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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

TV Shows That Should Be on DVD

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Just list some of your favorite tv shows that should be on DVD.


I say Daria (Obviously) and Family Guy

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Guest Daredevil21

Now that the Simpsons has been immortalized on DVD, I think that Seinfeld is the next "MUST" for a DVD release. A lot of people hate the show, but I tend to think those who do just don't like to think a little when watching a comedy. They prefer the format of something like Friends that just slaps you in the face with the "joke." ANYWAY, for those of us who do love the show, just think of how great some of these DVD's can be. The first season or two aren't classic, but they would get enough lovin' from us hardcore fans who are able to find a nice amount of humor in them. Commentary tracks with directors and cast members could be just great. I'd pay an arm and a leg to hear Newman's take on some of these shows.


When looking at the series alone, there are simply too many classics that need that special DVD attention. I honestly don't know how so many mediocre or downright terrible shows have gotten the go for DVD, but Seinfeld is a show that needs to be on the DVD format. There are a ton more that I'd like to see on DVD, but for now, I'd never ask for another show if we got Seinfeld on DVD.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff



I wouldn't even care if there were no commentary tracks. Just give me the originally aired episodes (not the edited syndicated ones), and I'll be a happy man.


Also - Seinfeld, Cheers, Futurama (region 1 release)

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Guest Eagan469

Adventures Of The Little Koala


Family Guy (R1)

Fraggle Rock


Salute Your Shorts

South Park (as season sets w/ commentaries by Matt and Trey for each episode)

Sports Night

That's My Bush!

The Critic

The Head

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Guest MDH257
Now that the Simpsons has been immortalized on DVD, I think that Seinfeld is the next "MUST" for a DVD release. A lot of people hate the show, but I tend to think those who do just don't like to think a little when watching a comedy. They prefer the format of something like Friends that just slaps you in the face with the "joke." ANYWAY, for those of us who do love the show, just think of how great some of these DVD's can be. The first season or two aren't classic, but they would get enough lovin' from us hardcore fans who are able to find a nice amount of humor in them. Commentary tracks with directors and cast members could be just great. I'd pay an arm and a leg to hear Newman's take on some of these shows.


When looking at the series alone, there are simply too many classics that need that special DVD attention. I honestly don't know how so many mediocre or downright terrible shows have gotten the go for DVD, but Seinfeld is a show that needs to be on the DVD format. There are a ton more that I'd like to see on DVD, but for now, I'd never ask for another show if we got Seinfeld on DVD.

I happen to like both "Friends" and "Seinfeld".

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Guest Daredevil21
Now that the Simpsons has been immortalized on DVD, I think that Seinfeld is the next "MUST" for a DVD release.  A lot of people hate the show, but I tend to think those who do just don't like to think a little when watching a comedy.  They prefer the format of something like Friends that just slaps you in the face with the "joke." ANYWAY, for those of us who do love the show, just think of how great some of these DVD's can be.  The first season or two aren't classic, but they would get enough lovin' from us hardcore fans who are able to find a nice amount of humor in them.  Commentary tracks with directors and cast members could be just great.  I'd pay an arm and a leg to hear Newman's take on some of these shows.


When looking at the series alone, there are simply too many classics that need that special DVD attention.  I honestly don't know how so many mediocre or downright terrible shows have gotten the go for DVD, but Seinfeld is a show that needs to be on the DVD format.  There are a ton more that I'd like to see on DVD, but for now, I'd never ask for another show if we got Seinfeld on DVD.

I happen to like both "Friends" and "Seinfeld".

I didn't say it was impossible for someone to like both, I just think that they're two pretty different shows. Seinfeld is a more sophisticated and wittier show, while Friends is more of an obvious type of comedy show, where everything you're supposed to laugh at is sort of amplified, whereas in Seinfeld's case, you could easily miss something hilarious just because it's more subtle. I'm not saying Friends can't have it's ok moments, but it's never really struck me as anything more than mediocre.

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Guest Karnage

The New Adventures Of Superman

X-Men (The 90s one, In a Season Box Set)

Knight Rider (R1)

The Tom Green Show (Comedy Network era, In a Season Box Set)

Futurama (R1)

Beavis & Butthead (In a Season Box Set)

And if its possible...an Deluxe Box set with the best of Conan O'Brien including all the Triumph skits and more.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Saved By The Bell

Salute Your Shorts

The Adventures Of Pete And Pete

Hey Dude



Family Guy

Sports Night

The Critic

Boy Meets World

Soul Food


Is Good Times already on DVD?

