Guest nWoScorpion Report post Posted October 14, 2002 - In Your House: Good Friends Better Enemies Free For All: "Wildman" Marc Mero (w/ Sable) Vs. 1-2-3 Kid (w/ Ted Dibiase): (4/28/96) The Kid has the evil heel goatee growing in, as this is one of his last appearances in the WWF., and he's looking anorexic too, hehe. This is Mero's first appearance wrestling on a syndicated WWF PPV, even though its the FFA. Mero with an armbar, and the Kid reverses, which is also reversed with a snapmare. Side headlock by Mero and a shoulder block, followed by a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker. Head scissors by Mero send the Kid outside. Mero threatens to do a plancha onto Dibiase, the bastard. Dive threw the ropes by Mero and he lands right on 6 Kid. Leg Drop over the ropes gets 2, and Mero eats buckle, but comes back with a modified roll up for 2, and a scoop slam. Mero to the top rope and Kid hits the ropes, buckling Mero. Kid with a kick to the head and a suplex off the top rope is blocked, and Mero misses a senton whatever, as Hunter Hearst Helmsley comes out. Kid with some kicks to the head of Mero and his signature kicks are off, proving he's high. Running drop-kick in the corner by Kid and a headlock, while Hunter stalks Sable on the outside. Kid with more kicks and a spinning heel kick gets 2. Kid buckles himself and Mero gets in Helmsley face, and Kid with a baseball slide connects. snapmare & leg drop by the Kid, and he goes to the top rope. Kid misses a splash and Mero hulks up. Spinning head scissors by Mero and some boxing moves, followed by a baaaack body drop. Helmsley comes back and Mero kicks his ass, but its a DQ at 7:20. Spinning heel kick by Kid puts Mero down and Helmsley with the pedigree! Match was about **3/4. - Doc Hendrix interview with the Ultimate Warrior, and he OBVIOUSLY makes no sense. Marlena comes in and blows smoke in his face. - Video Package of Shawn Michaels/Diesel feud. - Vince Mcmahon interview with Shawn Michaels about his match coming up against Diesel. - Jim Ross interview with Diesel. - Doc Hendrix tells us about the Free Gift for sending in your cable bill. A WWF superstar claling card with 5 free minutes of long distance calling. WOW. In the mean time, Sunny flashes Phineas Godwinn. - Ultimate Warrior video package. <taped over the PPV except....> - WWF Championship: No Holds Barred Match: "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels © (w/ Jose Lothario) Vs. "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel: (IYH 4/28/96) HBK unloads when he gets in and Diesel nails a knee lift sending Michaels down. HBK eats turnbuckle but Shawn with a drop-kick sends out Diesel. Baseball slide and top rope moon-sault to the floor and Shawn hammers away. Shawn grabs a boot from the Spanish announcer and drives it into the head of Diesel for 2. Diesel eats turnbuckle but whips Michaels onto the apron and nails a forearm, sending him into the railing. Diesel throws Michaels back in the ring, and Diesel hammers away, and nails a short arm clothesline. Diesel sends Michaels face first into the turnbuckle and Nash mouths off Vince. Diesel with Michaels in the corner and he drives the knee into HBK's midsection, then chokes away. HUGE Side Slam by Big Daddy Cool, and he chokes out Hebner with his wrist tape and takes his belt off, then proceeds to whip Michaels like a government mule with it and ends up choking him out, trying to hang him from the outside of the ring. Diesel grabs a chair and creams Michaels in the back with it, as Hebner untie Michaels from the ropes. Diesel with the chair and another shot to the back of HBK. Diesel goes for it again but it bounces off the ropes and hits himself, and now Michaels has the chair, and he gets low blowed. High back body drop by Diesel and covers for 2. Rear Facelock by Diesel deforms Michaels face, ha ha. Michaels fights back but Diesel throws him down but Michaels keeps coming back up and is sent to the floor. Diesel scoops him up and POWERBOMBS him threw the TABLE!!!! Was that a shoot or a work? Because Lawler & Vince are trying to clear up the area and help Michaels up, and Vince yells at Michaels to do something. Michaels then grabs something from under the ring and BLASTS Diesel in the face with a fire extinguisher!!! Shawn kicks his ass in the ring with heavy rights and nails a flying forearm! Shawn grabs a chair from the outside and nails Diesel with it, and the chairs connected to something, then Shawn nails him again. Diesel hammers HBK in the back sending him to the mat, and nails a big boot! Diesel with a POWERBOMB, but its blocked and Michaels pounds him