Guest TSMAdmin Report post Posted October 3, 2002 There is no one who eats, breathes or sleeps this business more than me, JR! -- Triple H That line pisses me right the hell off. I’m sure that if you are reading this review, that you have heard that line over and over during the commercials for WWE programming. Yes my friends and loyal readers, I have journeyed where no other “smart mark” wants to journey. I have watched “The Game” Triple H’s newest DVD release. And I’m here to tell you ALL about it. I used to be a pretty big HHH fan. He was probably one of my all time favorites up until, oh about January of this year when he returned. He was noticeably bigger, noticeably slower, and noticeably couldn’t put on good matches anymore. All right, I could set that aside somewhat; you always have a soft spot for your favorites. Not for HHH. Triple H has erupted into one of the most powerful and ruthless backstage politicians the “sport” has ever seen. I’m sure you’ve all heard tales about Chris Jericho and John Cena, which I won’t dive into here. Anyway, I’ve grown to despise Triple H. I was brave enough to sit through the ENTIRE DVD though, all for you guys. On with the show: The Cover: Quite a creepy looking picture on the cover. A black and white picture of HHH’s face all the way zoomed in, while he’s doing that “hey, I look like an X!” pose that he does. Scary, and not a good looking cover if you ask me. The Menu: Pretty cool looking, has HHH’s titantron and music looping in the background. The Feature Presentation: The “Play the Game” (jeez) section, or the Feature Presentation of the DVD starts off with Triple H and Drowning Pool singing some song about HHH live at some concert, while showing HHH clips. As if Drowning Pool wasn’t enough, Triple H SINGS! AHH! MY EARS! Next up, the first Triple H ego stroke session. Earl Hebner shills him as one of the best guys in the company. *sigh* The master of the hosses, Jim Ross comes on next and says he was almost in tears when he found out about HHH’s injury. Boo-frickin hoo. The FUCKING BROOKLYN BRAWLER comes on and shills him as the total package in wrestling. Edge claims that Triple H could get a good match out of a broom. Bastard, only Ric Flair has been able to do that! Speak of the devil, here comes Flair now! He calls HHH a classy guy and a ring general. Patterson claims that Hunter is a guy so good that you can’t push him off to the side. Kurt Angle comes on next and says he’s proven to him and everyone else that he’s the game. Aww, dammit Angle! Taker says that if he were to start his own fed, HHH is the guy he’d build it around. WOO! That’d be great, Taker, if you want to have morale screwed up right from the get go. Foley on the DVD??? HOLY SHIT. Foley says that HHH is out to be the show-stealer every night. He wants people to look back on a show and remember HIMSELF. Austin says HHH is just himself and that’s made him successful. Chapter By Chapter Analysis: Chapter 1: The Early Years This segment starts off with HHH talking about being a fan as a kid; he idolized Ric Flair. Hey, at least he had good taste! HHH says the first match he ever saw involved Chief Jay Strongbow. He credits Flair as his biggest inspiration, and said he felt like a little kid when he tagged with him. They showed clips of the SD where this tag match happened, and how HHH called Flair back into the ring to thank him for all he’s done. Touching really, Flair had tears in his eyes, and it was truly sincere. Hunter says that no matter who Flair wrestled people said “Wow.” That’s what HHH has always wanted to do, and of course, HHH is shilled throughout this entire DVD as the man who does just that, night in night out. Next up, Austin is interviewed on HHH in WCW. Many of you probably know that Triple H was then known as “Terra Ryzing” probably one of the dumber names I’ve ever heard used for a wrestler. Austin said he thought HHH would be good as soon as he saw him. Regal said he saw the same things Austin saw. They show a clip of an old WCW match, where Schiavone compares Terra to a young Ric Flair. Regal says that the WWF gave him a shot at a contract when his contract was running up in WCW and Regal encouraged him to go, because WCW wouldn’t use him properly. He was right, in a sense. They show some clips of Trips (WOOO! THAT RHYMES!) from his Hunter Hearst Helmsley days. Stone Cold said HHH didn’t start to truly shine until he broke away from Nash and Hall, and he brings up the MSG incident. Taker gives a little run down of what went down at MSG, and says they compromised the entire company at their most famous venue. Damn right! Anyway, they talk about how HHH took all the heat for the MSG incident. Taker says that THIS is when he started respecting HHH, when he took all the heat and didn’t bitch about it. Little did he know what HHH would turn into huh? Triple H was a standup guy in this period of time though, as he did take the punishment and took it well. It’s all blowing up in everyone’s faces now. This chapter was a nice look at HHH’s early days, complete with some