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Guest bcu1979

(Obsever) Curent long term/Mania plans

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Guest Anglesault
AS, haven't you been bitching and moaning about Benoit and Angle's fued going nowhere? Weren't you saying that there is no point to it? Well by fueding with Lesnar, both men will be in competition for the world title, so what the fuck is your problem now? Honestly man.

Benoit/Angle, title no Lesnar. I really don't need to see two of my favorites squished.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think I'm starting to understand Anglesault.


The only thing in the WWE that I care about anymore is seeing my favorites get pushed.


They have stolen everything else from me.

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Guest Banky

You understand AS because you have the same Lesnar/Edge hatred he does. Finally Angle will be getting a chance for a title, and he still complains. Before all he wanted was for Benoit and Angle's fued to involve a title - and now that it is slated to happen, he complains. And NOBODY knows for a fact that Lesnar will be put over these two guys, quit being so frickin cynical. Not even thw two biggest politicians, Triple H and Undertaker, have held the World Title as long as Lesnar. Past history is not on your side. I see Angle having a VERY good chnace of getting the title.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

So...wait...he's going to face both of them?




here's your positive spin from me:


Maybe they realized Brock blows and will have Angle pin Benoit to get the title off of Brock and keep him unpinned.

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Guest Anglesault
Finally Angle will be getting a chance for a title, and he still complains.  Before all he wanted was for Benoit and Angle's fued to involve a title - and now that it is slated to happen, he complains.  


Jesus. I really have to be specific with EVERYTHING I say, don't I? I wanted Angle/Benoit to be over the title, without the useless lug it's attached to. There is no reason for those matches to be dragged down by Brocks presense.


And NOBODY knows for a fact that Lesnar will be put over these two guys,


Oh yes, they'll job out the golden boy to two SMALL~! guys who can't plod with the GUSTO~! that Brockertaker can.


I see Angle having a VERY good chnace of getting the title.


Right after Elvis comes back and declares himself our personal savior.

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Guest DJ Jeff

What I'd like to see happen is Lesnar lose the WWE Title to either Angle or Benoit sometime before Wrestlemania 19, and have whoever won the title, defend it against the other person at Wrestlemania 19. There, that should be the main event. However, it's more than likely going to be Lesnar(WWE Champ) vs. HHH(World Champ), in a match to unify both the WWE Title and the World Title, with HHH coming out on top.

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Guest Banky

Anything can happen in the fued. And I think everyone should hold off their hostile judgments about Brock as a worker until he faces these two supreme work generals in the ring. If he blows this, than yes, I'll say he sucks. But I am going to stay optimistic and predict the results of this fued will be good for everyone involved.


Anglesault, did you eat paint chips as a kid? Did your parents lock you up in your attic for the first 10 years of your life? Because if any of these two things happened, it would explain A LOT.


And I can hardly wait until Angle becomes champion, so AS can eat his words - then complain about Angle's title contenders.

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Guest Anglesault
And I think everyone should hold off their hostile judgments about Brock as a worker until he faces these two supreme work generals in the ring.


Why? He's the champion, and I'm tired of waiting for him to have a good match. If he can only have good matches with guys like Benoit and Eddy, he ISN'T GOOD. he's carryable.


And I can hardly wait until Angle becomes champion,


Angle has been the most over hell in the company all year and hasn't won the belt in a year where they haven't exactly had a good champion and there have been 6, so it's safe to assume he won't win it.

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Guest cabbageboy

I dunno but I think they have pretty much had to promise Angle the WM match with Lesnar to keep him from going to the Olympics.


HHH/Lesnar makes literally no sense on any level I can think of. First off, it is heel/heel which automatically makes it a horrible idea. 2nd, how exactly are they going to go about this whole split if it happens? I mean, I would THINK the idea behind the split was to have two world title matches at WM.


I frankly don't think EITHER of these golden ideas will draw a cent because there is still no solid face in the title match no matter what way they do it. Would it kill them to actually let RVD do something important at WM?

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Guest Anglesault
Would it kill them to actually let RVD do something important at WM?

That's what I've been screaming for. here's what they should do.


