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Guest goodhelmet

Ideal tag Team

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Guest goodhelmet

OK, most of us agree that the tag team division sucks and needs to be reinvented. BillyChuck is a horrible concept. APA are slugs. The Hardys and Duds are stale. What two wrestlers would you pair together to create the next big tag team? How do you propose they would get over?

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Guest Tony149

I say Raven & Saturn. With a bad ass tag team gimmick. Let Raven do some talking. They were good in WCW.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Raven and Saturn


To get over?  Let them wrestle.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Maybe we should come up with a second choice...Raven & Saturn are too obvious.

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Guest goodhelmet

who would be their nemesis? i think a raven-saturn vs. kanyon/ddp feud could be solid. or even  vs. awesome/storm.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Awesome and Storm are two of my favorites...but I'd like to see them get singles pushes.


Since that won't happen...they make a good team.


Hurricane/Tajiri wasn't bad either.

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Guest Tony149

I would feed the Dudley's to Raven/Saturn first. Have them do some gimmicks matches before moving on to another team. DDP/Kanyon would be a good choice.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Maybe it's just me...but I liked Polumbo & O'Haire.


So I'd drop Gunn...and give them a slow push.

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Guest Tony149

I also liked Palumbo & O'Haire. O'Haire has an awesome look. Man, were they jobbed or what?

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Guest Smark Dudley

The Impact Players could reunite.


I have always thought that Kanyon & Mike Awesome would make a good team.


Raven & Saturn as others have suggested.


Kurt Angle & a returning Mark Henry would be interesting.


Al Snow & Lance Storm - They could be "Snow Storm" LOL! Seriously though, they would work well together, and they can both actually wrestle.


Just some ideas.

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Guest goodhelmet

"Al Snow & Lance Storm - They could be "Snow Storm" LOL! Seriously though, they would work well together, and they can both actually wrestle."


That's fuckin' clever. I would dig that team


On O'Haire- you have the feeling anyone was threatened by his look. Management claimed his ring work was weak but he was pretty solid in WCW. A big man that could fly, had power and a good build. I think people were nervous and sabotaged his career.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I thought he looked good in the WWF too.


I'll throw myself out on the limb and say that the APA vs. Polumbo & O'Haire match was not bad.


Then UT & Kane squashed them...


yeah...sabotage seems about right.

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Guest goodhelmet

I know al Snow and Hardcore Holly have always been enemies (except for the breif JOB squad stint) but I'd like to see them team up as well.


I've also thought about putting Kane with the Hurricane. The big man-little man tandem. It might be a train wreck but could be interesting

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Guest Tony149

Yeah, there had to be guys worried about O'Haire. I can think of one "ocker room leader" who would feel threaten by a young built O'Haire. O'Haire & Palumbo also didn't shake Droz's hand.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Let The Big Show and Kane run wild over all the other tag teams.  They could call them Dos Gordos.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

[bad joke in incredibly poor taste]


I wouldn't shake Droz's hand either...I wouldn't want to catch paralasis


[/bad joke in poor taste]

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Guest Tony149

OH, that was cold! I could see why they didn't shake his hand, but to have a grudge for that is stupid.

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Guest goodhelmet

that's not right. that's all i'll say about that.


you know if they are gonna keep the nwo around, i could think of alot worse teams than hall/x-pac. it would be a hell af alot better than the Outsiders


as for the impact playas, i've never liked Credible's style. he could stay gone as far as I'm concerned.



if they are not serious about booker, i could also see a booker-ddp combo. it just might work since neither is doing anything very productive.

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Guest Tony149

Hall & X-Pac is better than Hall & Nash. It might end up being Nash & X-Pac, if Hall gets fired.

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Guest goodhelmet

I don't want to see Nash in the ring in any matter. Hall/Xpac would be acceptable. Outsiders are not.


If they decided to split the Hardys again, maybe they could mix and match Edge-Christian-Matt-Jeff. That would be interesting

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Guest ])r. ])eath

Kanyon & Kane could work. Kane would be the powerhouse, and Kanyon could add his innovative offense to the match. I'm sure that they could come up with a witty tag team combination manuever too.


Christian & Kidman could be a high flying tag team. The use similar finishers most of the time too. When Kidman was in wCw they were both using the "Kiss of Death" as their finisher. I'm sure that they wouldn't really fit in the WWF though, seeing as how they are "Vanilla Midgets."


Give me a few more minutes, and I'm sure that I can come up with some more. I don't think that I am going to be able to top my "Snow Storm" idea though.

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Guest goodhelmet

You know when Kanyon first started wrestling in the WWF , i thought that he should have put the Mortis mask back on and been Kane's tag partner. Their interviews would suck though....

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Guest Big Poppa Smurf

I always thought Kanyon could work with Perry Saturn as a new Eliminators team. Kanyon can do everything that Kronus could do plus Kanyon isn't chubby.

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Guest saturnmark4life
I say Raven & Saturn. With a bad ass tag team gimmick. Let Raven do some talking. They were good in WCW.


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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I say Lance Storm and Perry Saturn, with Dawn Marie to accompany them to the ring.

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Guest saturnmark4life
I say Lance Storm and Perry Saturn, with Dawn Marie to accompany them to the ring.

I really like both guys and definitely think SATURN needs a partner, but i don't think Storm n SATURN could get over without Raven's gimmick or mic skills. Plus they'd get a stupid name like 'Cosmic Storm'. Always been a Dawn Marie fan, but she's too realistic for the WWF.

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Guest thefrenchargel

How about Mike Awesome and O'haire? Could be a good powerhouse team. I'd enjoy watching Jeff Hardy take a running awesome bomb and then get nailed by a Sean O'haire Swanton. Put Kane and Crash Holly together, call it Crash and Burn. How about Christian with a repackaged (and rehired) Jerry Lynn? The one team that, if it were possible, could totally rejuvenate the tag division is the Hollywood Blonds. God, they were the shit.

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Guest dreamer420

The WWF could fix the tag team division so easily.


Tommy Dreamer/Stevie Richards (getting good reviews from house shows)

Justin Credible/Lance Storm

Raven/Saturn (great while they were in WCW together)

Mark Jindrak/Sean O'Haire (a little green but both have the right look and O'Haire is a fucking monster)


There are four decent teams that could easily be fit into the WWF Tag Team Title situation right now.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Kanyon can do everything Kronus could?


The only things that Kronus COULD do were 450 splashes and other top rope spots.


Kanyon is a far better wrestler than Kronus...but can't do any of the same things.

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