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Guest razazteca

Power Puffs has 4 DVDs out already


Space Ghost Coast 2 Coast DVD would be nice

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Guest Kagato Otaku

All I ask for is boxsets for Batman: The Animated Series.


I'd want Angel as well, but since those are already on R2, we're sure to get 'em...sometime.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416





'Nuff said.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Spots Night is coming out on DVD this year I think...


Oz season 2 and Buffy season 3 both come out Jan 7th, Whoo Hoo!!


I want to see Angel and Parker Lewis Can't Lose on dvd...any maybe the Mighty Max cartoon...kicked ass!

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Guest Mattdotcom


Batman: TAS

Batman (1960s)




South ParK: Season One SE is on the way.

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Guest franchise632




Knight Rider


and since Law and Order is on the way dont have to mention that one.


Saved by the Bell would be great too.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic



Amazing Race on a DVD set would rule, but it will never happen (Survivor will get that first if it happens)


Family Guy and King of the Hill are locks I would think..


CSI is probably a lock as well, although Im guessing it will be a while.


Seinfeld and Married with Children should have been out by now.


Small Wonder, cause that show ruled!


Might as well release TMNT cartoon series with the new one soon to be on FOX.

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Guest Smark Hammill
Now that the Simpsons has been immortalized on DVD, I think that Seinfeld is the next "MUST" for a DVD release.  A lot of people hate the show, but I tend to think those who do just don't like to think a little when watching a comedy.  They prefer the format of something like Friends that just slaps you in the face with the "joke." ANYWAY, for those of us who do love the show, just think of how great some of these DVD's can be.  The first season or two aren't classic, but they would get enough lovin' from us hardcore fans who are able to find a nice amount of humor in them.  Commentary tracks with directors and cast members could be just great.  I'd pay an arm and a leg to hear Newman's take on some of these shows.


When looking at the series alone, there are simply too many classics that need that special DVD attention.  I honestly don't know how so many mediocre or downright terrible shows have gotten the go for DVD, but Seinfeld is a show that needs to be on the DVD format.  There are a ton more that I'd like to see on DVD, but for now, I'd never ask for another show if we got Seinfeld on DVD.

I happen to like both "Friends" and "Seinfeld".

I didn't say it was impossible for someone to like both, I just think that they're two pretty different shows. Seinfeld is a more sophisticated and wittier show, while Friends is more of an obvious type of comedy show, where everything you're supposed to laugh at is sort of amplified, whereas in Seinfeld's case, you could easily miss something hilarious just because it's more subtle. I'm not saying Friends can't have it's ok moments, but it's never really struck me as anything more than mediocre.

I may be committing some incredible blasphemy here, but I am not as big a Seinfeld fan as I used to be. The show isn't aging well, and I'm not sure it is going to be acclaimed as highly as we initially thought in a historical context.


Seinfeld himself telegraphs the jokes because he can't deliver the line without looking like he's about to bust out laughing. Kind of reminds me of the actress that used to play Natalie on Facts of Life (what an awful show).

Let's just say that I never thought I would say this, but.......


................................Seinfeldisoverrated. THERE! I said it! I got it out. I can't believe I feel this way, but it's true, IMO. :(



I'm not sure I'll ever watch a Seinfeld rerun again so I can remember the show just as fondly as I used to.

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Guest Chuck Woolery
Amazing Race on a DVD set would rule, but it will never happen (Survivor will get that first if it happens)

I have the original Survivor series DVD, and it's basically the best parts of every single episode plus ghey character backgrounds. Seriously, if the Amazing Race DVD is this bad, you'll be wishing it had never come out.

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Guest TheHulkster


Is Larry Sanders on DVD yet? If not, then thats another pick for me.

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Guest The Voices In Your Head

I have just two:


South Park Seasons 2 and on [i'd like to see them continue with the new format they're going with]

The Kids in the Hall [i like the show enough that I tape the reruns that air at 2 AM on Comedy Central. I'm disappointed that they bumped the reruns from 1 PM to 2 AM. That's quite the jump.]

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