Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted October 10, 2002 - WWF Invasion of the Bodyslammers - Commercial for King of the Ring 1993 on Coliseum Home Video, Available (at the time) August 12, 1993. - Invasion of the Bodyslammers is hosted by Lord Alfred Hayes, Rev. Slick, & Kamala, who coincidentally is teaching Kamala how to bowl. Slick tries getting Kamala to wear bowling shoes. - Commentary for the matches by Jim Ross, Bobby Heenan, and Randy Savage. (Better than Mooney & Hayes) - Opening Match: Earthquake Vs. Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji): This is pre-Royal Rumble 1993 because Yokozuna isn't even discussed as #1 Contender and is still being pushed as a threat by the commentary team. Plus I have the date of the match. This is a Superstars dark match says the banner on the roof of the arena. Yokozuna does his squatting and Earthquake of course does his tremors jumping. Shovefest commences and they stall. Quake dodges Yokozuna and kicks him in the gut a few times. Shoulder-block is dead even several times, but Yokozuna is rocking. Clothesline by Earthquake stuns him, and 2 more drop him to his knees in the corner. Back elbow by Yokozuna and shoulder-block puts him down, followed by a MASSIVE leg drop. Throat Thrusts by Yokozuna, he Irish whips Earthquake and squashes him in the corner. Banzai Drop later and Yokozuna is the winner at 3:41. That was quick. DUD. Just a match to put Yokozuna over, just like all of the rest he had up to Wrestlemania IX. - Nasty Boys Vs. Berverly Brothers: This is either from an old Prime-time Wrestling or a Superstars dark match. Also I hate all Beverly Brothers matches so don't expect to get a good rating out of this one, especially since it's versus the Nasty Boys. Heenan says The Nasty Boys look better then Mike McGuirk. Ring Attendant outside looks A LOT like Jack Doan, current WWE Referee. Sags shoves Beau into the corner but gets hammered on, until he drops him with a shoulder-block and drops an elbow. Blake in, wait That's Beau. Knobbs in and he punches on Beau then hits a back elbow. Sags in and he puts the boots to Beverly. Knobbs sends Beau to the buckle but misses a charge. Wait, HE IS Blake. God Damn Heenan, he always messes me up. Knobbs with a hair pull face drop. Pitstop to Beau courtesy of Sags. Knobbs is taken down somewhere and gets sat on by Beau with the leap frog move. Neck-breaker by Blake and Beau tags back in. Double axe-handle to the back and he stomps away. Snap-mare and elbow drop gets a 2 count. Knobbs tries fighting back but Beau over powers him and connects with a body slam. To the top rope but Beau eats canvas, and Blake is back in. Low blow kick by Blake ALA Hardcore Holly of today and this math just drags on with no actual story. Knobbs beats Beau's ass on the apron but Blake takes over only to get his head slammed to the mat. Hot tag to both team members and Sags cleans house on Beau. HIGH back body drop and clothesline to Blake. slams to both Beverly's and a series of head-butts to Blake. Double face drop by Sags to the Beverly Bros. and Sags covers 1 of em for 2 and its BONZO GONZO. Bell is called at 6:46 and both teams have been Disqualified. 1/4*. Well, that wasn't too good. - Slick is unsuccessful with getting Kamala to wear bowling shoes so he leaves him at that. Did Alfred shrink?! Because Slick is like a whole foot taller then him. Slick & Alfred present him a bowling bowl designed like his belly, with the painting of a half moon and 6 pointed stars. - The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. Razor Ramon: This is around January 1993 as well, since I have the date of this match too. Undertaker's tolling of the bells gets a big cheer, and got even better when the lights went completely black. Mike Chiota is the referee here and has a lot more hair then he does today. Ramon tosses the toothpick at Taker and he walks off before he can do anything. Taker goes after him and Ramon goes back in. He puts the beating on Taker back in with roundhouse rights, and send Taker to the buckle, but its no sold and Taker with thrusts and walks the ropes, coming down with a clothesline to the back of the neck. Another throat thrust and Ramon comes back with some roundhouse rights and a clothesline sending Taker out. Ramon pulls him up on the apron and guess what happens. Taker counters AS USUAL and takes over the match with some choking. Eye rake by Ramon and he hangs Taker on the ropes, but it doesn't hurt, so he posts him several times and throws him back inside the ring. Side Suplex by Ramon and he drops the elbow several times, 5 to be exact. Bearer on the apron and Ramon goes for him. So Taker sits up but gets clocked with the urn by Ramon behind the back of Chiota. He only gets a 2 count, and Undertaker nails the chokeslam. Ramon runs to the outside and is counted out at 5:03. 