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Guest BoboBrazil

Changes Being Made To Raw And Smackdown

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Guest BoboBrazil

When WWE people got to Raw yesterday, they found out the company wanted to get Raw back on track and had some ideas for positive changes in mind. The wrestlers were told by the agents that:


1) Vince McMahon is going to have the Creative Team write more storyline stuff (such as "Kane is a murderer" or Victoria's issue from the past with Trish, etc.) into the shows and also that Vince is very high on the new direction.


2) In order to get some of Smackdown's successful formula onto Raw, Michael Hayes has been moved to the Raw team, while Bruce Prichard, who works out of home due to personal issues, has been moved to Smackdown.


From what I heard, half of the boys thought it was a great idea. Some thought, "Vince still doesn't get what Heyman does, so he figures Michael can explain it to Brian Gerwertz." Still others reportedly felt kind that Smackdown may even improve with one less person for Heyman to argue with involved in the mix.



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Guest JHawk
When WWE people got to Raw yesterday, they found out the company wanted to get Raw back on track and had some ideas for positive changes in mind. The wrestlers were told by the agents that:


1) Vince McMahon is going to have the Creative Team write more storyline stuff (such as "Kane is a murderer" or Victoria's issue from the past with Trish, etc.) into the shows and also that Vince is very high on the new direction.


2) In order to get some of Smackdown's successful formula onto Raw, Michael Hayes has been moved to the Raw team, while Bruce Prichard, who works out of home due to personal issues, has been moved to Smackdown.


From what I heard, half of the boys thought it was a great idea. Some thought, "Vince still doesn't get what Heyman does, so he figures Michael can explain it to Brian Gerwertz." Still others reportedly felt kind that Smackdown may even improve with one less person for Heyman to argue with involved in the mix.



Does Vince know that even the casual fans he has left took a shit on the murder angle and that it's not just us? Or did he confuse the apathetic silence in the arena for heel heat again?

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Guest DJ Jeff

Being one of the die hard WWE fans, I just thought I'd say that I like this murder angle, and I hope the WWE doesn't fuck it up like they do basically every angle they had this year. Besides the nWo, this should be the best angle thus far.

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Guest BoboBrazil

I like the murder angle too. I made a thread about it last night asking if I was the only one that liked it :)

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Guest tetsubeav
I amazed how, 30 seconds into the angle, people are already complaining.

I'm amazed that you're acting like any good can come of this.


Why not write up a little post explaining how this "angle" could work for the better?

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Guest chirs3

I can't see how any good can come of this. It's like when the Ministry was going to sacrifice Stephanie. Good natured laughs, then nervous "Uh... wait, are they really running with this shit?"

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Guest Eagan469

The thing is, you know the outcome is going to be either Kane saying "I didn't mean to kill her, it was an accident", or someone else did it.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
I amazed how, 30 seconds into the angle, people are already complaining.

Usually we complain about how the angle is being carried out. This is different. The very idea behind this angle is stupid. It's like the new Superman script. You don't need to see the finished product to realize it sucks.


BTW, about Smackdown need improvement. The only way I would change it is by trading Faarooq, D'Von, Henry, Rikishi & Taker for Storm, Christian, Booker, Jericho & Hurricane.

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Guest Brian

The only good thing I can see coming of this is that Raven bring in sick boy and parts of his new flock. But even then, they'll probably just be beaten by Kane and made into non-threats. The other thing that could be really good in the short-term but probably horrible in the long-term is that Hurricane turns because of his affiliation with V(get the F out)ick. But how much of a threat can you make him, and how will he do outside of his division, and what's the point if his momentum isn't probably going to be utilized; especially since he can't touch the cruiserweight division.


The only people that SmackDown could use are Booker and Jericho. Christian and Storm are weak. Hurricane is playing super heavy still. Maybe Regal and Golddust...

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The thing is, you know the outcome is going to be either Kane saying "I didn't mean to kill her, it was an accident", or someone else did it.

Or HHH turning out to be the REAL killer and that he was framing Kane for the crime in order to turn the fans against him....

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

So you would rather have Mark Henry & Faarooq than Christian & Storm. They are talented, that's all I care about. They can be made strong.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Here's my view on the whole murder angle.


For anyone with the merest shred of intelligence, it should be an insult. We all know wrestling lies on "suspense of belief"..but..c'mon. This is stupid on so many levels..


It's easy to see. Cut out the SE shit, and the absurdly long promos and segments. Only have the champion in one or two segments, instead of ALL OVER the show. Let the guys who can wrestle, wrestle..and give them time. Keep wastes of flesh like Big Show and Jeff Hardy in short matches.


Hell..just give Heyman the whole fucking book.

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Guest AndrewTS
The only good thing I can see coming of this is that Raven bring in sick boy and parts of his new flock. But even then, they'll probably just be beaten by Kane and made into non-threats.

I was thinking about the possibility of a new Flock. Of course, Jeff Hardy is perfect for the Flock, already looking really creepy and not at all shocking to imagine him in the group due to it's underlying homoerotic overtones. Big Show would be fine for the Flock as well, playing a new Reese. And remember that likely most of the Flock members wouldn't wrestle much. Booya!

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Guest Trivia247

heres some minor changes












Takes a breath

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