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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye


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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

So me and my roomie were watching raw. Of course after a while i start smarking out a bit, talking about storylines, backstage, etc. Roomie starts talking about how he's gonna stop watching wrestling and how he hates the NWO shit going. Later I got the SD! spoilers and read them to him. He says he aint gonna watch it cuz he thinks its gonna suck. It might but i just have one question for you all...


Do I beat his head in with a styrofoam cinder block?

Or do I allow him to fall to the power of the dark side?

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Guest goodhelmet

From the sounds of it, Smackdown is gonna suck. So, you give your roommate a big hug and go order some puro or something!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

let him go to the dark side. i'll see him there because i probaly won't be watching that shit that goes by the name smackdown and if this keeps up the wwf can count on one less person stealing wrestlemania

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Guest goodhelmet

"and if this keeps up the wwf can count on one less person stealing wrestlemania"


dude, the box rules!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

totally! i've watched every wrestling pav per view since 1994 for free

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Guest Tony149

Yes, even though Flair is "God". The box comes close to it. You save a helluva lot of money. Especially with the WWF raising prices.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

oh yeah, i go to the threads where people bitch about the price raises and laugh like an evil maniac until i fall out of my chair. cheating RULES

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Guest goodhelmet

cheer while you can because unless you have digital cable, eventually you won't be able to get ppv's with basic cable. I've only had the privelige of the box since '99 but it is a godsend. Once we get the digital box, it will rule even more.


sidenote- Flair and the box come close but CLAPTON IS GOD!

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Guest Tony149

No! How do you know we won't get the PPV's with basic cable? You live in San Antonio, like me, so we both should have Time Warner Cable unless you got a dish. I had to go back to basic cable after Time Warner kept screwing around with my bill.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i already know of someone working on a digital black box, and he's going to hook me up with the first one he gets.


and  goodhelmet your right clapton is god but hendrix is clapton's god.

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Guest TheDames7

Oh, its true....I've had every PPV since 96 for free..and all I had to do was pay a $150 flat fee.  One time and one time only. Could you imagine saving $30 for a WWF PPV a month, $30 for WCW and $20 for ECW?  


Lets see how much I saved....


30 X 12months X 5 years = $1800 + 30X 2 for this year so far...$1860....thats WWF alone.  


30 X 12 months X 4 years = $1440 + $60 for 2001...$1500 for WCW.  


20 X 6 ppvs a year x 3 years =  $360 + last ECW event...= $380.


WWF 1860

WCW 1500

ECW    360


Total : $3740.  DAMN!!!!!! Thats not counting misc PPV's..like WWA and stuff like that.  



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Guest cobainwasmurdered

not bad, though i did even better, sinc i didn't have to even pay for my black box a friend just gave it to me because he lost interest in wrestling i know he' an idiot, but remember this was when hogan was making his grand entrnce to wcw.

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Guest goodhelmet

"No! How do you know we won't get the PPV's with basic cable? You live in San Antonio, like me, so we both should have Time Warner Cable unless you got a dish. I had to go back to basic cable after Time Warner kept screwing around with my bill."


Dude, at the beginning of January they sent out a statement saying that all ppv's would eventually be available on digital only. Right now, i believe channel 44 is still ppv but 69 and 99 and the other one (can't think of the #) are not available on regular cable. Sorry bro, I feel your pain and Navarra Williams can suck a big cock!

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Sorry bro, I feel your pain and Navarra Williams can suck a big cock!  goodhelmet



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Guest Tony149
Dude, at the beginning of January they sent out a statement saying that all ppv's would eventually be available on digital only. Right now, i believe channel 44 is still ppv but 69 and 99 and the other one (can't think of the #) are not available on regular cable. Sorry bro, I feel your pain and Navarra Williams can suck a big cock!

I still get 69, 99 & 64 on by box. I never read the statements only the bill. Looks like I'll have to go back to digital. Time Warner's customer service sucks! All they do is raise rates for channels that suck. I mean who watches the Home Garden Channel?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

i'll have you know that I watch the home garden channel.... once i was flipping through the channels and the batterys died and it was stuck on it and it took my 15 seonds to rech the plug in and unplug the t.v., the scariest 15 seconds since the lst time SMH opened that mouth of hers.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

How did this go from arguing roomates to stealing cable to the home and garden channel?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

it's very compliicated and would involve me explaining how goodhelmet,tony149, and my brains work, something that someone who is not one of us three could never understand.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

This reminds me of the people who lug I STEAL CABLE signs to wrestling shows.  Its not too smart.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

maybe but hey we don't shell out money for ppv's i got to watch all of wcw's last show's without having to pay for that crap. on the other hand i regret watching there last ppv's so maybe we are stupid.

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Guest goodhelmet

screw it. i go to my in-laws to watch the 'free' cable. i'm too much of a chickenshit to do it myself. Tony, if your other channels are still working then rock on.


"How did this go from arguing roomates to stealing cable to the home and garden channel?"


Well, we decided that the aforementioned roommate was right in blowing off SD! which i am missing right now.


Then it segued into the shitty WWF product and how we wouldn't watch the ppvs if it weren't free


The garden channel is free as are the ppvs thanks to a little box.


The roommate is still right

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

you just summed up everything i was going to post. great are you trying to keep my post count down goodhelmet maybe we should call you evilhelmet.

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Guest goodhelmet

dude, i've got 25 posts until RAW status. sorry bro. and their is no such thing as evil helmet, maybe badhelmet, but I am no Kaeintai....Evil!! INDEED!

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Guest EUX4life

be careful with the black boxes.  a buddy of mine just got one for his dorm room, and did the research.  here in massachusetts at least, the fine is like 7500 bucks.  he's in a college dorm so he's pretty safe, it's hard to track it when there's a couple thousand cable outlets in one building.  if you're in a house though with only a few, bad things can happen.

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Guest goodhelmet

yeah, a freind of mine works at time-warner and explained how they patrol black boxes. from what i understood, they only patrol for the boxes once every three years or so during inventory time. you are pretty safe using it in moderation and the best bet is to watch the program you want and turn it off when not using it.

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Guest Tony149
yeah, a freind of mine works at time-warner and explained how they patrol black boxes. from what i understood, they only patrol for the boxes once every three years or so during inventory time. you are pretty safe using it in moderation and the best bet is to watch the program you want and turn it off when not using it.

Yeah, that's what I do. I only watch the wrestling & maybe a move PPV, then leave it off. The porn channels suck! DirecTV had better porn. I still pay for cable. Although paying for some channels you don't want suck.

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