WCW footage. Nice to see the library isn’t completely going to waste. Chapter 2: “The Game” This segment is a rundown of how HHH got the tag “The Game.” It stems from his worked/shoot interview with Jim Ross back in early 1999, where he said it was “My time.” Triple H gets all pissy about MSG on camera, I’m sure you guys remember this. “You guys talk about being students of the game? I am the fucking game JR! There is no one who eats, sleeps, or breathes this business more than me!” The phrase caught on with the fans, so HHH adopted it as his nickname. I yearn for the days when HHH really WAS “The Game.” The days where he could wrestle, and wasn’t the backstage cancer he is now. Chapter 2: Working Heel This starts out with insight from MICK FOLEY! WOOO! What’s he doing on a recent WWE DVD? Foley claims that a true heel has to believe that what he’s doing is right. Good way of looking at it, you gotta really get in character. Foley says he thinks that HHH’s heelish actions were stemming off of his real pent up anger from his punishment from MSG. Well, Hunter deserved what he got, and I wonder if he realizes that. He sure as hell hasn’t learned from it. HHH says he wanted to be a “working heel” like Ric Flair, and then claims that the marriage to Steph was supposed to be quickly dropped, but was kept as an angle because of the reaction it got. Jeez, to think, we wouldn’t have to put up with Steph now if that marriage angle didn’t go over so well. They show some McMahon/Helmsley faction clips, and HHH beating Big Show for the WWF title. Blah, pretty much a nothing chapter. Puts Hunter over as someone who played a good heel, which he did. Chapter 3: Feuding with Mick Foley This is when they really gave HHH the ball. Instead of having HHH work with a bigger name like The Rock or Austin, HHH got to work with someone lower on the card then him, Mick Foley. This was HHH’s true test, his first shot at making an impact on the business. HHH delivered in he and Foley’s superb Street Fight at Royal Rumble 2000, which I’ll cover later in the extras section. They show the “Have a Bad Day” vignettes, where Dennis Knight (Mideon, Henry O. Godwinn) plays the fake Mick Foley. These were funny vignettes, I must say. Buildup for the HHH/Foley feud is shown next, complete with Hunter “firing” Foley from the WWF. Foley’s turn into the crazy Cactus Jack clips are shown, promising for a real bloodbath at the Royal Rumble. Foley said this was HHH’s time to prove he had what it took to be on the top. Hunter talks about people really taking notice of himself after his HIAC and Royal Rumble matches with Foley, which lead to the Iron Man Match with The Rock, which was a decent match. Foley credits HHH for reinventing himself when he turned heel, instead of sticking with the Degenerate attitude, he says HHH was “leaving his comfort zone.” They act like HHH is the only man to have a gimmick tweek after a heel turn *rolls eyes*. HHH said to be on top, you had to be the top good guy. He said he was the guy on the other side of the token, but he did his job SO WELL, that he was elevated to the level of the top man in the company. Yeah, right. Not with Austin and The Rock still around. Chapter 4: The Comedic Side of Triple H They show a few clips from some of Triple H’s DX stuff, then more of the “Have a Bad Day” skits. Some other random comedic HHH clips make an appearance, but nothing too notable. Kurt Angle comments on Triple H next. “Determined, dedicated, amazing sports entertainer, the best I know. But when it comes down to it… he’s not a good person.” WOOO, score one for Mr. Angle! They show some Triple H/Angle humor, like HHH claiming that Angle “bats from the other side of the plate.” Funny, Angle isn’t the one constantly pulling down Hunter’s pants. The Mick Foley tribute video comes up next, “produced” by Stephanie and Hunter. It started out by paying homage to Foley’s accomplishments, but then turned somber, involving shots of the STEPH SLAP OF DOOM, Foley getting his ass beat, and Foley SCRATCHING his ass. Yup. Funny shit, I must say. It all climaxed with Foley’s tights getting pulled down a bit, and his undies had SKID MARKS on them. They showed that a bunch of times. Funny shit, really. Kurt Angle again “Triple H is an… embarrassment to the World Wrestling Federation. But then again, he’s the best *shakes head*. That doesn’t make sense.” Wow, Angle doesn’t like Hunter much. Angle’s ass makes a cameo. Just thought you’d all like to know that. I mean, would Hunter have it any other way? I’ve gotta say, a lot of the stuff in this chapter made me laugh. Remember, “No one messes with Dr. Hung Lo!” Chapter 5: Summerslam 2000 Ah, lots of Triple H and Kurt Angle goodness. The buildup for Hunter and Angle’s Summerslam 2000 match is up next (Angle and Steph kissing, etc.), which if you don’t remember was build on the little “love triangle” thing they had going. Remember though, Angle and Stephanie were just friends. Of course, Triple H took the role of Biz Markie and didn’t believe Angle, so we got this match at Summerslam 2000, a