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Guest BobbyBacklund

Why is everyone so sure of a Brock-Angle WM ME?

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Guest BobbyBacklund

Not to say that I know what the main event will be, but I can't see them giving the main event of the biggest show of the year to two guys who have never been legitimate main eventers before. Angle has been given a shot here and there, but it's not like he's HHH or The Rock who are pretty much staples of the Main Event scene. True, Brock has not been around long enough to main event that many PPVs, but than he hasn't been around that long at all. Creatively, it seems like a good idea because both guys have never main evented a PPV without one of the traditional WWF ME alongside them, and it inject some new life to the scene. Financially, it will probably be a bust as neither guy would be over in the positions that people expect them to be in(Angle as face and Brock as Heel). Maybe if they push them hard enough they will become bonafide main eventers, but haven't we said the same thing about Benoit, Angle(again), Guerrero many times in the past? The WWF pushes who they want, and what makes you think they all of a sudden want to push Angle?


Lesnar will most likely be fed to the Rock, whether most of you like it or not. I Know the Rock isn't selfish, but I don't think the WWF has any faith in the new guys, so they will just rely on the Rock to avenge his loss at Summerslam. Far-fetched, but as of this moment it makes more sense.


I honestly believe that Wrestlemania will draw more if they have Booker T as a face who wins, as that's an actual moment that can show some significance in the future. He's been ready for so long, and this might be puts him over the top. The fans obviously want to see him win anyway, so I don't see the harm. Maybe even RVD, I know many of you don't like him(I'm not that fond either) but I think he's over, pops the crowd during the match, and would make more sense to beat Brock than any other guy, if only because of their history. With either of these two, you could build a new star.


Anyway, basically I wanted to know why most of you are so sure of an Angle-Brock ME, as I Just don't see it. Brock-RVD seems the most logical, if only due to their history, and Brock-Booker is something else that may get over huge if they choose to push Booker T for once, as anyone but the job bitch, zany sidekick who is supposed to be a job bitch, or most over guy in the match who doesn't get the win, but at least he doesn't job. Unless you count the beating he suffered at the hands of those two fat Samoan guys...


I kind of went off on a tangent, but I think I made the point clear :huh:

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

If there is any justice, Lesnar will lose at WM, and be sent down to the lower midcard, where he should be, to "pay his dues".




And the Angle/Lesnar thing..Jim Ross apparently thinks it's "special" according to the Hoss Report a few weeks ago.

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Guest Brian

Just like Angle did, Brock will. Once he drops the title, he will have to pay his dues to make sure he doesn't get a big head. But, when he loses the title he'll be one of three or four (depending who beats him), so unless he's putting over someone first to get up to the next tier, than it's useless.

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Guest Angle-plex

I think the WM main event will be Edge vs Lesnar. Edge is getting the big face push that a guy in the WM main event should be getting.

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Guest Anglesault

I think lesnar should be sent away for 6 months after Mania, to drop some weight and not suck.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

For me...it's process of elimination.


First of all, I think Brock will still have the title at Mania...so he's a lock.


Regardless of how much power they have, they will not main event Mania with Taker (becuase the time they did BOMBED) or HHH (because he would have to lose if he mained again...and he won't)


So we are left with a bunch of people who aren't considered big enough to main event: RVD, Benoit, Eddy, Jericho (mark my words...he'll NEVER get there again), Booker and so on.


Then there is Angle and Rock.


the company gainst nothing with Rock going over Brock, cause he'll be gone agian anyway.


So Angle wins by process of elimination.


Congratulations, Kurt...we book on napkins.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Don't forget that with the PPV split coming next year, they won't have Brock defend against any RAW guy. The only exception they will make is if it means HHH is unifying the titles.

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Guest Brian

But if they need to have HHH win the title, then they probably won't be having the split pay per views. The unified title is counter productive to the split.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I thought Meltzer wrote that they had postponed plans to add ppvs,because someone in the brain trust noticed that the business wasn't right for expansion.

