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Guest crusen86

SJL Wrath, October 13

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Guest crusen86

SJL Wrath: October 13, 2002

Arena: Madison Square Garden in craptacular New York City!



Ejiro vs. Wildchild vs. Johnny Dangerous

- On Crimson, Ejiro took a MASSIVE beating at the angry hands of Leon Sharpe after reffing his match against Tim Dillon. Meanwhile, Wildchild took on Johnny Dangerous, with Dangerous just barely pulling out a win against one of the SJL's newest stars. These three men will square off tonight. Their incentive? The winner should be headed for bigger and better things real soon...

- Rules: All three men are in the ring at once. First man to score a pin, submission, or a DQ win is the winner. Countout and DQ are in effect.





Jack the Ripper © vs. Tim Dillon vs. Leon Sharpe

- After Crimson's surprising win by Jack the Ripper, the SJL's mysterious new commish has ordered Jack to defend the title, to prove that he truly deserves it. He will take on another pair of men who fought each other last week, Tim Dillon and Leon Sharpe. These two still have some unfinished business stemming from their match, reffed by Ejiro, and to spice it up, they've got a chance to bring home the gold. The twist is, they have to do it outside, in traffic, in Times Square. Good luck gentlemen...and don't let the hookers distract you.

- Rules: Falls count anywhere within Times Square. The match can only be won by pinfall. Any and all weapons are legal. The environment is one large weapon....use it wisely.



Matt Myers vs. Logan

- Logan made a fierce impact on the JL last week. The JL's newest star destroyed lovable Ben Hardy(don't laugh, it hurts Ben's feelings) and Fugue. Now, Logan must go up against Matt Myers in a true test. Can Logan keep his incredible momentum going, or will Myers stop this sadistic freak, and use it as a catapault to the World Title? Myers will have his work cut out for him in this no-DQ environment, where Logan's viciousness is sure to be an advantage.

- Rules: Countout and DQ are NOT in effect. First man to record a pinfall or submission wins.



Kamikaze v. Mike Van Siclen

- On Crimson, Jack the Ripper defeated Kamikaze for the European title in the upset of the century. Meanwhile, Mike Van Siclen was DQed in his match against Matt Myers for Van Slaminatoring the sWo leader. Mike challenged Judge Mental post match, who announced that his title shot stips were still in place! Who will come out of this match the #1 Contender? Will there even be a number one contender? You don't want to miss this!

Match Description: Kamikaze can get the World #1 Contendership simply by beating MVS. However, if Mike makes Kami tap, he becomes #1 Contender. Also, if Mike wins by any means besides submission, the match is ruled as a normal match and there is no number one contender.




Judge Mental © vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins

- The SJL's newest champion, Judge Mental, recently won the title, and has been running his mouth ever since. Meanwhile, Spike disappeared for a little bit, prompting some folks around the locker room to wonder if he had gone AWOL. However, Spike showed up to crash Mental's party on Crimson, where he got a title match with the old man for Wrath. What will happen in this highly unpredictable match? No one knows, but it should be a heck of a fight!

- Rules: This match will take place under normal DQ and countout rules. The first man to pin his opponent or make him submit a total of three times is the winner.

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Guest crusen86







Seconds after a stream of pyrotechnics rock the Garden, the lights go up and the theme to SJL Wrath kicks into high gear! The crowds stand at their feet screaming at the top of their lungs with excitement and waving around their numerous signs! Sign’s like “Logan is Weapon X” and a poorly drawn picture of Judge Mental in a wheel chair with the World Title are a few of the luckier ones to find their way onto the air.


“Welcome to another exciting edition of SJL Wrath!” Shouts Axis, giving the usual introductions to kick off the show. “Tonight we are live in front of a sold out crowd at Madison Square Gardens in New York City!” The camera’s switch to a view of the commentators table where Axis can be seen wearing a “Knicks” T-shirt and the Suicide King in his usual non-shilling attire. “I’m Axis and with me as always is the Suicide King!”


“You forgot the “Breaker of hearts and rules alike” bit. Jesus, Axis get with the program.” The Suicide King shakes his head in annoyance. “Tonight is a special night! We have not one but two three-way match’s, one for the European title, and one for shear pleasure. No disqualification matches, number one contenderships, and last but not least a WORLD TITLE MATCH WITH MY BOY, JUDGE MENTAL!”


“Yes indeed we have quite the night planned, King.” Says Axis. “To kick off this evening we have our first three way match involving Ejiro Fasaki, Wildchild, and Johnny Dangerous! Quite a show stopper that will be!”


“Oh Hell! Not them three! Every single show I have to sit through a bore-fest watching one of those guys wrestle the other! Can’t we throw someone like Leon into that picture? Someone who can just break all their necks so we can be done with them already.” King crosses his arms as a scowl look emerges on his face, obviously not to pleased with the participants in the match.


“It’s not that bad.” Retorts Axis. “In fact I have been rather pleased with all of their performances.”


“The only good that could possibly come out of this one is that one of them will get critically injured in this match.”


Smashing Pumpkin’s “The Everlasting Gaze” suddenly kicks in and Wildchild bounces out from the curtain to a wondrous cheer! The loud audience startles him at first but a second later he turns all smiles as he begins rocking his head in time with his music and takes off down the ramp, leaving streaks of black, blue, and yellow from the paint on his face in his wake! Outstretched hands are never ignored by the Wildchild who slaps as many as he can before finally sliding into the ring.


“Entering first in this Three Way Match scheduled for one fall!” Funyon bellows from inside the ring. “Weighing in at two hundred seventeen pounds, from the sunny Bahamas….WIIIIIIIILDCHIIIIIIILD!!”


“This kid needs to take his ass back to the circus!” Snorts the Suicide King! “And just look at him! I mean look! Once again, no shoes! I will bust my gut all over this floor if he stubs his toe in there!”


“Take it easy now, King.” Axis replies. “Wildchild may be a little different than what your used to, but I think he could be a future World Champion. Just look at his drive to succeed!”


“All I see is lame. Espicially with all that damn paint on his face!”


”Sellout” by Biohazard begins thumping from every corner of the arena, rocking the crowds straight out of their seats and into a cheering ovation for Ejiro Fasaki as the man heads out to center stage! Ejiro throws his arm out to the crowds, basking in their glory while strolling his way down the ramp towards the ring.


“Entering Second!” Funyon continues his introductions. “Weighing in at one hundred and eighty eight pounds, and hailing from Sarasota, Florida. EJIIIIROOOOOOO FASAKIIIII!!”


“Ejiro is looking rather good tonight, despite that beating he took at the hands of Leon Sharpe!” Says Axis.


“Well if there is one thing he and everyone who referees a match should know. You don’t screw over the talent! Ejiro got his ass kicked and rightfully deserved it, so I have no qualms about it!”


Ejiro’s theme slowly dies out, only to be replaced by a soft females voice saying “Johnny Dangerous”! The crowds let out a wonderful cheer upon hearing the name, but the theme for “Mission Impossible 2” done by Limp Bizkit kicks in, drowing out their cheers! Lights of every color, shape and size circle the entire arena as clips of Johnny Dangerous performing various spy antics appear on the SmarkTron when Johnny Dangerous steps out from the curtain!


“Entering third! Weighing in at two hundred and five pounds, and hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada! JOHHHHNNY DANGEROUUUUSSSS!!”


“I don’t know why these crowds cheer for such a fool!” Growls the Suicide King. “I mean, what has he done that’s so damn remarkable?”


“I don’t know, King. I think he just entertains.”


“He’s about as entertaining as watching grass grow, and that’s Monkey Grass in his case.”


Inside the ring Wildchild offers up his hand for a “Good Luck” shake towards Ejiro, who gladly accepts. Wildchild then extends his hand towards Johnny Dangerous who gladly accepts the shake as well.


”This crap has got to stop!” Barks the Suicide King!


“What’s wrong with it?” Ask Axis. “I mean it’s about time we had some good sportsmanship in the SJL.”


Trying to be a good sport Johnny reaches out with an extended hand towards Ejiro, smiling from ear to ear. “How can he just look so smug like that?” Ejiro thinks to himself as he looks down at Johnny’s hand. “I ought to smack that tie right off him!” Begrudgingly Ejiro grabs Johnny’s hand and delivers a firm, firm, firm shake. You could almost hear the bones in their hands grinding together as Ejiro bares down.


“Can you believe it!” Shouts the Suicide King! “The intensity of this hand shake here is so thick you could cut it with a knife!”


“Well Johnny Dangerous and Ejiro haven’t exactly had the friendliest of matches. Especially that hardcore one where you interfered and cost Ejiro the match, King!”


“Hey now, that’s what happens when you get carried away and hit me with a damn chair! He had it coming to him!”


Dangerous still smiling from ear to ear gives one quick wink to Ejiro and that’s all that needs to be said….






“Ejiro just knocked that smile right off of Johnny’s face!” Shouts Axis watching as Johnny’s reels from the blow and stumbles right into Wildchild, who cranks his fist into Johnny’s skull as well!








“And Sexton Hardcastle just signaled for the bell, signifying the start of this match!” Informs Axis!


The second blow almost knocks Johnny’s head in a 360-degree revolution, stumbling back he finds the ropes to give him a bit of support. Before he can even grab a second to catch his breath, Johnny finds himself sailing from one side of the ring to the other as Ejiro and Wildchild both Irish whips him towards the far ropes. Johnny springs back towards the deadly duo as the pair interlocks their arms and rams it across Johnny’s neck with a vicious clothesline!




“Damn!” The Suicide King excitedly shouts! “They just about popped his head right off his shoulders with that one!”


“I’m a bit surprised that Ejiro and Wildchild are double teaming Johnny Dangerous here.” Says Axis. “Do they really feel that threatened by him?”


Wildchild lifts Johnny to his feet by his chin, slaps the taste right out of his mouth with a quick backhand that elicits a “OOHHH” from the crowds then whips him to the ropes once again! The ropes slingshot Johnny right back to Wildchild, and right into his signature Free Fall as Wildchild jumps up and locks both hands around Johnny’s neck while planting both feet into his chest and monkey flips him right over him….


“AND RIGHT OVER THE TOP ROPE!!” Screams Axis as he along with the Suicide King leap from their seat to see the wreck that is Johnny Dangerous seconds after he splatters into the floor right in front of their table! “I don’t think these crowds can believe what they are seeing! These two just totally trashed Johnny Dangerous, then dispensed of him like he was yesterdays news!”


“He IS yesterdays news.” Says the Suicide King. “Damn…Anyone got a putty knife to clean this mess up with?”


With Johnny Dangerous dealt with, Ejiro and Wildchild circle each other for a moment before lunging into a tie up! Ejiro manages to get the upper hand with a headlock on Wildchild, squeezing him tight enough to pop his brains right out of his skull! Wildchild locks his arms around Ejiro’s waist, lifting him into the air and slamming the back of his neck into the mat with a quick Backdrop! WHAM!! Ejiro grits his teeth, trying to conceal the pain from the impact while scrambling back to his feet.


“Ejiro took quite a hit from that backdrop!” Comments Axis. “Oh, look! Johnny Dangerous is beginning to stir!”


“ALREADY?! God Damn it!” Say’s the Suicide King as he angrily slams his fist into the table. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to look at him making an ass out of himself anymore tonight. I mean look it’s all ready a two ring circus in there and it’s fixing to be a three ring!”


Back in the ring Wildchild latches onto Ejiro’s arm and slings him towards the ropes, then takes off for the opposite ropes full steam ahead! Both men head back towards each other looking like two steam locomotives about to collide! Wildchild swings out his arm for a clothesline but Ejiro spots it coming a mile away and wisely ducks, grabbing onto the back of Wildchild’s head as he comes up and hitting a vicious neck breaker! WHAM!! Ejiro bolsters back to his feet, then quickly drops his elbow into Wildchild’s sternum followed with a cover!





