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Guest ShooterJay

Put the belts on the SAT?

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Guest ShooterJay

The SAT apparently get a tag title shot next week against Chris Harris and James Storm. Personally, I like Storm and Harris, and I mark out for "buckaroo!," but it's obvious they aren't going to cut it as champs. The SAT are arguably the most over indy tag team in North America right now, despite jobbing everywhere. (Seriously, at the 9/21 ROH show, they got the biggest entrance pop of the night, and of course they job in the first round.)

With TNA's audience almost 100% Internet-based, and the resulting emphasis on the X Division, would it be a good plan to put the belts on the SAT, and make the tag division an extension of the X Division?


Plus, it would be great exposure for the SAT to be NWA World Tag Team champs. They're a team I could see in WWE in a year or so with some polish, probably to replace the "suicidal small guy" quota when Jeffy burns out for good. Heck, they're already on WWE's jobber/audience plant Rolodex, so it might not be out of the question.

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Guest Youth N Asia
The SAT are arguably the most over indy tag team in North America right now

That's debateable really.


Personally I'd rather see it go on good wrestling teams like The Backseat Boyz, or Punk and Steel...and not just spot teams.


I got tired of the SAT a year ago...same matches over and over...the spot monkeys of the indies have really hurt cruiserweight matches more then they've helped.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Personally, I would give the belts to Yang and Estrada. Having them win the belts just as Siaki has left the group could be an interesting twist to the angle. Since Siaki felt he was being held back by the group, having them gain recognition as champions could go up his ass as he strives to make it in singles.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They can't put the belts on Yang and Estrada because Yang goes to Japan every few weeks.


And Estrada will feud with Siaki sooner or later.


I wouldn't take the belts off of HArris and Storm...I'd wait to see how they do now that they don't have to face Ron Harris in every match.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Harris and Storm are pretty good, and they're entertaining...but I'm just say I'd rather see another good team with the belts over a spot team.

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Guest Pegasus Kid

I've been less than impressed with the work of the SAT's in TNA to be honest. True, they've got some flashy moves and they're entertaining for a while but like it was mentioned earlier, you get tired of the same matches over and over. Couple that with the fact their "work" has been less than stellar and you're forced to wonder why you'd put the titles on them anyway.


Harris & Storm work hard, have had better matches with less talented opponents and are getting over with the crowd. Once they get them away from this Harris + partner bullshit and let their ring work come out with some teams capable of working with it, you'll see how great a team they are and why they should remain tag champs.

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Guest gizmo

No way that the SAT is the best indy tag team. A lot of their moves are still very sloppy and they really can't pull off complex spots without fucking them up.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

you know...the more I thikn about it...the more I like Harris and Storm.


Don't ask me what it is...but I think they are a pretty solid and entertaining team.


Maybe they just grew on me.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Harris grew on me a lot. I hated him the first time I saw him, but then how he just handled himself in the other matches I've seen him in has been good.

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Guest The Notorious CRD

As I've stated in other threads, I like how they're pushing Harris & Storm as the underdog team who survives against even the biggest odds. Hopefully when they finally do drop a loss, it'll be to a team that doesn't involve Ron Harris.

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Guest RedJed

Harris and Storm are just fine as tag champs, they just need another solid team to do a program with. The SATs just might be that team, and to give them credibility, if they went with a long term program, having a title switch in there, with Storm and Harris then winning them back in the blowoff, might work.


Wouldn't mind them bringing back Crowbar and reteaming him with Slash, that was a pretty solid heel team that might work a cool program with Storm and Harris.

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Guest ShooterJay

Assuming the Backseats weren't a one-shot like the Briscoes and they do come back. I hope they do, those guys rule.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Backseat Boyz have done two shows I think, plus a dark match or two...I think they'll be back, I just hope they get pushed.


Bring back Punk & Steel!

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