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Guest Sandman9000

Well, I've Accepted That Yanks Are Gone

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Guest JHawk
All teams derive the same revenue from the national tv contract regardless of how many times they're on.


Then show the other teams.


It's much easier to broadcast an east coast game than a west coast or even central time game, due to the time differences.


That still doesn't explain why I tuned in for Indians-Reds on the Cleveland FOX affiliate and got the fucking Yankees-Mets series instead.

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Guest Anglesault

Ratings, my friend. There are New Yorkers spread out all over the country (Watch almost ANY Yankee game and you can here a "Let's Go Yankees chant.) and the Mets and Yankees rivalry is intriguing, especially after Clemens/Piazza And no offense, but really, outside of Ohio, no one cares about the Reds or the Indians. I'd say it's safe to assume are enough Yankee fans in Ohio to get a good number, plus non fans who just want to see what could be a dramatic game.

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Guest JHawk

Are you kidding me?


Watch any Indians game outside of Yankee Stadium, and 90% of the time there are more Indians fans in attendance. You can tell from the pop. In fact, I see more Red Sox fans than Yankees fans in Ohio.


The Clemens/Piazza argument has some merit, I'll give you that, but a few things as far as the myth that it would draw better in Ohio goes:


1. Outside of last year where the Yankees lost the Series, the ratings for the Series have dropped every year the Yankees were in it during their run.


2. It's called regional coverage, and New York ain't regional when the Ohio teams are playing at the same time. They're not allowed to show it on cable opposite national coverage, but they won't show it on the local affiliate? I could maybe...and I emphasize maybe...buy it on the Youngstown affiliate. But the Cleveland affiliate? That's inexcusable.

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Guest Anglesault

Never said more Yankee fans, I said they were there.


It's called regional coverage, and New York ain't regional when the Ohio teams are playing at the same time. They're not allowed to show it on cable opposite national coverage, but they won't show it on the local affiliate? I could maybe...and I emphasize maybe...buy it on the Youngstown affiliate. But the Cleveland affiliate? That's inexcusable.


That 's strange. The only think I can think of, was it this year? Cause I mean, there isn't much to root for, so maybe they figured it out that way.

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Guest JHawk

I think it was 2001 now that you mentioned it. When they weren't rebuilding. When they didn't suck. THat makes it even more inexcusable in my eyes.

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Guest Vern Gagne

If the New York teams are good for ratings. Why did the Mets-Yankees World Series draw such low numbers.

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Guest Sandman9000

Backlash against New York for various reasons, I'm guessing.


That and the fact that the Mets suck. Don't care that they were in the World Series, they still suck.

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