Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted October 13, 2002 WWF International Incident Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada July 1996 - Todd Pettingle runs down the card before the actual show begins on the Free For All. - Your Hosts tonight are Jim Ross, Vince Mcmahon, & Jerry Lawler - Free For All Match: Savio Vega Vs. Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw (w/ Uncle Zebikya): This match was set up after Bradshaw beat Savio's ass on 2 occasions. On the May 18th Superstars and two weeks ago on Monday Night Raw. I can smell a boring match here. Savio jumps Bradshaw and hammers away in the corner. 10 punches of doom and Bradshaw eats the turnbuckle. Irish Whip and fist to the midsection and kick to the head. Bradshaw up and Savio gets sent to the buckle. Irish whip to the buckle but Savio with a boot to the face, and again, and Savio sends Bradshaw into the corner again. Bradshaw misses a charge and a drop-kick by Vega sends Bradshaw out. Savio goes after Zeb and Bradshaw beats on him, but misses a punch and he hits the post. Savio works on the hand now and nails a back elbow, and Bradshaw with a knee lift and big boot and Bradshaw goes to work. Savio fights back and nails a leg lariat in the corner, followed by a clothesline and spinning heel kick for 2. Savio gets caught in a cross body and Bradshaw with a slam wins it at 4:43, with rope assistance. *1/2. Savio goes after Zeb and Bradshaw with the lariat, and then the branding job. - Undertaker music video, which also includes footage of Mankind attacking Undertaker in between highlights of Undertaker footage over the past year or so. - The Announce Crew have a little chat with Goldust & Marlena. - Highlights of how the Main Event came about. First at King of the ring when Shawn defeated Bulldog, afterwards Vader & Owen came to beat him down. Afterwards Ahmed & Warrior made the save. However, Warrior was indefinitely suspended for no showing house shows, and the WWF had Camp Cornette lay a beating on Warrior, to put him out of action. HBK & Ahmed announced Sid as their new partner, causing Camp Cornette to run like cowards. Cornettes team tried a sneak attack on Shawn & Ahmed in the parking lot, but Sid tried running them over and then chased down Cornettes car on foot. - Face to Face Interview with Jim Ross, Jose Lathario & Jim Cornette. HBK & Vader come out afterwards, where Lathario nailed Cornette. - Kevin Kelly is with the 1996 King of the Ring "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. On the 8th Day God created Stone Cold. - Camp Cornette interview backstage. If they don't win, they give everyone a refund at the arena AND watching at home on PPV. Well that just gave away the ending ALREADY. - Some ugly ho sings the national anthem. - Highlights of the Cornette/Lathario confrontation. - Opening Match: Non-Title Match: Smoking Gunns (w/ Sunny) © Vs. The Body Donnas: Thankfully the whole Cloudy thing was over with, and that it only lasted 4-5 weeks. Why a Non Title match is on PPV is beyond me. Plus this match is on the long side, so expect me to phone it in after about 10 minutes. Sunny is looking hot right now. Tom Prichard looks like such a tool with bleached, short hair. Body Donnas theme sounds a LOT like Owen Harts, with its rhythmic beat. The Donnas double back drop Billy and they both send out Bart with forearms. Skip & Bart start officially and Bart with a few knife-edge chops, and Skip with his own, but Bart grabs a headlock & nails a shoulder-block, but Skip with an arm drag takedown and arm-bar. Donnas trade off tags and work the arm of Bart Gunn. Zip with an arm drag and arm-bar, and Skip back in. Bart breaks free and nails a clothesline, and Billy tags in and he puts the boots to Skip. Slam by Billy and a stomp to the face. Irish Whip and a spinning head scissors by Skip and a series of hard rights. Lawler says Roberts has finally fallen to the wrath of grapes. Gunn with a modified fame-asser and JR works in the jezebel phrase. Billy misses a charge and Skip with arm drag/arm-bar again. Shoulder-block by Skip and Billy rushes to the floor, where Sunny fakes an injury, and Skip is dumb enough to check on her, so he eats a slap and the Gunns with a double clothesline. Skip gets killed on the outside while Wippleman is occupied with Zip. Billy back in and covers Skip for only 2. Bart in with a knee drop and a hard whip to the buckle several times. Skip reverses the third time and comes off the top rope and is drilled with a Powerslam. Leap Frog splash onto the back of skip by wait, Billy couldn't jump over Bart, and the camera gets a shot under Sunny's shorts. Double teaming in the corner by the Gunns and now I'm trailing off from this one. Skip fights both men off but is nailed with a high knee by Bart. Bart with some choking in the corner and Billy with some elbows to the throat. Sling shot under the ropes by Bart and now the crowd is dead. Skip fights back on Bart and rolls him up for 2. Top rope cross body by Skip but he's nailed with a clothesline. Billy to the top rope and he gets caught with an inverted atomic drop! Tags to both teams and Zip with hard rights to both men. Billy to the floor and Zip gets tripped up. Side Winder by the smoking Gunns is blocked and Skip drop-kicks Bart allowing Zip to cover him for 3 at 13:05. *. This just dragged for too long. - Mr. Perfect with Camp Cornette in the locker room. I don't know if Hennig is heel or face anymore. Cornette says Lathario pulled a switch blade on him. - Henry O. Godwinn (w/ Hillbilly Jim) Vs. Mankind: Godwinn is subbing for Jake Roberts who had a date with his friend Jack Daniels. Mankind attacks from behind and he unloads with hard rights and bites Godwinn on the head. Head-BUTT to the midsection of Godwinn, and Henry is back up with some of his own rights and a Powerslam, followed by a clothesline. Mankind with a rake to the eyes and more punching and kicking. Roberts always inhales said Lawler. Godwinn with a takedown and mounted right hands. Mankind with a kick to the ribs and e chokes Godwinn more. Mankind with a back elbow in the corner and a bulldog and elbow drop. Mankind pulls out some of his head and Lawler said Vince wishes he could do that. Mankind with the corner charge with the knees to the head of Godwinn and he drops a leg across the head of Godwinn on the apron. Mankind pulls up the padding on the floor and nails a swinging neckbreaker on the concrete. Godwinn with a few shots to the face and unloads in the corner. Mankind with a clothesline, but a second misses and Godwinn unloads some more and nails a clothesline, but Mankind send Godwinn to the floor. Godwinn grabs Mankind and slams him onto the exposed concrete to a good reaction and Mankind back up. Godwinn goes for the slop drop but its blocked and Mankind with the mandible claw for the win at 6:53. * Mankind's theme now has a kind of calm beat to it with peaceful piano music, compared to his entrance theme which was more violin sounding. But I'm not a musician so I'm going by what I think. - Brian Pillman with The Body Donnas on the hotline as well as Ray Rogeau with Smoking Gunns & Sunny. - "Wildman" Marc Mero (w/ Sable) Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin: If this is anything like their King of the Ring match then this gets a thumbs up rating already. For this PPV to crawl out of the toilet this & the main event need to produce some great action, considering Undertaker/Goldust is going to be as good as their Beware of dog matches. Stone cold strikes first and unloads with roundhouse rights in the corner and Mero fights back with his boxer style punches and cross body for 2. Arm drag and arm-bar by Mero. they both reverse the move and Mero in control of it again. Austin with a headlock and he takes Mero to the mat for a series of 2 counts, and Mero reverses into a head scissors. Austin reverses into a pin for 2 and Mero bridges him and locks Austin in a backslide, but Austin blocks with some more rights and Mero with a series of jabs and body shots, putting Austin down. Austin stalls on the outside, and gets nailed with an ax-handle by Mero from the apron. Back inside and Mero with the pinning combination that busted Austin open at KOTR. Austin plays possum and clotheslines Mero to the outside. Sling shot by Austin sends Mero into the ring post on the outside. Austin with a choke on Mero from the apron and he pushed the Wildman into the guard rail. Snapmare by Austin and a second rope elbow drop for 2. Back Elbow by Stone Cold and he locks on a rear chinlock. Austin chokes Mero on the ropes but gets hung up in the ropes and both men are down. Mero sends Austin face first to the buckle several times. Austin goes for a powerbomb buts blocked and Mero hurricanrana's him to the floor and both men are out. Lawler gets a letter from Goldust's....dude. Mero hammers on Austin on the floor and nails a moonsault off the apron. Cross body from the apron only gets 2. 10 Punches from the second rope by Mero and Austin blocks a hurricanrana, sending Mero into the ropes. Mero blocks the stunner and Austin hits the canvas. Mero with a leg drop across the ring gets 2. Austin clips the knee and Stunners Mero the hell for the 3 count at 10:47. ***. Not as good as the KOTR match but still very solid. What Austin did after this is beyond me because he had to face Yokozuna at the Summerslam Free For All. - Monday Night Raw add: Shawn Michaels & Ahmed Johnson Vs. The Smoking Gunns for the Tag Team titles. Where are the Body Donnas' Title Match? - The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. Goldust (w/ Marlena): I can see why Undertaker got a 5 month World title reign in 1997. He put up with this shit feuding with Mankind & Goldust from April-December 1996. Ever since Bearer cost Undertaker his match at KOTR I knew he'd turn on him, thinking this was the possible time it would happen. A lot of stalling. Undertaker nails him and Goldust to the outside. Undertaker on the outside and he cleans Goldust's clock. Undertaker with a chokeslam with Goldust' bottom landing on the steel steps. Undertaker with the steels steps and Marlena gets in the way. Undertaker today would do it in a heart beat. Undertaker with a choke hold in the corner and he continues beating Goldust, who keeps trying to pull off the turnbuckle. Leg Drop by Undertaker gets a 2 count. Goldust with a thumb to the eye and a furry of knee lifts to Undertaker. Irish Whip but Taker catches him by the throat and throws him to the buckle and unloads a succession of punches. Undertaker walks the ropes and comes down with a clothesline, and scores my thrusts to the face, and a scoop slam. Elbow drop misses and Goldust clotheslines Taker outside, and he kicks him a few times. Goldust tries pulling Taker in from the apron, and Undertaker reverses it as usual. Goldust in the mean time takes off the turnbuckle from earlier, and he sends Undertaker in it. Goldust in control throws Undertaker to the floor and he drops the steel steps into the spine of the Undertaker. Goldust back in the ring applies a rear chin-lock. Undertaker fights back with more throat shots and a big boot, and an INSIDE CRADLE for 2. Holy Crap! Flying Clothesline by Taker and a Tombstone puts down Goldust, but Mankind comes from beneath the ring causing the DQ at 12:04, applies the mandible claw and pulls Taker down under the ring, and remerges, with Undertaker knocked out. The bell tolls several times and Undertaker pops up from the otherside of the ring, and chases of Mankind. Match was 1/4* barely. The main event better be great. Afterwards the ring crew patch up the holes made by both men. - Summerslam 1996 Commercial. WWF Superstars competing in the olympics. All the heels get in a fight over who wins the gold medal. - (same from before) - Highlights of how the Main Event came about. First at King of the ring when Shawn defeated Bulldog, afterwards Vader & Owen came to beat him down. Afterwards Ahmed & Warrior made the save. However, Warrior was indefinitely suspended for no showing house shows, and the WWF had Camp Cornette lay a beating on Warrior, to put him out of action. HBK & Ahmed announced Sid as their new partner, causing Camp Cornette to run like cowards. Cornettes team tried a sneak attack on Shawn & Ahmed in the parking lot, but Sid tried running them over and then chased down Cornettes car on foot. - Doc Hendrix is with Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson & Psycho Sid. That's all you need to know. - The Main Event: Six Man Tag Team Match: "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels (WWF champion), Ahmed Johnson (WWF IC Champion), Psycho Sid (w/ Jose Lothario) Vs. Vader, Owen Hart, British Bulldog (w/ Jim Cornette): Michaels & Vader starts the match. Vader wins the lock up which means nothing. Chokelift by Vader and Michaels fights back but gets knocked hard to the canvas. Shawn goes for a hurricanrana and nails it with assistance, then connects with a flying clothesline and cross body sending both men to the floor, followed by a baseball slide and diving splash over the top rope to the floor, but misses a blind moonsault and connects with the guard rail. Vader in the corner unloads a furry of stiff rights to the side of Michaels head. Atomic Drop is reversed and Sid tags in with some roundhouse rights and boots to the midsection and a clothesline. Clotheslines to Bulldog & Owen and all three men are tossed over the top rope to the floor! Owen in and he gets clotheslined again, and Johnson in. German Suplex! and another! And another!!! Ahmed off the ropes but he misses an elbow drop and Bulldog in and he pounds on Johnson. Irish Whip and Ahmed with a spinebuster! Pearl River Plunge connects but Vader breaks the pin! Vader tags in again and batters him in the corner. Ahmed blocks a right and unloads on Vader sending him to the canvas! Vader with an eye poke and he whips Ahmed to the buckle and connects the splash in the corner! More of those stiff punches by Vader and Ahmed drops to his knees. another Splash is blocked and Ahmed with a power slam for 2! Owen tags back in and he stomps away at Ahmed, and hits a spinning heel kick. Owen stomps away and rakes the eyes of Ahmed. Irish Whip is blocked and Ahmed with a gorilla press slam, and Sid tags in. Boot to the mid section and a big boot and hard rights to the upper chest. Irish whip to the buckle and Bulldog tags in. Rake to the eyes by Sid but Bulldog with a boot to the face and a stall Suplex! Vader off the ropes illegally and drops an elbow and Bulldog covers for 2! Vader back in and a head-BUTT connects. Crowd chants Sid as Vader nails a huge clothesline. Bulldog back in and he stomps at Sid and hammers away. Sid hits him once and Bulldog is down, and Shawn is in with an ax-handle off the top rope for 2. Whip to the buckle but Shawn posts his shoulder on a charge. Bulldog hammers away but is whipped into Vader and Shawn covers for 2. Owen nails Bulldog with an elbow by mistake, and he's thrown to floor, and Michaels covers again for 2!!!!! Owen tags in with a boot to the face and they trade pinning combinations until its a school boy by Owen for 2! Michaels cross body's Owen for 2! Suplex is blocked and Michaels with a Victory roll for 2, but Owen reverses THAT for 2, and Owen with a headlock, which is reversed to a headlock, which Owen reveres into a pin for 2, which Shawn bridges out of, but Owen nails a clothesline for 2!!!!! Bulldog in and he scores a back body drop and leg drop for 2. Bulldog with a powerslam gets another 2 count, he goes for an elbow drop but misses, and Michaels gets nailed with Owen's cast, and a Bulldog clothesline. Vader makes the tag in and he pounds away at the WWF Champion. Michaels whipped to the buckle and he flips out to the floor. Owen picks up HBK and sends him back inside the ring, where Vader nails him with a short arm clothesline for 2. Vader with a side sleeper hold and he pummels the ribs, then goes back to the hold. Vader makes it a choke hold while Hebner is looking at the back of the head of Shawn, but Shawn fights free but walks into a bear hug clothesline and a big splash, but Ahmed comes in and LEVELS Vader with a clothesline, and Shawn covers for only 2. Bulldog in and he stops Shawn from tagging out and drives a head-BUTT to the midsection, and continues pounding away. Bulldog with a back breaker submission now, but Shawn breaks free and goes for a crucifix, but is nailed with a Samoan drop. Shawn dodges a charge in the corner and both men are down! Owen makes the tag and he stops Shawn from making a tag now. Both men trade rights and they collide heads. Bulldog back in and he nails the running powerslam but Sid in with a leg drop to Bulldog's cranium! Vader in as well as Ahmed and Johnson .....wait....he didn't see the tag, and Cornettes team kills Michaels in the corner!!! Bulldog covers for only 2, and Owen goes for a missile drop-kick, but Michaels moves and Bulldog takes it, and Shawn FINALLY makes the tag to Sid!!!! Vader in and Sid with a clothesline and a chokeslam! Chokeslam to Owen! Chokeslam to Bulldog! Ahmed in and him & Vader with double clothesline! Sid with a rocket launcher splash onto Vader for 2 and Bulldog makes the save and its BONZO GONZO! Shawn grabs Cornette, but Vader has the racket, but Shawn nails him with it for only 2!! Shawn tunes up the band but Cornette grabs the leg of Shawn and Vader splash Michaels in the corner, and crushes him with the Vader bomb for the 3 count at 24:34!!!! ****1/2. Great Match!! Camp Cornette celebrate after the match, but Sid and Ahmed clean up. Powerbomb to Bulldog! Powerbomb to Owen! Powerbomb to.....Vader is pulled out. Shawn dives over the top rope and lands onto Vader in the aisle way and pounds away!! Team HBK/Sid/Ahmed celebrate in the ring now. International Incident Extra: Doc Hendrix with Gorilla Monsoon, who announces Undertaker Vs. Mankind, in a Boiler Room Brawl! Cornettes comes in and he gets in Monsoons face, and demands Vader vs. Shawn Michaels for the WWF Title at Summerslam. - Video Package of the events that occurred in the night from each of the matches to end the PPV. FINAL ANALYSIS: Well, even though Austin/Mero & The Main event were good-great, I still can't give this a recommended rating because of the bad matches being REALLY bad. Recommended to not watch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Si82 Report post Posted October 17, 2002 - Video Package of the events that occurred in the night from each of the matches to end the PPV. I used to love those. They did them after most PPV's back in 1996. Why don't they do them today. Other than once a year for Wrestlemania? Good review by the way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted October 17, 2002 I would imagine that they are a bitch to put together through out the show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Karnage Report post Posted October 20, 2002 Didn't they also have post-pay per view interviews from the locker room? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites