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Guest Marshall

Anyone speak Welsh?

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Guest Marshall

Can anyone translate this:



"Sirra vocka, o hipu hu rupbs (or rupas) losy"



Its only been bugging me for 5 years!

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Guest evenflowDDT

I never knew Welsh was a language as well, I thought it was just a nationality. Oh wait nevermind, my dad was telling me something about that, how when he went to Wales their street names would have like 20 letters or something because they'd be in Welsh.

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Guest Marshall

As posted else where, the name of the longest town in the world:




and if you want to know how to say it:



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Guest Pilgrim

Well i'm from Wales and like 80% of the population i honestly couldn't tell you what that says.


Hope welshjericomark knows so at least someone from Gods greates country doesnt look so bad.

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Guest Incandenza

About how much of Wales actually speaks this language? I didn't see anything at that site I linked, but, I must confess to not looking very hard.

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Guest Marshall

The stuff I want translated was on a letter an old girlfriend sent me after I had spilt up with her. I just found it when I was having a sort out. I've just always wondered what it meant.


I dont think many people speak welsh anymore, they dont even teach it in schools.

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Guest Pilgrim

It is now compulsory in schools and in rural areas is still spoken. I'm pretty sure that only about 19% of the population can speak it fluently, thats down from around 50-60 % in the early 1900's.


It doesn't look good though, even if you force people to learn a language that they don't like it doesn't mean they'll use it in every day life.

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Guest Pilgrim

Nope its because people when older don't see the use of it when everythings in English, and when your younger do you really want to have to learn another language. Plus what they teach you isn't enough to really get a conversation going.


It is a hard language to master, basically its on everones to do list. One day your going to really try to learn it out of patriotic pride, but you never get round to it. As long as you know how to swear at the english without them knowing its enough.

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Guest The Czech Republic

I speak Welsh!


Gymrllan Dajn brnel raegen yzaagd winnea bea jirtylln graoeg.

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Guest Incandenza
You're filthy.

OMG! Flaming outside of No Holds Barred! Quick, ban everyone without a 'q' in their screename!

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Guest The Czech Republic

Let's bring Jeremy Botter back as a mod, unless he got too trigger-happy and accidentally banned himself.

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Guest The Czech Republic

Oh yes. Very ban-happy. At the end of his stay I swear somebody got banned every day. I did for no real reason.

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Guest Marshall

Didn't he bann someone for a weekend for calling him a dick? Or was that Don whathisname?


Anyway, you speak the Welsh or not?

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Guest The Czech Republic

I think that guy was BANNED FOR LIFE!


No I'm just messing around. But everything in Welsh is probably "I fuck sheep"

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Guest Marshall

Was that in a thread about how WWF should put the ECW lightweights on PPV for 30 minutes or am I insane? My memory is not what it used to be.

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Guest Incandenza

From my slothrop days (I posted less than ten times, so don't be surprised if you cannot remember me), I remember Justin Baisden banning someone because he got tired of the guy bugging SK about when he'd put up his Raw report.

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Guest The Czech Republic

Judas!!! That guy was a NUT!


As for me, I [was] THE ALLIANCE

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Guest welshjerichomark
Can anyone translate this:



"Sirra vocka, o hipu hu rupbs (or rupas) losy"



Its only been bugging me for 5 years!

im 99% sure thats not even welsh, im not fluent but i can hold a conversation in welsh and i have never heard any of those words apart from "o" as in


"pa fath o bobl"

which means

"how many people"

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