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Guest saturnmark4life

please nominate me a key

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Guest saturnmark4life

right now, for some reason or other my 1/exclamation mark isn't working. I dunno when in the near future i can be arsed to fix it, so i've decided to let you, my mostly beloved smart marks to decide which otherwise functionless key i should use in it's place. some possibilities would be


the €, as in PERRY SATURN~€


the %, as in THE SMITHS~%


the {, as in KING OF THE WORLD~{


or even the }, as in CHEAT TO WIN~}


i give you the floor. You see how hard my life as an online mark is. Help.


EDIT: no wise guy i can't be bothered to paste one all the time. I'm that lazy, and this is mildly more fun.

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Guest areacode212

It actually takes less time to paste (CTRL-V) in a ~! then it would to type in ~}.

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Guest saturnmark4life

i thought the euro and percentage signs looked best, yeah. And that a good point that most people here don't have the euro, so it would be a personal touch.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I don't think i've EVER seen the percentage sign used on this board. I'd assume talk of gross domestic product and the like in current events would require it, but i don't really go in there. It certainly looks better with the'~'. And really, that's what i'm going to use it for, sigh.


AWK~% hmm.

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Guest saturnmark4life

i've decided to use the ~%, cos it looks tidiest. So now i guess people will be asking me why for a while. oh well,


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