three way, with The Rock in the mix. The feud was entertaining, and really gave us some good matches, but it never really got finished. They show some clips from the match itself, mainly of Angle getting his ass handed to him. The infamous botched Pedigree on the table happened during this match, where the table broke before Trips could hit the Pedigree. Angle was legit knocked out after that table spot. The Rock covered up for it though, until Angle was able to get his ass out there again. Kudos to him for finishing the match. Nice little chapter, highlighting one of Hunter’s more amusing feuds. Chapter 6: Ring General Ring General my ass. Triple H can’t carry anyone in matches, even in his great run in 99-2000, where he arguably was carried to his finer matches, which I’ll have to say I agree with to some extent. Hunter talks about Killer Kowalski teaching him the “art” of the business. Flair, Earl Hebner, and some others shill Hunter as a guy that controls the tempo of matches. I guess they’re right, Triple H does have a tendency to slow the tempo of matches! Short chapter, more ego stroking. Chapter 7: Wrestlemania X-7 To be perfectly honest with you, I didn’t enjoy the HHH/Taker match from X-7; I’ve always found it to be overrated (much like the event itself). The match had a lot of freedom, which really helped cover up both guys’ faults. Still it was a decent match, but not one I really enjoyed. Triple H talks about how it was cool to have Motorhead play his theme, a band that he’s “listened to his whole life.” Gah, Hunter, you have crappy taste in music, if you ask me. First Drowning Pool (RIP to Dave Williams, by the way), now Motorhead! Triple H says he respects Taker more than ANYONE in the business and says it was a real thrill to be able to wrestle him at the biggest show of the year. The Taker says Hunter is everything he says he is. He also said that the respect he didn’t have for Hunter was gained on that night. Taker loves them clean jobs! Chapter 8: Injury HHH starts off talking about how hard life is on the road as a wrestler, and he says it only gets harder as you get higher up on the card. Triple H BASHES people who make it to the top and ask to work less. *cough*KevinNashandScottHall*cough* Hunter says he’s never been a “say no guy.” I guess that doesn’t apply to jobbing… ANYWAY, much like Triple H’s promos drag on for about 20 minutes and beat around the bush, this chapter finally gets to where its supposed to go… with talk of the injury. It starts off with some clips of the AWESOME tag match between the Two Man Power Trip (Austin and Hunter) vs. The Canadian Chrises from the May 21st RAW is WAR. In most fans eyes, this match will only be remembered for HHH’s injury. In my mind, however, this match will be remembered for the sheer greatness of it, the hot tags, the near falls, and of COURSE, Benoit and Jericho going over Triple H and Austin. What a mark out moment! This match will also be remembered for Triple H’s career jumping the shark. After this, it was ALL downhill. The injury clip is eventually shown, Triple H TEARING HIS QUAD. He said it felt like getting hit with a hot bat to the knee, and the pain ran all the way up his leg. Hunter said he knew immediately that he “tore his quad.” CHRIS JERICHO actually makes a cameo here in an interview, where he said that he told HHH to skip the Walls of Jericho spot on the table. Of course, Hunter and his RUTHLESS AGGRESSION shone through and he finished the match. And of course, they glorified the hell out of it. I respect Hunter for finishing the match, but how about Austin finishing his match after he “damn near got paralyzed?” How about Angle winning the Olympics with a “broken freaking neck?” We don’t hear about that stuff too much, even though the injuries were worse. Anyway, they talk about Hunter going to the hospital in San Jose, but refusing treatment and requesting to go see Dr. Andrews. “He’s the man,” according to Hunter. Wow, we get clips of the surgery, and Steph is on hand to watch. She makes one of the most unintentionally funny faces here; man it got a good laugh out of me. Dr. Andrews is interviewed, which is nothing notable, except that he has the imprint of the goggles he wore during the surgery on his face. Triple H stayed at a Birmingham hotel until things healed up. The hotel he stayed at didn’t carry TNN OR UPN though, so they had a satellite installed in his room. Ha, that’s pretty funny. I’m sure they carried USA… Hunter jokes about getting porno channels on the satellite. For SHAME! Mr. Righteous Shawn Michaels couldn’t have been too happy with that one, Hunter! Chapter 9: Return of “The Game” Subtitled: The start of the suck. We get some HHH return vignettes to start off with. Man, HHH gets months and months of hype, and Chris Benoit didn’t even get so much as a MENTION as to when he was coming back, and he had a more serious injury. Ridiculous. Completely and utterly ridiculous. Hunter talks about people being pissed that he didn’t appear at Vengeance, because he was on the posters and all. He explains