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Guest Lord of The Curry

Dating your best friend?

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

I'm sensing alot of you guys have been turned away before. I say go for it, ask her if she wants to do something sometime. It doesn't have to be something big but at least let her know you are interested. And best friends can work, thats kinda the easiest form if you think about it for a minute. You just need to stop worrying over it and go with what your heart tells you. Your brain my say one thing and your heart may say another, but at the end of the day you will listen to your heart.

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Guest JHawk

I really try to agree with you Texas, but I've been burn so many times I've started to lose count. Sometimes because I've overanalzed whether I should ask or not and take too long, and sometimes it doesn't matter because the second I realize I'm interested, I see the girl an hour later and she starts talking about the guy she met at a party or some shit. So I feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.


But sometimes you've got to forget about what might happen and follow your heart. It might hurt for a long time, but at least you're not wondering what would have happened for the rest of your life.

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Guest Leena

The thing is that you can't be so oversensitive about this shit. The whole point of falling in love is being happy. If you're all worried and thinking it's the end of the world if you break up, then it's going to fail.


And I know how much it hurts to feel rejected. I posted before about how I was fucking assaulted for trying to be with someone I liked. You're gonna get rejected, people will be assholes, but you have to move on. Don't dwell on all the sad shit, and just have fun.

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Guest DrTom

Go for it, LOTC. Go. For. It. There is NO sensible reason not to at your age. You'll never get a damn thing in life unless you take a few risks and try to latch onto what you want. Years ago, I passed on what was a good chance to date the girl who was my best friend at the time. I still regret not finding the nerve, and that was eight years ago. You only live once, and you should try to be as happy as you can, so I say absolutely, unequivocally go for it.


(Edit: Always proofread to make sure you didn't any words out...)

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Guest Lord of The Curry

At my age? How do you know I'm not 30? :) I'm 19, actually. I know I probably should, though some say otherwise, I'm just scared if something goes wrong then our friendship is sunk.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Jhawk and Alina have the right attitude, you just have to go with it and see what happens. If you spend all your time pondering the "what ifs" then you will miss your chance and you will never know what could have been. If it doesn't work out at least you know the truth and you won't end up looking back on it 20 or 30 years later and saying "If I had only asked her..." I know I have had my share of broken hearts, but things do happen in mysterious ways and the guy I've been seeing for almost a year and a half is my best friend. You just have to let the cards land where they may and play every hand you're dealt

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Guest DrTom
At my age? How do you know I'm not 30?

Because, young grasshopper, you mentioned your high-school commencement, and the master is always observant. I was giving you credit for not being a *reeeeeeeeally* stupid senior. :P It also means you're young enough to take an acceptable risk like this and bounce back no matter how it turns out, so again, I say go for it.

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Guest the pinjockey

Just wondering what is the deal with college or jobs. Are you going to be seperated or are you going to be near each other?

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

JHawk, depends on what you think Hell is. Most consider Texas hell, and the temperature is dropping lately here.



And as for the distance shit, speaking from personal experience right now, long distance relationships can work if you have trust in your boyfriend/girlfriend. If you don't trust them completely, then maybe it isn't a great idea.

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Guest Cancer Marney
I was giving [LOTC] credit for not being a *reeeeeeeeally* stupid senior. :P

Uh, what do you define as "reeeeeeeeally stupid?" Personally, I'd say graduating three years late kind of fits that bill.

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Guest JHawk

To quote Rip Torn in Defending Your Life:


"Actually, there is no Hell...but i understand Los Angeles is coming pretty close."

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Guest Lord of The Curry

pinjockey- I work right now, she's in grade 12 in high school (relax, only a year difference.) We live about 10 minutes away from each other, so distance is definetly not an issue.

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Guest HBK16

Im actually in the same situation as you. Except, I have known her for maybe 4 and a half months and we have gotten to be REALLY good friends. But she always says to my friends that we are just friends and nothing really more. I am going to see her tomorrow and we might actually give it a shot. She is beautiful beyond believe! I will let you all know how it goes.

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Guest Cancer Marney

I hereby nominate OJ Hart for a Most Influential Poster lifetime achievement award.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Actually, this whole asking for advice thing started with Scott Keith's Biggest Fan.


OJ Hart took it into XXX territory.


Fo sheez,


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Guest DrTom
Actually, this whole asking for advice thing started with Scott Keith's Biggest Fan.

He must be quite the Mack Daddy, wooing all the girls with his promises of home-delivered food and $10 computers...

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Guest Cancer Marney

Kotz, I was referring to this line in particular:

She is beautiful beyond believe! I will let you all know how it goes.


I'd get some satisfaction out of ordering someone to trace the IPs, using the USBC to find the girls in question, and directing them to these idiotic posts, but I can't. Because I'd probably be fired shortly thereafter, and then I'd have a harder time keeping the DNC miserable, and I have a continuing responsibility to God and to my country to make Senator Byrd's life as close to a living hell as humanly possible. So you see.

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Guest MrRant
Kotz, I was referring to this line in particular:
She is beautiful beyond believe! I will let you all know how it goes.


I'd get some satisfaction out of ordering someone to trace the IPs, using the USBC to find the girls in question, and directing them to these idiotic posts, but I can't. Because I'd probably be fired shortly thereafter, and then I'd have a harder time keeping the DNC miserable, and I have a continuing responsibility to God and to my country to make Senator Byrd's life as close to a living hell as humanly possible. So you see.

Anybody can trace an IP. Not to hard ;)

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Bloody Republicans who make the DNC's existence miserable.


EDIT: I mean I want to actually bloody them, sorry for any confusion.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Cancer Marney

Well then, you'd be arrested because I'm pretty sure that is in fact against the law.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
I hereby nominate OJ Hart for a Most Influential Poster lifetime achievement award.



I guess he was ahead of his time.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(cracks knuckles, grabs his Clubberin Club, and heads off for the RNC headquarters)


It's worth it.


Fo sheez,


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Guest SupaTaft

Well, the big thing with asking your friend out is the fear that after they turn you down (which they most likely will) that they wont be your friend anymore. Then you realize after they shoot you down how much your friendship meant to you in the first place and you've thrown it all away by hastily asking to take it a step further. You then get all depressed and mope around wondering why you were foolish enough to ask for something so stupid in the first place. Why would they want to take it a step further? You are only useful as a friend, nothing more. Your Ms. Perfect must not exist anywhere near where you can phisically look. So you start thinking about why you were put on this miserable waste dump of a planet in the first place if you cant even get one fucking girl to be your steady girlfriend.


Not that I know or anything...


*uncomfortable laugh*



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Guest Cancer Marney
(cracks knuckles, grabs his Clubberin Club™, and heads off for the RNC headquarters)

You do realise that you're heading for a place where the Second Amendment is considered pretty important, right? Just curious.


<pictures Spoon charging in with his club, taking a swing at some random staffer, and suddenly getting splattered all over the wall by 87 different concealed-carry permit holders. Bites her lip and maintains a neutral expression with some difficulty>

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