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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Heyman doesn't want Taker/Brock II either

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I think Eddy'd make a good champion. I'm a mark for the guy..but he's loaded with charisma, puts on great matches, and hasn't had a history of screwing with other wrestlers (like Taker, HHH). If you want to save Angle or Benoit for a "big" reign..I don't see why Eddy would be a bad choice at all for champion. Give him a credible run, and you'd do good things for both wrestler and belt.

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Guest cabbageboy

Well, Rock jobbed because he essentially knows his wrestling days are numbered. It's a whole lot easier to job willingly when you have a Hollywood career to look forward to. I doubt HHH or UT will have any such acting career, so to some extent I can see them wanting to stay on top.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Rock's never had a history of not jobbing, either.


For a main eventer, he's on his back a lot.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
I doubt HHH or UT will have any such acting career, so to some extent I can see them wanting to stay on top.

That's why I openly resent them. We hear about "Taker, the locker room leader, so respected" and "HHH, he shits out and fucks this business day in and day out" all the time. It's pretentious, and I cannot stand pretentious people. It is going to take a lot of convincing for me to believe that the business is anything but #2 (or even lower) on their priority list, right after themselves.


And AS, I know I won't be able to convince you of Angle going onto better things so I just won't bother.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I think what he's trying to say is..


Leave the title on somebody who won't take the blame for ratings being down. (ex. They'd blame Angle, but not Lesnar. You know how the WWE works). When the buisness starts to take off again, put it on Angle and let him headline like he should..not to arenas that can't even come close to selling out.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I can understand the McMahon mentality as an excuse for why Benoit and Eddy aren't considered title holders on SD! and why RVD isn't on RAW.


But no one can explain to me why Angle isn't in Brock's role

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Guest humongous2002

Even though Heyman is booking great Smackdown after great Smackdowns it still seems that he doesn't have as much power as that corporate buttkisser Underseller. Brock/UT and HHH/Kane will have the lowest buyrates for a WWE ppv.

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Guest Ram

Well, it's been known that Vince rarely gives a shit about anyone not main eventing, so Heyman probably gets control of everyone but Brockertaker.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I really think it's time to get Angle, Edge, Jericho, RVD, and Eddy in the main event picture NOW!


WIth Rock and Austin gone the big names just aren't cutting it...they need guys that can put on entertaining matches...Brockertaker (I like that) is going to be another snoozefest...and they ruined it by putting it in a hell when no one's going to bump.

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Guest humongous2002

The only 2 big names left are UT and The Lame, one was a main eventer for so many years but never drew money and is over the hill, and the other is a cripple that only had one good year as a worker and fail miserably as a babyface champion(he had a one month reign).The hard workers are the ones that are getting the cheers and the ratings, guys like Angle, RVD, Benoit, Eddy,Rey, and even Edge are the ones that make me turn on my tv every monday and thursday.

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Guest humongous2002

The only 2 big names left are UT and The Lame, one was a main eventer for so many years but never drew money and is over the hill, and the other is a cripple that only had one good year as a worker and fail miserably as a babyface champion(he had a one month reign).The hard workers are the ones that are getting the cheers and the ratings, guys like Angle, RVD, Benoit, Eddy,Rey, and even Edge are the ones that make me turn on my tv every monday and thursday.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
::Looks at Angle and Benoit doing nothing::


We HAVE good champions that are being wasted because Vince thinks they are too small.

What the Hell you mean doing nothing? Those two guys, along with Eddie and like it or not, Rey & Edge have been carrying Smackdown while Taker wastes everyone's time with Brock.


It seem to me people are tuning in for the amazing Matches that Smackdown has been putting out. Not for that "Hot" Taker/Brock feud.


I agree Benoit/Angle should be World Champions though. No reason to debate this since we all pretty much think it.

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I would love to see Benoit/Brock really...


Brock could still be the dominate powerhouse and whatnot, but Benoit fighting back, chopping him down, wrestling 200 MPH...I think it could make a good match. I really think the fans would dig it if given a chance.


THen you have Taker's slow methotical (sp) brawling...BAH!

I'd rather see Brock/Edge than Brock/Benoit if only because watching Brock massacre Edge like a little bitch would be a thousand times more entertaining than watching Brock massacre Benoit....

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Guest cabbageboy

Well if it's true that Angle is beating Brock at WM then I would say Benoit would be a main challenger for him and will likely end up with the title at some point.

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Guest jester

Benoit would not only drag a decent match out of Brock, an extended program with Benoit would probably teach Brock a few things.


BUT (and it's a big BUT)


The UT/Brock feud needs a finish. I believe that Brock still won't get a clean or convincing win over Taker, but hopefully he'll at least beat him somehow.


Benoit is still looking for some good direction and more character, and a feud with Brock probably won't bring that out.

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Guest ManKinnd
The only 2 big names left are UT and The Lame, one was a main eventer for so many years but never drew money and is over the hill, and the other is a cripple that only had one good year as a worker and fail miserably as a babyface champion(he had a one month reign).The hard workers are the ones that are getting the cheers and the ratings, guys like Angle, RVD, Benoit, Eddy,Rey, and even Edge are the ones that make me turn on my tv every monday and thursday.

It seems Angle, Benoit, Eddy, Rey and Edge are the only reason to watch SD anyway. These shows are being praised over and over now, and they're really just mediocrity with 2 awesome matches from a combination of these guys, isn't it? Take last night's show and subtract Edge/Angle and Benoit/RVD. I didn't see it but read the results. If these matches were dropped or replaced by hosses, how good would the show be? Do the same thing with 2 weeks ago, take away Benoit vs. Angle vs. Rey and Edge vs. Eddy. What do you get?

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Guest Pop Culture God

Guys, I'd like to comment one something.


If Regal stiffed Brock. Brock would likely do another Ganso Bomb and send Regal to the hospital. Remember Holly was a legit toughman too who liked to stiff the rookies, and that got his ass planted.


Brock/Benoit would give Brock technical cred and would elevate Benoit if the feud put Benoit "in Brock's league" in the mark's eyes. Remember, Brock; heatless as he may be, is still a champ. Benoit isn't and never will be.


Long live Brock.

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Guest nikowwf

Going to Brock/Benoit after that Unforgiven mess would pretty much leave all the heat on Taker and make Brock a second rate champ. Id rather he mow down Taker, THEN move on to someone else. (Id rather he mowed down taker the first month and moved on, but what do I know)


Next month give him someone who can work.



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Guest creativename
Guys, I'd like to comment one something.


If Regal stiffed Brock. Brock would likely do another Ganso Bomb and send Regal to the hospital. Remember Holly was a legit toughman too who liked to stiff the rookies, and that got his ass planted.


Brock/Benoit would give Brock technical cred and would elevate Benoit if the feud put Benoit "in Brock's league" in the mark's eyes. Remember, Brock; heatless as he may be, is still a champ. Benoit isn't and never will be.


Long live Brock.

I definitely agree on the Regal/Brock thing. Lesnar and Angle certainly seem like the two guys on the roster who seem like they could hold their own in a stiff-fest with Regal, even when Regal was in his prime.


Also agree on Benoit-Lesnar elevating Benoit. Maybe Benoit's been around forever and Lesnar's new, but you know that this feud would rock, and that would serve to elevate both guys. Lesnar couldn't even squash the Hardyz properly, so no need to worry about Benoit not getting his offense in.


But I disagree with you in that I do think Benoit will get at least a couple month title reign *at some point*; but then, a couple years ago you would've figured he'd have had one by now, so who knows.

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