down to the mat. Michaels to the top rope and he nails an elbow drop! He tunes up the band, but Diesel blocks it and clotheslines him down again. Both men up and Shawn is clotheslined to the floor. Diesel, does the most despicable act by attacking Mad Dog Vachon and taking off his artificial leg, and goes to attack Michaels with it. Michaels with a BIG TIME Low blow to Diesel, and he smashes the leg across Diesels face. Michaels tunes up the band again and connects with the Sweet Chin Music for the 3 count at 17:53! ****1/4. Match was great, but not THAT great. This signified HBK could carry ANYONE to a decent or even a great match. - Duke "The Dumpster" Droese Vs. "The Slammy Award Winning" Owen Hart (w/ Jim Cornette): (Superstars 5/4/96) Droese starts with a headlock and a shoulder block, followed by a monkey flip and scoop slam. Droese grabs his trash can and dumps Owen's Slammy in the can, pissing him off and getting a big ovation. Owen jumps him from behind with a clothesline and he pounds away. Droese eats turnbuckle and Owen with a scoop slam and leg drop. Owen screams that's my Slammy and chokes him in the ropes. Snap Suplex by Owen and a knee drop to the face as Cornette polishes the Slammy. Owen with a stomp to the midsection, but Droese fights back with a boot to the head and a series of rights, followed by a back body drop and a Powerslam. He picks him up and hammers him in the corner, but Owen exposes the buckle and Droese drives his knee into it, and the Sharpshooter ends it at 3:32. **1/4. Not too bad, nonstop action in such little time. Owen keeps the sharpshooter on him until Bob Holly makes the save, but he gets his ass kicked by Bulldog and Owen & Bulldog lay an ass beating on both men. - Mr. Perfect interview with the Slammy Award Winning, Owen Hart. - Recap of Phineas Godwinn lusting over Sunny. - The Godwinns (w/ Hillbilly Jim) Vs. New Rockers: (Superstars 5/4/96) Winner of this match gets a Tag Team Title shot at The Body Donnas in some undetermined time. The Rockers have stuffed pigs with them. It's hard to say if The Rockers are heels or faces yet, but they are bad heels, Jannetty especially. Jannetty putted a stuffed pig into the crowd to a good pop, shocking. Henry with a side headlock and shoulder-block, and he drives Cassidy into the corner and press slams him. Henry with an arm-bar and Phineas in, and he works a wrist-lock. Press slam by Phineas, while Vince talks to Sunny & The Body Donnas. Cassidy in control and he nails a clothesline on Phineas, and a series of kicks and a snapmare. Leg drop by Leaf and Jannetty in. Back from break and Cassidy with a headlock. Series of kicks to the kidneys and Jannetty hangs Phineas across the top rope. Jannetty in and he connects with a double ax-handle. Phineas with a boot to both men and a double clothesline. Henry tags in and he hammers on Marty, but the Body Donnas come to the ring. Skip trips Henry and Jannetty misses something off the top rope. Phineas goes for a piledriver but Leaf sunset flips him for three at 5:36. ¾* The New Rockers are considered faces still since Todd is routing for them to win the titles form the Body Donnas. - Recap of Austin/Vega feud, which will culminate in a Caribbean Strap Match, which states if Austin wins, then Vega becomes his chauffeur, but if Vega wins, Dibiase leaves WWF. Usually, this means Austin wins, but... - Non-Title Match: The Body Donnas © (w/ Sunny) Vs. The Bushwhackers: (5/4/96) Joined In Progress: The Bushwhackers were still around? Butch hammers on Skip and covers for 2. Atomic Drop and Luke with a punch, and Butch nails him as well, covering for 2. Luke gets his eye raked and the Donnas' double team. Zip hammers way but Luke gets a clothesline for 2. Luke with another clothesline gets another 2. Skip takes down Luke and drops an elbow and chokes. The Godwinns come to ringside now while Skip pounds Luke. Zip with a backbreaker and Skip eats boot off the top rope. Butch & Zip in and Butch nails both Body Donnas', but Sunny trips him up. Henry goes after Sunny. Phineas nails Skip in the head with his bucket and Butch covers for 3 at 3:24!!! 