that that stuff is filmed months ahead of time. Next up is HHH’s return on RAW at MSG. Triple H says he was scared that people wouldn’t remember him or care about him anymore. Well, even if they didn’t I’m sure he’d still be pushed to the moon again. He talked about how the fans chanted HHH’s name throughout the entire show. Triple H’s return is shown, and they shill his pop as “off the charts.” Hey, I marked for his return back then; I still liked the guy. I hadn’t realized that the shark had already been jumped. Anyway, this was possibly HHH’s longest entrance ever; it went on for DAYS, maybe even WEEKS. All he said was that he was entering the Rumble, celebrated a bit, and walked back out. Chapter 10: Royal Rumble 2002 Royal Rumble 2002 was probably the most PREDICTABLE Royal Rumble match ever. Triple H had months and months and months upon months of hype, it was fairly obvious that he was going to win and head to Wrestlemania, whether he was 100% or not. HHH’s intro was pretty cool, with the green lights interlocking, I must admit. Random Rumble clips are shown, starting with HHH and Austin brawling, and HHH eliminating various people. The final four of the Rumble was shown in semi clipped mode. It came down to Triple H vs. Angle, and of course, Hunter picked up the W. Triple H talks about being physically ready to go to Wrestlemania, and he says he was. Uh, yeah, ok. Whatever you say Hunter. Chapter 11: Bodybuilding Mr. Roid Rage calls it his hobby. Hunter says he’s always been impressed by guys with huge physiques, which leads to a montage of several built guys. They even showed some WBF bodybuilders! Hunter said he got hooked after going into the gym with a friend as a teen. No word on when he got hooked on roids though. Damn! He also talks about going to the Mr. Olympia show, which was a huge thrill for him, and posing for the cover of “Flex.” Triple H claims his next venture is a workout video. Hey Zeus Casteeo (Jesus Castillo) that video will suck! Chapter 12: War of the Roses In other words, the Triple H vs. Stephanie feud and the whole fake pregnancy angle. *YAWN* The whole angle was ridiculous, and only made Jericho look like a little bitch. DISCLAMER: They did a fairly good job covering up EVERY Stephanie McMahon tit/ass slip in this segment. Yeah, I was disappointed too. Chapter 13: Feuding with Chris Jericho They show some of his GREAT heel promo where he said he wasn’t a fluke champion and no longer gave a shit about the fans. Jericho says it was a natural thing to align with Steph in an interview clip. Little did he know that aligning with Daddy’s Little Girl would be the start to his problems. Much like the angle itself, Steph eats up much of this chapter. At least we didn’t get any of the Chris Jericho cleaning up dog shit on this disc. Chapter 14: Wrestlemania X-8, Departure of Stephanie McMahon How appropriate that Steph’s name makes the title of this chapter. I still can’t believe Hunter blames Jericho for his Mania match lacking heat. The whole angle was booked as Hunter vs. Stephanie as the main course, with THE FIRST EVER UNDISPUTED CHAMPION OF THE WORLD/KING OF THE WORLD as a side dish. Hunter says the WWE made the right move putting the title match on last instead of Hogan vs. The Rock. I agree with him, the title match should ALWAYS be last. They show clips of the match, which WAS a decent match if you ask me. It was pretty obvious that HHH would win this one too. Man, you can see the upper deck clearing out during this match… Triple H calls Stephanie so hated that “smart marks of our business, who know EVERYTHING,” (thanks for the compliment Hunter!) “hate her. Legitimately hate her. To the point where they want her off the shows. Think she’s horrible, thinks she’s a ratings killer, thinks all these things. But yet, when she’s on the show, ratings are good.” Yup, the ratings sure SKYROCKET when Stephanie is on TV! Triple H says Stephanie is soooooo good at her character, and is a great heel. I don’t know about you, I just find her annoying. Oh, and hot. The Triple H vs. Stephanie vs. Chris Jericho match from RAW the next night (I think) is shown clipped. Wow, its quite scary that STEPHANIE MCMAHON got a title shot. Well, it might as well have been her vs. HHH at Wrestlemania the way it was booked, so whatever… Chapter 15: The Game goes it alone (The Future of The Game) They should have called this chapter “MASSIVE EGO STROKEAGE” or something like that. Why? Well, read on! The Brooklyn Brawler comes on and says, “HHH has no ego when it comes to anything in the ring or outside the ring.” Wow, just… wow. Brawler has to be delusional, or kissing HHH’s ass in hope of a push, something he’s never gotten. Austin says he respects Hunter in and out of the ring, and they’re on the same page. Angle says he’s one of the most dominating guys in the ring. Hebner calls Hunter one of his best friends. Patterson says he tells great stories with his matches. Regal says there was a time where Ric Flair was the best, but HHH has taken it to another level. Flair says he’s a ring general, he