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The jeff hardy-gay thing

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Out of curiousity, where did the whole thing about Jeff Hardy being queer get started at? Has Jeff openly stated himself being a homosexual or is the whole thing just inuendo spread around by us internet smarks?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Really?  I always just assumed it was because he acts like it 24/7, and everyone picked up on it.  That stupid dancing he does before his matches is a good sign.

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Guest The Paul

I heard that he had a girlfriend but people have  just labelled him gay because of the way he dresses and the way that he talks. He may be a bit different but I doubt that he's really gay.

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Guest jimmy no nose

People always told me that, but I always thought they were just saying that until one day he showed up on Raw with purple hair, polished nails, something that resembled a skirt, and a purse wrapped around his chest.  I've believed them ever since.

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Guest The Paul
People always told me that, but I always thought they were just saying that until one day he showed up on Raw with purple hair, polished nails, something that resembled a skirt, and a purse wrapped around his chest.  I've believed them ever since.


He's just a bit different doesn't mean he's gay. Some guys like to dress weirdly, Dye there hair obscene colours and paint there nails just let them get on with it. Most gay people that I have known have not been like that at all.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Jeff has no fashion sense, therefore he is not gay.  His clothing is an odd mish-mash of raver and punk, designed to maximize potential popularity to various cliques.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

if i recall correctly, the hardys had an interview with somebody towards the end of last year where jeff all but came out.  he was responding to a question about his lifestyle, and he said something which when read into slightly came across as he being homosexual or at least bi.  something about alternative lifestyles and trying new things i believe

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

Try new things? hect, I'm 22 and I'm not tired yet of nuting pussy, dang!


btw, Jude... I don't think that's any of our biz...

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Guest SplendidStorm

I honestly dont think it should matter nor should we be that concerned about it...It does raise the question though...If he actually came out and said he was gay, how would the locker room respond to it?

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Guest Maurizio C... Version 2

... no matter what, it would eventually involve Bradshaw and baby oil.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

If it bothered any of them, I don't think they would say anything, as Pat Patterson is openly gay, and as far as I know, hasn't been harrassed.

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Guest theWCWRaider

It might be different than the Patterson thing though, because afterall, Pat Patterson is an agent, and he has an aweful lot of influence in the company, so he's not likely to receive that much.

I honestly don't know how the locker room would react, and if it involved Bradshaw and baby oil, I would say that Jeff Hardy would have a real good law suit on his hands if he chose to do so.


I honestly think it wouldn't matter that much to the rest of the locker room though, but I could be wrong.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

maybe that's why the hardy's got back together?


seriously, where have they been the last few weeks?

retooling again?

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Guest The Paul
maybe that's why the hardy's got back together?


seriously, where have they been the last few weeks?

retooling again?


Aparently they haven't been on TV because the creative team have no clue what to do with them.

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Guest Loss4Words

Well, I'm gay and usually mistakenly intimidate most people I know because of my size and butchness, I've never worn makeup, and all the other stuff that was mentioned doesn't apply to me.


I don't think it's a stretch to say Jeff Hardy is effeminate, but he's hardly gay. He's just alternative.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Jeff Hardy is as gay as Tom Cruise.  Meaning that many people think he is, but there is no confirmation.

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Guest Loss4Words

Well, if you're going to base whether someone is gay or not on their masculinity only, is there a reason all the Jeff Hardy gossip is always going on when NO ONE says anything about Chris Jericho, who is more effeminate than anyone in the WWF, at least when he's playing his character.


I don't think Chris is gay at all, just making my point.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

That's because Jericho just does it to mock people.  Who knows why Jeff does it?

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Guest Choken One

Based on the fact that he is Married and has a weenie canada Dick, we can rule out his gayness. However, Maybe Jeff Hardy does it just to show your idiocy and lack of education of Culture.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

I think the reason that many people think Jeff is gay is because he dies his hair "rainbow" and paints his fingernails.  Stupid reasons, but those are why many people think that he is, as far as I can tell.


I have a hunch that he is, just because he pops up on my gay-dar.  But my gay-dar isn't very accurate, as I didn't know a good friend of mine was gay until I found out he was in P.R.I.D.E, our campus' GLBT student organization.

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Guest Anglesault

Maurizio, you're an idiot.


And it sucks when Gay-dar punks out doesn't it, Yodeler? :)

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Guest Midnight Express83

Jeff Hardy gay thing is a joke by most people. There is no proof and whatever is said is just bullshit. He might be, he minght not. He is different. Jericho is different, but Jericho is the 80's hairband different. Jeff Hardy is the Culture Club meets raves different.

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Well, I'm gay and usually mistakenly intimidate most people I know because of my size and butchness, I've never worn makeup, and all the other stuff that was mentioned doesn't apply to me.

Loss4Words you are a fag??????? For real your not kiddin with me????? That takes alot of guts to come out.......your a good guy man. Alot of people are afraid but it is nice to see you are not. You should not take shit from antigays man....you gota fight for what you beleive in like all great heros.


Jeff Hardy also is not a fag I don't think........you guys are jsut being bitches. Cause a man paints his nails don't make him like that. You gota to respect that man for being who he is and all. If Jeff ever says he is gay I will say good for him even if I don't like the man no more.


Anglesault you are right Marizzo is an idiot. He just said that shit and did not even try to give us boys the cronkite on what he is tryin to say.

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Guest InigoMontoya

If we judge people by their appearance, especially being wrestling fans, than who in the roster can we call "straight"?

Most wear nice colourful tights, and others wear meat hangers (HHH ones for lack of a better word). We all know that tight shirts are a homosexual steryotype, and most of them wear skin tight clothes when not wrestling.

You could also include most alternate bands. Heaps of those guys paint their nails etc.

So really, if you saw him in the street, you would wonder, but in the wwf, I really don't see how he can be judged by what he wears.

(Now just sit back and wait for guys to find something here that makes me sound homophobic.)

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Guest alexcc79

xkiller....you are a moron.  I'm glad that you approve of Loss4Words, but don't call him a fag.  That would be like calling someone an n-word after they say they are proud of being black.  If you want to look openminded, don't feed the oppression by using anti-homesexual terms.  I'm straight, and I still say homosexual.  That's called compassion.  Learn how to use it.  In your quest to look straight while approving of an alternative lifestyle, all you did was feed into the antigay stigma that dominates America.

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I don't mean fag in a bad way you shithead......I was always teached some gays like be called fagget. It is not like I told Loss4words I would stirng him up just cause he likes guys.  I am black to and only my boys can call me nigga. If some cop or soem shit says that then it is on. If any one is a moron you are that moron......you are the one who wants to start up some shit I ain't lettin you finish.

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