1/4* - Warrior University commercial. Yea right. (blows raspberry) - Footage of WWF Touring in Germany. - It's the Ultimate World Tour!!! May 10, 1996: Eric Civic Center; Erie, PA May 11, 1996: Copps Coliseum; Hamilton, CN May 12, 1996: War Memorial Stadium; Syracuse, NY May 13, 1996: Broome County Arena; Binghamton, NY - Footage of HBk/Diesel IYH Match. After the camers went off, Davey Boy Smith stormed the ring to confront HBK, but referees stopped him. - On Monday Night Raw (4/29/96) British Bulldog, James Cornette, and Diana Hart accuse Shawn Michaels of trying to seduce her (diana). Shawn tells her to not flatter herself, so she slaps him in the face, good and hard. Afterwards Michaels lays the "We know who wears the pants in the smith family" quote and Bulldog/Shawn have a pull-apart brawl. - British Bulldog (w/ Diana Hart & Jim Cornette) Vs. Fatu: (RAW 5/6/96) Joined in Progress: Bulldog has a sleeper hold applied to Fatu, while to gangster samoans come out to watch. Who were they again I forgot. Fatu breaks free and applies his own sleeper, but a low blow sends Fatu to the arena floor. Bulldog with a slam but he misses a leg drop, and Fatu gets funky like a monkey and hammer son the Bulldog. Back body drop by Fatu and a bulldog gets a 2 count. Cornette distracts Fatu on the apron, but Bulldog nails his own manager and Fatu hamers away. Bulldog with the clothelsine (and Fatus oversell) gets 2. Bulldog scoops up Fatu and nails the running powerslam for the pin at 3:27. DUD. Fatu and his "brotha's" get into a little talk in the aisle way afterwards. - Non-Title Match: Body Donnas © (w/ Sunny) Vs. Tekno Team 2000: Oh man!!! I hate these guys. TT2000 not Body Donnas, but they're up there too. Sunny get the crowd into it by....doing stuff. Skip starts with Travis, and Travis with an armbar, and Troy tags in and a double hip-toss gets 2. Skip slaps the guy in the face and Zip with a boot. Zip sends Troy to the buckle, and troy does the same, and he hammers way. Travis in with more punching to the arm of Zip and an armbar. Troy with a clothesline from the apron and a leap frog splash in the corner for 2. Back from break and Travis in, Zip locks a headlock and the donna's with a flap jack on Travis. Back suplex by skip and The NEW Rockers rag on the Body Donnas. Zip with a modified armbar to Travis as this match drags. Skip rakes the eyes and he scores a belly to belly suplex for 2. Travis & Skip trade right and the TT2000 dude eats turnbuckle. Double Suplex by the Tag Champs and Zip covers for 2. Skip in and he puts an armbar to Travis and drops a leg. Zip works the arm more and........keeps doing so. Zip with a suplex, but he misses a blind elbow drop, and Troy tags in, nailing Zip with a back elbow and a scoop slam. Skip with the tag and a high knee to the back, and Zip clotheslines him down. Skip to the top rope and a hurricanrana connects, but Vince calls it a Frankensteiner and its over at 6:49. 1/2*. Match dragged at the end....badly. - Jim Ross with an interview backstage with Jim Cornette & Vader. I can hear Goldust's theme music in the background. - The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) Vs. "The Slammy Award Winning" Owen Hart (w/ Jim Cornette): Goldust is on commentary here, and is scared of the Undertaker's entrance, and I guess The Undertaker himself. Owen stalls forever here, a pattern with Undertaker matches. Owen unloads a series of rights, but Taker throws him into the corner and pounds the crap out of him. Chokelift by Undertaker and he throws him down, while Goldust talks about Undertakers.....cold body. Yuck. Undertaker with a choke in the corner. Owen attacks the knee of Taker and wraps it around the ropes, while stomping away. Back from break and Goldust starts molesting Paul Bearer, while Owen works over the leg of Undertaker. Undertaker fights back, but Owen with a knee drop to the leg of Taker and works a modified ankle lock. Owen to the top rope and he nails a missile drop-kick and goes for the sharpshooter, but Undertaker grabs the throat of Owen and rises to his feet. Knee lifts by Taker and a big boot. Undertaker throws Owen outside, where Goldust touches his BUTT, so Owen gets in his face. Tombstone Piledriver and Owen's done for at 6:46. ¾* Just bad because of the focus on Goldust. Paul Bearer brings out a coffin after the match to frighten off Goldust. - The Smoking Gunns Vs. Tekno Team 2000: (Superstars 5/11/96) AAAAH! NOT ANOTHER TT2000 MATCH! Billy & Travis start and Billy walks into a drop toe hold and Travis with an armbar. Billy works his armbar and nails a fame-as-er before it was a finishing move. Bart in with a headlock, but Travis tags Troy and they connect with a double bicycle kick for 2. Troy with ANOTHER armbar, and Travis works the arm AGAIN. Fuck this. Billy stomps a mudhole in Troys ass and drops a leg drop for 2. Billy Gunn with a neckbreaker on Travis off Barts shoulders gets the win at 4:31. DUD. - King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Ultimate Warrior Vs. Goldust (IC Champion) (w/ Marlena): (5/27/96) Either way of this being quick or long, it's not going to be good. Look who's in the match and that will tell you what I mean. Warrior with a series of hard rights and a BIG right after mocking Goldust. Inverted Atomic Drop and an atomic drop sends Goldust over and out. Goldust puts the boots to Warrior and Warrior no sells. Back drop by Warrior and Goldust to the outside. Warrior whips Goldust into the railing and he spills into the crowd. Goldust rakes the eyes and sends Warrior into it, but he no sells and posts Goldust and covers for 2. Warrior misses the corner charge and Goldust hammers away. Scoop slam by Goldust, and he applies a rear chinlock. Warrior gets up with Goldust on his back and drops him backwards, and Goldust opts to get counted-out, but Ahmed carries him back to the ring with Goldust pounding away all the while. Goldust pulls Warrior out from the bottom rope and slams his head into the steel steps. Warrior with an eye poke and he kicks the snot out of Goldust in the corner. Corner Charge misses AGAIN and Goldust punches away, and throws Warrior to the floor, where he landed on Marlena's chair. Goldust chokes Warrior in the corner and drives the arm of Warrior into the buckle. Warrior fights back and nails a back body drop for 2. Belly to Belly suplex gets 2! Goldust is in as much trouble as the Orlando Magic. Goldust corners Warrior and low blows him, followed by a snapmare and rear chinlock. Side headlock by Goldust has Warrior on the mat. Warrior with a series of elbows to the midsection and a POWERSLAM for 2. Warrior uh.... Warriors up and nails 3 clotheslines, and a shoulder tackle. Goldust runs, and Warrior follows, and both men are counted out at 12:37. ¾* Lawler grabs Marlenas chair and goes to nail Warrior with it but Warrior chases him away. - Highlights from the Free for All where the Smoking Gunns defeated The Godwinns for the tag team titles. Footage from the power outage as well is shown and results from Beware of Dog. - Vince Mcmahon interviews Steve Austin & Ted Dibiase. - Non-Title Match: Smoking Gunns © (w/ Sunny) Vs. Body Donnas: (5/27/96) Sunny jumped ships again and is now managing The Gunns. Bart & Zip lock up but Zip with a series of chops, and Bart with his own and a clothesline. Bart win an armbar and Billy tags in, and works the armbar. Bart gets nailed with a shoulder block, but press slams Zip and drops him to the canvas. Skip in with Billy, and Billy with the move combination I hate, and he gets nailed with a flying head scissors, and retaliates with a belly to belly suplex, and clothesline. Skip goes after Sunny on the outside, and were back from commercial. Zip pulls down the ropes causing Bart to hit the floor hard, and Zip works him over. Skip pisses off Billy while Zip continues to kill Bart on the floor. Skip with a snapmare and leg drop gets 2. Zip with a snap suplex and camel clutch, but Bart breaks it, only to have Skip drop an elbow for 2. German suplex by Bart gets 2, and out comes Phineas, stalking Sunny. Body Donnas double team Bart and nail a suplex, after dumping Billy to the outside, and Skip nails a cross body but Bart rolls threw for the win at 9:22. * Just dragged on and on here. - King of the Ring Qualifying Match: (5/27/96) Ahmed Johnson Vs. Vader (w/ Jim Cornette): Final match on this tape, thank God. They lock up and no one wins it. Vader shoves off Ahmed, and they both pose off. Ahmed snaps and pounds Vader to the canvas and kicks his ass. Ahmed hammers him in the corner and chokes him but Vader rakes over and assaults him with deadly shots to the side of the head. Clothesline by Ahmed and a cross body press sends Vader and himself to the floor. Ahmed chases of Cornette after being hit with the racket, and Vader back inside nailing him with those squeezing clotheslines. Vader to the second rope with another clothesline for 2. Both men exchange rights and Ahmed knocks down Vader. Vader pounds on Ahmed in the corner and nails a series of splashes and he applies a chinlock. Ahmed with a suplex on Vader turns the tide HEAVILY, but Vader slams him, but misses the vadersault as usual. Ahmed pounds on Vader and nails a clothesline, followed by another. Powerslam by Ahmed but there's no referee. Owen from behind nails Ahmed in the head with his cast, and Vader pins him for the win at 8:57. *1/2. This was Ahmed first loss in the WWF. - Backstage Goldust gives Ahmed Johnson mouth to mouth resucitation, and that prompts him to snap, attacking Bob Holly and 2 other jobbers in the locker room area. FINAL ANALYSIS: Well, If you like Body Donnas, then you'll love this. But, well its WWF Compilation, so it just gets a thumbs down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites