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Guest gthureson

Latest Issue of Gotham Knights...

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Guest gthureson

All in all, not that good an issue. Bane guest-stars, and Batman helps himself destroy one of the Lazarus Pools (maybe the last, probably not.) Unimportant, really, 'cause the whole thing seems to be just a build-up for the big revelation at the end.



(spoiler space in case you didn't read the topic description)






























Bane shows Bruce a picture of Thomas Wayne and some chick in Santa Pricsca when he was doing hurricane relief, and declares himself Batman's brother.


Now, I know it will turn out that he isn't, but even the mere suggestion of it seems to smack too much of a soap opera to me. What is the point? Just so you can have an issue or two of Batman saying, "Bane is my brother? Can't be! He broke my back! Blah blah blah."


In an otherwise generally solid book, story wise, this just smacks of someone running dry at the well and throwing in some hack idea.



Color me disappointed in this months issue.

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Guest MrRant

Well as long as someone gets blown up and then returns 6 months later with ammnesia to be found out that he is infact his sister's cousins' mother. THEN it will be a soap opera.

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Guest BA_Baracus

Maybe he is his brother.


It would go a long way to explaining his obsession with Batman.


Personally I've never really bought the previous weak explanation...

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Guest HellSpawn

Well, at least a "long lost brotrher that I never knew exist and now I dunno how the hell react, I hate him? I love him? or just kick his ass, after all... Im the big brother" story is better than a clone or a long lost sister I tried to kill on utero.


Nah, like someone said, it must be cliche # 5, brother vs brother that is not the real brother.

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Guest Vyce

My opinion of this depends upon how they resolve the issue.


If they don't pussy out, if they actually DO make them blood brothers, than I will be....I don't know, satisfied. It does open the door to some interesting possibilities in terms of storylines. If handled right, it could make for some good storytelling.


If they do what I'm 99% positive they will do, and make it all some sort of stupid ruse, than I shall stand with you and scream "HACK!"

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Guest areacode212

I doubt they'll turn out to be brothers. For one thing, this is Gotham Knights. A big plot development like this would get much more hype and would've been placed in one of the two main titles. It would be like the WWE debuting Goldberg on Afterburn instead of Raw.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Might I ask, how does Bane know Bruce is Batman? I don't follow the new Bat-books.

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Guest Sassquatch

Bane was born in a corrupt third world prison where his mother quickly died after giving birth to Bane. He grew up in the prison with the intent to beat the man that nearly every criminal in there feared the Batman. Bane was accompanied by a group of criminals that had helped him survive in the prison and Bane set out to defeat Batman. After tracking and taking notes on the Batman, Bane came to the conclusion that Batman was really millionaire Bruce Wayne.


This all took place in the 1993 Batman story arc "Knightfall" which is in trade paper back form.

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Guest J*ingus

And how did Bane do this?


Simple: he followed the Batmobile back to the cave entrance, and figured out who lived in the giant mansion less than a mile away.


Apparently Gotham City has some really stupid villains.

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Guest MrRant

Perhaps the WWE needs to stop hiring soap opera writers and go for comic book writers. Maybe it would work as those writers are used to writing fairly short story arcs (something like a feud for 1 - 2 months) without getting to burned out.

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Guest gthureson

Nah, they just need to hire good writers.


Writing soap operas, comics, movies or novels are use the same basis for writing good stories.


Know your characters.


Sounds really easy, but everytime I've read a piece of crap comic, book, seen a shitty movie or watched a crappy fued in progress the root cause is always the same. Either the writer doesn't understand a character and its history (in the case of continuing characters) or has made the character nothing more than a cardboard cutout to begin with.


A good story remembers where a character comes from and uses that to influence where he or she is going from there.


It all comes down to internal consistency. Good writers maintain it, poor writers don't really care about it, and just go for the shock.


To bring it sort of back on topic, that is sort of my problem with the Bane/Batman brother storyline. Its just dropped right out of nowhere.


Bruce's parents have always been described as having more or less a perfect marriage. They were philanthropists, pillars of the community. Admired by all. Judging by Bane's age, Thomas Wayne would have had to have cheated on his wife. Nothing has ever been suggested that this could or would have happened.


Its a swerve for the sake of swerve and a three part story arc. (Which is how long I'm expecting this story to happen.)



Edit: Not really coherent in its points, I know. But I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee yet.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Bane knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman, but how has he exploited that other than entering Wayne Manor and breaking his back?

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Guest Sassquatch

"Bane knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman, but how has he exploited that other than entering Wayne Manor and breaking his back?"


- pinnacleofallthingsmanly



Bane hasn't exploited his knowledge of Batman's identity or flaunted it in public. The writer's, for whatever the reasons, have not explored this plot with Bane and Batman, which if done properly, could have interesting results.

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