Angle beat's Brock at Survivor Series. Brock goes on to return each and every one of his jobs, sending him back firmly into the midcard, or have him dissapear after his loss and come back six months later under a non Goldberg push. Then they can start to rebuild him when he starts to not suck.


Angle feuds with Benoit straigh through No Way Out over the title.


Van Dam wins the HHH title at some point in time and then wins the Royal Rumble. Van Dam reliquishes the HHH title and goes on to win the World title against Angle at Mania.


The whole HHH title business can be left out as long as Rob gets a major clean win over Hunter on a PPV soon.

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Guest CanadianChick

Unfortunatly, RVD will not be in the main event, the poor guy doesn't even have a definite match for No Mercy in a week.

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Angle beat's Brock at Survivor Series. Brock goes on to return each and every one of his jobs, sending him back firmly into the midcard, or have him dissapear after his loss and come back six months later under a non Goldberg push.

Anglesault, in that case why are you bitching at Brock when the WWE did the EXACT same thing for Angle??????? He too received the push from hell before being forced into the midcard and forced to job like crazy after being given an unbeaten streak as well?

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Guest AndrewTS
Angle beat's Brock at Survivor Series. Brock goes on to return each and every one of his jobs, sending him back firmly into the midcard, or have him dissapear after his loss and come back six months later under a non Goldberg push.

Anglesault, in that case why are you bitching at Brock when the WWE did the EXACT same thing for Angle??????? He too received the push from hell before being forced into the midcard and forced to job like crazy after being given an unbeaten streak as well?

Hmm...Angle doesn't suck?

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Guest edotherocket

Has anyone else noticed that not only does Brock seem a lock for holding on to the title until WM, but HHH as well? I'm guessing one of them might let Edge or Bubbah have a phantom title reign between now and then though by winning at a PPV and getting the win back the following RAW or Smackdown so they can justify all their BS about elevating new stars.

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Angle beat's Brock at Survivor Series. Brock goes on to return each and every one of his jobs, sending him back firmly into the midcard, or have him dissapear after his loss and come back six months later under a non Goldberg push.

Anglesault, in that case why are you bitching at Brock when the WWE did the EXACT same thing for Angle??????? He too received the push from hell before being forced into the midcard and forced to job like crazy after being given an unbeaten streak as well?

Hmm...Angle doesn't suck?

The difference between Angle and Brock is that the WWE if forcing Brock to abandon his wrestling skills and forcing him to play the role of a brutish hoss who can only do power moves and can't outwrestle a guy. Brock is just as talented a wrestler as Angle, who for some unknown reason wasn't forced to become a generic wrestler when he came into the WWE and during his God-Push.


Which makes me wonder the following: Is Brock being forced to wrestle like a Hoss because HHH and UT DON'T WANT Brock upstaging them with his superior wrestling ability?

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

They've gotta do something with the Rock though, even if it's not in the main title match. I could see Rock vs. HHH and Angle vs. Lesnar as double title matches, although that would probably mean HHH paying back Rock for one of the jobs he did to Hunter in 2000.

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Guest CanadianChick
They've gotta do something with the Rock though, even if it's not in the main title match. I could see Rock vs. HHH and Angle vs. Lesnar as double title matches, although that would probably mean HHH paying back Rock for one of the jobs he did to Hunter in 2000.

I think that Rock will be on Wrestlemania so that the buyrate will be decent. After all, the Rock is proabably the biggest draw right now in WWE

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Has anyone else noticed that not only does Brock seem a lock for holding on to the title until WM, but HHH as well?  I'm guessing one of them might let Edge or Bubbah have a phantom title reign between now and then though by winning at a PPV and getting the win back the following RAW or Smackdown so they can justify all their BS about elevating new stars.

Brock will definately keep the belt till Mania unless HHH pulls a power play and gets the belts re-unified before WM 19 in order to kill off Brock's push so that he goes to the midcard where he can join Angle and Benoit in the midcard workrate patrol.


HHH on the other hand relies on a TON of variables.


