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Guest Shaved Bear


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Guest Tony149

I thought it was weird. Even weirder when the WWF added a gunshot sound effect.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It was funny to see how few ideas the WWF has for the NWO .


You'd think that spending all that money to bring them in...they would have had SOMETHING to follow up the first RAW.

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Guest Tony149

Yeah, the WWF hasn't really done much with the nWo since their hot "debut" on Raw. I've read a lot of ideas on this very board that are more creative.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

"You'd think that spending all that money to bring them in...they would have had SOMETHING to follow up the first RAW. "


Not really.  By this point we could have figured out that writing team sucks.  If they didn't have anything for the WCW/ECW Invasion, a far bigger angle than this, what would make you think they had something for the NWO?

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Guest One Bad Apple
did anyone think this wasnt idiotic



There were five things wrong with the segment, in my eyes. That's a lot considering it was about thirty seconds long.


- If Austin had a gun, it's believable Nash would've said what he did. But it would've been better if he threw down the mike as he said it. I'm pretty sure I saw him say the whole thing holding the microphone. But, since I'm not that sure, this one's iffy.


- When Austin shot Nash, it was very obvious he fell on purpose.


- Nash could have (again) very obviously gotten out of the net whenever he wanted to.


- Austin has a gun that shoots nets.


- Austin figured his gun that shoots nets would help him get the advantage against the nWo.

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Guest Army Eye

Very disappointing segment there.  Smackdown has been SO LAME...... I mean really, how long until the writing team is completely revamped?

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Guest Tony149
Very disappointing segment there.  Smackdown has been SO LAME...... I mean really, how long until the writing team is completely revamped?

I doubt Vince would change the writing team since Steph is on there.

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Guest RickyB

They should get Bischoff to book the nWo, he's the only guy who's ever got it right.  I mean he booked the nWo angle to run for 2 and a half years with it only really getting stale over 2 years into the angle.  This was after Nitro came in and started the trend of quick angles that only run about 1/2 months.


I think that the should do the whole "taking over the announce table" thing again.  I was watching one of late 96 Nitro's when they were taking over the WCW Announce Tables on a regular basis, Nash & Hall used to be funny as hell doing the announcing.  They should also do the nWo merchandise tables thing too, when they'd get nWo fans to barracade the WCW merchandise tables then sell their own merchandise instead.

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Guest Tony149

I can only think of three guys who could book the nWo angle. Those three are Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo & Paul Heyman.


Bischoff - he was there when it first started. So he knows what to do.


Russo - He had a good idea with nWo 2000. Keep the group small and make them act like thugs.


Heyman - He ran ECW. So booking a rebel force wouldn't be hard for him.

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Guest KOR420

Let Heyman run things in the booking department after seeing the damn net thing,I swear that has to be the lamest thing I've ever seen done on a wrestling show in my life,well except for Taker trying to embalm Austin,that was crap but the Net takes it

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Guest saturnmark4life

This is utterly retarded. Like I always say, what's wrong with a chair?!?

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico
seeing the damn net thing,I swear that has to be the lamest thing I've ever seen done on a wrestling show in my life,well except for Taker trying to embalm Austin,that was crap but the Net takes it


The net thing was pretty stupid, but I don't think the whole embalming thing was that bad. It was over the top, sure, but zombie UT and Austin did a very good job putting it over as a viable threat. Plus, with the whole Corporate Ministry thing going on (that's where they were, right?) it made sense for UT to do that.


But man, what the hell is the point of a net. Absolutely stupid...

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Oh God, it was the most awful piece of 'sports entertainment' I have ever seen. What the hell is going through the minds of these writers? They are professionals, surely they can do better than this?

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Guest Anglesault
seeing the damn net thing,I swear that has to be the lamest thing I've ever seen done on a wrestling show in my life,well except for Taker trying to embalm Austin,that was crap but the Net takes it


The net thing was pretty stupid, but I don't think the whole embalming thing was that bad. It was over the top, sure, but zombie UT and Austin did a very good job putting it over as a viable threat. Plus, with the whole Corporate Ministry thing going on (that's where they were, right?) it made sense for UT to do that.


But man, what the hell is the point of a net. Absolutely stupid...

I was roughly six months before Corporate Ministry, but taker was transforming.

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Guest Some Guy

How hard is it to book the nWo to beat the shit out of everybody, to you know get them over as a poison ot destroy WWF.  Everyone form Scotty to Rock should be getting an ass kicking and then WWF comes back and beats them in the end.  Seems simple to me.

They need to stop this flip flop shit with nWo winning on Raw and WWF winning on Smackdown.  This angle is 2 weeks old and already predictible.  You can't get someone over as a threat to the company if all three are scared to face one guy at the same time.  Stone Cold gets a mild beatdown on PPV and a gimmicked cinderblock broken on his knee, but he has the the nWo running scared and just humiliates Hall on the 3rd show of the angle.  It's counterproductive and just plain stupid.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
How hard is it to book the nWo to beat the shit out of everybody, to you know get them over as a poison ot destroy WWF.  Everyone form Scotty to Rock should be getting an ass kicking and then WWF comes back and beats them in the end.  Seems simple to me.

And to me.


It's really feeble. There is so much potential being thrown away.

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Guest Annoyed Grunt

In theory, I thought the net kind of made sense.  Austin is going to face 2 big guys, so he has to neutralize Nash in any way he can.


Of course it didn't come off well on TV at all...

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Guest Hollow

How many damned "gun" angles are they going to put Austin in? There was the "Pillman's got a gun! WTF?" angle, the "Austin's got a fake gun and McMahon pissed himself" angle and now the "it's a net... who hoo... how exciting" angle.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I suppose a fishing net is kinda appropriate, being as Nash has the wrestling ability of a large haddock

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Guest Army Eye
How hard is it to book the nWo to beat the shit out of everybody, to you know get them over as a poison ot destroy WWF.  Everyone form Scotty to Rock should be getting an ass kicking and then WWF comes back and beats them in the end.  Seems simple to me.

They need to stop this flip flop shit with nWo winning on Raw and WWF winning on Smackdown.  This angle is 2 weeks old and already predictible.  You can't get someone over as a threat to the company if all three are scared to face one guy at the same time.  Stone Cold gets a mild beatdown on PPV and a gimmicked cinderblock broken on his knee, but he has the the nWo running scared and just humiliates Hall on the 3rd show of the angle.  It's counterproductive and just plain stupid.

Yeah.  I wish someone on the writing team would just watch some '96 Nitros.  Really guys, I won't complain if you copy some ideas..


So far, after 2 weeks, they've attacked a total of two people?  Shit, they'd average about 4 or 5 people beat down on a typical Nitro

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Guest Tony149
So far, after 2 weeks, they've attacked a total of two people?  Shit, they'd average about 4 or 5 people beat down on a typical Nitro

Yeah, I think by the second week of the original nWo (1996) on Nitro. They had already beaten up 10+ people.

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