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Guest NoCalMike

Not Enough Young Party Chicks....

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Guest NoCalMike

Come on now girls, I know you have got to be out there. My girlfriend despises beer and only drinks hard liquor. Most girls I know hate beer also and either need the ridiculous $8-9 dollar a six-pack hard lemonade/smirnoff ice/sky blue...etc........Is the taste of beer just not "fruity" enough for most females or what? Beer rules~!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Hey, I LIKE the "fruity" drinks. However, if all I have is beer for an option, I will chug it mightily as if I love it, and after a few, I do love it!


Fo sheez,


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Guest El Satanico

Beer is some truly terrible crap.


But i don't drink Beer for the taste..thankfully. If i'm just sitting around casually drinking and not aiming to get fucked up i'd rather drink something "fruity".


Hard Liqour is much better than nasty ass beer so why are you complaining about her drinking that?

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Well this looks like a call for me. I love beer but I will also drink hard stuff. Those fruity drinks just don't do anything for me, I would rather have a beer than drink wine coolers or something to that effect. As long as I have beer, I'm happy...thats why the whole bottom of my fridge is beer.

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Guest BifEverchad

I don't drink Beer for its excellent taste, I drink Beer to ger drunk. However, lately I'm finding myself getting sick of drinking Beer all together. Therefore, I have turned myself towards hard liquior more so and even the occasional Smirnoff Ice vodka cooler. those things are better tasting and get you drunk a lot quicker.


So whats with the complaining of the chickies drinking the Liquior and not Beer?

They prefer it, and it probably won't make them sick like Beer. Besides, they'll get a helluva lot more DRUNK, which means they'll be a helluva lot more friendly.



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Guest T®ITEC

Just to throw in my preferences...


I actually do enjoy the taste of beer. I haven't had much in the way of variety, but I've liked what I've had.. With the exception of Miller Light about three years ago. I don't like hard liquor at all, actually. All of it just tastes like Everclear to me.


Oh, and I'll also like the light junk, of course.. Stuff like Mike's Hard Lemonade and whatever.


I'll drink until my stomach hurts, which is always after no more than four bottles. Because of this, I've never gotten more than a little buzzed.


So expect to find me in ten years at your local bar... You'll know me.

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Guest Incandenza
Come on now girls, I know you have got to be out there. My girlfriend despises beer and only drinks hard liquor. Most girls I know hate beer also and either need the ridiculous $8-9 dollar a six-pack hard lemonade/smirnoff ice/sky blue...etc........Is the taste of beer just not "fruity" enough for most females or what? Beer rules~!

Where are you finding these women? In another thread, I complained I wasn't running into any of them.

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Guest saturnmark4life

well there's beer, and then there's, BEER if you know what i mean. No? ok.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Yeah there's "This tastes like piss" American beer and there's



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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I'm all about the fruity drinks. I just can't drink something that looks the same going in as it does coming out...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Both beer and fruity drinks cower before the awesome power of...



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Guest RobJohnstone

As a rule I find that if there is another option to beer, the girls with take the other option. I myself like a beer to chill with and watch a game, but not to get drunk. Drink of choice for me would be johnny red on the rocks. I have been finding out that flavoroud martini's are "the in thing" right now though, not bad at all.



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Guest Vitamin X

Well I've been drinking for quite a few years now (despite the fact I'm only 19 heheheh), and I started out pretty much jsut me and my friends wanting to get drunk during a sleepover at my house...so we'd bust out some cash and buy this cheapass vodka (POPOV!) that came in a 1.75 liter bottle (to last us for a good long while, as all the high schoolers can testify to how hard it sometimes can be to get alcohol at that time) and get some orange juice, and dilute it a little to make it a screwdriver. Screwdrivers are pretty much still the drink of choice, but soemtimes Iwouldn't have orange juice, so we'd take the vodka straight with a beer chaser, and finish off teh beer. Yeah, beer wasn't that great the first few times, but after you get used to the taste of alcohol (unless you are jsut really really against beer), you start liking it more and more, so beeri s pretty much moreo f an acquired taste.


My favorite beers~!:

1. Rolling Rock

2. Corona Extra (or Lite, what's the fucking difference)

3. Miller High Life (in a 40 oz, and if nto available,m just the regular shit's okay)


My favorite drinks~!:

1. Screwdriver- can't go wrong here. takes the bitterness out, and gets the drunkedness in

2. Cranberry juice and vodka- REALLY good if you don't like the taste of alcohol. Think KoolAid with a fuckin BANG! that can get you drunk...heeelll yeah

3. (tie)Rum/Coke: my culture (Cuban)'s favorite, and Kahlua & Cream: Good shit to sip, while nto as effective as the other ones, probably the tastiest one.


Anyways, enough alcoholic ranting for now :)

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Guest El Satanico

I can't stand drinking drinks made with citrus products. I always felt the worse the next morning aftere drinking alcoholic drinks made with citrus products.


I think it's the acid in it that fucks with my system. Vodka is best in Lemonade or in a "Jim Jone's Kool Aid"(Cherry Kool Aid and Vodka).

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Guest dreamer420

They love it here in Canada from what I have seen. While some girls only stick to girly little fruity drinks, most slam the beer back around here.

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Guest justsoyouknow

Gentlemen, your savior has arrived. When my friends and I are out with the ladies and we want to get get drunk and get the ladies drunk, here's what we do:


Get a gallon of Pink Lemonade (Or Orange Juice, or whatever you prefer)

Get a bottle of Vodka

Get a Six-Pack of beer (your choice)


Mix them all together, and you get.....




Kneel before the awesome power that is get naked juice. The Pink Lemonade hides the taste of the vodka, and the beer cancels out the pink lemonade, leaving you with a slightly fruity, highly intoxication beverage that the ladies will slam down, and the end result is nakedness...always.

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