First off, the WWE may decide to make the WM main event Rock vs Brock with Rock avenging his Summer Slam defeat and reunifying the belts. Which would mean that HHH would have to be sacrificed to get the belt to Rock (which I'm sure HHH would agree to in exchange for being Rock's first oppenent after WM). Secondly it's been highly rumored that the WWE migh just say "fuck it" to any long term plans they may have if Austin came back/Golberg signed so that they have them face Brock at WM for the titles. Thirdly the locker-room might finally revolt on Vince, forcing him to make HHH job out the Fuck-All Belt to someone else in order to create the illussion of Vince not up HHH's ass as much as he is.

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Guest Anglesault
Brock will definately keep the belt till Mania unless HHH pulls a power play and gets the belts re-unified before WM 19 in order to kill off Brock's push


The one time I'd like HHH.




so that he goes to the midcard where he can join Angle and Benoit in the midcard workrate patrol.


What is that like "Good cop, bad cop" Just "Good work rate, Bad work rate (Brock)"

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Guest Brian
In actuality, HHH will refuse to make Brock look good; he'll be uncooperative, and won't sell for any of Brock's offense.

You mean like Taker?


Rock will be around for two weeks after Mania. I'm expecting Rock/Benoit where Benoit does something to Rock, like injure him, and goes after Angle with the title.

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Guest cabbageboy

Rock CANNOT, and I say it again CANNOT be a major player at this WM. It is so counterproductive on so many levels that it isn't even funny. The guy is not around hardly at all, therefore he should not be pushed into title matches when he is around. He should be in perhaps a notable match on the card, but more of a sideshow kind of deal and certainly not a main event title match.


It sounds harsh but they can't push Rock so hard on the major PPVs when he isn't going to be around for anything else.


As far as Brock goes, I think he'll hold the title till WM. In any sane world HHH would not hold his bogus belt till then. You cannot have two shows with such a boring uppercard. If Lesnar is dominating on SMDN, then the title scene on Raw needs to be more tumultuous.


Also you cannot have two shows with heels as the world champions. The last time I remember that was in 1993 when you had fat fucks like Yoko and Vader holding world titles and generally sucking the life out of the fanbases of both WWF and WCW.


Some of this depends on Michaels. I mean, has his issue with HHH been dropped? He makes a cryptic threat about beating HHH with a sledgehammer and then....nothing. If he is back for one last match at WM then I have little doubt it'd be against HHH.

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Guest Brian

If HHH is holding the title still, I'm assuming RVD wins on that night. But, by then I think he should lose to RVD, when Michaels stops Flair from interfering. Michaels raises his hand, RVD gets a bigger rub hopefully. Then you get HHH/HBK at WrestleMania, Benoit/Rock, Brock/Angle, and RVD/Jericho.

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Guest Anglesault
, Benoit/Rock, Brock/Angle, and RVD/Jericho.

UGH. Angle can't carry, RVD and Jericho run the SAME DAMN MATCH every time, and if I have to see the Rock srossface one more time, I'll scream.

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Guest The Hamburglar

Angle - Brock will be a much better match then Angle - RVD. It will also be a better feud. RVD has become horribly stale. He improved when he first came to the WWE, but he's stopped short of actually becoming a good wrestler. If they run with HHH - Lesnar I will cease to be amused by the Game's political antics and start actively disliking him. Can't he just have another match with Michaels? It keeps him out of the way.

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Guest Anglesault
Angle - Brock will be a much better match then Angle - RVD. It will also be a better feud. RVD has become horribly stale. He improved when he first came to the WWE, but he's stopped short of actually becoming a good wrestler. If they run with HHH - Lesnar I will cease to be amused by the Game's political antics and start actively disliking him. Can't he just have another match with Michaels? It keeps him out of the way.

Angle/Brock won't be that good because Angle can't carry. The only time I've seen Angle totally actively carry someone (The Edge matches were still partially Edge) was Kane, who was being very complient. The minute Brock goes for the resting Bearhug, they are fucked.

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Guest The Hamburglar

That all depends on your opinion of Brock's ability. I think he's pretty good now, and will be very good by the time WM rolls round, seeing as by then they'll have had to let him work with at least one out of Eddy or Benoit. Angle can carry in the same way that Shawn Michaels could, he can make people look very good, better then they are. Examples would be his matches with Cena, Hardcore Holly and a fairly decent match with Taker, the one with the triangle choke ending.

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