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Guest BorneAgain

The Old School Nickelodeon Shows Thread

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Guest Razor Roman
Holy crap! I totally forgot about Count Duckula!


Danger Mouse was the best of those 3, though

No doubt, DM ruled. He was our official mascot in my apartment when I interned at Disney World. The motto was simple: Don't fuck with Danger Mouse.



I should get a T-shirt made of that!

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Guest DerangedHermit
Damn I miss Classic Nick, and If I can recall wasn't Steve Buchemi in one episode of Pete and Pete where he had a RC Car and raced it against the Pete's Dad? Pete and Pete had some wicked storylines.

It had him, as well as former SNL cast member Ellen Cleghorne, Iggy Pop, Michael Stipe, and Adam West in regular/semi-regular roles, and guest appearances by Selma Blair, Chris Elliott, Janeane Garofalo, and Johnny Unitas.

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Guest Prototype450

Welcome Freshman was awesome. So was the Tommorow People. These were good shows. One had action and the other had comedy.


Now we have Degrassi and that 24/7 crap that accurately shows high school and middle school life.


Geez times change.


i bet the younger kids will talk about how they miss Rocket Power (which is the only Nick show I like now.)

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Guest RevEvil
Are you afraid of the dark only a few good eps in my view. The one with the girl in the mirror in the house across the street was actually good.


But the standout was the tale of the pinball wizard where a kid gets stuck in a pinball game. Me and my friend sat there and ridiculed the show the whole way through it was just dreadful.


The first season was cool because there were nearly as many bad endings as there were good. However, the later seasons almost always had happy endings. Also, the midnight society segments went downhill once Rachel Blanchard and co. were replaced by people like Tucker.

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Guest NoCalMike

I remember I liked Are you afraid of the dark for a little while but a couple of seasons in it just started to suck.


I remember when I was a little younger, David the Gnome was a favorite of mine...hahaha.


On my satellite, I have a Nick Games channel, a Nick Jr, a Nick-at-night, and a Nick Toons(besides regular nickelodeon of course)


I think the a-hole in Salute your shorts was Eddie Furlong's friend in T2.....


Hey Dude was cool. That native american/mexican guy was f-ing annoying. The only episode I remember clear as day is the lucky penny episode.


You Can't do that on television was so cool because I swear that EVERYONE on the cast was so NORMAL looking. They weren't like now-a-days where every girl on a tv show has to be a "future model of america" it was just your normal everyday kids that could act.....

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Old-school Nick should have a resurgance on its own Digital Cable/Satellite station. I mean, "Pete & Pete" is still on Noggin during its THE N hours (late night to early morning, designed for teenagers), so why not an all-out "old-school Nickelodeon" channel?

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Guest Nevermortal

They'd have to show my other favorite show, Wild & Crazy Kids. That show was the shit.

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Guest DerangedHermit

What is everybody's favorite Nickelodeon show now? That is if they still watch it at all.....

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Guest Eagan469
What is everybody's favorite Nickelodeon show now? That is if they still watch it at all.....

Speed Racer X and Tiny Toon Adventures - the only 2 reasons to watch Nick nowadays

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Guest Eagan469

By the way - you guys know that Nickelodeon:GAS on digital cable shows ALL the old Nick game shows, right?


Noggin shows Pete And Pete and Clarissa Explains It All

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
What is everybody's favorite Nickelodeon show now? That is if they still watch it at all.....

Salute Your Shorts was the greatest.

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Guest Nevermortal
Legends of the Hidden Temple OWNED All Game Shows.

I loved that show, hated the contestants. All of them were fucking stupid. All of them. The best part was when the Temple Guards raped them.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I can't remember if this was on Nick when I was a kid, but I watched Fraggle Rock all the time.

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Guest hardyz1

Salute Your Shorts rocked.


Hey Dude was cool. That native american/mexican guy was f-ing annoying. The only episode I remember clear as day is the lucky penny episode.

What about "Jed"?

How about Ted handcuffing himself to Brad only to find out they were real and not magician props?

What about Mr. Ernst wrestling Capt. Lou Albano?

How about when Ted and Melanie came back and heard people rehearsing for a play but using real names so Ted and Mel though they were going to kill Mr. Ernst?

Or the time Mr. Ernst beat up the guy who was stealing from the safe?

Or the Capture the Flag game? "Ted is a Dork...I don't get it"


How about I get some mental help? Yikes.

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Guest Eagan469

Funny thing is, the capture the flag episodes of Hey Dude and Salute Your Shorts were the best of both series.

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Guest Razor Roman

Fraggle Rock was most definately on HBO.


I used to love Danger Mouse when I was a kid, as well as when they used to show re-runs of Rocky & Bullwinkle.


As far as their shows go nowadays, I must say that I get a kick out of Spongebob.

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Guest Dmann2000
Hey, what was the name of that high-school soap-opera like show Nick did? The only thing I remember is that the basketball player had this blonde chick as a girlfriend and he was drinking. God I used to goof on that show...

That would be "Fifteen" which I watched religiously

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Do you remember what happened to everyone? Did billy get a basketball scholarship or did he drink it away?...

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