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Guest Lord of The Curry

Dating your best friend?

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Guest JHawk

And hell, if "Amy" is saying "Well, that meant a lot," even I could take that hint man.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

"It meant alot" means a few things. I needed that today, you are a great guy, or ABOUT FUCKING TIME! When a chick normally says it means alot she has been wanting and waiting for that to happen, she was just as afraid as you were to make the first move. Maybe us women do need to wear signs around our necks that put it bluntly

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Guest Cancer Marney

Whatever it meant, you need to stop playing the goddamn mindgames already. If she's interested in you at all, she was probably crying her eyes out after that "best intentions" crap. You like her. You're in love. You want to fuck her. Fine. Don't screw around just because you're afraid of getting rejected. Jesus, just ask the girl out, stop leaving yourself an "out," and if you really care about her at all, in case your feelings are returned you should bloody well stop hurting her.


And people wonder why I don't date men.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

yeah what Marney said, DAMMIT BOY ASK HER OUT NOW. She wants you to

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Guest Lord of The Curry

First off, she didn't say that it meant a lot, as some of you have stated, she said that "it was special" followed by "i'm glad you did."


Secondly, I'm going to talk to her on Wednesday to make sure that I'm not missing anything or misreading the signs. I know most of you are probably angry with me by now that I haven't done it, but I'm a really nervous guy when it comes to asking girls out, especially girls I'm close with. I'm going to Smackdown tommorow night, otherwise I'd do it then. Rest assured, I'm going insane right now.

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Guest EricMM

Like marney said... Here's an analogy.


You are crossing a river/stream/creek. You're going from rock to rock. You have one more rock to get to before you can get to the other side, but it's pretty far. You can 1) STREEEETCH out, trying to keep one foot on the first rock and one on the second, or you could 2) Jump.


If you try to stretch like that, chances are you are going to come up short, an fall in, or over balance, and fall in, or pull something horribly and fall in. You COULD make it, but chances are slim.


If you jump, then you COULD slip and fall in, but at least you're trying to land on both feet. At least you're probably going to make it.


Like everyone's saying, go for it or don't. If you value this friendship more than some possible relationship then don't worry about it. Oh wait, no you're FUCKING WORRYING ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY. Clearly. You're posting about it, and going FUCK FUCK FUCK and etc. So, that's not an option. So what's left? GO FOR IT, before someone else does (and they will).


If you don't she will one day tell you about this guy she hooked up with, and you. will. die. inside. Can't you just imagine it? What could be worse than that? Being rejected? She's not going to kill you to say no. It will be okay regardless.


It's not impossible to leave the friend zone, but it's hard. You need to go for it, you've got to jump. You can't walk out.

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Guest JHawk
First off, she didn't say that it meant a lot, as some of you have stated, she said that "it was special" followed by "i'm glad you did."


Dude, what do you need at this point, a handbook? "It was special" and "It meant a lot" are the same thing!


Stop talking yourself out of it and take the gamble!

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Guest Leena

Do it as soon as possible. You have nothing to worry about unless she's a lying bitch that finds humor in putting you on. Those kind of people suck. A lot.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

You must not be a gamblin' man LoTC. This chick likes you, you like her. GO FOR IT! Take the chance

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Guest EricMM

At worst: She'll be all "Oh that's so sweet, but I just meant you were being a good friend. You're not my type. But thats nice of you to think." And life goes on, it's happened to me. We're still REALLY good friends, and if she does anything worse then she's too cold. Friends don't shut friends down for liking them, unless they have issues.


At best: You can have screaming orgasms, sex on the beach, and lots of other fun drinks with her, as you two will be a couple. ;) Actually those are shots, but whatever. You will have fun with a girl that you already know you're compatable with. That's just the best. It's much better than being in a relationship with someone you're incompatible with. And it lasts longer. And you know what to get her for her birthday. Or you know some of her friends, so you know who to ask ;)

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Guest SupaTaft

Bulloney. Your so-called signals are as vague as a Kate Moss. Trust me, the signs around the neck idea is fucking GENIUS!! Women send out horrible signals and expect guys to pick up on them and then bitch when we don't. Curry, I'd say go for it but then again I get hit in the head a lot.


And Eric, at worst is: Ewww, you dumb fuck! I would never go out with you, why cant we just be friends? You're such a fucking idiot, cant you read my signals? I'm gonna throw up...



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Guest EricMM

1) Signs are a GREAT idea. It would just be so much easier. We won't think less of you, we swear.


2) SupaTaft, that would never happen unless she was a bitch, or you come on to her a little too hard. Or just come on her. ;) :throwup:

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Guest Cancer Marney

Yeah, like Eric said, some people have issues and take a come-on as a threat instead of the compliment that it is. If she's LoTC's best friend, though, he should know her well enough to avoid making her uncomfortable, and she should care enough about him not to put him down even if she isn't interested. Which I don't think is the case, anyway, and it wouldn't be the end of the world even if it were.


Just do it already.

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Guest Leena

Ut oh, 24 hours til the big day. Don't choke. Remember, girls are just like you guys, only a lot smarter, better looking, and we control you.

