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Guest bcu1979

(Obsever) Curent long term/Mania plans

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Guest Anglesault

I think when you figure in that Brock has had ONE good match as of yet, with a man that is known for having good matches with almost anybody, and that Brock has had his share of terrible matches, Brock is average-decent.

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Guest CanadianChick

The thing about Brock wrestling abilities is that he hasn't really been in a match with a good worker except for maybe the Rock, but that match was good.

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Guest The Hamburglar

But Rock's really the only good worker he's faced, and there are a fair few better then Rock. A hell of a lot of Brock matches have entertained me, simply because I enjoy watching someone his size bump and sell like a maniac. Even against weak opponents, Brock's timing is generally good and he seems to know when to leave openings for face comebacks. I also like the way he pounds people's ribs in. What I have seen in Brock indicates that if he's in the ring with someone good, he'll be able to produce really good matches. If Brock had the pleasure of working with Jericho and Benoit just a few months after his debut like Angle did, then it would be easier to gauge his development as a worker.

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Guest Anglesault

He hasn't exactly faced anyone BAD, save Mark Henry and Test, and he's sucked the ring up with John Cena, RVD**, Test*, Mark Henry* Bob Holly, Randy Orton, Undertaker, Booker, Flair, both Hardyz and so many more. Giving him the title was inexcusable.


*Guys suck anyway, not his fault.

**Shiity matches multiple times.

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Guest Anglesault

Because people HAVE had good or decent matches with him this year alone. (Flair, RVD, Angle, Angle and Rock together, I personally liked the Hardy ladder match too)


If Brock is the good wrestler everyone claims he is, he should have a good match with Taker. :)

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Guest Mulatto Heat

What's funny is that people STILL expect to see the now-fabled Shooting Star Press, even though that has cut down in half since Summerslam where damn near every Brock supporter was saying he'd do it against Rock to win the match.


Like with HHH when he came back, I've waited far too long for Brock to have that excellent match that justifies his position. He was pushed because he was BIG~! and homegrown, and we all know how Vince, JR, etc. jizz over huge muscles. I wonder if that falls into a fetish.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Wow. They haven't even decided on a match, much less how to get there or what the finish would be, and take a look at all this discussion.


Usually, discussion would be a good thing, but since there seems to be nothing but "I want this guy pushed, and I want this guy fired because he's over 6'3, and I want this guy fired because he's slow."


It doesn't matter of WWE hires an army of fat men to work in the main event. Even if he's not holding gold, as long as your favorite guy is still there, it's okay to, you know, cheer for them. No really!

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Guest Anglesault
Usually, discussion would be a good thing, but since there seems to be nothing but "I want this guy pushed, and I want this guy fired because he's over 6'3, and I want this guy fired because he's slow."


Who said anything about hight?


It doesn't matter of WWE hires an army of fat men to work in the main event. Even if he's not holding gold, as long as your favorite guy is still there, it's okay to, you know, cheer for them. No really!


cheer for the army of fat guys? Why?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Actually, I meant cheer for your favorite.


I think it's great personally that Angle isn't fighting Mr. "I'm Not Feeling It" or "This is the part-uh where you job-uh." I don't think he'd be able to put on a good match with those two anyway, to be quite honest.


In another thread, I just scoffed at how you went bonkers over house show results. Your mind seems to be concerned over nothing but who goes over and who gets pushed, as even "Hey, was the match any good or not?" goes over your head (and I'm not picking just on you, AS, as there's a lot of guys here doing that. It's a trait I've noticed occur more and more as politics have become more obvious out of the locker room.)



I dunno, I'm just suggesting alternatives here. Perhaps you may want to avoid wrestling for a couple months while the Brock Squashing goes down (I did that when HHH's "guy who gets whatever he wants because he knows Stephanie" character was an angle, and I come close to doing it when it's a reality), or go find some marks and try to re-discover why you watch in the first place. Or hell, find marks and Wreck The Dream for them, that's equally entertaining.


<RVD> Just chill, man. </RVD>

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Guest Anglesault

I went Bonkers over a house show? Recently?


And I never said Angle vs. Taker, I said Angle vs. benoit, title, no Brock.

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Guest Brian

The way I see it, Brock actually plays to Angle's. As good as Angle is on the mat, he only works in short sprints and so Brock can cure that by working longer, drawn out Mid-South style portions on the mat emphasizing on one hold while Angle can burst out with speed every once and a while. Angle can play face in peril since Brock does a decent enough job working over the ribs. Brock can do power and Angle will bump like crazy for him, and Brock will do the same when Angle bursts out with the offense. Brock's shown to be quick enough in spurts so that they can have neat little exchanges during the match. It looks on paper like it'll work out fine.


As for Jericho/RVD, I was lost on RAW opponents since I haven't watched the show much. But Booker vs. RVD sounds better.


Shouldn't there be a * by Jeff?

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Guest cabbageboy

I'm shocked that anyone would think Brock/Angle would be better than RVD/Angle. Man, RVD and Angle had some seriously intense matches last year, most of which ended with Angle a bloody mess, heh. It's one of the coolest feud ideas they have because it does have some backstory but yet was never a feud exactly (RVD had more of an issue with Austin, as did Angle). There has never been a 1 on 1 PPV match between them.


Brock and Angle won't be worth a shit I predict. Everyone thinks that it'll be this awesome amateur style contest, but you know there IS a reason why amateur wrestling doesn't sell out 20,000 seat arenas. It's usually boring as hell.


To be honest I think RVD is still the guy who has gotten the most out of Brock. Most people think of their feud and think of the wretched KOTR bullshit match, but the one on Raw after it and the Vengeance match were both pretty cool. The endings sucked on those so I guess people equate that with the entire match sucking.

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Guest Brian

It could be a good match, but there's a whole level of intrigue in Brock/Angle and a deeper backstory that could make for one of the most rich storied matches we've had in the WWE in a long time with a layered story. Amateur wrestlers. Angle six years past his prime vs. Brock only two. The belt and what it symbolizes to Angle (heck, this could make the belt far more important). A recapturing of glory. Power vs. speed and agility. Scripted amateur wrestling is easier to pull off and I think the crowd is getting more conditioned to it.

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Guest Anglesault
The way I see it, Brock actually plays to Angle's. As good as Angle is on the mat, he only works in short sprints and so Brock can cure that by working longer, drawn out Mid-South style portions on the mat emphasizing on one hold

That's a nice way of saying "Three minute bearhug so Brock can catch a breather" isn't it.

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Guest Brian

If Brock's working out of the bearhug and doing things that make the hold work, and Angle's making attempts to fight and build drama and they actually build around it it'll do fine. It's all in the context.

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Guest Anglesault

Yeah, do that for like 45 seonds to a minute and a half or so, TOPS. Three minutes is INSANE.

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Guest Brian

I don't really blame him for the Cena match though. On one hand, he was obviously told to work that hold in and for a great deal of time or else the agents would have been screaming at the refs aroung one and a half. Also, Cena's proven to be the greenest of any of the new guys, well maybe Batista's worse but I haven't seen as much of him. I thought he did a decent job in that case; he worked in some back elbows and some nearfalls, and Cena wasn't exactly conveying much to the crowd.

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Guest humongous2002

No RVD in the main event at Mania?How come WWE is even considering HGH to main event Mania?Why is a fucking rookie getting the honor to main event Mania w/o paying his dues?How will they make Angle #1 babyface by Mania XIX?The only answer I got for these questions is WWE doesn't get it anymore. I was entertained more by a CMLL wrestling show on a spanish channel than the Unforgiven ppv.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
Because people HAVE had good or decent matches with him this year alone. (Flair, RVD, Angle, Angle and Rock together, I personally liked the Hardy ladder match too)


If Brock is the good wrestler everyone claims he is, he should have a good match with Taker. :)

The difference between all them and Brock is, all of them will bump like mad for Taker. Brock is suppose to be this "Monster Heel." He shouldn't be bumping like a Hardy boy for Taker. It doesn't look right.


Also, it doesn't help when Taker "No-Sells" for the "Monster Heel."


To pull off a good match, they both should be doing power moves and selling for each other. Not punch, kick, Snake Eyes.

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Guest Anglesault

Jobbing clean is retarded. Taker has jobbed clean to NO ONE. The list of people who have had to cheat to beat Undertaker reads like a who's who. It's part of the aura of the character. When Taker finally ends it with a clean job, it should be to someone not Brock.

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Guest Brian

I don't even complain about the finish. It's the shit that happened during and after the match that pisses me off.

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Guest Pop Culture God

Alright, I was watching the arguments about AS lat page and let me say this: AS is a bitch, Pure and simple. He is not "cynical", he is not "picky" he's just a bitch. The WWE gave his boy the second biggest rookie year push in the history of wrestling, then they sent him back to the upper midcard so he wouldn't get a big head, and he bitches. Angle's in line for a push and he bitches, if Angle/Lesnar ever goes down he will bitch about EVERY ASPECT OF IT.


Just ignore him.

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Guest Brian

I sort of just laugh now. He'll selectively argue that don't help his point, argue the same old tired things, and ignore a strong portion of the facts as well as put a biased slant on everything.

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Guest Pop Culture God

Here's how I feel about him:


If TheSmartMarks Forum is the Leigon of Doom from the old Superfriends show, then he's The Riddler: The only criminal that's WORSE that useless. He's not just a lazy lab partner, he eats the frog and spills the chemicals on the procter.

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Guest Anglesault
Angle's in line for a push and he bitches,

According to who? I see no signs of that. People who are in line for a push occasionally, you know, beat other guys who are higher on the card than Billy Gunn (Oh yeah, he lost to him too)

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Guest Pop Culture God
Angle's in line for a push and he bitches,

According to who? I see no signs of that. People who are in line for a push occasionally, you know, beat other guys who are higher on the card than Billy Gunn (Oh yeah, he lost to him too)

According to Meltzer, Ross, and we just heard he may possibly be in line for a program with WWE Champ BRock. But of course you bitched at that. Even if he gets beat by Brock, it's still a step up from where he's been.

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