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What about The Rock? More than likely, he will be back by then. Also, what about Stone Cold? Surely, him or Vince will probably "kiss & make up" by then. Also, don't forget Hogan. Also, what about Goldberg. What if the WWE signs him, at the beginning of next year, and get Austin back; Austin vs. Goldberg is definately ME.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Even if they signed Goldberg and brought Austin back, the title match would be the main event.


And neither of them would be the champion, because neither of them will beat Brock.


It would be like Rock/Hogan.


Not the main event.

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Guest BobbyBacklund

The WWF gains a HUGE buyrate with ROck/Brock, and its not like they have much to do with future planning. Besides, Angle as a face would bomb tremendously, I mean I like him and all, but he doesn't seem like face right now, plus they would need time to establish him in time for Wrestlemania, and build a proper storyline. Logically, it seems like Rock-Brock is the plan.


Personally, I would like to see Booker T if only because he could be a "surprise" opponent tomorrow,(Or Thursday, whatever) to win the title, and he would probably be a bonafide main eventer as he is the most over face in the WWE, MAYBE with the exception of RVD, who has all that history with Brock and would therefore be the best choice by FAR. This isn't happening for obvious reasons, so the best I can hope for is Angle personally, but I just don't see it happening. Just personal opinion of course. (I never seriously EDDY~! or Benoit for a spot in the ME, because I've given up on these two) :(

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Guest Anglesault

Here's my theory. The WWF knows that Brock sucks. But to be stubborn, they want to keep the belt on him til Wrestlemania. At Wrestlemania, they want someone to carry Brock to a good match so people think he doesn't suck. However, vince being Vince, only wants a WWF guy to do it. Angle is your best choice.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Actually..aren't they not sure of the buyrate until months later?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That's basically the same as my theory.


But don't worry Edge fans, because we all know who will be taking the title off of Kurt after that.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"Actually..aren't they not sure of the buyrate until months later? "




At this point right now the WWE would probably be getting official #s on KOTR

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I'm gonna laugh if all the PPV's Lesnar headlines w/o Rocky bomb. Really.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Dude, he's facing Taker and then Taker again.


I think a bomb would be generous.

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Guest godthedog

i'm very torn about predicting an angle main event win at wrestlemania.


logically, he has had the best year of anybody in the company, is basically the man right now, and has all the qualities required for somebody to build the company around.


but this main event depends on an angle face turn. and if this is the guy who's going to lead the wwf into the future, he needs a LOT of face momentum going into wrestlemania and we've gotten no hint of that so far. if he's getting the belt, they need to turn him, & they need to turn him now. as in, the smackdown directly after no mercy. and i just don't see that happening.

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Guest Brian

By the end of the two teaming, Benoit and Angle, one of them should be face going into the blow-off of their feud.

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Not to say that I know what the main event will be, but I can't see them giving the main event of the biggest show of the year to two guys who have never been legitimate main eventers before. Angle has been given a shot here and there, but it's not like he's HHH or The Rock who are pretty much staples of the Main Event scene. True, Brock has not been around long enough to main event that many PPVs, but than he hasn't been around that long at all. Creatively, it seems like a good idea because both guys have never main evented a PPV without one of the traditional WWF ME alongside them, and it inject some new life to the scene. Financially, it will probably be a bust as neither guy would be over in the positions that people expect them to be in(Angle as face and Brock as Heel). Maybe if they push them hard enough they will become bonafide main eventers, but haven't we said the same thing about Benoit, Angle(again), Guerrero many times in the past? The WWF pushes who they want, and what makes you think they all of a sudden want to push Angle?


Lesnar will most likely be fed to the Rock, whether most of you like it or not. I Know the Rock isn't selfish, but I don't think the WWF has any faith in the new guys, so they will just rely on the Rock to avenge his loss at Summerslam. Far-fetched, but as of this moment it makes more sense.


I honestly believe that Wrestlemania will draw more if they have Booker T as a face who wins, as that's an actual moment that can show some significance in the future. He's been ready for so long, and this might be puts him over the top. The fans obviously want to see him win anyway, so I don't see the harm. Maybe even RVD, I know many of you don't like him(I'm not that fond either) but I think he's over, pops the crowd during the match, and would make more sense to beat Brock than any other guy, if only because of their history. With either of these two, you could build a new star.