1/2*. Better then the last match, but a cop-ending, much like all their matches in early 1993. - Typhoon Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow: This is the 3rd match on the tape that is featuring a returning/debuting superstar getting pushed over people. Go behind by Bigelow and he drives his head into typhoons back. Side headlock by Bam Bam and Typhoon Irish whips him, but a shoulder-block goes nowhere. Typhoon catches Bigelow with a power slam and he rolls to the outside. Bigelow cheap shots Typhoon and pounds him, but misses a charge and gets slammed by Typhoon, but HE misses an elbow then Bigelow mises a headbutt. Bigelow sends Typhoon to the buckle and both men are down. Heenan says the last time he's seen Typhoon lunge like that was when someone opened a package of little Debby snack cakes. Bigelow puts the boots to Typhoon and chokes him a little. Front face lock by Bigelow stalls for time. Typhoon breaks free and goes for a suplex, but Bigelow blocks it and drives an elbow to the back. Bigelow with a suplex to Typhoon for a 2 count and he goes to a headlock. Typhoon fights back but an eye rake ends his attempts and Bigelow drives his head into Typhoon for 2. Slam by Bigelow is unsuccessful and Typhoon falls on top. Clothesline by Typhoon, and another, Irish whip to the buckle and splash I the corner. Typhoon stalled and he goes for another corner rush and its blocked, clothesline by Bigelow. He goes to the top rope and scores the headbutt for the win at 7:29. * Enjoyable for a big man match but not too good. - More bowling lessons as Slick shoes Kamala how to throw the ball, and he gets a strike, but Kamala wasn't looking and is mezmorized by his new bowling ball. - Repo Cam! Some guy is filming his family and spots Repo Man stealing a trailer. Repo says he's going to take the camera but.....says he'll let him keep it if he follows Repo around for the day for Coliseum Video. Repo is planning on Repossessing a guys care because he's late on his payments outside of Walmart or some store like that. Repo carjacks the guy, who sounds uneducated, and Repo drives off in it, with the camera man in the passenger seat. Hey, its Fonzie! (not Henry Winkler if that's what your thinking) Next Repo plans on stealing a kids bike because his dads late in his car payments, and does so, speeding away on the bicycle. Next he claims the owner of a video store hasn't paid his rent for a whole week and threatens to repo the place but says if the fat chick plays the best of repo man video, he won't. Clips of him stealing a guys car because he's a day late on his payments, and busts threw the window to take it. Next he sneaks into some ladies garage, saying he;s taking her car back because she's 3 DAYS late. That ain't no lady. That's a car thief! The women spots him and screams, and Repo comments by telling her to pay up or shut up. After that he ends up stealing the guys camera because he's the repo man. DUH! Funny bit, I give it a thumbs up. - WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Bret "Hitman" Hart © Vs. "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels (w/ Sensational Sherri): This is from WAY back in the spring of 1992, when Bret was still IC Champion. The tape came out AFTER he lost that and the world title for the 1st time. Hilarious. Lockup and Shawn arm drags Bret over. Armbar by Michaels reversed by Bret, and Shawn takes him down with a hair pull. Kip up by Bret and he reverses, but a hair pull puts Bret down. Bret takes Shawn out of the ring with his momentum after another armbar sequence. Michaels takes a break on the floor to reapply his knee pads. Bret pounds the shoulder of Michaels and leg drops it and applies a hammerlock. Shawn avoids a corner charge but is clotheslined out of his shoes by Bret for 2. Shoulder-block by Bret and Shawn follows up with a running knee lift. Michaels puts the boots to Bret's head but is sent to the buckle. He reverses an Irish whip and Bret hits the buckle hard, and Shawn stomps away. Sherri lays into Bret behind the referees back and Shawn gets in a few more shots. Running knee lift (HHH like) gets a 2 count for Shawn Michaels, and he goes to the a rear chinlock. Bret breaks free but runs into a crescent kick. Reverse Side Suplex is blocked by Hart and he boots HBK in the face and clotheslines him from the 2nd rope. Inverted Atomic Drop and clothesline to the back of the head by Hart gets a 2 count. Back breaker and 2nd rope elbow connects for 2 again. Sleeper Hold by Bret but both men spill to the floor. Sherri holds onto Bret's leg long enough for Shawn to sling shot him into the guard railing for the