Two!! WHAM!!


“Johnny Dangerous just broke up the count!” Shouts Axis! “I’m pretty sure Wildchild could have gotten his shoulder up any ways, but Johnny isn’t taking any chances with these two!”


Ejiro springs to his feet to face Johnny Dangerous, only to be greeted by a fist! CRACK! Ejiro retaliates with a punch of his own, or so he had hoped as Johnny throws his arm up to block the punch and tosses another fist into Ejiro’s skull!




Johnny grabs onto Ejiro’s arm and whips the somewhat stunned Asian to the ropes as the crowd’s begin to cheer for Johnny’s revival! Ejiro springs off the ropes and quickly Johnny lifts him into the air and drops Ejiro’s tailbone onto his knee with an Atomic Drop! Ejiro rockets off of Johnny’s knee and crashes back first into the mat, writhing in pain from the blow! The crowds let out a tremendous cheer for Johnny Dangerous, who throws his arm out to them to acknowledging his audience! The crowds let out another cheer which pleasantly surprises Johnny, not even realizing that they are in fact cheering for the Wildchild who just bounced himself off the far ropes and is closing in on Johnny like a runaway Mack Ten Truck!!


“Here he comes!” Axis shouts out his warning only for them to fall on deaf ears as Wildchild hurdles his body into the air, grabbing onto Johnny’s head and slamming him head first into the mat with a ferocious bulldog! WHAM!!


“HA! HA! That’s what you get for trying to show off, Jackass!” Snickers the Suicide King.


“I bet Johnny Dangerous forgot all about him!” Says Axis. “Maybe this will show him you never want to turn your back on someone. Especially not some one like the Wildchild!”


“Wildchild is going for a pin!” Notes the Suicide King.












“Oh hell no!” Ejiro says to himself as he grabs onto Wildchild’s leg and rips him off of Johnny Dangerous, breaking apart the pin much to the fan’s delight! “Saved by the luck of the draw, or rather Ejiro’s determination to win here tonight.” Adds Axis.


Wildchild begins to rise to his feet, ready to deal out some punishment to Ejiro for ruining the pin but instead finds a fist sinking into his jawbone! CRACK! The force of the blow knocks the stunned Wildchild back a step, almost causing him to stumble into the ropes as Ejiro rears back for another deadly blow!


“WATCH OUT EJIRO!” Axis tries to warn!


Suddenly Johnny Dangerous surprises Ejiro with a stiff Spinning Heel Kick strong enough to level a city block straight to his jaw! WHACK!! The blow lifts Ejiro right off his feet and sends him tumbling through the middle rope to the cold hard floor as the crowd elicits an “OooHHHH!” for the move. Suddenly, Wildchild fires out from the turnbuckle aimlessly swinging his fist but Johnny utilizing his “Eighth Spy Sense” feels it coming and swiftly ducks the move! Johnny raises up behind Wildchild and lowers his body waiting for Wildchild to turn around, which he does and right into a Super Kick!




“JOHNNY KICK RIGHT TO WILDCHILD’S SKULL!” Axis frantically shouts! “This could only mean one thing!”


“Oh-God-No.” Says the Suicide King looking as if he were about to cry. “There is only one move that follows a Johnny-Kick and that is…”


“ARMED AND DANGEROUS!” Axis excitedly giggles with glee!


With Wildchild on his back Johnny Dangerous looks out to the crowds sparking a huge cheer of approval! Johnny takes off for the far ropes at warp ten, bouncing off of them he heads back towards the Wildchild’s unconscious body and jumps into the air! Johnny lets his body sail in the air for a split second before flipping himself and swinging his fist out and driving it straight into the heart of Texas!(Or in Wildchild’s case the Bahamas!) WHHHHAAAMMM!!! The crowds let out another huge cheer upon seeing the completion of such a dazzling move! The force of the blow causes Wildchild to bolt to an upright position, but he is quickly pushed back down to the mat when Johnny hooks onto his leg and makes for the pin!









Suddenly Ejiro puts himself back into the game sliding into the ring and darting straight for the ropes next to the pin attempt!









Ejiro Springboards himself off the middle rope, flipping in midair and headed straight for Johnny’s back with an open body attack!









“Hot diggity!” Says the Suicide King! “I didn’t think he was going to make it in time!”


Ejiro gets back to his feet and grabs a good lock of Johnny’s hair dragging him to his feet as Johnny shrills in pain! Reeling from the blow of the Lionsault, Johnny doesn’t put up much of a struggle when Ejiro rams his foot into Johnny’s gut, and drops him to one knee! Ejiro locks his arm around the back of Johnny’s head and takes off for the corner turnbuckle pulling Johnny along for the roller coaster ride! Upon reaching the turnbuckle, Ejiro Scales the side of it and back flips off the top while still holding tightly to Johnny’s head and drives him straight into the mat with a reverse DDT!!






“Jesus, Axis!” Says the Suicide King clearly annoyed! “Must you shout the name of their finishers every time they pull one off!”


“I can’t contain myself!” Says Axis! “This is just so thrilling!”


Ejiro rolls over and throws his arm across Johnny’s chest for a cover, hoping to finally end this charade of a match and go home victorious!



















THRE..”NO! NOT AGAIN!” Shouts the Suicide King, devastated as he watches Wildchild grab Ejiro’s leg and drag him off of Johnny!


“Yet again, someone breaks up the three count!” Says Axis! “Not one of these men here is going to allow the other to win! At this rate we could go on for days!”


“Well, not many men I have seen would just sit there and let the other guy win either.” Remarks the Suicide King.


Ejiro scrambles to his feet only to find Wildchild’s foot sinking into his gut, doubling him over as his breath is knocked straight out of his lungs! Wildchild hooks onto Ejiro’s arms with his back turned to Ejiro and begins to roll himself over, twisting Ejiro and placing him upside down on Wildchild’s back as he raises his body up!


“It looks like Wildchild is about to pull off some kind of Vertebreaker!” Shouts the Suicide king!


With the fans cheering loudly Wildchild jumps into the air and kicks his feet out, grinding the back of Ejiro’s neck straight into the mat when he hits! WHHAMMMMMM!!!!


“THE WILD RIDE!” Screams Axis, nearly blasting the Suicide King straight out of his seat! “Wildchild just may have given this match the final touch it needed to pull of a win here!”


“Not if he’s just going to lay on his back being about as useless as tit’s on a boar hog!” Retorts the Suicide King as he smacks his ear trying to regain some hearing.


Battered, tired, and worn the Wildchild slowly rolls over onto his stomach and edges closer to Ejiro as the crowds mount the edge of their seats in anticipation! Behind him Johnny Dangerous pulls himself together for one final stand, standing to his feet he begins to ascend the corner turnbuckle!


“Damn!” Shouts the Suicide King! “Johnny Dangerous is going to mess this one up! Lay back down on the mat, Johnny!”


“I don’t think he would listen to you, King! But can Johnny pull off whatever the hell he is planning before we get a three count for Wildchild?”


“God, I hope not!” Growls the Suicide King!


The crowds begin cheering loudly as they watch Wildchild finally reach Ejiro’s corpse, tossing his arm over Ejiro’s chest! Meanwhile over in Johnny’s neck of the woods the super spy perches himself on the top turnbuckle and stands up with his back facing the ring.


“WE HAVE A PIN! HURRY UP AND COUNT IT LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT SEXTON!” Shouts the Suicide King standing to his feet in anticipation of the pin!




Sexton throws his body to the mat like a solder in Vietnam trying to dodge a grenade blast to count the pin!





Johnny lets out a tremendous battle cry as he back flips himself off the top of the turnbuckle, igniting thousands of flash bulbs in the arena of fans wanting to freeze the moment of truth forever! Those unfortunate enough not to have any means of flash photography simply hold their breath in anticipation as they watch Johnny slowly tumble through the air.








Johnny kicks his feet out after flipping in his moonsault, dropping over Wildchild feet first as Sexton raises his arm up to deliver the third and final count of this match.






The crowds bolt from their seats delivering a huge cheer nano-seconds after Johnny comes down, planting both feet into Wildchild’s spine with his patented Moonsault Double Stomp”!


“License to kill! License to kill!” Shouts Axis in total shock after watching such a deadly move performed on Wildchild! “What a way to break up a three count! I don’t think Wildchild is going to be getting up from that any time in the near future!”


Johnny pushes aside the pain flowing through his body just long enough to straighten his tie, which sparks another cheer from these crowds then rolls Wildchild onto his back to make a pin.




Suddenly Ejiro rolls over and sees the pin just a mere few inches away! Determined to still win he drags himself closer towards Wildchild and Johnny. “Ejiro is going to try and stop this!” Shouts Axis as he watches the scene progress.




So close he can almost taste it! One more second and Ejiro can stop this before it’s too late! Gritting his teeth, Ejiro quickly scrambles to his feet and lunges towards Johnny with his fist leading the way! “A Japanese flying torpedo! I haven’t seen one of those since Pearl Harbor!” Adds the Suicide King.


Three!!! WHAM!!!


Ejiro drops his fist into Johnny’s sternum, knocking him off of Wildchild only a mere fraction of a moment in time to late! “No! The three count has already been made!"




“And your winner! JOHHHNNNNY DANGEROUUUUUSSS!!!” Announces Funyon as Johnny’s theme begins to blast down the walls of the arena. Inside the ring Sexton grabs the arm of a very battered Johnny Dangerous and raises it in victory. The moment he releases it Johnny slumps back down to the mat joining the other two fierce competitors, who are already lying fairly motionless in this ring.


“What a tremendous match!” Says Axis. “This is what you call a battleground! All three of these men put every inch of their soul’s into this one, but in the end it was Johnny Dangerous who was able to secure the winning pin! As far as I’m concerned though, every man in that ring is a winner!”


“Well I’ll have to admit that these guys just did not want to give up! For the must part these guys still suck, but I’ll have to give it to them for at least trying. Now can they get their lazy buts out of this ring?”


“Is that the best compliment you can give, King? Well once again Johnny Dangerous manages to pull through here and edge out a victory like any good spy should. This was one heck of a way to open up tonight’s show, but up next we will try to out do this with a three way street fight in Times Square for the European Championship!”


“That’s right, Axis. So stay tuned people! All this and more when we return with SJL Wrath!”

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Guest crusen86

(The camera then switches back to the Madison Square Garden after the commercial for Tom Flesher’s Black Fedora Linux ends. The absolutely sold out crowd is ecstatic and on their feet. Their signs are held in the air proudly and they support their favorite star. The signs include, “Judge Mental Is My Daddy!” and another ridiculous claim of, “CUTTHROAT WAS HELD DOWN!” The cameraman shudders at that man’s stupidity and as the camera zooms in the man is HamSauce! The pitiful sight is passed through and then the final viewed sign begs, “FURY COME BACK!” The camera then passes through a throng of men dressed like Spike and then the camera stops right in front of the announcer’s table).


“Welcome back to the exclusive, explosive Metal!” Axis explodes and the crowd cheers for no reason.


“Yes, and as if life wasn’t any better now we get to see Sharpe AND Ripper pound the absolute snot out of Tim Dillon!” King says in pure glee.


“If that’s your perspective.” Axis smartly words it.


“No… that’s a promise, just like how I promised to take Raynor’s voice and drive Edwin out of the business.” King confirms with a grin spread across his face.


“Hey! You didn’t drive Edwin out of the SWF or SJL!” Axis snaps in protest, and King asks like he didn’t hear him.


King finally acknowledges the protest, “If that’s your perspective!” Suicide King snaps in a snotty impression of Axis.


Funyon’s sudden, booming voice ends the argument, “This match is scheduled for one fall, disqualification rules DO NOT apply, and the winner is your new S-J-L European Champion!”


