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Guest Ravenbomb

Clerks TAS to Comedy Central

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Guest Ravenbomb

I just got this e-mail:

Sorry to interrupt.... whatever or whomever you may be doing at the moment,

but I just discovered this community and just had to join. As you can see

below, ClerksTAS is kinda special to me.


I'm sure we've all heard the great news about Comedy Central getting the

rights to air ClerksTAS. Who knows, perhaps the ratings will be strong

enough to warrant more episodes.


Anyway, I'll letcha get back to your respective lives.


Take care



I hope there're more episodes, cause that'd be totally crazy go nuts.

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Guest Karnage

I don't got CC (since I'm Canadian), but are they going to air the episodes from the DVD or like brand new eps?

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Guest Ravenbomb

The only ones that are in existance are the DVD ones. But hopefully CC will allow new ones to be made.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I hope so..there's only 6 episodes to begin with and I already have them on dvd, not much of a reason to watch the old ones.

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Guest Ravenbomb

to help the ratings so comedy central has more of a reason to make new ones.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I don't think that any new eps would be made, at least not right away, since there's still an animated Clerks film planned, right? Then again... maybe they would make new episodes to cross-promote the animated movie. I don't know, I liked the animated "Clerks" quite a bit, but never picked up the DVD (although I did rent it).

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Guest Human Fly

The show is/was classic. It would be awesome if they would make new episodes but I don't think it would be possible right now. Smith is still working on "Jersey Girl" that will be another 6 months at least before that comes out. So even if they tried to really move I'd be surprised if there weren't new episodes (if at all) until 2004.

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Guest jimmy no nose

Kevin said that they recieved an offer a while back from MTV to pick up the old episodes plus more to have a complete season and pretty much everyone involved in the show agreed that they want to wait until after the animated movie to make new episodes. He just said that about 3 weeks ago, so I doubt anything has changed.

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Guest Marshall

Jersey Girl is out November 2003. Then if the animated movie happens it'll be late 2004. I wouldn't get your hopes up for new episodes. Besides it wasn't that great, the commentries are ten times better than the show.

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Guest Ravenbomb

the first episode admittedly wasn't as good as the rest. If you only watched part of the first episode then you only saw part of the worst episode. Watch episode 2 or episode 5.

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Guest converge241

im guessing it wouldnt be cost - effective to do the series on CC


new episodes that is

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Guest Incandenza

I'd rather not watch any of the other episodes. I hated the first that much.


Anyway, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back may've been lame, but Kevin Smith has earned brownie points from me for naming his new film after a Tom Waits song.

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