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Guest EricMM
girls are just like you guys, only a lot smarter, better looking, and we control you.


Is there something wrong with me agreeing with just about all of that?


Not that girls don't have their own flaws, oh lawsy they do, but generally smarter, prettier, and more able to control? Yeah...


There are always exceptions tho. To every rule.


LoTC, we certainly don't want any PBP, nor any details, but I'd just like to know if things went well. I'm not saying you will necessarily hook up with her, but I severly doubt that things will go "badly" I'd probably put like $20 on it.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

If the chances are good PBP works, but I don't see anything beating OJ's first PBP. And if you think our signals are so horrible, why do you still chase us and follows us like little puppy dogs? We are doing something right. Our signs are clear, but look up and remember us women are smarter so you guys just don't pick up our signs. Its not our fault

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Guest EricMM
And if you think our signals are so horrible, why do you still chase us and follows us like little puppy dogs?


Why do we chase you hmm. Ok. Example A: :wub: Mr. Wub.


Now clearly his eyes are going up and down. Why? Because he is reading the kind of signals we guys get the best. He is not listening to words, or looking into someones eyes. He is checking someone OUT. He wants to hit that. Take it home. Buy it nice things.


These are the clearest signals guys interpret. We may be shallow as a puddle but at least we are also as clear as water. If girls out and said things the way guys do, it would be a nicer world.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

Well by now if women don't know guys want pussy then they need to go back to sex ed. We know what guys want, but we also want guys to listen to us. Signals are all part of the way we work. We do throw obvious signals out there but guys, like you stated, are very shallow and alot of them are missed.

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Guest EricMM

obvious is SOOOO subjective.


I'm not one to talk tho. Lets just say that I've certainly missed signals a blind man would have picked up on. I mean he could be deaf too. We're talking tactile. Oops.

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

But see guys won't ask a girl if he is unclear. He just guesses and most of the time guesses wrong. We don't find it a sign of weakness if you ask us what we are feeling, just don't wait til its too late

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Guest EricMM

Look this is going nowhere.


If you think ALL GUYS are too stupid to understand your feeble restrained signals, then I've got news for you. It's time to put up the pink triangle and change your lifestyle, because it's not that we are being obtuse.


Blame so-ci-ety for teaching girls that they have to be reserved. Blame your mom for teaching you to be ladylike, or blame god, or fate, or a million other things. But most of the time it seems like girls are only easy to understand when they're drunk. Their inhibitions go down, and finally signals start showing up. You can't be secretive about this stuff. Maybe signs are silly, but if you don't out and SAY something, you are masking something for some reason. Why give "signals"? Use your words!

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Guest Cancer Marney

I agree. Girls give terrible signals. Guys do too. People of both genders and all orientations need to stop trying to be chased, stop leaving their defenses up and saying "Oh, I didn't mean it like that" when they're rejected, and stop leaving themselves "outs" in order to do so. You have to commit in order to get results. You need to have courage to get something worthwhile. People need to say "I want you" or "I don't want you" honestly, stop fucking around, and just start fucking whomever they want whenever they want.


Like that'll ever happen, though.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Marney, because of that statement, I am going to ask this hot goth chick I have a thing for (who apparently idolizes OZZY and IOMMI and GEEZER) if she's interested in a cup of coffee Saturday night and a movie.


...I lied. No way in hell I'm gonna go up to some random girl I have the hots for that doesn't know I exist and just say "hey, wanna get some coffee?" randomly at school. Now, Friday night, at a "Battle of the Bands" thing the school is putting on...if she's there...BOOYAH, GRANDMA, BOOYAH.

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Guest EricMM

Random isn't precisely the way to go. If you have similar interests, there's no reason not to say hi though.


Does this phrase sound familier?


"Hey, I met this cute guy today!"


Seen it in all those movies right? Those WB TV shows? It's not just entertainment, it's real life!!!


The guys who will introduce themselves to strangers will have better luck with girls than the guys who won't. There are no exceptions, unless you have horribly scarring acne. In which case I'm sorry. There, there.


If you are NOT going up to girls you think are hot, you are SABOTAGING (sp) yourself! PERIOD! NO QUESTIONS! NO EXCEPTIONS! BOOYAH, GRANDMA, BOOYAH!

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Marney, because of that statement, I am going to ask this hot goth chick I have a thing for (who apparently idolizes OZZY and IOMMI and GEEZER) if she's interested in a cup of coffee Saturday night and a movie.

Dude, if she's into Sabbath, MARRY HER.

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Guest EricMM

Waaait wait waitwaitwiat


Hasn't Wednesday come and gone?


What happened LoTC?


Did she murder you horribly?


Or did it turn out ok after all?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Maybe he got some pooter.


Or maybe he's in his bathtub with a bunch of pills on the floor.


Perhaps he's just taking an extraordinarily long dump.


What will happen???

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Agent- Dick all has happened. We had our talk, and she admitted that there was a little something between us, but not enough that she'd want to waste our friendship on.


FUCK! Ah well, I'm going to try and look on the bright side and say that it's for the best in the long run instead of just bitching.....

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