Anyway, basically I wanted to know why most of you are so sure of an Angle-Brock ME, as I Just don't see it. Brock-RVD seems the most logical, if only due to their history, and Brock-Booker is something else that may get over huge if they choose to push Booker T for once, as anyone but the job bitch, zany sidekick who is supposed to be a job bitch, or most over guy in the match who doesn't get the win, but at least he doesn't job. Unless you count the beating he suffered at the hands of those two fat Samoan guys...


I kind of went off on a tangent, but I think I made the point clear :huh:

Even though he's booked in a manner to make him look like shit, Vince seems to likes Kurt and given Kurt and Brock's backgrounds and the fact that it's one thing smarks have been begging for, that's why they are teasing Angle as Brock's main event oppentent at Wrestlemania.


But it won't happen, or if it does happen Brock will have already dropped the title and lost.....


If Austin returns to the company or they finally get Golberg to sign with the WWF, they automatically get the WM main event spot and be the one who beats Lesner and ending his streak/taking the belt. BUT if that doesn't some to pass, HHH will get the spot. He will either 1. main event Mania and win or 2. Gets to beat Brock and unify the belts BEFORE WM and sending Brock to WM in a meaningless match against some challenger, most likely Kurt Angle because of the fact that it's something people want to see.


If the Angle/Brock title main event DOES happen, the following things must happen:


1. Angle has to be pulled from SD and sent to Raw and stay there until WM


2. Angle must turn face


3. Angle must beat HHH for the Fake Belt and keep the belt until WM so he can unify the belts at WM


HHH has a vested interest in being the one who defeats Brock and re-unifies the belts and has the stroke to sabatoge Angle so he either doesn't get the chance to do so or make sure that when he faces Brock it's a meaningless midcard match. And Angle also has to deal with Vince getting desperate and bringing back Austin/signing Golberg to be the one who beats Brock. Unless he can deal with these threats, Angle is fucked....

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Guest BaldFish
I predict HHH vs Brock with HHH beating Brock clean for his first loss.

You are so totally right about this, and I hate it.

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Guest AndrewTS
I thought Meltzer wrote that they had postponed plans to add ppvs,because someone in the brain trust noticed that the business wasn't right for expansion.

*Gasp* How soon until he's fired?


I'd like to think it would be a singles match though...although we could have a good match going on while Brock is busy with someone else.

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Guest Brian

Unifying the titles is counter productive to the split, especially with no mid-card belts.

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Guest CaptRiker

While I think Brock will hold the title til WM, I dunno if you can predict the main event this early. This time last year, would you really have thought it would be Rock vs Hulk Hogan and HHH against WWF Champion Chris Jericho ?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

It's only been five years since Bret Hart put Steve Austin into the main event scene for the rest of his career, and you already assume that there is no elevation in the company.


Sure, Brock will lose, but it will be to someone they want to elevate. I think it's clear the Same Old Song & Dance and main event scene is not burning up the ratings. Talk about the glass ceiling all you want, but even HHH reports to somebody, and they'll tell him to get out of the way if he wants Lesnar to roll over for him.


I don't think he has the balls to suggest such a thing, because they'll see what a huge part of the problem he is. At this point, they must feel the positives (his old good run) are outweighing the negatives (his current run)

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Guest Nater

Why are people so anti-brock?


New blood champs is exactly what the WWE needed to liven things up with geezers like Hogan and Nash running around the Main Events when Brock came on the scene.


I partied for 3 days nonstop when Brock beat Rock, it seemed like for that moment, the WWE was doing something that a good portion of Smarks agreed on (Sure it wasnt Benoit or Angle beating Rock but hey, lets be realistic) which was giving the title to somebody FRESH and NOT WORN out like Taker, HHH, or Rock.


Yeah sure, brock is in my sig.. but hes the only World Champ that I think should have the belt currently.

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