matches.  One of them being a hardcore match, which proved his toughness to the world and showed his sinister side.  His matches with Christian and Edge showed his technical side pretty well and sold like hell for all 3 guys.  The events of the night told a story in and of itself.  

4. Hogan - Andre from WM 3.  Definitely not his best match, but the match that defined the Hogan character.  Charisma, got extremely over with the crowd.....etc.  

5. UT - I would have to say Badd Blood with HBK (HIAC 1) becuase UT's brawling skills were at his peak here and lets face it, thats all he really has.  

6. Flair - Rumble '92.  Crafty, conniving, did whatever it took to win.  

7. Beniot - I'd have to go with the submission match with Jericho which I believe was either Backlash or Judgment Day of 2000.  His psychology was off the wall, got the crossface over, got the Crippler character over and showed most of his arsenal in that match.  

8. DDP - The aforementioned match with Goldberg at Havoc of '98 for pretty much the same reasons.  

9. Bret Hart - KOTR'93.  Wrestled 3 matches with superb selling, superb story telling and showed the world that he wasn't just a flash in the pan WWF champ.  

10. Owen Hart - WM X.  Jumped out of his bro's shadow  

11. Hall - WM X.  Showed the kind of matches he could have if he was carried.  

12. HBK - WM 12.  Wrestled, showboated, made 60 minutes of wrestling entertaining along with Bret with his selling, great offense, and storytelling.

13. Nash - Survivor Series 95.  Nash had a better match with HBK, but in this match was able to show that the guy CAN sell when he wants to, and is best when isn't a straight up heel or face.  

14. RVD - Jeff Hardy from InVasion.  Impressive spots, decent chain wrestling, and the babyface tactics that show tons of potential.  

15. Shane O' Mac - KOR'01.  Showed that he is willing to do anything in this match.  Nearly killed himself.  

16. Savage - Flair -  WM 8.  Sold very well, which he didn't have to do as much in WM 3.  Told a story, showed his rage.  Brawled and wrestled.  

17. Ted Dibiase - WM 4.  Whatever he needed to do to win...

18. Sting - Vader.  GAB'93.  Got Vader over with his selling.  Got the fans behind him with his charisma.  

19. Vader - Starrcade 93 w/Flair.  Vader was a total unstoppable monster in this match.  

20. Goldberg - Havoc match with DDP.  Showed that is able to be carried, and CAN sell....if reminded to.  

21. Hennig - KOR'93.  Great face heat in his quarter final match.  Showed his wrestling ability, brawling ability and his heel side in the semis.  

22. Scott Steiner - Booker T.  Mayhem'00.  Showed that he is a force while still able to put Booker over.  

23. Edge - SummerSlam '01.  Only match I've seen Edge shine in singles.  

24. The Dudley Boyz - Table match w/Hardyz from Rumble '00.  Sold well, told a story, innovative spots....great heel heat.  

25. Christian - No Mercy '01.  Ladder match with Edge.  Showed that his strength is his bumping and his heel charisma.  

26. Lance Storm - Jerry Lynn, Anarchy Rulz '99.  Chain wrestling at its best.  

27. Chris Jericho - No Mercy '01.  Showed a lot of his arsenal, charisma, selling, wrestling and brawling ability.  

28. Rhyno - Summerslam '01 w/ Jericho.  Rhyno....using psychology!?  AND WELL!!  Showed his intensity, wrestling ability and brawling.

29. Kane - Jericho/Survivor Series 2000.  His brawling ability used at his best here.  

and Finally, 30. The Rock - Iron man Match for the reasons listed above.  



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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

1. HHH- I also will say Royal Rumble 2000, even though I think it's overrated(not by much though). It was great brawl and showed that HHH could indeed step up big time.


2. Austin- Survivor Series 96. He and Bret put together probably one of the best matches I've ever seen.


3. Angle- Hard to say, probably WM 17 or SummerSlam 2001


4. Hogan- If it was a PPV, I'd say AWA Super Sunday, but it's not, so I won't. I can't really say about Hogan, though.


5. UT- Royal Rumble 94.... heh, j/k. I'd say Survivor Series 91. The match may have sucked dick, but Undertaker's cool as hell character back then kept the crowd in it at a time when Hulkamania was getting on peoples' nerves.


6. Flair- WrestleWar 89. It's Ric f'n Flair, that's all that needs to be said.


7. Beniot- Much like Angle, i can't really peg down one for Benoit, so I'll just go with WM 17 against Angle.


8. DDP- Halloween Havoc 98, without a doubt. He's had better matches, but to drag a ***1/2 star match out of Goldberg, the man deserves his props.


9. Bret Hart- SummerSlam 91. When Perfect put him over cleanly in a great match for the IC title, that's when I became sold on the Hitman as a top tier wrestler.


10. Owen Hart- WM 10. Everything that can be said about this one has been said already.


11. Hall- See Owen Hart.


12. HBK- See Owen again.


13. Nash- The 94 Rumble. That's where he finally made his name.


14. RVD- Unforgiven. The Hardcore Title match against Jericho was brutal and 10 times better then any of the Hardy matches before it.


15. Shane O' Mac- SummerSlam 99. He and Test put on one of the few highlights of that show.


16. Savage- WM 3. Psychotic Savage was such an awesome character and Steamboat as the sympathetic face really made this match just as much as the actual ringwork did.


17. Ted Dibiase- I really couldn't tell you.



18. Sting- The Great American Bash 92. Sting had already been World Champion by then, but he went so far as to let Vader completely destoy his ass in that match. What a company man.... I miss the old Stinger, I really do...


19. Vader- See Sting.


20. Goldberg- See DDP.


21. Hennig- I can't really remember.


22. Scott Steiner- As a World Champion, I'd say Fall Brawl 2000. He and Goldberg just beat the holy hell out of each other.


23. Edge- SummerSlam 2001. The Storm match was well executed and was probably what led to his singles push later on.


24. The Dudley Boyz- Eh, they never really impressed me at all, but I'd say the 2000 Rumble Table match.


25. Christian- He hasn't had one yet.


26. Lance Storm- See Edge.


27. Chris Jericho- Fully Loaded 2000. The LMS match was brutal and heavy-hitting. It showed he could really hang with the big boys.


28. Rhyno- Backlash 2001. He and Raven had the lone good match on the card that didn't have any boring parts. I may not like him, but he did show me something there.


29. Kane- Never impressed me at all.


30. The Rock- SummerSlam 98. The ladder match with HHH is what set in stone that Rocky was a soon-to-be World Champion.


Whew... that was long as hell.....

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Guest TheDames7

BPS...I like this time slot for the board :)  


Just a question, for Hall, do you mean SummerSlam 95, the ladder match?  He faced Diesel at SS'94.  



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Guest Meat & Curtains

16. Savage - Flair -  WM 8.  Sold very well, which he didn't have to do as much in WM 3.  Told a story, showed his rage.  Brawled and wrestled.  

I have the "WWF World Tour 92' on tape, and it shows a match between Savage & HBK the day after WM8 & Savage was STILL selling the leg that Flair had worked over the night before. He even limped onto the top rope to hit his elbow.


That's how it's done folks.

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Guest "Mark" 4 Dudleyz
24. The Dudley Boyz- Eh, they never really impressed me at all, but I'd say the 2000 Rumble Table match.

Apparently, I have some tapes that you should see.


ECW + "Heel" Dudley Boyz = Quality TV


Now of course, if you're talking about WWF (seeing as how this IS a WWF folder) that I would be forced to agree with you.

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Guest TheDames7

16. Savage - Flair -  WM 8.  Sold very well, which he didn't have to do as much in WM 3.  Told a story, showed his rage.  Brawled and wrestled.  

I have the "WWF World Tour 92' on tape, and it shows a match between Savage & HBK the day after WM8 & Savage was STILL selling the leg that Flair had worked over the night before. He even limped onto the top rope to hit his elbow.


That's how it's done folks.

I haven't seen something that cool since '94.  In their WM X match, Bret injures the same knee that Owen kicked when he turned heel a few months earlier ....:)


Savage's selling of his snake bitten arm at This Tuesday in Texas is awesome too.



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

No I meant SS 94.


A watchable match with Diesel is more impressive than a great match with HBK

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

To "Mark" 4 the Dudleyz, I have seen the Duds in ECW before, but like I said in the original post, they never really impressed me.

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Guest TheDames7

This thread reminded me how good of a worker Bret was, to be able to get great matches out of guys like Nash, Hall, Goldberg and UT on a regular basis.  Same with HBK, but it was mostly with Clique members (guys that would put him over cuz they are friends)..and UT.  


Hall vs Diesel from SS'94...and all I can think about is Walter Payton.  That's a problem.  I'd have to say his KOTR match with Bret at KOTR'93.  His use of psychology in this match was actually very good.  I wrote a review of this show in the "Old Stuff" forum.  My second fave PPV ever.  



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Guest goodhelmet

I agree with AlwaysPissedOff who is always pissed off.


The duds could get over through cheapheat and swearing alot. they didn't really exhibit any other talent and there matches never really delivered. Very disappointing. Their WWF matches are far and away better than their ECW crap.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff



I took my meds today so I'm just pissed off half the time now...


Goddamn cheapshot artists.......:)

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Guest goodhelmet

Dude, everytime I respond to a thread of yours, I have to give your name a cheap pop!


Speaking of Foley- no match showed Foley's talents moreso than Mankind-HBK at Mind games. He wrestled like a mother. He took his crazy bumps and had me convinced he could win the world title right then and there....even though I saw the match four years later.

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Guest cabbageboy

1. HHH:  I gotta go with SS 98 vs. Rocky as the match that showed me had any talent, but the two against Foley (Rumble and NWO) were the ones that made him a mega star.

2. Austin:  I was a VERY late fan of Austin, so I gotta go with Over the Edge 98 against Dude Love.  Never liked him until that match.  Interesting how Foley gets these guys mucho over huh?

3. Angle:  I think it might be No Way Out 2000 when he won the IC from Jericho and celebrated like a tool.  Funny stuff.

4. Hogan:  WM5 vs. Macho I guess.  First match that made me think he could do anything at all in the ring but pose.

5. UT:  WM8 vs. Jake believe it or not, first PPV he wrestled as a face and he was already very over.

6. Flair:  I didn't see the Steamboat PPV matches till the past year or so, gotta go with Rumble 92 and WM8.

7. Beniot:  GAB 96 vs. Kevin Sullivan....it dates badly now but at the time in was truly insane.

8. DDP:  the Goldberg match at Havoc 98.

9. Bret Hart:  I'd say his back to back SS efforts in 91/92 vs. Hennig and Bulldog.  The Bulldog one is still my fave match.

10. Owen Hart:  WMX is too obvious, I gotta say Rumble 92 strangely enough...he and Anvil had a decent match with the Orients.

11. Hall:  Survivor Series 92, I was a Razor mark from the beginning baby!

12. HBK:  HIAC vs. UT.  I always hated Michaels so much that I never gave him any credit but even I enjoyed that one.

13. Nash:  Rumble 94 naturally.

14. RVD:  tough one actually since the match that made me a die hard RVD mark was vs. Bigelow on TV, not PPV.  I'll go with N2R 98 where he decimated the Triple Threat in about 30 seconds.

15. Shane O' Mac:  his match with Test at SS 99.

16. Savage:  the man is a wrestling god, WM3, WM5, WM7, WM8, the list goes on and on.

17. Ted Dibiase:  oddly Dibiase never impressed me in the ring much, but I'll say WM4 since he made the finals.

18. Sting:  maybe when Vader killed him at GAB 92.

19. Vader:  see above.

20. Goldberg:  see the DDP match.

21. Hennig:  I always liked ole Hennig, so I will say WM5 vs. Blue Blazer.  Would have said that with Owen but I didn't know he was the Blazer at that time.

22. Scott Steiner:  I never cared about the Steiners, so I will say when he beat Booker T for the WCW title at whatever the hell that show was.

23. Edge:  SS 98, he and Sable beat Mero and Jackie in a shockingly great mixed tag.

24. The Dudley Boyz:  Dudleys were awesome in ECW on the mic, I will say Heatwave 99 when they damn near started a riot with their promo.

25. Christian:  His first PPV where he beat Taka.

26. Lance Storm:  much like RVD, the first cool matches I saw him in were on TV (he and Candido vs. RVD/Sabu) but for PPV I will go with GAC 99 vs. RVD.

27. Chris Jericho:  Halloween Havoc 98 where he wrestled Raven and made the hilarious speech "Jericho = buyrates, Jericho = asses in seats, and Jericho = rock and roll!"

28. Rhyno:  He never impressed me in ECW, so I will say his match with Raven at Judgement Day (?).  Drop toe hold into the shopping cart!

29. Kane:  I will say S. Series 97 where he killed Mankind.

and Finally, 30. The Rock:  I will actually say S. Series 96 where he was the sole survivor.  Yes, I actually liked Rocky Maivia the blue chipper, I am man enough to admit it.

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Guest TheMikeSC

24. The Dudley Boyz- Eh, they never really impressed me at all, but I'd say the 2000 Rumble Table match.


Apparently, I have some tapes that you should see.


ECW + "Heel" Dudley Boyz = Quality TV


Now of course, if you're talking about WWF (seeing as how this IS a WWF folder) that I would be forced to agree with you. >>


Disagree. The Duds were even worse in ECW, having to live and die with cheap heat because the teams they faced were all pretty awful.



...Yes, I'm saying the Eliminators were pretty awful.

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Guest TheMikeSC

This thread reminded me how good of a worker Bret was, to be able to get great matches out of guys like Nash, Hall, Goldberg and UT on a regular basis.  Same with HBK, but it was mostly with Clique members (guys that would put him over cuz they are friends)..and UT.  >>


Hey, let's give Shawn his credit. He worked terrific matches with friggin' Sid, friggin' Vader (when NOBODY could drag quality out of the Grand Canyon of suck, Vader), and even a roided-out Davey Boy.


He also managed to avoid making all of his matches so darned similar, a problem Hart was brutally afflicted with.


<<Hall vs Diesel from SS'94...and all I can think about is Walter Payton.  That's a problem.  I'd have to say his KOTR match with Bret at KOTR'93.  His use of psychology in this match was actually very good.  I wrote a review of this show in the "Old Stuff" forum.  My second fave PPV ever. >>


I think you mean KOTR '94 (Hogan v Yoko was the title match in '93)---not a good show at all IMHO.


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Guest TheDames7

No.... I mean KOTR'93, the one that Bret won.  The one where Hulkamania died in the WWF.  I have my reasons for loving this show.  



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Guest dreamer420

1. HHH: Royal Rumble 2000

2. Austin: No Way Out 2001

3. Angle: King Of The Ring 2001

4. Hogan: Wrestlemania 5

5. UT: Badd Blood

6. Flair: Royal Rumble 1992

7. Benoit: Fully Loaded 2000

8. DDP: Halloween Havoc 1998

9. Bret Hart: Wrestlemania 10

10. Owen Hart: Wrestlemania 10

11. Hall: Wrestlemania 10

12. HBK: Wrestlemania 10

13. Nash: Wrestlemania 12

14. RVD: Hardcore Heaven 1999

15. Shane O' Mac: King Of The Ring 2001

16. Savage: Wrestlemania 3

17. Ted Dibiase: Wrestlemania 4

18. Sting: Great American Bash 1992 (Vader's Bitch)

19. Vader: Great American Bash 1992

20. Goldberg: Halloween Havoc 1998 (thanks to DDP)

21. Hennig: Royal Rumble 1989

22. Scott Steiner: Spring Stampede 1999

23. Edge: Summerslam 2000

24. The Dudley Boyz: Summerslam 2000

25. Christian: Summerslam 2000

26. Lance Storm: Summerslam 2001

27. Chris Jericho: Vengeance 2001

28. Rhyno: Backlash 2001 (great match with Raven)

29. Kane: King Of The Ring 1998

30. The Rock: Summerslam 1998

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Guest Dangerous A

Here we go children.


1. HHH-Summerslam 98 ladder match

2. Austin-WM 13 submission match

3. Angle-WM X-7 vs Benoit

4. Hogan- WM3 vs Andre

5. UT-Badd Blood(you got the feeling he became a hoss by giving Michaels an ungodly beating and grew out of the whole dead man character)

6. Flair- Bash 89 vs Funk

7. Beniot- Bash at the Beach vs Kevin Sullivan

8. DDP-Spring Stampede 97 vs Savage(this match made him,period)

9. Bret Hart-WM10 vs Owen

10. Owen Hart-same as above

11. Hall-WM10 ladder match vs HBK

12. HBK-same as above

13. Nash-IYH good friends, better enemies(Nash's last good match)

14. RVD-Invasion vs Matt Hardy(RVD's wwf coming out party)

15. Shane O' Mac- King of the Ring 2001 vs Kurt Angle

16. Savage-WM3 vs Steamboat

17. Ted Dibiase-WM4 tourney final vs Savage

18. Sting-Clash of Champions 1 vs Flair(not a real ppv, but this was a ppv caliber show)

19. Vader-1/4/96 Tokyo dome show vs Inoki (vader unleashed an ungodly beating on a 53 year old man)

20. Goldberg-Halloween Havoc 98 vs DDP

21. Hennig- Summerslam vs Bret Hart (cant remember the year, but it was when Hennig dropped the title)

22. Scott Steiner-Fall Brawl 2000 vs Goldberg(this pertains to his current character)

23. Edge-TLC match from Summerslam 2000

24. The Dudley Boyz-Same as above

25. Christian-same as above

26. Lance Storm-guilty as charged 99 vs RVD

27. Chris Jericho-Fully Loaded vs HHH(the last time HHH elevated someone with his performance and still went over in the match)

28. Rhyno-vs Sandman Heatwave 2000

29. Kane-King of the Ring 1998 vs Austin

and Finally, 30. The Rock. Judgement Day vs HHH.(Both men proved they were more than just 4 moves and a finisher)

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Guest slabinskia

1.HHH-rumble 2000. a match that could've gotten match of the year imo

2.Austin-its a split between survivor series 96 and wm13. ive never seen two matches be so different and so great. ss cemented austin as a main eventer but wm placed him as the #1 man imo

3.Angle-vs benoit wm17

4.Hogan-vs warriar wm6. the only hogan match i liked.

5.UT-bad blood. his best match ever period

6.Flair-rumble 92.he carried 29 guys to a 5 star match. who else can do it.

7.Benoit-vs bret nitro. the best televised match in years

8.ddp-vs savage spring stampede 97.it put him in the main event level

9.-Bret Hart-same as austin

10.owen hart-wm10

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