(The camera suddenly switches to an eagle’s eye view of Times Square, where the busy streets look peaceful. It then switches to right outside the arena, and two teenagers camp outside on steel chairs hoping to see the action. Their wish is granted as the closed arena doors suddenly explode open and Leon Sharpe comes stumbling through them, reeling backwards)!


“Hey, cheap shot!” King accuses.


The fans cheer loudly as they see their favorite generic Irishman follow Leon outside in the rather chilly weather, and he’s wearing a serious look on his face. Tim sends a hook to Sharpe’s jaw and it sends Leon spiraling out of control towards the two acne stricken marks. The two loyal fans lunge out of the way, and all the people walking clear away. Cars screech to a halt to check out the commotion, soon a dozen horns blare as well as the sound of steel slamming into each other.


“Right, and that segment was brought to you by the Nation Fascist Anarchists.” Suicide King says dripping with sarcasm. (The announcer’s voices audible to people watching on TV as well as the fans watching the SmarkTron contently).


Meanwhile in Times Square, Leon Sharpe grabs one of the chairs and violently tosses it at Tim Dillon. Tim barely ducks it and the lethal weapon slams against Madison Square Garden’s walls. Leon then takes the time as Dillon stalks forwards to grab the second chair. He folds it up and Dillon ducks under a swing. Tim pops back up only to fall down like a chopped down tree as a sicken thud is heard. Sharpe had plastered Tim with a chair shot dead center on his head. Tim slams into the cement and groans loudly. Leon goes to continue his assault but Matthew Kivell followed by Jack the Ripper with the European belt slung over his shoulder step outside. The ring bell echo to the outside and the match has officially begun. Matthew steals the Euro belt and holds it in the air and keeps it on his shoulder. Jack pauses as he runs a hand up his cane and examines his competition. Tim is still clad in the shamrock khaki cargoes, and the shamrock clad skate shoes… as well as an “End the Fighting” black tee shirt. Leon has his raven black hair flowing all over the place and his face shows dead seriousness. Sharpe wears his white singlet and the white shorts, but his attire differs in the one black elbow pad and the two black kneepads. Leon raises the steel chair in the air and Jack lunges forwards as he slams his cane into Leon’s gut in defense. Sharpe doubles over and drops the chair as Jack jumps onto him. Jack the Ripper attempts to DDT Sharpe into the chair, but Sharpe overpowers him and shoves him down. Jack lands awkwardly on his back onto the chair, as he grabs his back in agony. Leon then takes the advantage and returns his attention to Tim Dillon. As he stalks forwards Tim slams both feet into his kneecap, giving the Irish man a chance to get to his feet. Dillon delivers a right hook, a left jab, and then a two-for-one slap against his ears for safe measures. Ears ringing and face temporarily aching, Leon Sharpe is able to throw an elbow to Tim’s face. It slams Tim down onto his back. Dillon springs back up, and then ducks a clothesline. Leon’s arm gets caught and reversed into a hammerlock.


Sharpe then throws his elbow back and downwards, hitting Dillon’s temple. Tim’s clutch is weakened and Leon drops to the ground and twist Tim into an odd way. The end result is an arm drag. Jack the Ripper gets back up, and when Leon stands up Jack whacks his famous cane into his back. Sharpe grabs his back and he falls to all fours. Leon, however, flips onto his back and throws his two massive legs against Jack’s chest like Dillon. This time Jack the Ripper nearly gets airborne and he slams against the arena walls, and he slides down headfirst. Jack flips onto his gut and he moans out loud.


“Jesus, Leon with the early advantage.” Suicide King comments, almost in respect.


Tim Dillon is back on his feet and Leon turns around to collide into a grapple. Sharpe then manipulates his hands so he grabs under Tim’s armpits and he tosses him towards the street. Tourists and bystanders all “oh” and “ah!” as Tim Dillon hits a taxi cab’s side and then slouches down onto his rear end in the street. The traffic finally begins to straighten out, and cars actually move, making it all the more lethal. Tim rolls away, hoping not end up like Frogger. Leon laughs and then moves towards Dillon. A few tourists, unsure of the situation stand in his way. Sharpe chuckles as he shoves them away, and the by-standers all mutter. They agree not to interfere and they try their best to walk around the action. Leon checks his environments, the marquees, the sky scrapers, the busy streets, the garbage bins cemented down, that’s what Sharpe decides on. He notices one not so far away, and as he grabs a handful of Tim’s fine, blonde hair he forces Dillon to crawl over. Matthew follows and then watches Leon Sharpe simply toss Tim into it, Dillon then slams into it and his body oddly falls over to the other side.


“You know, cement hurts twice as much.” Axis points out.


“Thank you Captain Obvious!” King says and he sarcastically salutes the Aussie.


Leon steps towards the bin and is suddenly bombarded by a very pissed Dillon, who leaps with incredible “ups” and he slams his feet into Leon’s chest with a dropkick. Sharpe reels backwards, knocking into (and over) New York natives. Tim then hops onto the top of the garbage bin (for it’s like one at a McDonald’s with the top lid) and he leaps off to the flash of a few bulbs. He then throws his legs out and hits a simple, effective leg drop on Mr. Sharpe. As Tim springs back to his feet Jack the Ripper meets him with a cane shot. Tim Dillon ducks it and then slams his head up into Jack’s jaw, and then the two foes grapple.


“Remember the hostile feelings between Leon and Tim!” Axis reminds the fans. “It all began when Tim an Leon made a friendly alliance, and then it was shattered due to utter greed at Genesis Countdown. Next, Tim helped gang up on Leon Sharpe, and now Leon with his fresh new attitude wants a piece of Dillon.” Axis continues on the background.


“Don’t forget the backstage brawl where Leon utterly destroyed Tim!” King chimes in.


Tim Dillon and Jack then inch their way near the busy street and Dillon throws a knee to Jack’s gut. Tim then locks in a headlock and he violently tugs Jack near the gutter drain, where Tim drops to his back. Jack’s head slams against the steel gutter in pure pain as he rolls into the ring. Tim Dillon wheezes for air, as he landed on his back awkwardly when he hit the curb. Leon Sharpe and Matthew Kivell both follow, and Leon picks up Jack’s abandoned cane. Leon does a crazy Broadway show like strut with it and then he picks it up and slams it across Tim Dillon’s chest. Tim spasms in pain and he rolls out of the way at the second vicious swing. The second swing slams against the cement and the cane splinters all over the place. Wood chips and splinters shower the New York natives, as they flee from the chaos.


“Hey Axis? Did we ever get permission to do this?” King suddenly wonders.


Axis shrugs.


Leon Sharpe shrugs and he simply tosses the broken piece onto Jack, who’s crumbled on the gutter drain, his arm hung in the hole. Jack the Ripper’s eyes flutter open to see the broken cane piece beside him. His emotions suddenly snap like a twig, and his mind goes haywire. That cane had more than a lot of sentimental value and the new rage gives him the energy to spring up. Ignoring his headache he leaps onto Leon’s back and places one hand firmly on the back of Leon’s head and another on the shoulder. He then slams Leon’s face and body down into the street, as Leon rolls into the street causing all the cars to screech to a sudden halt. Slews of swearing and jeers can be heard from the fans in the arena, as well as in the streets. Jack the Ripper rolls straight onto his feet, only to be meet by a hard right from Dillon! Tim the follows through with blitzkrieg speed punches and as Jack is left reeling on the sidewalk, Tim does a few steps of his favorite jig and then lunges forwards hitting a hard clothesline! Jack slams into the ground as Tim covers to a pop from the crowd,


ONE! “Gee, what a crappy match.” Suicide King honestly comments.


TWO! Jack kicks out, and King sighs in relief. Tim Dillon then continues his beating as he throws Jack into the closest parking meter, quarters become to pour out and all the fans trample towards the riches to be won. Tim shoves through the throng of greedy Americans and he then grabs Jack the Ripper by his black hair, he throws him onto the top of a crappy, black car hood. Tim throws a quick axe handle for safe measures and Tim hops onto the hood. The parked car sways as Dillon brings Jack up and he slaps in a front face lock. Dillon the cradles Jack’s right leg and pulls Jack vertically into the air as he pauses, letting the blood rush to his foe’s head.


“No way to treat a champion!” Suicide King lectures about Dillon letting Jack’s face turn a deep red.


“Tim doesn’t seem to be working on anything on Jack, just any way to beat him.” Axis quips.


Tim Dillon hits the cradled DDT, as a huge dent in made in the hood of the car. Jack is knocked silly, and he slowly slides down headfirst off the car. Once the mob for the quarters has quenched their thirst they all point their attention to Tim, who’s on top of the car and ready to hit a move. One elder man cries in protest that it’s his car and it distracts Tim. Dillon flips the man off and bends his knees only to be slammed in the kneecap with the old man’s walking cane. Tim falls to all fours never thinking he’d get his ass kicked by an old man but he’s approached by a more serious problem. Leon is strutting up from behind and he hops onto the car’s back bumper (making it bounce like the stereotypical car in rap videos) and the back of Tim’s neck is squeezed on. Once the elder sees the massive Leon he retreats. Cars honk at Leon as the traffic begins to flow trying to ask to show Mercy. Leon Sharpe shakes his head no and then he locks in a front face lock. Tim yelps in agony as he’s lifted into the air and Matthew Kivell shows up to the side, trying to end the madness. Leon Sharpe could care less about his ex-comrade and he lands with his legs straddled and slams Tim into a Falcon Arrow for the pin! Thus hitting his classic move, The Leon Sharpe Special. Matthew flinches as the two men nearly break through the car roof, and it’s dented to the point of the metal touching the seats. Either way he makes the count,




ONE! “Come on Tim!” Axis pleads.




TWO! Jack is slung onto the hood trying to reach his opponents. Jack scrambles onto the hood and crawls up the windshield, ready to lunge out.


T! Jack’s body aches and he makes a fist.

H! Ripper’s fist slams just a few inches away from Sharpe’s head and the match is deemed over by the fans.

R! Jack then bends his arm and slams an elbow into Sharpe’s gut.

E! The sudden second of lax hold causes Dillon’s shoulder to pop up and break the count. Inside the arena and even the citizens all explode into cheers.


“NO! 2.999 count!” Axis proclaims gleefully.


Leon’s cry of rage echoes against every floor of every skyscraper. The enraged Sharpe carefully gets up, ready to pound on Ripper. Jack then gets to his feet shakily; glad he’s still has his belt for now. Jack then shocks every including Leon Sharpe as he hops over Dillon and slams shoulder first into Leon’s gut. He then spears the former European Champion off the back of the car, and the two slam into the street, nearly cracking their skulls on the curb. Leon’s winded as Jack hooks the leg,



Leon kicks out with so much force that Jack flies into the air and lands on his face causing a car to swerve away from crushing his head like Gallagher squashing a watermelon during his act. Jack the Ripper suddenly realizes the danger and he slowly crawls away and then gets onto his feet ready to make a break from the SJL. Matthew looks on in confusion, and with Tim Dillon still in agony clutching his back on the crap car; Leon pursues after Jack the Ripper. Jack finally makes it to the other side of the sidewalk and he shoves, hits, and practically bites the people making a clear path for escape.


“He’s trying to leave! That’s gold! Almost as gold as Raynor smacking Edwin with the steel chair!” King laughs.


Leon then dodges a few insane taxis and he watches Jack run past the barricade of teenagers waiting for TRL to start. Sharpe breaks into a sprint, and he snatches a large, thick, hardcover book from innocence college student. Leon Sharpe is only a few steps away from Jack and he surveys the glass building where TRL is hosted. He’s tempted to chuck the book through the window but he decides against it, and he continues to stalk after Jack. Right as Leon is in swinging range of using the book on Jack, Ripper turns around and slams his foot into Sharpe’s crotch. All the teenage girls flinch and are glad that it doesn’t happen to their favorite pop star. However, Leon grabs his jewels and lets the book drop. Jack bends over to nab the book but it’s a mistake as the angry in Sharpe raises and a simple elbow to the back of Jack sends him to all fours. Leon Sharpe then grabs him by his hair and then will all his might flings him into the air, and Jack the Ripper slams back first into the first floor pain glass window, the glass cascades down and Jack rolls into the TRL lobby, while the unexpected Carson Daly is standing getting a coffee. The teenagers suddenly slam over the barricade and rush towards the hole and Carson spits out his coffee in shock, while Jack rolls away against the wall for safety. Leon grins contently and he looks around seeing Matthew Kivell with the belt, and helping Dillon find the way for them.


“Jesus Christ!” Axis comments.


Jack the Ripper is bombarded by a slew of stomps from Leon. Leon Sharpe pulls up Jack the Ripper and grapples. Leon hits a knee to Jack’s gut and the fans yell in negative responses. Leon then situates Jack into the pre powerbomb position. As Leon Sharpe lifts him above his head Jack suddenly has a spurt of energy and reverses it into a Frankensteiner. Leon lands on his head and then Leon pulls himself back to his feet. Tim Dillon stumbles into the Jack the Ripper, Jack whirls around and suddenly is overtaken by two of his punches. Jack stumbles back and then Tim takes a second to grab his back. Ripper takes advantage of it and he jumps into the air, hitting a headlock. He then swings around and hits the schoolbook “Jump-swing-DDT.” Tim rolls away and into the glass shards back onto the sidewalk, the fans that haven’t been chasing after Mr. Daly stand above Tim rooting for him. Tim’s neck and back in utter pain, is ready to give up. Meanwhile in the TRL building Jack the Ripper over takes Leon with a few chops into his neck, Leon turns the table as he is able to shove Jack into the coffee table, (oh I am so witty), and then Leon steps onto the table himself.


The crowd ignores the fact that they hate Leon, but want to see the carnage. A soon, mandatory “TA-BLES!” chant blares. Leon Sharpe then forces his foe’s arm up into the air. Then he leg is wrapped around Jack’s leg and he forces him to the side. Therefore hitting a modified pump-handle hold. He then lifts him into the air, and then falls to his stomach hitting a pump-handle suplex through the table! The wooden structure crunches into two pieces and wood chips are flung at the fans.



“More back pain for Jack!” Axis points out.


Leon Sharpe then lays on top of Jack and nonchalantly hooks the leg,


ONE! “Again, I’d like to point out that Sharpe is the future of the company!” Suicide King informs the fans.


TWO! The fans jeer and then someone is smart enough to begin a “TIM! TIM! TIM!” chants.


T! Tim Dillon is staggering on his feet.

H! Dillon then leaps through the hole in the glass towards the pin.

R! He then drops to his feet hitting an elbow into Leon’s head, Sharpe rolls over and groans. The fans explode in cheers and Leon leaps back to his feet, though a bit shaken. Leon then falls victim as Tim leaps up and hits a quick headlock. Tim Dillon then falls to his back, and then rolls back to his feet retaining the hold. The fans go ballistic as Tim starts to hit the rolling DDT’s.


“Finn’s Fall! Finn’s Fall!” Axis marks out.


Tim Dillon pulls up for the other one and Leon Sharpe puts an arm on Tim’s waist and chucks him over into a Northern Lights Suplex! Tim has a spasm in pain.


“Both the lightweights are really taking a beating on their back.” Axis points out.


Tim Dillon has two girls who find him attractive grab him by his armpits and then pull him up. Tim flashes a white grin and then is knocked right back down by Leon’s massive Big Boot. Tim then gets an idea, as Leon pulls him up he slips back on the green brass knuckles. Sharpe sees the blur that was Tim’s hand with the knuckles slams into Sharpe’s chin. Leon’s lip busts open, and Leon reels backwards, tripping through the broken glass hole. Tim Dillon pauses to let the pain leave his body but is attacked by the worn-down Jack the Ripper. The two collide into a grapple and Jack falls to his back and places his two hands on his wrist, then monkey flips him against the closest wall. Tim slams on his aching back and he rolls away in agony. Tim is able to help himself up, and he notices all the TRL fans are gone. Tim observes his options, and he decides to slowly crawl towards Leon. Jack the Ripper gets to his feet, doing the same and Tim escapes out of the TRL building before Jack. Tim Dillon is then baffled, as he can’t find Leon. Sharpe is seen trying desperately to talk into Matthew into disqualify Dillon for the knuckles. Tim then gets to his feet and sighs while he pushes his hair back. Tim Dillon charges and Matthew warns Sharpe at the last second. Leon turns around to see Tim bend down and Gore him down into the street, as cars slam to brakes in pure rage of the SJL brawl.


“I think we’re accomplishing more anarchy than any anarchist splinter group ever will.” King points out in awe.


Sharpe shoves Tim away, and as Leon stands up he follows Tim who’s retreating towards the WWE headquarters. Leon Sharpe falls for the same trick twice as Tim whirls around and leaps into the air and wraps his legs around Sharpe’s neck. Dillon carefully aims while he hits the hurricarana. Leon Sharpe slams against a painted wooden park bench and the people scatter. Tim Dillon then rolls towards the bench and stands a few feet away from it. Leon lies across it like a drunken hobo as Dillon jogs forwards and then speeds up. Tim Dillon then leaps into the air and he goes for a Swanton bomb, but Leon foils Dillon as he rolls off and Tim slams across the top part in absolute pain.


“HOLY SHIT!” The chant echoes through out New York, even the people around them mark out. Dillon then rolls away backwards and conveniently lands on Leon Sharpe into a pin. Matthew jogs over towards the spot, taking valuable time away.




E! The fans all explode and give out their supportive chants in “Oi!”




O! The chants pick up, but suddenly more horns are heard and the camera wanders to its side to see Jack running at his top speed towards the pin.




R! Tim Dillon gets his hopes up high, and they’re shattered as Jack the Ripper is only a mere foot away!

E! “New Euro champ!” Axis proclaims, but he’s wrong as Jack baseball slides into Tim’s head, which hung low in pain, and Tim rolls off, breaking the pin.


All the fans groan in disappointed and the chat dies. Even the people at the red light groaned as they watched from their rolled down windows. Jack the Ripper utilizes the park bench and he pulls himself up. He then brings Tim up and he looks around, hoping to find a place to send him. He then notes a hot dog vendor and Jack takes a few steps forwards with Tim and he heaves him. Tim slams into the side of the cart and he lands on it while his head falls into the sizzling, scalding deep fry oil and an inhumane scream is heard. His head is quickly taken up and the cart begins to roll towards the huge fleet of stairs of the WWE World. The cart seizes to a halt as a group of New Yorker’s stops it, and then leap back as the fry oil spills everywhere. Jack, a good amount of space away picks up Leon Sharpe and smirks, Sharpe who had been playing opossum suddenly slaps a hand against Jack's exposed throat. Sharpe then places a supporting hand on Ripper’s back, and is suddenly blitzed by Jack’s elbows that slam against his neck and shoulders. Leon does his best to ignore the pain but as he lifts Jack into the air Ripper hits a very fierce elbow into Sharpe’s bleeding, pain plagued lip. Sharpe lets go in pain and Jack attempts a knee to his ball area. Sharpe catches it however and pulls Jack in as he then picks him up for a powerslam. Sharpe then spins and goes for the slam but Jack suddenly slips out of Sharpe’s hand supporting his head, and he’s left hanging. Due to the way Sharpe’s other hand holds to the side Jack falls, but he lands in between Leon’s leg and he rolls him up like the end of a Sunset flip! Fans all pour out their jeers towards Jack’s attempt at retaining the belt, and Matthew drops to his gut, and accidentally lets the belt fall into the street. Kivell strains to think of a decision, and he nabs the belt taking at least one second.





TWO! “Dillon’s not there for the save!” Axis cries out, half depressed.



There’s an awkward silence as Matthew’s hand rises in the air.


THRE- Mr. Sharpe suddenly explodes kicking out getting a few cheers just for the sake of Jack not retaining. Leon Sharpe throws his black, tangled hair away for the sake of not looking “Cousin It” while he pulls up Jack. He slams a palm strike that sends Jack toppling into the street. His luck runs out as a minivan slams into the European Champion and he rolls off the hood with –amazingly- nothing broken. Leon screams as Matthew Kivell to follow as Tim Dillon is seen stumbling towards them, only a great distance ahead. The two battered foes stare at each other, across the street is the world, and in front of them is a marquee advertising for the theatre they’re near. The ticket booth is inside as the employee looks on in confusion. The freckled plagued, lanky man leaps out of the way as Sharpe makes the first move. The two end up exchanging punches but Sharpe get the much-needed upper hand and he signals to the world the match is over. He shoves Jack into the ticket booth, and then he ducks down as Jack staggers forwards. Leon Sharpe catches him in a Guerilla Press position and a chorus of jeers hits loud enough to be heard in the high heavens as Leon lets Jack drop into Tombstone position. Sharpe then drops to his knees after a pause, and Jack’s head cracks open against the cement, and the blood freely flows. Leon wipes his own-crusted blood away and he grins contently, ready to pin for the win. The crowd who had followed the match all gasps for Jack and then the pin is made.


“It’s over.” Even Axis admits.


“I told you there’s no point in denying reality.” King snaps back.


ONE! Silence.


TWO! Footsteps can be heard. Tim Dillon emerges but can’t shove his way through the crowd.


THREE! “WAIT!” Axis cries as Dillon delivered a leg drop the second before Matthew hand’s hit. Leon rolls off onto his stomach on the side and everyone waits for Kivell’s call. Kivell then shoots two fingers in the air to a “Bullshit” cry from King, and an up-rise from the fans! Leon then shoots up with such an adrenaline high he doesn’t care about his aching body. Dillon merely takes a few steps in retreat, and Sharpe takes the very last drops of reserved energy as his hands clutch Tim’s armpits and he squeezes hard as possible. Tim yells out in anguish from the mental problems of his match as Leon tips his head up signifying he’s trying to toss Tim Dillon into the scrolling marquee reading “Wind In the Willows.” Leon Sharpe then strains yet succeeds in tossing Dillon and a hush falls across the audience. Tim does indeed slam into the very edge of the marquee, but his right arm grasps the top, and he quickly swings his body weight up. He then rolls onto the marquee. Sharpe then takes a few steps into the open (away from the marquee completely).


“NO! IDIOT! MOVE UNDER IT!” King warns.


Leon pays no attention what so ever and he suddenly sees a flying AND moonsaulting Irish man. The casual fans with cameras take another classic photo, and Tim connects! There’s a sudden hopeful split second as Leon nearly grabs Tim and lands in a tombstone, but Leon topples over. The two are entangle into a human wreck, and everyone cheers on Tim. Leon shoves Tim off and slowly turns for the cover. But right as he goes for the pin Dillon grabs him by the throat and then rolls onto Leon releasing the hold and then hooking both legs up into the air while he’s seated upon Leon’s chest!


ONE! The fans nearly foam from the mouth in glee.















THREE! The bell in Madison chimes. Matthew Kivell holds the belt up high and he awards it to Tim Dillon. Tim stares at the prestigious belt in awe. Tim Dillon then staggers to his feet and thrusts the belt up high with both hands. “Dillon is our NEW European Champion!” Axis says drowning out the fans and Funyon.


-Fade to black.-

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Guest crusen86

And as the cameras come alive again, the beautiful MADISON SQUARE GARDEN is filled with hardcore Smarks Junior League Wrath fans. They hold up signs such as “GLASS CEILING NO MORE” and the camera surprisingly zooms on a man being dragged out of the arena with a sign in his hand saying “BRIAN KENNESY WILL RISE AGAIN!”. The camera then pans over to Axis and The Suicide King, as they babble on…


“Welcome back, one and all, to a very special edition of Smarks Junior Leauge Wrath, LIVE from the grand Madison Square Garden!” Axis says, “It’s been a great night so far, we’ve seen a lot of intense matches, Jack The Ripper, the bloody Englishman defended his European Championship in a triple-threat Times Square street fight against Leon Sharpe and Tim Dillion!”


“Not to mention our amazing opening match, ANOTHER triple threat match, I might add, Johnny Dangerous against Wildchild against Ejiro, but I’ve seen better,” The Suicide King mumbles, “And hey! Look at this…this next match is one of my favorites!”


“That’s right King, a No-Disqualifications match between Matt Myers and the newcomer, Logan. Logan has been itching for a match along these lines, but with a man like Matt Myers, it won’t be a walk in the park…” Axis says.


“Heh, and also, anything is allowed! Chair-shots, low blows, anything goes in these matches!” The Suicide King says.


The lights go out and the arena is bathed in red flashing lights as the ominous tune of "Helter Skelter" by The Beatles. Logan steps through the curtain and walks down the ramp slowly, oblivious to the fans. He gets surpsingly loud cheers, the fans considering his opponent tonight. He slides under the bottom rope and into the ring, as Funyon announces him.




“Logan is an impressive man who has certainly made a gigantic impact,” The Suicide King says, “Usually the fans go against him, but tonight, I think they’re with him all the way, considering his opponent it probably the most hated person in the JL.”


“I agree with that statement, King,” Axis says, “After turning on his own stable, literally snapping right here in front of us…forcing his friend Mak Francis into a Hell In The Cell match, where he almost ended the guy’s career!”


The arena's lights come to a sudden halt, as the arena darkens for about ten seconds...then...





“Well, speak of the devil!” Axis remarks, as a huge neon-purple pyro goes off in the middle of the entrance way, as a multi-colored stroblelight hits in the arena, still engulfed in darkness, as the arena turns into a rave-like state. "Rise" by The Cult blasts through the speakers, as the fans rise from their seats. Smoke hisses out from the entrance way, as Matt Myers steps through the smoke, and on to the entrance ramp. Matt Myers looks out at the crowd, as he throws his arms into the air, only to be smothered in boos. He begins walking down the entrance way, looking cocky and ready.




Matt Myers walks up the ring steps and into the ring, as he meets eyes with Logan, who is squatting down near the turnbuckle, eyeing Matt Myers. Matt gives him a cocky smile, as the referee calls for the bell and the match begins.


“Well, the referee just called for the bell, and it’s the power-based stragity of Logan against the quick and furious cruiserweight wrestling style of Matt Myers,” Axis says, “Which style is going to prevail?”


Myers and Logan being to circle around each other, as they are trying to feel each other out. Logan puts his hand out in a test of strength, as Myers accepts, but once he places his hand in Logan’s, Logan begins crushing poor Matt Myers’ hand! Matt drops down to his knees, screaming, as Logan delivers a swift kick to the gut of Matt Myers! Myers groans in pain as he grasps his ribs. Myers lets go of the test of strength. He climbs back up to his veridical base, still grasping his ribs, but Logan runs at the ropes and comes at Myers from behind with a powerful bulldog! Matt Myers falls to his face, as Logan quickly gets up to his feet. Logan runs against the ropes and drops an elbow on top of the neck of Matt Myers, as he then quickly makes the cover…






THR—No, Matt Myers kicks out!


“Logan trying to score the fall early on here in the match,” Axis says.


Logan picks up Matt Myers once more, as Logan takes Matt Myers’ limp arm and puts him in a suplex position. He hoists Matt up in the air, as he then quickly slams him down on the mat in a snap suplex. He rises up to his feet once more, as he picks up Matt Myers once more, but it seems as if Matt has been knocked senseless. He grabs the arm of Matt and whips him across the ring, only for Matt Myers to come back at him with a spinning wheel kick! Logan goes down, but quickly gets up, as he sees Matt Myers trying to use the turnbuckle to climb back up! Logan rushes at Matt, only to get a swift kick delivered to him right in the face! Logan turns around once more, as he comes at Matt, only to have another kick delivered to him in the face! Logan uses what little speed he has to rush at Matt one more time, as he uses a full head of steam, only this time to find Matt Myers to pull his legs up above his head, and on to his shoulders. Logan goes on instincts, as he quickly pulls Matt Myers out of the turnbuckle, Matt Myers in a dangerous position, as it looks as if he’s about to be powerbombed…but Matt uses his agility to twist over into a hurricane-rana roll-up! The referee quickly counts, as Logan struggles to get out…




TWO! ...NO! Logan kicks out just in time!


“Just watch the flexibility of Matt Myers!” The Suicide King brags, “That might be the x-factor in this match, the fact that Matt Myers has something that Logan hasn’t!”


Matt Myers gets up, as he quickly pulls Logan to his feet, as he delivers a quick kick to the gut of Logan. He then grabs the arm of his opponent, as he twists Logans’ arm around and delivers a kick to the ribs of Logan, as Logan lets out a small groan of pain. Matt Myers delivers yet another kick to the gut of Logan, as he looks out to the crowd and grins cockily. Just a simple grin drawls a volley of boos, but Matt Myers turns back to Logan, as he gets Logan’s free arm delivered right into his face! Matt Myers goes down from the powerful clothesline, letting go of Logan’s arm. Logan takes no notice to his arm, as he quickly exits the ring…


“What’s Logan doing here,” Axis ponders.


“Well, we’re under no-disqualifications rules!” The Suicide King says, “Maybe he’s making use of the stipulation!”


…And King’s evaluation is correct, as Logan pulls out an empty trashcan from under the ring! He throws it aside, as he pulls out ANOTHER trashcan, this time holding it in his hand. He turns around and picks up the second trashcan, and he turns around to go back inside the ring…but Matt gets up and DIVES above the top rope and on to the outside of the ring, falling on top of Logan, as both men go down, the two trashcans flying in different directions! Matt Myers begins to stir, but Logan quickly rises up to one knee, as he reaches over and grabs a trashcan…


“Amazing! How in the world can Logan get up from something like that?!” Axis says.


“I don’t know, Axis, but Logan must have ALOT of stamina to do something like that!” The Suicide King says.


Logan gets up to his feet, as he sees Matt Myers standing on one leg, his hands resting on the long knee. He’s panting wildly, trying re-gain his breathing probably form the beating Logan gave him. He throws the trashcan up above his head, as it begins to come down…but Matt Myers uses his one leg to push him off of the ground and into the air, as he goes flying, as he delivers a jumping front-kick right to the trashcan and into the face of Logan. Logan stumbles backwards, as he then takes a gigantic fall, straight down to the mat. The crowd explodes at the sight of the move, as the front row begins a small “HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!” chants. Matt Myers slowly but surely rises to his feet, as he sees the fallen Logan. He quickly turns around and throws the trashcan into the ring, and then goes over to Logan, who had rolled over to his belly, as he quickly takes him up to his feet and throws him into the ring. Matt Myers then goes over to the announce table and picks up a steel chair, as walks over to the ring and slides that under the bottom rope into the center of the ring, as he climbs into the ring…


“Well, Myers is making use of the no-disqualification rules of this match,” Axis says, “After making a jumping front-kick to the trashcan, which went smack-dab into Logan’s face, he’s throw a second trashcan and steel chair into the ring!”


“And look at this! Logan is already to his two feet!” The Suicide King says.


King’s words are correct, as Logan has risen to his two feet, as he delivers an elbow to the gut of Matt Myers. Matt doubles over, as he grabs the arm of Matt Myers and whips him into a corner, which is followed by Logan coming at Matt Myers with a GOOOOOORRRRRRREEEE! Myers groans in pain and his clutches his ribs, but Logan takes no mercy, as he whips him across the ring once, more and coming at Matt Myers with a second GOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRREEEE! Matt Myers walks forward, as he tries to throw a weak punch at Logan, but Logan blocks the punch and delivers a headbutt, and the heads collide and Matt Myers go down. Logan covers Mr. Myers, as the referee begins to count…






THR—No, Matt Myers throws his shoulder up, as the crowd explodes in boos!


“Well, the crowd, as well as us, thought it was all over for Matt Myers there that must have been two and nine tenths! Very close to a pin fall!” Axis says.


Logan picks up the fallen, limp body of Matt Myers, as he places the trashcan in front of him. He picks up Matt Myers on to his back, as the crowd explodes in a crazed frenzy, wanting to see more hardcore blood! But, all of the sudden, Matt begins struggling on the back of Logan. Before Logan can even think of pulling off a Death Valley Driver, Matt Myers grabs the neck of Logan, as he throws his hips over the head of Logan, and comes down to the mat in a DIAMOND CUTTER OUT OF NOWHERE, MISSING THE TRASHCAN BY INCHES!




Matt Myers begins to stir, as he picks up the trashcan next to him, and while he’s still on his knees, places it on the fallen body of Logan. He then quickly walks over to the turnbuckle (still on his knees, mind you all), as he begins to pull himself up and climbs up rope by rope, as the crowd gets louder as he reaches the top…


“What is Matt planning to do here?” Axis says.


…And he looks out to see the fans in front of him, as they give him a mixed reactions of cheers of excitement and boos of hatred. Matt takes a LEAP OF FAITH OFF THE TOP ROPE, TWISTING AND TRIWLING INTO THE AIR AND COMING DOWN ON THE TRASHCAN IN A CORKSCREW MOONSAULT! THE TRASHCAN GOES STRAIGHT INTO THE RIBS OF LOGAN, WHO GRABS HIS RIBS AND SCREAMING IN PAIN!


“I don’t think I’ve EVER seen a move quite like that!” The Suicide King says.


“And I don’t think I’ve heard Logan SCREAM LIKE THAT before!” Axis says.


Matt Myers begins to stir, as he rolls off of the fallen body of Logan. He looks up at the ceiling, and then to his left, as Logan, who is breathing heavily, holding his ribs. Myers rolls on to his stomach, as he lays a single arm over Logan, AS THE REFERE BEGINS TO COUNT…























“WHAT THE…DID MATT WIN IT?! LOGAN DIDN’T KICK OUT!” The Suicide King screeches, but the referee gets up and points to LOGAN’S FOOT ON THE ROPES! Matt Myers tries to get up to his feet, a look of shock and disappointment on his face! He begins to crawl over to where the steel chair is, as he places his hand on the metal object. He smiles as he picks it up, as he begins to climb to his feet. He wobbles once he’s at his vertical base, as he turns around to see Logan on both his knees. Matt Myers takes a swing and…



SMMMMMMMMMACK! The chair shot echoes through the arena, and it lands right on Logan’s head, but Logan dosen’t seem to respond to it! Matt takes another mighty swing and…


SMMMMMMMMMACK! A second chair shot, but it only seems to be fueling Logan! Logan is up to one foot now, as Matt Myers looks around in disbelief. Matt draws the chair back once again and…


SMMMMMMMMMACK! A THIRD chair shot, but Logan is now on his feet, the crowd going CRAZY! Myers is EXTREMLY pissed off right now, as he takes the chair back once more and…


….SSSSSSSSSWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOSSSSH! Logan ducks under the chair, as he delivers a forearm into the chair, sending the chair into the face of Matt Myers! Matt drops the chair, as Logan scoops Matt up on to his back, attempting the Death Valley Driver for the SECOND TIME…


“Logan is going for the Death Valley Driver again..” Axis ponders, “But can he pull it off, we know what happened last time with ‘The Memory’!”


…AS MATT MYERS WIGGLES AROUND ON THE BACK OF LOGAN, BUT LOGAN SHUFFLES HIS LEGS AND THROWS MATT’S HEAD DOWN ON TO THE CHAIR! Matt tries to pick up his head, but it falls to the mat, as the crowd explodes in a “LO-GAN! LO-GAN! LO-GAN!” chant. Logan backs against the ropes, panting, but not too hard. He then looks out at the crowd, points to Matt Myers and throws his hands in a downward motion, as the crowd explodes, as it seems that the end is near, as Logan squats down, waiting for Matt Myers to get up to both legs…as Matt does, Logan locks his arms with Matt’s arms, and turns into Matt, so he’s in an upside-down position! Logan then takes a leap down hitting the WILDERNESS DRIVER!!!











































E….NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MATT MYERS KICKS OUT JUST IN TIME, AS LOGAN LOOKS AROUND AT THE CROWD! The crowd goes into a booing frenzy, as Logan gets up to his feet and into the referee’s face. Logan seems to get more pissed off by the seconds, as he grabs the referee’s shirt! The ref threatens to disqualify Logan, but Logan just starts screaming!


“Pfft. Glad I’m not him!” The Suicide King says.


Logan, who is distracted by the referee, has no idea that Matt Myers has risen up to his knees, and has a steel chair in hand. Matt sees an opening, as he places the steel chair in-between Logan’s legs, as he hoists the chair upward, straight into Logan’s family jewels! Logan screams in pain, as he grabs his nuts and falls to the mat!


“Hey, shouldn’t that be a disqualification?” Axis remarks.


“Nope, its no-DQ, silly, and I don’t care WHO you are, you just HAVE to sell something like that!” The Suicide King groans.


Matt Myers drops the chair and quickly gets up to his feet, locking on a dragon sleeper hold! He then sweeps the legs of Logan, as Logan drops down on his knees, as Matt pulls back, as Logan screams in agony and pain!


“Matt Myers calls this the Dragon Fang,” Axis says, “And it must be painful, having two parts of your body being pulled in the opposite direction!”


Matt Myers pulls back some more, as Logan reaches out for the ropes! He can almost smell them, as he reaches out further, one hand resting on the mat…he reaches out some more, getting closer, and now he’s only inches away from breaking the hold! He reaches out even closer and…














….Logan TAPS! Logan, who is only mere centimeters away from the ropes can’t take it anymore and uses his free hand to tap, as the referee calls for the bell!


::Ding, ding Diiiiiiiiiiiing!::


“Rise” blasts over the PA System, as Matt Myers refuses to let go of the submission hold! Logan’s face is beginning to turn blue, as the referee tries to pull Matt Myers off of Logan! Matt jumps off of Logan, as he rushes at the referee, who quickly slides out of the ring. Matt Myers grabs the chair and throws his arms into the air in victory, as Funyon announces him.




“Well, I hope Matt Myers is happy,” Axis says, “It took him a low blow WITH a chair to put away Logan!”


“Hey, but that low blow and chair were perfectly legal in this no-disqualification match,” The Suicide King pleads.


“I don’t care if it was disqualifications or a Detroit street-fight rules, I don’t think Myers could have fairly beaten Logan!” Axis says, “And also…uh-oh…look at this…”


Logan, who has rise to his feet, sees Matt Myers standing in the center of the ring in all his glory, holding the chair in the air. He begins backing up until…




He hits Logan. Matt Myers pauses, as he frowns and a look of fear and embarrassment appears on his face. He groans as Logan squats down, pulls Matt up on to his shoulders in a Electric Chair position, as throws him down in a SQUARE DRIVER! The crowd explodes at the sight of Logan’s finisher, Logan's Run! Logan looks out at the crowd and then back down at Matt Myers, as he kicks the chair out of the ring and spits on the fallen body of Matt Myers! Logan exits the ring as “Helter Skelter” blasts over the PA System.


“Eeew! How disrespectful!” The Suicide King says.


“Heh, I actually think Matt Myers got what he deserved…anyways, folks, don’t touch that dial, because up next we have Kamikaze vs. Mike Van Siclen for the #1 Contendership in a special stipulations match, and after that, it’s the world title 3/5 falls match, “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins against Judge Mental, and it’s NEXT!”


The camera zooms in on the fallen Matt Myers as we cut to a commercial break...

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Guest crusen86

Axis: Erm, yes. Apparently, the scheduled #1 contenders match will not be happening tonight.


King: Good. Can go get laid fifteen minutes earlier tonight.


Axis: If they two people involved are lucky, they might get a rematch the next show.

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Guest crusen86

The techno riffs of “Sandstorm” by Darude swirls across Madison Square Gardens as SJL Wrath returns! The beats mix and flow over the wild crowd as they get ready to hype themselves up for the upcoming Main Event! Across the arena, the crowd begins to swell as some of lucky sections are put up on the scoreboard. One of them shows a fan with a posterboard sign showing the Spike hitting the Highlighter and a list of names to the side of it with the last line reading a hopeful “Tonight: Judge Mental”. Under it the quote reads “Time to add another face to the highlight reel!”. Another shot of people, this time in the upper section, shows about a dozen men wearing the “Rising Sun” that Kaze pulls out before his finisher. The men see themselves on the screen and one of them begins to countdown before they go 1… 2… 3…. “KAMIKAZE!”. One final shot reveals a lonely man in the middle section of the arena wearing Knick’s Jersey and decked out in the traditional Orange and Blue. He has a slightly confused look on his face and holds up a sign that says “LET’S GO SPREWELL!” under which is hastily scrawled, “Aren’t the Knicks playing tonight?” We go down to see Axis and King looking up to the scoreboard as well.


“Didn’t he know that the Knicks played last night?” Says Axis as King shrugs his shoulders.


“Eh, he’s a Knicks fan. If you’ve ever seen them play, you’d see how that makes total sense.” King says, putting his feet up on the table and leaning back in his chair as he normally does. Axis has no idea what King meant, but notices the camera back on and immediately jumps back to his job.


“Welcome back to Madison Square Gardens and SJL WRATH! We’ve had a fantastic show tonight from the get-go and hopefully to finish. We started off with the trio of newer wrestlers going at it. Ejiro Fasaki, Johnny Dangerous, and Wildchild all put on an incredible match. After that was probably the showcase match of the night, the Times Square Streetfight for the European Title!” Before Axis can continue on, King butts in.


“Who the hell is booking this stuff?” King asks as Axis looks over.


“The new commissioner, of course.”


“Who’s that?”


“Well, didn’t you read the big memo he sent out to all of us?”


“Well, I remember getting a memo and throwing it out because it was addressed to the ‘SJL Staff’ and not ‘Suicide King’. I figure if you don’t have the time to send me a personally addressed memo, I don’t have the time to read it.” Axis rolls his eyes as he continues on.


“After that we had a big dose of brutality with a No-Disqualification match between the mysterious Psychopath Logan and the well-known Psychopath, Matt Myers. Lastly, but by far not least, we had the match for #1 Contendership of the World Title between two very determined men: Kamikaze and Mike Van Siclen.” Axis opens his mouth but King interrupts him.


“Goddamn you ramble on too much. We are up to the main event people, between Old Guy Judge Mental and Jobber King Spike Jenkins.”


“Mental isn’t THAT old and Spike isn’t the jobber king.” Axis comments, but King blows it off.


“Yeah, he only loses like a Jobber King. But the thing is a 3/5 falls, so he may get A pin, I’m not sure yet.”


“You know, he does stand a chance at winning.” King bursts into laughter, nearly causing him to fall backwards, but he catches himself.


“SURE Axis. Sure. The guy is going against someone who is practically undefeated in singles, and who grabbed the World title in around 2 ½ Weeks. Spike hasn’t held a title yet, and he’s been around since July. Give me a break, he doesn’t stand a chance.” As King finishes up, the lights go down to a deep blood red and the crowd begins to boo in advance for the coming of…..




The flaming pyros shoot up, but they don’t compare to the heat that the crowd dishes out at the stage, which nearly drowns out Rage Against the Machine’s “Testify”. The pyros go down as the SmarkTron shows short clips from his long and illustrious career, culminating with some of his more recent matches in SJL. The lights come back up, and Judge Mental walks out onto the stage and down the entrance ramp with his World Title belt on his shoulder. Some of the fans throw their beer cups at him, which sail past, not even phasing the Judge.


“Weighing in at 266 pounds…. The Prosecutor of Pain and the Current SJL….. CHAMPION…….. Judge MENTAL!!!!!!”


The veteran reaches the ring and climbs in between the ropes. He takes off his robes and belt, puts them on the steel steps next to his corner, and begins to stretch out as he readies himself for Spike.


“Well,” Axis says, “It certainly seems like Mental is ready. But is Spike?” Right on cue, the lights begin to flash and the next man comes out.


The lights flicker on and off wildly, creating a strobing effect across the arena, as fans the fans give a mixed reaction. Some people boo because they hate the slick, cocky sonuvabitch, others give props to a hometown….. well he’s not really a hero, but he’s from New York City, so a decent amount of the arena gives him a pop. The opening guitar riffs to “Slit Wrist Theory” by 36 Crazyfists begins to play, and everyone is anticipating the baked bad guy to come out when……








The voice echoes across the arena as Spike Jenkins comes out…


“Is he on a Rascal™ Scooter?” Asks a confused Axis.


Yes, it’s Spike Jenkins, but aged 40 years! His little Rascal™ Scooter cruises down the ramp, occasionally hitting the railing on the side. He wears what was a normal black “sWo” shirt, but with taped letters “ld” afterwards. On Spike’s head is a bald cap with some gray hair on glued onto the side of it, and he wears some big thickrimmed glass.




At first the crowd is stunned, but some cheers and laughter break out at the as he reaches ringside. He gets off the thing, taking a nice, dark wooden cane off the back of the thing. He tries to get into the ring, but fails to get a few inches off the ground without complaining about his back. He motions over to the Anthony Michael Hall, who comes over to the ringside and pushes him up into the ring, after which Spike hands him a quarter and says “Good job, Sonny.” Spike hobbles over to the middle of the ring with the assistance of his cane and begins to speak.


“Well, young man, you thought you were the best because you were the oldest! Well now look who older! Now I’m the best!” He gives his best impression of an old man laugh as the crowd begins to buy into the skit. Meanwhile Mental looks on with cold eyes as Spike continues on. “Wait, I’m not the best just because I’m an old nobody who probably gets up 6 times a night to take a piss, right?” The whole crowd gives a “YEAH” and Jenkins appeals to the crowd like he did in his face days. “So, wait, then why the hell am I wearing all this stuff?” He asks with open arms, and begins tearing the stuff off. “Hey, could you give me a moment while I take this stuff off?” He says to Hall, who hesitates for a moment before nodding. Spike goes and tears off the bald cap and the glasses, throwing them out into the crowd. He takes the cane, looks at for a moment and then….



Motions it to Mental as a gift?


“Damn, this guy is just trying to get his ass beat?” King asks as Mental pushes the cane back into Spike’s hands.


Spike’s gives a hurt look as Mental declines his gift, shrugs his shoulders, begins to turn around…. AND SPINS AROUND 360 TO PLASTER MENTAL RIGHT IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD WITH A MASSIVE BASEBALL SWING!


Some gasp at the sheer brutality, others cheer him giving Mental what was coming to him as Spike winds up for another cane shot.




Spike lets out an audible “DAMN!” as Anthony Michael Hall quickly gets the bell rung and the match started, stopping Jenkins’ beating before it can really begin. He quickly tosses the cane outside and picks Mental up.


“BAH GAWD~!” Axis cries, stunned at the two-faced nature of Hollywood. “This is simply horrifying! Spike Jenkins just clocked Mental across the head with that cane, and Mental seems to be out cold.”


Hollywood quickly grabs Mental and pulls the barely-conscious man to his unsteady feet, and quickly maneuvers behind him, back to back, and hooks the Judge’s arms. He walks around the ring, hauling the dazed Mental in tow. Spike nods his head knowingly with a grin going from cheek to cheek as he bends forward and pulls Mental forward, pinning him in with a backslide.




Hall, though totally against what happened before the match, has no choice but to count the ‘legal’ pin. The crowd counts along with him.










Mental gives a weak kickout right after AMH’s hand hits the ground, and he signals to the timekeeper’s table to ring the bell once.




“Winner of the first pin at 12 seconds, ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins!”


The scoreboard puts up one pin (Under the home team column, since this is Jenkins’ Hometown) and Jenkins releases the hold and jumps around the ring for a couple moments in celebration as Mental begins to push himself off the mat.


“NO! NO! I- AHHHH!” King says as he tries to put his feet on the ground too quickly and falls backward, hitting his head on the ground. “OWW, GODDAMNIT!” As King rubs his head, Axis rubs his eyes and speaks up.


“I…. I just can’t believe it! Spike Jenkins just pinned Judge Mental with a backslide! Although, he hit him with a cane first….”


Spike cuts his little celebration short as Mental gets up to his feet, wobbling a little bit and hands at his temples. Jenkins confidently struts toward Mental, giving him a quick slap to the side of the head, sending him flailing to the side. He just barely maintains his balance, and slowly recovers, but is sent right to the ground again with Superkick to the head!


“Mental seems to have suffered some sort of injury after that last hit, and it looks bad now. I think he may have a concussion!” Axis says as Spike walks over to the Judge and places one foot atop his chest for the ARROGENT~! pin. Hall drops down for the count.









THREENO! Mental gets his shoulder up, saving him from being down 2-0!


Spike tries to put his foot down on Mental’s chest, but the Judge is now aware enough of his surroundings to push it right off, and he quickly rolls away to the outside. Spike gives a confident smirk as he walks over to the ropes to follow as Hall begins the countout.





Mental shakes his head a little he holds his hands to his temples, trying to recover from the dizziness. Spike reaches the ropes and begins to step outside.




Spike walks through the ropes, full of cockiness, and begins to head toward the ailing Mental. He winds up and releases a spinning heel kick…




THAT MISSES! Mental ducked it just in time, and tries to strike back with a big forehand but misses the vunerable Spike, sending him stumbling forwards.


“That hit has really put Mental off balance. It looks like he’s still suffering from some form of concussion. I don’t know how long he will last.” Axis notes as Mental desperately tries to regain his bearing.




Mental makes his way toward the ring, but Spike grabs his wrist and begins to whip him at the steel stairs…..




But Mental quickly uses his strength to reverse the move, sending Spike hurtling at the steps! Mental begins to slowly slide into the ring as Spike runs towards the rarely used ring prop…




CRASH!! With the metallic thud of flesh hitting steel, Spike hits the steps right shoulder first and comes to a painful halt. He quickly begins to get up, silently cursing and holding his shoulder…




Spike gets to his feet and rolls into the ring as Mental watches and waits from his corner. The Judge is obviously still suffering a little from the effects of the cane smash, which can be seen as his head bobs from side to side every few seconds before he gives a quick shake of his head and straightens it out, but is far more composed than before. Knowing Mental is weakened, Spike takes his sweet time, trying to play to the crowd and receiving an equal amount of cheers and jeers. He gives Mental a knife-edged chop across the face, and the veteran falls back against the turnbuckle. Spike gives him a knife-edged chop across the chest.














Spike begins to give Mental another chop, but Mental catches Spike’s arm, pulls him forward and gives him a sharp elbow to his right shoulder. Spike cringes a little, and Mental gives him another one before pushing him away. The older man rubs his temple as Spike grips his shoulder.


“It seems like Mental has recovered from that last shot, but any hit to his head could send him reeling! And on Spike’s side, it looks like after that steel steps shot Mental might work the shoulder.” Axis says as King speaks up.


“Come on, Mental! Take him down!” Axis gives King a weird look and asks him a question.


“Why are you rooting for Judge Mental? Spike is the one who is cheating, and he’s just as big an asshole as Mental.”


“Axis, how many singles wins has Spike had lately? None. If he gets a win tonight, he’ll just lose the title next week to someone like MVS, Tim Dillon, or Kamikaze. I don’t wanna see any of those little crowd-whoring suckers ever touch that thing.”


Mental walks over to Spike, giving him another smack across the shoulder. Spike gives small cry of pain, and the Judge gives him a kick to the stomach, and grabs him. He quickly uses his strength to grab Jenkins, lifting up and onto his shoulder. He quickly brings him right down….. onto his knee, smashing Spike’s right shoulder.


“A devastating shoulderbreaker, and Judge is beginning to work his technical expertise on Jenkins.”


As Spike writhes in pain, Mental takes no time, going to the ground and begins to scissor his legs around Jenkins’ right arm. Spike quickly begins to wiggle and flop around as Mental tries but fails to wrap his arms around Hollywood’s face. The Judge gives Jenkins a few elbows to the head, stunning him long enough to lock in a Crossface Hold! Spike desperately reaches with his hand and feet for the nearby ropes, which are just out of reach.


“Yeah! Tear the little jobber’s head off, Mental!” King cheers as the crowd showers Mental with boos.


Mental pulls back hard, face full of determination as Spike reaches his arm over as far as he can. Failing to reach the ropes, he begins to move the lower half of his body over, trying hard to get closer to the ropes. Finally, he stretches out, draping his left foot over the bottom rope! The ref begins the count.





















Hall instructs Mental to break the hold, and he does, slowly getting up as Hollywood rolls away from him to the otherside of the ring.


“A concerted effort by Hollywood saves him from a deadly Crossface Hold. But how much longer can he avoid the submissions of Judge Mental?”


“He can’t, that’s what. There is no way in hell that the Jericho knockoff will win this one. Even one pin down, Mental is controlling the pace of this match.”


Spike quickly rolls to his feet, and begins to speedily circle Mental. The Judge complies, circling, albeit a little slower and sloppier than Spike. Suddenly Spike changes direction, dashing the other way, and Mental tries to do the same move, but nearly trips over his own feet! He falls to the ground, clutching his head as Hollywood bounces off the ropes, and somersaults right on top of the Judge for a Senton!


“Mental falls over himself trying to keep up with Jenkins! That head injury has really affected his balance. If Spike keeps a fast pace on this match Mental has no chance!”


Spike quickly picks up Mental, and wraps his arm around the front of Mental’s neck, forcing the older man to bend backwards. It one swift, fluid motion, Spike goes under Mental’s neck and twists around, pulling the Judge’s neck down right onto Spike’s left shoulder. Mental lays on the ground, groaning in pain as the ref comes over checking to see if he can go on any longer. Meanwhile, Spike rushes over to the turnbuckle and begins to untie the padding over it.


“Spike Rolls the Joint with Judge Mental, and it looks like he is already going back to cheating by taking the protective padding off the turnbuckle.”


“Well, I’ll give him a little respect for using smart tactics. But it still doesn’t change his ‘Jobber King’ status.”


“Why do you keep calling him the Jobber King? He’s one pin ahead of the World Champ, and Mental has a head injury. I hate to say this, but Spike has got the win here.”


Mental begins to pick himself off the ground, slowly wobbling from side to side, but finally getting to his knees. Unfortunately, Spike grabs him right by the back of the head, and begins to bring him over to the turnbuckle. Mental weakly resists, but Spike pushes him forward, pulls his head back and smashes his head against the exposed metal of the turnbuckle rigging.




Spike gives a surprised looks as he turns around to see Anthony Michael Hall signaling for the bell again.


“The winner of the second fall as a result of disqualification, Judge Mental! The score is now tied at 1-1.”


Spike throws Mental, who is now bleeding from the forehead after hitting the unprotected turnbuckle, and begins screaming at Hall as a pin goes up under the visitor’s column.


“WHAT THE HELL?!” he yells as he steps right into the face of Hall.


Hall pushes him back and starts explaining to him about how slamming a man’s head into an exposed turnbuckle is illegal but Spike interrupts with his own argument.


“I didn’t know it was like that! Some stupid union worker forgot to put the damn cover on. Why am I getting punished for some brain-dead teamster not doing his job?”


While Spike pleads his case to an unsympathetic Anthony Michael Hall, Mental regains consciousness, and feels the blood beginning to trickle down his forehead. He puts his hand up against it, and pulls it back to reveal a huge crimson stain covering it. The Judge’s look turns from one of dazed confusion to fuming rage. He grits his teeth as he shakily gets up and begins to come up from behind Spike.


“Uh-oh…” King says with glee, rubbing his hands with anticipation. “The Judge is pissed now.”


Spike continues to argue with Hall, until suddenly a pair of arms lock around his waist and bring him up….. over….. and back down into the mat in a German Suplex! The Judge begins to bring both of them up, and brings Spike back up and over for another very sloppy German Suplex. Mental releases his grip and shakes his head hard, trying to get rid of the fogginess clouding his mind. He gets to his feet slowly as Spike begins to recover from the shock of suddenly being hit by dual German Suplexes. Mental walks over to Spike, giving him a sharp kick right to that right shoulder of his again, causing him to drop flat to the mat. Mental gives it a few good stomps, making sure each one is sharp and strong enough to elicit a cry of pain from the downed stoner. The Judge brings Spike up to sitting position now, and begins to straddle his right shoulder….


“Pumphandle Armbar! Mental is going to lock in a pumphandle armbar to make him submit!”


But Spike quickly brings his fist up right into the Judge’s softer regions, causing the Judge’s eyes to bulge as if the room just decompressed. He slowly falls to his knees, clutching his now incredibly tender genitals, and falls over taking short labored breaths. Spike rubs his shoulder and begins to stand up as Mental rolls out of the ring and falls to the ground, trying to get away and recover before Spike can take advantage of the situation. Hall begins his countout as Spike gets to his feet.




Spike walks over to the ropes, gritting his teeth a little because of his shoulder. Mental on the other hand, still rolls around on the ground covering his groin.




Jenkins gets over to the ropes, looks at the weaken Mental, and jumps straight over the ropes….




For a suicide plancha! He lands right on Mental’s stomach, blowing the wind out of the old man. He rolls off to the side and picks the bloodied Judge up by his head and tosses him back into the ring. Spike gets into the ring and hooks the right leg for the pin.











THREENO! Mental got his foot on the ropes!


“Incredible!” Axis says Hall tells Spike to break the pin. “Despite being outperformed by the young upstart Spike Jenkins, Judge Mental refuses to stay down! He hasn’t even gotten a pin of his own yet, with his own fall coming as a penalty against Jenkins!”


Again, Spike gives an audible “Damn!” and begins to pick Mental up again. He grabs the wrist of Mental and begins to whip Mental into the ropes, but the Judge reverses it and hurls Spike instead. Jenkins bounces off, and Mental begins to pivot on his left foot, and brings it around for…..



A MISSED SUPERKICK! Spike ducks under the badly done Superkick and jumps up as he comes at the ropes. He jumps up to the second rope and bounces off with a huge dropkick right into the Judge! The crowd pops for the incredible maneuver as Spike kips up to his feet. The infamous stoner sees the Judge nearly dead on the ground and goes for the turnbuckle. He runs straight up it and stands at the top, soaking in the cheers and boos. He turns back to Judge Mental, who is just beginning to stir again, and leaps high into the air. Flashbulbs go off across the arena as Jenkins pulls his arms and legs and stretches them out again….. and crashes down right on top of Mental. He stays on top for the cover as Hall dives down for the count.
















The crowd roars to life as Hall signals to the Timekeeper’s tablet to ring the bell as a 2 goes up under the home team column on the scoreboard.




“Winner of the third fall, ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins! Spike Jenkins now leads 2-1.”


A small “SPIKE! SPIKE! SPIKE!” chant begins as another chant across the arena starts up. “YOU SUCK SPIKE! YOU SUCK SPIKE! YOU SUCK SPIKE!” Spike struts his stuff around the arena, totally ecstatic. He begins to speak to himself, and the camera picks up a “I’m gonna do what Thor never did! YES!”


“I can’t believe it! He’s a fall up! He can win this!” Axis cries as Jenkins celebrates some more.


Spike looks back at the Judge, who is now at his feet and wiping the blood away from his eyes. The Judge looks at him with a scowl and Jenkins returns it with a cocky smirk, and with that Jenkins charges at Mental, and goes for a drop kick… that Mental sidesteps! Spike falls to the ground and the Judge gives him an elbow drop right onto the sore right shoulder of Jenkins. Spike hollers in pain as the Judge gets up and yanks him to his feet by his arm. He quickly grabs Spike and puts him in a standing head scissors, and pulls him up onto his shoulders. In one swift motion Mental slams Spike right down back to the mat for a powerbomb with a huge thud as he hits.s He let’s go of Spike’s legs, and begins to lift Jenkins back to his feet.


“Well, the Judge gets in a powerbomb, but he’ll need more offense than that to get two more pinfalls on Spike.” Axis explains as King scoffs and gives his own opinion.


“Spike is weaker than a twig. He’ll break in half if he takes another one of those.”


Mental lifts Spike to his feet and grabs him again. The Judge snaps back, bringing Jenkins quickly overhead and landing him on his back for a quick Snap Suplex. Mental brings Spike back up again, and this time brings him up for another Snap Suplex! Spike groans as he hits again, and Mental brings him up for a third. Mental takes a minute to shake his head and regain his bearings, and flings Spike overtop of him yet again in a lightning fast motion.


“A string of Snap Suplexes and it looks like Mental is now in control of the match.”


Mental brings Spike to his feet again, and whips him right at the ropes. Spike bounces off and hurtles back, where Mental comes in with a big clothesline…. That Jenkins ducks! Mental turns around as Spike hits the ropes again, and jumps up, landing his legs on Mental’s shoulders. Spike quickly pulls backwards, going for the Hurricanrana…. But Mental stays up! The Judge pulls back, lifting Spike’s body into the air, and slams him down in another powerbomb!


“Spike tries to reverse an Irish whip with a Hurricanrana, but Mental reverses that with a big powerbomb.”


“That’s why Mental is the champ,” King points out as Mental lets go of Jenkins’ legs and begins to stomp on that bad right shoulder. “He gets out of all those tight spots. Had that been CIA or Thor or MVS, they would have been screwed then and there.”


“What about Kamikaze?”


“Kami who?”


Spike lies on the ground, thrashing about as Mental stomps his bad shoulder again and again. Finally, Mental goes down for the pin, hooking one of the legs and pressing down on the injured shoulder hard.









THREENO! Spike kicks out at the last possible second, saving his lead!


Mental rolls off the top of Spike and lifts him up, but before he can do anything, Spike spins around and nails him in the head with a quick elbow. Mental grabs his temples and backs off as Spike runs up against the ropes and comes back at the hated old man. He steps up on Mental’s knee and gives Mental a swift kick to the back of the head, flooring Mental!




Spike rolls away as the Judge clutches his head in pain. Jenkins comes over and begins to wrap his arm around the front of Mental’s neck pull him into a Camel clutch position! Mental furiously resists, thrashing about and pushing himself with his feet closer to the ropes! Spike tries to lock Mental’s arms back around his knees, but he can’t deal with Mental’s strength, and the Judge shoots his arm out, grabbing one of the ropes! Before Hall can even tell him to get off, Spike lets go and begins to the kick Mental.


“Close call for Mental again, this time avoiding the Silver Lining before Jenkins could lock it in. That was a match ender if it got put on.”


Spike lifts Mental back up to his feet and brings him out toward the center of the ring. He goes belly to belly with the Judge, wrapping his right arm under the Judge’s left arm and grabbing Mental’s neck. He points one of his hands into the air as Axis nearly jumps out of his seat.


“THE HIGHLIGHTER! THIS IS IT! HOLLYWOOD HAS IT WON!” King jumps out of his seat as well.




The hand that Spike thrust into the air gives a quick countdown of Three…. Two…. One… before Mental gives the cocky young heel a hard knee into the gut! Hollywood doubles over as Mental shoots another elbow at Jenkins’ bad shoulder, dropping him to the ground. Mental quickly drops down as well, scissoring the right arm of Hollywood and locking in the Crossface before Spike even knows what is going on! King gives a laugh and a sigh.


“Whew! Damnit Judge, make him tap now! Get this thing evened up!”


Almost as if he was listening to the Suicide King, Mental pulls hard as Spike futility tries to squirm out of the move. Spike tries to do what he did before, but he is much farther away this time from the ropes due to his own doing, and makes the inevitable choice.









Spike taps the mat like mad as Hall forces Mental to break the hold and signals the Timekeeper’s table to ring the bell.




“Winner of the fourth pinfall, Judge Mental! The match is now tied at 2-2.”


Another pin goes up for Judge Mental as Axis assess the situation.


“This is it! This one if for all the marbles! The World Title on the line for one pin! Who is gonna get it! Who will fate shine upon today? Who-”


“Axis, shut up.” King says as both men roll away and get up.


Both men begin circling each other, staring, looking for a weakness. Neither of them wants to move in first; they’ve gone too far to lose this match on some foolish mistake. They get closer and closer to each other, until finally Mental makes a quick lunge, and Spike gives him a quick knee to the stomach! Spike jumps up and puts his knee over Mental’s head as he drops his body down to the mat. Mental gives a yell of anguish as Spike gets up and moves in for the kill.


“Spike hit a rockdropper! With Mental’s head injury, that may be enough to finish him off!”


Spike quickly hooks both of Mental’s legs, and rolls him up for the pin. Just as Hall goes down for the count, Spike puts his legs up on the second rope, using them for leverage!























EEENNOOOOO!!!! Mental kicked out! He kicked out! The people rain a torrent of boos upon the champ as he struggles to get up to his feet.


“BAH GAWD! BAH GAWD! BAH GAWD! BAH-” Axis yells until King slaps him in the back of the head. “Thanks, I needed that. I was stuck in J.R. mode again.”


Spike is in sheer disbelief that Mental took the move: while not a finisher, with his head injury he should have been knocked out. But with a shake of his head Spike turns his focus back to the World Champ, giving him a swift kick to the chest. Mental stumbles backward, and Spike flows up with a spinning heel kick that sends Mental stumbling across the ring. The evil stoner quickly runs up and whips the Judge at the ropes, and lines him up on the return trip for a big Superkick….. that Mental ducks! Mental ducks it and bounces off the second set of ropes and delivers a big clothesline on Spike, nailing him right to the ground. He picks Spike up and puts him across his shoulder, readying him for a Tombstone Piledriver. The crowd begins to boo with anticipation of the finish…


“YES!” King yells, happy as all get out. “THE VERDICT! AIN’T NO ONE KICKING OUT OF THAT SUCKER!”


…. And as Mental prepares to bring him across his body, Spike slips right off his shoulder and lands right behind Mental! Spike wraps his arm around the front of Mental’s neck and jumps back, slamming the Judge’s head to the mat with a reverse DDT. Everyone gives a pop for someone getting out of the champs finisher and Spike picks the champ back up. He gives him a slap right across the face, and another and another, backing Mental back into the corner again. Spike grabs Mental’s wrist and swings him around, whipping him into the turnbuckle. Mental crashes into the corner hard, and Holly begins running at him. Jenkins runs at Mental, jumps forwards, does a handspring and puts both his feet right into the head of Mental, causing him to begin stumbling out of the corner. Spike gets up, turns Mental around, and executes a standing head scissors on Mental. Quickly he underhooks both arms and bends at the knees……


“Could this be what I think it is?” Axis says as King responds with an “Oh no…”




…. And Spike tries to lift Mental to his shoulders! He tries hard, very hard, but he isn’t the strongest guy around, and his bad shoulder makes it nearly impossible to get Mental more than a foot off the ground. As the Judge plants his feet on the ground, Spike lets go and tries to start again. But before he can try, Mental lifts his head up, flipping Spike head over heels in a big backdrop!


“Wow, Spike goes for the ‘I just broke your neck’, but he can’t lift Mental due to the bad shoulder!” Axis says as King gives a “Oh wait, that’s not what I was thinking of…..”


Spike squirms on the ground in agony as Mental slowly goes over and gives him an big stomp onto the shoulder. Jenkins gives a quick cry of pain and the Judge sits him up, straddles his right shoulder, and pulls Spike’s arm across his chest in a Pumphandle Armbar! Spike gives a loud yell as Mental pulls on the arm, causing pain to both his arm and shoulder. Jenkins closes his eyes, fighting back the immense pain as he tries to inch his body closer and closer to the ropes……




Spike stretches his legs out to the furthest, desperate to reach the ropes. He reaches out with his toe…… just an inch away from the ropes…...














The crowd explodes simply because he reached the ropes as Hall begins to make the 5 count.






Spike prays to God that he can hold on for a moment more….






Mental pulls back, hard as he can, trying to end the match now….






The crowd dies down and watches intently, silent as a mouse as they wait for the outcome….





“TAP OUT, DAMN IT, TAP OUT!” King shouts Hall brings down his hand.













“HOLLYWOOD HELD OUT! INCREDIBLE!” Axis yells as Mental releases the hold, panting hard.


Spike begins to get up as Mental comes over, and quickly whips his leg out and sweeps Mental off his feet. Running on pride and determination, Spike runs at the ropes as a dazed Mental gets up. He gets Mental just as he stands, grabbing the his head from behind and leaping, snapping the Judge’s neck on his shoulder for a Phantom Neckbreaker! Spike rolls and stands up as Mental tries to get up again. He waits for Mental to stumble up, waiting….. waiting for the right moment……. And rushes at Mental with a Spinning Heel Kick, RVD Style!


The crowd gasps…..



Axis and King look on stunned….



Cameras go off…..



As Mental catches the kick! With his last ounce of strength, Mental grabs the thing in mid flight, and spins Spike around. He gives him a quick kick to the stomach, and executes a standing head scissors as he begins to underhook Spike’s arms.


“YES! YES! I CAN’T BELIEVE HE’S GONNA DO IT!” King laughs as Axis agrees.


“He’s never done this move in the SJL, but he definitely has done it before. And you know what that move is, right King?”


“I can guess, Axis, and I love it! I LOVE IT!” King rubs his hands together as Mental begins to finish the move.


He bends at the knees….. and lifts Spike up onto his shoulders, where he releases the underhook and sits out, planting Spike into the mat. The people boo like wild as Hall makes the count.



























“Winner of the fifth fall and the match, Retaining SJL World Heavyweight Champion….. Judge MENTAL!!!”


The crowd boos like mad as Mental gets up, nearly falling over after the beating he’s taken. Spike lies on the ground, barely moving, but still conscious. He weakly hits the mat with his fist, angered that he came within seconds of winning the world title. But he does break a small smile as he watches the Judge leave with his robes and belt on with a hand on his temple.


“A Tiger Driver! It used to be one of his more common moves back in his younger days, but now he only pulls it out on special occasions. And was there anymore special occasion than this?” Axis explains as King gives a very confused look.


“I just thought it was a…. eh, never mind. He still won.”


“What did you think it was gonna be?”


“Nothing, just….. I’ll tell you later.”


“Well,” Axis says, turning to the camera, “We’ve had a fantastic show here tonight. For the Suicide King, our producers, and the rest of the SJL Wrath crew, this is Axis saying see you next show!”


Fade to Commercial…..

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Guest crusen86

Summary stylez.



Ejiro vs. Wildchild vs. Johnny Dangerous

- Johnny Dangerous wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Jack the Ripper © vs. Tim Dillon vs. Leon Sharpe

- Leon no shows, and Tim Dillon wins gold! Woo!



Matt Myers vs. Logan

- Dastardly Matt Myers wins via. submission, before being smacked up by Logan.



Kamikaze v. Mike Van Siclen

- Double. No show. Contenders match.




Judge Mental © vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins

- The Judge pulls out a hard fought win.

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