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Guest brokentusk16

Idea for Buffy spin-off

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Guest brokentusk16

If the show does end this season (which I think it should), UPN will most likely want a spin-off to hold the tuesday slot. So, why not give Faith a time to shine? Let's get into specifics:


Show's name: Faith


Characters: Faith, Spike, Willow, and (a new character of some kind)


Premise: With Buffy retired/dead/whatever, Faith decides to fight the good fight as the offical Slayer. She gets a pardon from prison (the government knows about demons and decides to keep a slayer in their corner in case of any supernatural trouble). Spike and Willow, both recovering from thier pasts, join Faith in her adventures. Along the way they meet new enemies and make a friend or two. Wackiness ensues.


Buffy/Angel characters reappearing for occasional guest shots: Giles, Xander, Wesley, Lorne, Whistler (demon guide from Buffy season 2 finale)


Additions? Comments?

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Guest Marshall

But thats just Buffy without Buffy. It's crazy. You should take Faith out of Sunnydale and add a completly new set of charactors.

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Guest Youth N Asia



WHat makes Buffy great is the relationship with the supporting characters. Angel season 3 was the first season where all the characters really clicked together, it takes time.


I like Faith, but I don't think she could carry the show, Angel's different cause there's a lot they could do with it ,and Willow and Faith would not mesh together.


It'd seem too much like Buffy 2

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