count out win at 8:51. ***. Shawn celebrates with the title but Bret chases him off and reclaims the title belt. Good match after a bad start. - Slick shows Kamala how to bowl some more, showing him the technique to roll the ball. - Kamala (w/ Rev. Slick) Vs. Doink The Clown: This is an early appearance of Matt Borne as the deranged Clown, Doink. Doink tries giving him the present but keeps pulling it away. Double ax-handle and double leg pickup by Doink, followed by an armbar. He puts the boots to Kamala and goes back to the armbar. Clothesline by Doink and again back to the armbar. Kamala with a thrust kick puts down Doink and chops him down like a red wood. The action spills outside, and Kamala chases Doink. Doink grabs the present and gives it to Kamala, and rolls in the ring to beat the count-out at 3:20. The box is empty and Kamala is sad, so he snaps and kills Doink with chops and cannon ball splash. Doink rolls out of the ring when he goes for another. Kamala celebrates afterwards. -*. - The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. Papa Shango: Well, this tape is going downhill after Bret/HBK, but there's always room for redemption. Undertaker has double duty on this tape as 1 on 1 matches are concerned. Shango with a choke to start the match and Undertaker chokes Shango as well. Shango with an Irish whip but he eats boot and Undertaker with a few thrusts, and the rope walk and clothesline to the back of the neck. Shango kicks him in the head to no avail and Undertaker slams him and drops an elbow that misses. Clothesline sends Undertaker to the outside and on his feet. The Taker reverse move on the apron is worked in as usual. Don't these guys ever learn NOT to do that kind of move? Shango uses his magic wand to blast Taker in the eyes with an explosion of sparks. Shango kicks his ass outside and beats him in the head with a steel chair. Whip by Shango sends Undertaker knees first into the steel steps. Shango lays some more shots in on Undertaker and slams him with authority. He slams him 2 more times and kicks him in the head. 3 Elbow Drops keep Undertaker down on the mat. A 4th connects and the crowd is asleep. Shango goes for Bearer, but walks into an Undertaker flying clothesline. Chokeslam puts Shango away at 6:29. *1/4. Passive match here shockingly. - Kamala learns to bowl some more and keeps trying to over hand throw the ball down the lane. - 16 Man Battle Royal: Participants: Tatanka, Tito Santana, Bob Backlund, Owen Hart, Koko B. Ware, Kamala, Typhoon, Damian Demento, Berzerker, Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels, Skinner, Kim Chee, Mike Sharpe, Terry Taylor, Giant Gonzalez: Gonzalez is refused to compete in the Battle Royal so its 15 men now. Shawn & Ramon take forever to enter the ring, while Kim Chee keeps going in and out to avoid Kamala. Berzerker pounds on everyone for a bit, and Ramon beats on Taylor. Backlund dumps out Sharpe while Ware & Demento go at it. Skinner beats up Tatanka, and Santana pairs off with Taylor. Koko tries dumping Shawn but he holds on. High Energy double up on Ramon, but Michaels back drops out Koko b. Ware. Kim Chee bits Typhoon while Michaels chokes away on Owen Hart. Demento tries tearing off Typhoons face in the mean time. Berzerker tries dumping out Backlund but he holds on. No ones been eliminated for a while now as Owen tries tossing out Michaels. Typhoon takes out Skinner with a clothesline, and Kamala rids us of Damian Demento. Berzerker with the first wrestling move of the match with a slam on Owen and then he dumps him out after Owen tried putting on a sleeper. Low blow by Berzerker to Santana and he goes to work on Kamala. Kamala with a crescent kick sends Berzerker to the arena floor. Kim Chee & Typhoon eliminate Kamala, so Kamala retaliates by dumping Kim Chee, and chasing him around the entire arena! Somehow Terry Taylor & Bob Backlund are eliminated while the camera watches Kamala & Kim Chee running around in the balcony. Shawn Michaels then dumps Typhoon to make it 4 men. Michaels pairs up with Tatanka & Tito Santana pairs with Ramon. The heels take control until Tatanka & Santana incapacitate Ramon long enough to easily dispose of Shawn Michaels. Ramon beats them both up but the odds are against him until Giant Gonzalez comes in and cleans his. Double headbutt to Tatanka & Santana while Ramon goes outside via the bottom rope. Gonzalez dumps Tatanka, and then Santana, giving Ramon the cheap win at 12:35. (no bell sounded so I estimated from the last mans elimination.) NR for Battle Royals but it was decent enough. - Tatanka Vs. Repo Man: Lockup in the corner and the referee breaks it up. Repo Man with a clean break! Kick to the midsection and right hands by the Repo Man to Tatanka. Hiptoss