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Guest Drew_K

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Guest Drew_K

Well, folks, I will neither sugar coat this nor draw it out, instead present the story as succinctly as I can.


The card was posted. I talked to Magnifico, and we decided he could write the first half of our tag match and send it to me. Then, family arrived for thanksgiving. Family being my sister, who stayed in the room where my computer is also situated. I trusted Magnifico would finish his portion of the match, and, with extension, I could finish my half today, and send it in. So, I did not log onto my computer, too busy with visiting friends, dinners with family, etc. (Long story short, two thanksgiving dinners, neither of which had pumpkin pie or turkey. For shame.)


Thus, I am past the due time, with nothing written, no coordination with my partner, and MORE things popping up for me to do. I decided I would post this so at least our no-show had SOME explanation, say congratulations to Taamo and Mak, who were very likely to win anyway, in my mind, and apologize to everyone else. Do not take this as a sign that I suddenly have no regard for the SWF. I would have to get a life before shunting you people to the side, and we all know that's not happening anytime soon.


So, blech.

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Guest Ace309

Damn canucks, on their goofy-ass holiday schedule.


NO PUMPKIN PIE?! This country gets weirder by the minute!!!!!!

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Guest Muzz

I am very, truly sorry, but I couldn't get in anything either. My first day back at school was yesterday, and when I got home to do my match, the boards were down, and they went back up while I was asleep.


Of course I feel guilty for no showing, but I really didn't want to... it was out of my hands however.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Well...you've got an extra day to write now.


Oh...and I not only won a giant turkey, but had tons of pumpkin pie. I pity you.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Ace309

Yeah, see, when I turned my match in 500 words over I wasn't thinking there'd be an extra day to write. *sigh*


So... um... write 500 extra words. :(


And did you know they have pumpkin SCONES now? The things are fucking amazing.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Pumpkin scones eh?


I'm not sure I approve of that combination.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Ace309

Try it with coffee and you'll be converted.


'course, I'm a lot like Foley when it comes to pumpkin-flavoured anything, so I'm biased.

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