has a great style, and carries himself well. Triple H ends this trip to ego-ville by saying he got in the business to be the best. He says it’s a dream cutting promos on Hogan, and he wants to work with Hogan, Taker, Hall, X-Pac, Kane, Rock, Austin, Angle, Rikishi (WTF?), Test, and Edge. He “just got done with Jericho.” I guess Jericho isn’t good enough to work with Hunter anymore. But RIKISHI IS!!! The Extras: This is one area where this DVD truly shines. Loads of cool extras, and the true saving point of the DVD, the Flair vs. Steamboat match! Royal Rumble 2000: Triple H vs. Cactus Jack You can choose to watch this match with or without commentary from Mr. Levesque and Jonathan Coachman. I for one would rather deal with senile Ross and perverted Lawler than Trips and the WWE’s equivalent to Carlton Banks. I gave the commentary a listen anyway, and it’s quite boring, and done in an interview. Recap of the match: Triple H sends Stephanie to the back for this one. Staredown to start this one off, and Foley tries to psyche Hunter out by talking trash. Cactus starts punching Hunter, but eventually Hunter begins trading blows. They brawl into the corner, and Hunter takes Foley across the ring and introduces his skull to the top turnbuckle. Hunter gives him some right hands as Foley backs out of the corner, but Foley hits a clothesline and knocks Hunter flat on his ass. Foley hits HHH with some hard rights in the corner, taking Helmsley down. HHH slides to the outside, and Foley baseball slides after him. Neckbreaker by Foley on the outside. Foley rolls back into the ring, and as Hunter is crawling in the ring in between the first and second ropes, Foley drops a leg across the back of Triple H’s neck. Looks like Foley is in command here in the early goings. Cactus stomps HHH on the outside, and slams his head into the steel steps, and the ring bell. Hunter fights back and nails Foley with the ring bell. Hunter sells his beating well, and rolls into the ring wincing in pain. Hunter’s got a chair in the ring, and invites Foley back in. Foley slides in, and begs Hunter to hit him, and Hunter bashes him right in the face. Hunter takes off the foam guard on the turnbuckle, but Foley catches him off guard with a clothesline. He lays the chair on Hunter’s face, and Foley legdrops HHH right on the face! Cover! 1…2...KICKOUT! Foley keeps dishing out the right hands, not allowing Hunter to get back to his feet. HHH is putting Cactus over well. Foley stomps him to the outside. JR shills Hunter as the greatest technical champion we’ve ever had. I think they forgot about Bret Hart! Triple H finally fights back on the outside with a forearm, and bashes Foley into the barrier. Hunter tries for a clothesline, but Foley backdrops him over the barricade straight onto the concrete floor in the stands! Nice spot! They brawl into the crowd and climb back out onto the entranceway. Foley throws Hunter into the brick wall in the set, and sets up some wood planks. Foley suplexes Hunter right onto the wood! SPINE ON THE PINE! SPINE ON THE PINE! Foley keeps dishing out the punishment with a trash can to the skull. Foley pulls HHH back up by his hair and slams him into the steel doorway repeatedly. Foley drags Hunter by the hair towards the ring, but Hunter pulls off a back suplex onto the trash can in desperation! Both men are down and out, but Hunter gets up first. Foley maintains control again by bashing Hunter into the steel steps, and hammers away with some right hands again. Foley charges at Hunter while Hunter is lying at the steps. BANG BANG! Foley throws Hunter back into the ring, and grabs the 2X4 wrapped in barbed wire. The crowd goes wild! Hunter struggles to his feet as Foley prepares to use the barbed wire. Hunter hits a low blow and saves himself! He picks up the barbed wire and hits Foley right in the abdomen and then to the back! Again to the back! Again to the abdomen! The barbed wire is literally sticking to Foley’s shirt. Hunter sets him up again, but Foley hits him with a low blow, and then a low blow with the 2X4. The ref gets rid of the barbed wire, claiming it’s an “illegal weapon” in this match with no rules. That gets the crowd PISSED. Foley hits the Double Arm DDT, but he can’t follow up. COVER! 1…2…KICKOUT! Foley starts arguing with Earl Hebner, and he beats up the Spanish announcer, who for some reason was guarding the barbed wire. Hebner tries to stop Foley, but Hunter knocks him down when he attempted to clothesline HHH. Foley nails Hunter right in the head with the barbed wire! Foley hits Hunter in the face with the barbed wire, and gets a near fall. Hunter is busted open on the leg and the face. ANOTHER shot to the face with the barbed wire! Triple H is being manhandled. Foley rubs the barbed wire across Hunter’s forehead. Foley punches away at Hunter’s cut. He drags Hunter around by his hair. God, Hunter’s face is COVERED in blood. Foley lays HHH out on the announce table. Foley tries for a piledriver, but Hunter reverses it and baaaaaaack body drops him through the table! Triple H throws Foley into the ring and starts off with some right hands. Triple H sets him up for the pedigree, but Cactus reverses it into a slingshot. Cactus hits a Bulldog onto the barbed wire! HOLY SHIT! COVER! 1…2…KICKOUT!! Man, I usually don’t get into hardcore bloodbaths, but this match has been great so far. Foley keeps working on Hunter’s head, and attacks HHH’s wounds. Hunter has put Foley over well so far, as he’s been the aggressor. Back to the match. Foley tries to clothesline Hunter to the outside, but Hunter holds on and they both go over the top to the outside. Foley charges at Hunter, but Hunter takes him down with a hiptoss onto the steel steps! Foley has hurt his knee. Hunter whips Foley into the steel steps. Looks like the momentum is shifting towards HHH. HHH rolls into the ring, and as Foley climbs in, Hunter takes him down by the knee! Triple H picks up the barbed wire, and nails Foley in the leg over and over. Triple H keeps selling his beatdown and loss of blood. Good shit. Hunter stumbles to the outside, and gets some handcuffs. He tries to handcuff Foley to the middle rope, but Foley wraps the metal around his fist and nails Hunter right in his wound again! Triple H fights back and kicks Cactus in the leg, taking him down. HHH handcuffs Foley’s hands behind his back. Triple H pounds away on Foley with some more right hands. Foley is helpless. Triple H makes his way back to the outside. He brings the steel steps into the ring with him. Triple H tries to hit Foley over the head with the steel steps, but Foley DROP TOEHOLDS him and Hunter’s face is driven right into the steel steps! Cactus hits a big boot and drops his whole body into HHH’s nads. Foley bites Hunter’s face, right on the wound again! Triple H fights back with a clothesline. Triple H picks up the chair, and hits Foley with it in the stomach and the back, and breaks it. He hits Foley again in the spine and Foley rolls to the outside. Both men are tired. Hunter rolls to the outside, and Foley tries making his way to the back. Hunter hits him over the head with the busted steel chair. Foley PLEADS with HHH to hit him with the chair. The Rock comes out of nowhere and nails Helmsley with the chair! The crowd goes wild! A police officer removes Foley’s handcuffs. Foley is in control again, and he throws Hunter on the Spanish Announce table. PILEDRIVER! Triple H rolls back into the ring and Foley grabs a bag of thumbtacks! He dumps the whole bag out into the ring. Stephanie runs out and distracts Foley, but Foley keeps pounding away with right hands. Foley charges at HHH, but HHH backdrops him onto the thumbtacks! The thumbtacks are literally sticking in Foley’s body. Triple H hits the Pedigree. 1…2…KICKOUT! Foley kicked out of the Pedigree! The crowd goes NUTS. Triple H sets him up and hits ANOTHER Pedigree onto the THUMBTACKS! HOLY SHIT! That’s it, match over! That was CRAZY, Foley has thumbtacks sticking in his head. Now, like I said before, I’m usually not a fan of Hardcore bloodbaths, but this was BRUTAL. Both men beat the living hell out of each other and entertained me thoroughly. Unlike most hardcore matches, this one had psychology with HHH working on the knee for most of the match, and Foley working on HHH’s wounds. Hunter really sold well for Foley and put him over well, and vice versa. Probably one of the bloodiest, if not the bloodiest match in WWF history. ****3/4 Never before seen MAD TV sketch: This is a nice little add on for the DVD. This was a scrapped skit from the MAD TV that HHH starred in. Basically, it involves Triple H going up to Will Sasso’s apartment for whatever reason, and he and his friend are total marks for him. Sasso asks HHH stupid questions, then does his own HHH impression, followed by a Rock impression, his awesome Austin impression, a Vince McMahon impression, and even a RANDY SAVAGE impression! OOOOO YEAH! Pretty funny sketch and a nice extra. I guess they didn’t air it because many of the jokes would go over the majority of the viewer’s heads (well, not like that many people watch MAD anyway). Wrestlewar 89’: NWA World Title Match: Ric Flair vs. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat (c.) WOOO! Triple H has got great taste when it comes to matches, I must say, as he credits this as one of his main inspirations. This was taped in Nashville Tennessee, at the Municipal Auditorium. The match is also scored by “judges” as to who’s got the advantage, much like in boxing. The scores have nothing to do with the decision. The ref checks both men out for weapons, and here we go! Flair does his trademark fall into the ropes, and we’re off. They tie up. Flair pushes Steamboat into the ropes. They tie up again, and Steamboat hits a lightning quick armdrag. Whoa, blink and you’ll miss that one. The size each other up again, and they tie up again. Side headlock by Flair, off the ropes, and followed by a shoulderblock by Flair. Off the ropes again, high hiptoss by Steamboat. NICE armdrag by Steamboat. Steamboat holds onto the arm while Flair pushes him back into the corner. Steamboat and Flair trade