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Guest bps "The Truth" 21


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Guest FeArHaVoC

I said before Edge and also Brock Lesnar have grown on me.


Some people have beef over Edge because he's been having good matches with 3 of the best workers in the Company. I have No Problem with this. I'd rather be entertained by good matches then watch him stink up the show with matches with, say Henry or Rikishi.


Also, Edge hasn't really been getting that much Mic Time. So that's a plus.

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Guest Bricks

I've been an Edge fan since he first came, but after that feud with Eddy, I finally bought him as a real World Title threat. And after last night, I even buy him more taking the belt away from Brock. Not that that's going to happen, but I think the WWE have reached their goal in making us believe Edge can be Champ any day from this point on.

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Guest humongous2002

Edge sucked ass last year as IC champ, so this Edge is way better compared to 2001 Edge, but the thing is he is not over to the point that he could carry the company on his back as a #1 babyface, if anything he is a borderline upper level midcarder/entry level top guy, which is good but that's due to the fact that he's been wrestling in-ring generals like Eddy and Kurt.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Edge has the kurt angle promo syndrome. Horrible horrible pacing and he raises his voice at the wrong times - sorta sounds like he is asking a question when infact he is making a stateMENT?.


I don't quite get the Edge-hate, though. He is a good wrestler, who hasn't politiked, or been in any particular stinkers. The only reason he seems to get hated on is because he is getting a...gasp...push.

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Guest godthedog
Well, push almost anybody hard enough..no matter how much they suck, and they'll get over. (HHH)

yeah, cause god knows after that 2-month feud with mick foley that trips would never be good enough for the main event.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Id like to say that Edge has had some awesome matches on Smackdown in the last couple of months, and has had good matches for the last couple of weeks.


The only thing I ask from the WWE is that they give us good wrestling matchups on a regular basis, and they are certainly doing that right now, especially on Smackdown.


Im prone to think that the only reason people hate Edge is because he's been given some long fueds with the favorites of this board (Angle, Eddy..) but they have had some great matches so I can't see why anyone would argue..


So Im not going to argue about Edge. I do agree that Edge's character has had very little progression, but as long as hes a fan favorite, why change his character and risk losing that?

Other than that, I have no problems at all.

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Guest Brian

It just seems like he doesn't have any real motivation or feeling behind his character. there are a few times he's snapped (Regal and Christian IIRC) but nothing has really come of it.

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Guest Anglesault

One thing people forget when comparing Rock and Edge promos. Rock ususally loses the blow off match. Edge doesn't.

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Guest bob_barron

Edge lost to Regal thus proving that if you gamble with the devil- the devil always wins

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Guest Anglesault

But then he beat him in like 30 seconds the next night in a tag match.


And does anyone remember how Edge KILLED the "Gamble" promo?

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Guest art_vandelay
One thing people forget when comparing Rock and Edge promos. Rock ususally loses the blow off match. Edge doesn't.

Edge is in build-up mode. Rock can afford losses and still be a legit contender the next day. Edge can't... yet.

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Guest Anglesault

Then don't book him to do promos that bury his oponents and then have him WIN.

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Guest art_vandelay

Yeah, I guess they're trying really hard to do the "cool guy" thing with him.

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Guest Brian

That sounds good, considering it was on a card with Noble/Mysterio and Benoit/Morley.

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Guest Pop Culture God

Edge is an above-average worker. He needs to stop using the spear for a while, but besides that I don't see any problems. He can't be turned heel right now, his cocky heel character was getting face pops from RR 2001 till when he was "officially turned" during InVasion. The fans LOVE him and he has the superstar look. The Rpck could use a heel tunr a lot more BTW.


Give it up, bps, give it up.

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Guest Black Tiger

I can tell you right now the future of Edge and Angle. Kurt will take the strap off of Brock in an awesome match, and will probably do a good string of title matches with Edge, before he drops it to him at Wrestlemania.


Heaven forbid Edge improve in the ring by having great matches with great wrestlers. Kurt Angle himself has aknowleged that he won't be around for a long time, so he's helping one of the young guys who IS the future of the WWE get his big break, what a bastard.

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Guest Pop Culture God
But then he beat him in like 30 seconds the next night in a tag match.


And does anyone remember how Edge KILLED the "Gamble" promo?

I remember the Regal "Devil" promo that was met with silence and then Edge made a Beezulbub crack and the crowd laughed. I agree that it hurt the serious tone of Regal's promo but remember that this is pro wrestling and Edge got the crowd behind him with one snide putdown.


If killing a promo is making a humorous rebuttal than I guess he killed it dead huh?

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Guest Anglesault
If killing a promo is making a humorous rebuttal than I guess he killed it dead huh?


Yes it is! That was an awesome promo that should have left a lasting effect on the feud. You either respond with something serious, or, since Edge is clearly too stupid to do a serious promo, do NOTHING


I can tell you right now the future of Edge and Angle. Kurt will take the strap off of Brock in an awesome match, and will probably do a good string of title matches with Edge, before he drops it to him at Wrestlemania.


Do you forsee Angle EVER beating Edge?


As for Brock/Edge, I've seen reports that called Albert/Rico the match of the night at house shows, so take it with a grain of salt.

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Guest Black Tiger

Edge's push makes perfect sense right now. WWE is taking a guy who they feel has a bg future with them and is putting him in matches with great wrestlers so he can improve in the ring. The failure of the Edge vs Regal feud was shitty match quality. Edge was the same guy he was when E&C were riding high. He took a serious idea of Regal's and made it look stupid to get a pop.


Notice how when he hurt his shoulder and gave HIS serious promo and Jericho interupted him, how much heat Jericho got for it. I didn't see much WWE TV between SummerSlam and Unforgiven due to school starting up again. Did Edge do any wacky promos on Guererro? I haven't heard any in a long time, which is good because as much as I like Edge, his comedic promos are nowhere near the level of The Rock or even Chris Jericho.


Finally, The Edge vs. Angle feud proved that Angle is indeed untouchable like The Rock is. What WWE should do just to keep Angle over as his comedic heel character is do Edge vs Angle one more time where if Edge wins, Angle must grow back his hair, this way Angle will know he lost the JD match by the bald head, or he'll know he lost the other hair match by the full head of hair. Angle showed in that Billy and Chuck promo with his comments that no matter how "misused" he is, he'll always be a top guy by sheer virture of his awesome in ring skills.

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Guest Midnight Express83

Here is my main problem with Edge:


1: He looks the same from 1998. He needs a makeover.


2: He has been wrestling Benoit, Angle, and Guerrero for the last 6 months, it isn't like he is improving. He is being carried by the three greatest North American wrestlers of this era. He may as well go back to the 80s and have to face Dyamite, Savage, Hart, and Steamboat.


3: Edge is getting the push to the top but will fail because he isn't drawing a pop. Rob Zombie is. Crowd is quiet for most of his offense unless there is a ladder or a spear.


4: He needs to learn selling big time. Major shoulder attacks aren't countered and pinned by spears.


5: He needs to change his offense a little and get a new finisher. Something thats better than a sloppy implant DDT.


6: he needs a heel turn as bad as Angle needs a face turn.

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Guest cabbageboy

I agree with the point about his ring music. Even my friend Ian who is a big Edge fan admits most of his heat is due to his cool Zombie music. Edge's heat is almost inverse of RVD. Edge comes out to a big pop due to his music, then during the match the fans mostly sit on their hands. RVD comes out to a decent pop, but not great due to his sluggish ring music...but then the crowd chants RVD and gets into the match.


I swear they need to get RVD "Walk" again for his ring music. Crowds love to chant and sing along to ring music, a la "You suck" for Angle.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
4: He needs to learn selling big time. Major shoulder attacks aren't countered and pinned by spears.

Ummm.... what was the Unforgiven match then? He sold the "concussion" the entire match and the finish was even built on it with Eddy hitting the sunset flip powerbomb and Edge landing on his head.

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Guest godthedog
Here is my main problem with Edge:


1: He looks the same from 1998. He needs a makeover.


2: He has been wrestling Benoit, Angle, and Guerrero for the last 6 months, it isn't like he is improving. He is being carried by the three greatest North American wrestlers of this era. He may as well go back to the 80s and have to face Dyamite, Savage, Hart, and Steamboat.


3: Edge is getting the push to the top but will fail because he isn't drawing a pop. Rob Zombie is. Crowd is quiet for most of his offense unless there is a ladder or a spear.


4: He needs to learn selling big time. Major shoulder attacks aren't countered and pinned by spears.


5: He needs to change his offense a little and get a new finisher. Something thats better than a sloppy implant DDT.


6: he needs a heel turn as bad as Angle needs a face turn.

1: agreed.


2: edge is improving by leaps and bounds. watch his match with angle from backlash, then watch their match from smackdown on thursday. his timing of the comebacks is very good, and his selling has grown into some of the best on the roster.


3: the fans seemed very into edge working the arm on thursday, but i can't really judge his overall heat from that because a) it was with angle and b) it's a taped show. so, jury's still out.


4: it happened over a month ago, stop bringing it up. as i said, he's improving a lot. edge did incredibly good selling of the concussion in his guerrero match without screwing anything up, and his selling of the ribs against angle was absolutely unreal.


5: it's kinda like rvd's offense--it doesn't look particularly effective, but it's something different & the crowd seems to like it. he does need more impact & variety in his moveset, but i think everyone in the fed now could use that (at least more variety).


6: what reason would the fans have to hate him? edge is really starting to hit his groove as a babyface with the comebacks and the long-term selling, and i want to keep seeing it. and i doubt they'll be doing any heel turns on smackdown for a long time, because there's entirely too many of them.

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Guest godthedog
4: He needs to learn selling big time. Major shoulder attacks aren't countered and pinned by spears.

Ummm.... what was the Unforgiven match then? He sold the "concussion" the entire match and the finish was even built on it with Eddy hitting the sunset flip powerbomb and Edge landing on his head.

exactly. and edge looked seriously dazed & confused for almost the entire second half of the match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't even have that many problems with Edge.


My problems are very basic and have been repeated a few times on the board...but here they are again:


1: When he isn't wrestling a top level guy his matches are boring. As in...he's too slow against shitty wrestlers, which just compounds the shitty nature of the match.


2. His character is stale. All I want is a heel turn that I've been calling for since february. Whatever happened to that crazy Edge anyway? The one getting thrown out of the arena?


3. I really hate his finisher. And the spear should only be a set-up move. That ddt thing has to go.


4. He's a tad too large for his moveset and can look really awkward sometimes.


I think Edge is very over, and is a good worker.


These are just things that bother the shit out of me and take away from my enjoyment of him as a performer.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

As someone said earlier, there are a million and one things worse than Edge right now in the WWE.


Edge is doing great. He just needs a tweak to the character and move set and I'd be totally happy to have him as WWE champion.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That's a whole new can of worms.


Edge as World Champion.


I know my reaction would be the same as it was about the Patriots winning the Super Bowl.


3 months later I just stopped dead in my tracks and wondered aloud: Did the patriots really win the Super Bowl?

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