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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I hate White Trash!

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Guest Big McLargeHuge
I want to hear the same people complaining about "Trailer Park Trash" to start complaining about "Ghetto Garbage" and the immigrant and 2nd generation Mexicans who don't find it a priority to adjust to the American culture.


I live in an agricultural part of Cali where Mexians are beginning to out-number whites(I will be relocating soon enough.), as far as being inconsiderate, not speaking the appropriate language while not caring, thinking they can do anything they want since Mexico was no-holds-barred and exploiting the system I'd choose a "Redneck" over an uncouth Mexian any day. I'm tired of having to put up with them everywhere I go and having to adjust to them instead of them adjusting to the American culture.


I was in Oakland and wandered around not knowing where I was headed a few weeks back and I did make contact with the "Ghetto Garbage" and it wasn't pleasant.


Even though I am the ultimate cynic, I can see it's too easy to judge someone who grew up under certain circumstances that made them the way they are. I do hate the people who grew up a certain way, but once they enter adulthood or move to a place where the culture is different they fail to evolve, adapt and reach a certain level of sophistication.

It also bothers me when immigrants don't learn English. Especially if moving to the States is permanent.


but then again, what is "american" cutlure anyway?

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Guest J*ingus

I wasn't racist until I came into contact with the large Mexican population here in Nashville (no, really). These people ARE the stereotype. Maybe 10% of them speak any English at all, which leads me to believe that 90% of them are illegals (you generally have to speak English in the immigration tests). They're always piled four or five at a time into one car. They have a tendency to glare at wealthier white people, like "how DARE you have more money than me, cracker?". I mean, it's BAD.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Of course black people are entertaining, that's why we sing and play basketball.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"No, I was just saying that about the general race, not just the ghetto folks, even if they are more entertaining than the well-off ones."


I know -- I was kidding.


I guess the moral of all this is if you have to be near some sort of trash, best it be ghetto trash so you can have a laugh or two -- but be sure to keep one hand on your wallet...

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Take what? I always have one hand on my wallet, ever since I caught someone trying to pick my pocket (he was white, btw)...

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Guest Incandenza
Of course black people are entertaining, that's why we sing and play basketball.

You forgot dancing.

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