slaps, which knocks Flair down on his ass. WOOO! By Flair, and Steamboat stares him down. They tie-up again, pushing Steamboat into the corner. Kidney shot by Flair, and a stiff chop. A few more chops and right hands to the jaw, and Steamboat fights back with his own chops! CHOPTOBERFEST! Steamboat whips Flair into the corner, and hits a baaaaack body drop. Flair rolls to the outside in pain. Flair climbs back in after some rest, and they tie up again, side headlock by Flair. Reversed into an overhand wristlock by Steamboat. Test of strength, won by Steamboat as he takes Flair down. Armbar by the dragon, while dropping the knee into the shoulder. He’s going to work on that arm. Steamboat drops a few elbows to the arm. Steamboat holds onto the arm as Flair works his way up. Flair whips Steamboat, but Steamboat gives him a shoulderblock followed by another simply BEAUTIFUL armdrag, and goes right back to the armbar. Flair rolls out, but Steamboat holds on and gets Flair into a Hammerlock. Flair drop toe holds himself out, but Steamboat holds on and reverses it back into the hammerlock. Steamboat turns it into a Half Nelson, but Flair fights out, Steamboat holds on with a standing armbar. Flair chops his way out, and whips Steamboat. Steamboat baseball slides underneath Flair and takes him down by the leg. Right back to the hammerlock. Incredible psychology thus far. Steamboat clubs the arm a few times with the lock still in. Flair gets up and backs Steamboat into the corner. The ref breaks it up and Flair hits a few big forearms, knocking Steamboat down. Some more chops from Flair, and Steamboat fights back with a chop of his own. Flair hits some illegal kidney shots, but Steamboat chops the shit out of Flair, and Flair goes down. Right back to the armbar by Steamboat! Steamboat turns it into a hammerlock with a bridge. Nice move. Flair gets up and has Steamboat in the airplane position. He sets Steamboat on the top rope, but Steamboat leapfrogs over Flair, and hits a hiptoss, and a nice dropkick knocking Flair out of the ring. Steamboat climbs to the top, but the ref stops Steamboat from going to the top. Flair eventually gets back into the ring selling the arm. Flair hits some kicks to the abdomen, and an Irish whip, reversed by Steamboat followed by another slick looking armdrag. Right back into the armbar! Steamboat pulls Flair up, holding onto the Armbar. He turns it into a wristlock. Steamboat hits a shoulderblock, but Flair gets up and hits a hiptoss of his own. Flair tries for a big elbow, but misses, and Steamboat takes him down with the armdrag again. Right back to the armbar. Flair gets up and backs Steamboat into the corner, but Steamboat still has it locked in. Steamboat has Flair at his knees now in pain. Flair fights back by charging into Steamboat in the corner. The first 15 minutes are up, and the Judges have Steamboat ahead. Flair fights back with some chops and a side headlock. Steamboat fights back with some more chops, but Flair hits an eyerake and a shoulderblock. He tosses Steamboat through the second rope, but Steamboat gets his ass right back in the ring and pounds Flair away with some chops! TEN PUNCHES OF DOOM by Steamboat, followed by some more chops, a whip to the corner, and THE FLAIR FLOP! WOOO! Irish whip from a side headlock by Flair, shoulderblock by Flair. Flair throws Steamboat over the top by accident. They brawl on the outside, and Flair knocks Steamboat into the crowd. Flair grabs a steel chair, but the ref takes it away. More chops from Flair and an elbow across the throat. Steamboat fights back, and knocks Flair on his ass with a stiff chop. Flair runs into the ring, but Steamboat climbs to the top and hits a flying forearm! The crowd goes wild. Facebuster by Steamboat. Another Flair flop, followed by a forearm from Steamboat. Snapmare by Steamboat, right back into the armbar! Wow, AMAZING psychology. Flair fights to his feat, but Steamboat holds on with a wristlock. Irish whip by Flair, Steamboat hits a shoulderblock. Steamboat tries for a flying forearm, but misses and flies over the top rope! Flair lays Steamboat on the top rope and hits a big elbow across the throat. He pulls Steamboat in, and hits the signature knee drop. Steamboat holds onto the top rope, but Flair picks up Steamboat’s legs and slams him into the mat. Stiff chops from Flair, and it looks like he’s in control now. Blatant foot choke by Flair, followed by some more thunderous chops. BIG Back suplex by Flair. COVER! 1…2…KICKOUT! Another cover for 2. Yet another cover for 2. One more cover for 2. Flair hits another knee drop. Flair hits a double underhook suplex for 2. Big elbow drop from Flair for 2. Flair argues with the ref on that one. More chops and whip, Flair misses the clothesline. Steamboat tries for the forearm again, but Flair catches him and drops him on the top rope! The crowd is going nuts! Cover, but Steamboat has his arm under the rope. Flair foot chokes Steamboat, and covers it up by arguing with the ref. He breaks at 4. They both go to the outside, and Flair hits a suplex on the outside! Flair climbs back in the ring while Steamboat rests a bit. We’re at the 30-minute mark, and the judges have awarded the last 15 to Flair, but Steamboat is still ahead on points. Flair tries to suplex Steamboat back in, but Steamboat reverses it into a waistlock and pushes Flair into the ropes. ROLL UP… 1…2…KICKOUT! Chop fest again. Irish whip by Steamboat, and he misses a clothesline. Flair nails Steamboat and they both fly over the top rope! Flair throws Steamboat in, and climbs up the steps into the ring. He goes to the top, but Steamboat military presses him off the top. Steamboat has Flair pleading to spare him. 10 PUNCHES OF DOOM AGAIN by Steamboat! Baaaack body drop by Steamboat. He poses, and Flair pleads some more. Low blow by Flair, back suplex reversed by Steamboat! The action is really hot now. School boy! 1…2…KICKOUT! They trade blows, and Steamboat sets Flair on the top. Superplex by Steamboat! Steamboat locks in the double arm chickenwing, a move that finished Flair off a few months prior to this match, but Flair reaches the ropes. Steamboat smashes Flair’s head into the turnbuckle, and hits the forearm off the top. He goes to the top again. Flair falls into the ropes and knocks Steamboat all the way to the outside! Steamboat has hurt his leg. Flair goes right after the leg with some kicks to the knee. He hits a stalling vertical suplex into the ring on Steamboat. Steamboat clutches his knee in pain. Great selling by Steamboat. Flair tries for the figure four, but Steamboat is fighting it. He gets it locked in! Steamboat tries to struggle out but it isn’t happening. Steamboat finally reaches the ropes! Flair keeps working on that leg with some more kicks, followed by some chops. Flair grabs Steamboat’s leg and pounds away at the knee with his fist. Steamboat tries to fight out of it, and hits an enziguri! Steamboat sells it great, he acts as if he can barely stand on it! Steamboat tries for a scoop slam, but Flair reverses it into a small package! That’s it… 1…2…3!!! Flair wins his 6th NWA World title! Wow, just wow. That match was fucking amazing, great selling, GREAT psychology, just all around great. One of the best matches I’ve ever had the honor of seeing. Definitely try and hunt this one down, if you’re a wrestling fan, you owe it to yourself. ***** RAW is WAR where HHH married Steph Wow, it’s hard to believe that there was a time where Stephanie going to marry TEST of all people. You all remember how this one went; HHH interrupted the ceremony with a video where he apparently married a “drugged up” Stephanie at a drive in chapel. It was a funny little segment at the time I guess, but little did we know what it would all lead to. A decent add on for the disc, and plays off the feature well, since it’s filled with lots of Stephanie. Triple H’s debut match HHH’s first match is against some filthy looking jobber named Buck Zumhoff. Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon are on commentary. Typical debut jobber match, to give the fans an idea of what HHH has to bring to the table. They tie up, and Hunter goes behind and takes Zumhoff down with a waistlock takedown. Zumhoff gets up and starts jogging in place all crazy like The Ultimate Warrior. They tie up again, and Zumhoff reverses HHH’s wristlock into a wristlock of his own. Hunter it off and turns it into a standing wristlock chinlock combination. Zumhoff tries to reverse it, but Hunter layes him out with a right hand, and he stomps away. European Uppercut from Hunter, and then a whip followed by a spinning heel kick. Helmsley gets cocky and slaps Zumhoff, who fights back, but gets whipped. Zumhoff reverses it, and tries for a hiptoss, but Hunter blocks it, and hits an Ace Crusher for the finish. Wow, Triple H won his first match with a Stone Cold Stunner. *, Typical jobber squash. The Bottom Line: You know what, this was actually a good disc. Sure, it’s filled with a fair share of propaganda, but it entertained me. The bonus features were nice, ESPECIALLY the flat out AWESOME Flair vs. Steamboat match. The disc is not without its downside though, as it’s filled with lots of ego stroking propaganda, which pissed me off quite a lot. Most of the disc was pre-injury HHH, the HHH I used to love, and I’m sure many of you loved/liked him then too. If you are a HHH fan, you’ll love this disc. Hey, even if you used to like HHH, you’ll enjoy a lot of this disc. HHHaters stay away from this one, unless you want a big ass headache (I need an aspirin now, speaking of which), unless you want to see the Flair/Steamboat match, which is excellent and maybe even worth the price of the DVD itself. But hey, you could always track that one down on another tape for cheaper. “Longfellow couldn’t have said it better.” FakeRazorcolor> Feedback? Hate Mail? Contact his Fakeness at [email protected] Have an undying urge to talk to FakeRazor and others like him on a regular basis? Then head over to The ALL NEW whacked Out wrestling, the best damn wrestling board out there! 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