is blocked and Tatanka gets his own and several drop-kicks. Armabr by the native american and a legdrop to the arm. Hammerlock by Tatanka puts Repo Man to the mat. Shoulder-block and cross body press gets 2, and follows it with an arm drag and arm-bar.Sunset Flip is stopped but Repo punches canvas and is cradled for 2. Tatanka works the arm and chops away but misses a cross body press off the 2nd rope. Repo Man stomps away and locks on an arm-bar. Tatanka Dances up and chops the head of Repo Man and drops a choke to the throat. Fist to he midsection of Repo Man and more chops. Clothesline by Tatanka and he's dancing around! Chop to the head, and another! Scoop Slam. Tatanka goes to the top rope and scores the BIG chop for the win at 6:59. WAIT! It's only a 2 count. Repo Man blocks a victory roll and gets caught with the fallaway slam for the REAL three count at 7:43. Heenan calls it the papoose to go. *1/2. - Kamala goes to roll the ball but throws it backwards and Slick jumps out of harms way. - Retirement Match: Mr. Perfect Vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair: Don't shit yourself, this is one of the house show retirement matches they had in late January after the one on Monday Night Raw, but it's STILL Flair & Perfect, so it's all good. Bill Alphonso is the referee for this match. Tie-up and Perfect shoves off Flair several times, then mocks him by brushing his hair back and wooing. Perfect with several slaps knocks Flair on his BUTT. Shoulder-block by Mr. Perfect and they measure each other up. Tie-up and flair with a side headlock, followed by a shoulder-block but he runs into a drop toe hold and gets slapped. Flair with a knee lift and knife edge chops and punches to the jaw. and perfect oversells hitting the buckle face first. Back body drop by Perfect and a drop-kick followed by a clothesline sending Flair to the outside. flair with a thumb to the eye and Irish whips Perfect to the buckle, followed by a snap-mare and knee to the forehead for a 2 count. Flair rakes perfects face across the top rope and unloads some punches on the midsection. More knife-edges by Flair and Perfect with some right hands and Flair boots him in the face, but goes to the top rope......and gets slammed off of course, for the 3694 out of 3695 times for a 2 count, but an elbow drop misses and Flair and Perfect exchange more chops. Flair figure four's Perfect and he's tapping! But that's not a rule for 4 more years. Flair uses the ropes to his advantage for a while and gets several 2 counts. Perfect reverses it and Flair reverses it back, and Perfect reverses it back again but flair let's go! Perfect limps around and flair is as well. Flair with a few boots to the knee of Perfect and they again trade rights. Perfect hammers away and Flair is backed into a corner and is chopped to hell by Mr. P and a clothesline. Jabs by Mr. P and Flair begs him off. "NOOOOOO!". Perfect with the 10 punches of severe discomfort and back drops him after an Irish whip. Flair flips in the corner, and up and over to the arena floor!! Perfect levels flair on the outside and nails a clothesline. Flair goes for a back drop but gets Perfect-Plexed for 3 at 10:50, giving Mr. Perfect the win. Heenan has a fit. ***1/2. Almost Great match but just lacked something. - Slick is upset Kamala can't bowl, but Kamala throws a strike and dances around with Slick as his theme plays, then imitates Slick's dancing with the ball and shows him how to throw the ball. - WWF Global Warfare Coliseum Video commercial. FINAL ANALYSIS: Well, other then HBK/Bret and Perfect/Flair (and the ever enjoyable Repo cam & battle royal) this tape is a throw away because of 7 matches with lacking action and excitement, but well, the 2 matches that got good ratings were very good, and the Repo cam is quite funny, so I'll give this a thumbs in the middle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big McLargeHuge Report post Posted October 10, 2002 Saw the tape, and it was solid. Ya know, they should've just put out a Bret vs. Shawn tape seeing as they're always facing eachother on these obscure tapes. Shit, I'd buy it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Aero Report post Posted October 11, 2002 I never saw this tape, and by the looks of it, it seems pretty good, with Bret-Shawn and Flair-Perfect and all. In fact, I've barely ever seen any compilation tapes. One of the only ones I can remember is "Undertaker: His Gravest Matches". I rented that from Blockbuster years ago when I was a huge Taker mark. I believe that every single match, minus one or two, ended in a DQ. Even when I was a mark I was able to see how much that tape sucked. Bottom line, though, good review. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites