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Guest gusmahler

Worst reason for a feud to start?

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Guest converge241

the jacket feud - straight out a 50's movie.


Val venis vs Kai en tai - pedophelia and castration = ratings?


Taker vs. anybody over the urn - it was okay the first time if you could suspend your disbelief about Taker's character but then again and again? Into a Mr.T type chain for Kama? Why the hell didnt he just put it on his mantle or something? lol


The Sting - Giant :out of shape feud - I think i blocked this one out a little. Sting was like complaining about Giants smoking and physical shape and he started smoking on the way to the ring and during matches. I thought Sting was going to have C. Everett Coop in hi corner or something. In a roundabout way I think this led to the tag team title abortion and then ending up with the sitcom like trio of Steiner, Kaos and Judy Bagwell

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Guest cabbageboy

I thought of a couple more Booker feuds to add:


How about his early 2000 feud with Big T (Ahmed Johnson) where if Booker lost to him he lost his T?  He did lose so for a while he was just Booker (no T).  As bad as Russo was, Sullivan was about 30x worse.  I swear watching WCW in early 2000 was enough to drive a man to drink.


And of course:  GI Bro~!  I recall him fighting Stasiak at Great American Bash 2000 for some reason, it was a last man standing match.  GI Bro won at least.  Bear in mind that he won the world title from JJ at the NEXT PPV after just being GI Bro!!  


I went to a WCW house show around that time, July 2000.  Booker/JJ headlined.  Booker was just soooo not over.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Here's a lil feud everyone seems to have forgotten about:


Tank Abbott/Jerry "Lightening Jobber" Flynn in... the BLOCK~!

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Guest KTA

Oh shit . . .The Block.


Hey that was great.


They used some grainy, 1950's style horror techniques to film the fights. First it was just Jerry Flynn KICKIN ASS like a well-to-do jobber should,, then (maybe that was next from) Tank Abbot stepping into the BLOCK in order to "hurt" hard working performers with some of the most terribly worked 'real' punches.


I think that Vince Russo (could be Sullivan and Taylor, but hey, fuck it anyways - they were all mentally deficient here) watched Fight Club one night and gave us a never before seen gimmick just for our enjoyment.


Hey, actually I think at some times they just wanted us to get a kick out of something that was intentially very stupid and hope that we (smarks) understand the lameness that goes with watching pro rassling on TNT. That's it' s not some serius programming. It's A kids wrestling show. Kids need to learn about fighting over women, and that they need to start winning them with some viagra at some point in their lives, right?


But with their other feud, their Block  . . . .


Later they'd throw in exciting goons like Jimmy HaArt, Brian OH MY GOODNESS HE'S STRAPPED WITH A GARBAGE CAN LID!!!! NO WAIT, THERE'S TWO LIDS NOW!! Knobb and Princess Iakoka. Then they went wild with all them in an animalistic Norman Smiley beatdown. I think.


Also - what abouot that Sting - Vampiro shit?


I mean, he DID fight him a deadly battle over "his sthoul" in the middle of a waist level pond while walking around a poorly lit cemetary. That was a great feud as well. As well it should be.

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Guest MoneyIvezaj

If Booker T starts fueding with Edge over a shampoo commersial, that will be the dumbest thing ever

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Guest The Bad Guy

I honestly don't see why people berate Russo booking... the guy has come up with some true classic angles that had me rolling on the floor laughing. The David Flair,Crowbar,Daffney vs. Ric Flair feud was one of the all-time classics... and I'm 100% serious... so what if he was completely unconventional as a booker, I think for the most part he was simply trying to create a damn good alternative to McMahon's Attitude Era which was quickly growing stale, he did just that and I can honestly say I never missed a single show during Russo's WCW run.


To go back to the topic at hand though...


One of the first that comes to mind is what the WWA is evidently trying to convince people will happen, Larry Zybysko Vs. Vince McMahon. Oh my! Zybysko got mad at him 20+ years ago! DAMN! What's the WWA thinking, I can just picture the creative team meeting...


"Hey guy's, I have a great idea, let's pointlessly fly Larry Zybysko in here with a first class seat so that he can challenge Vince McMahon to a match... I mean challenging Vince equals buyrates... Look at Bischoff's challenge, I mean it's not like that ruined the credibility of the company to even the most markish of fans or something... Anyway, about seven wrestling fans were actually around to watch Larry wrestle, and well maybe an extra five liked him on Nitro, so that's a net gain of twelve new fans! Those twelve fans could make or break this company guys."


Another one would have to be Hogan/Warrior II


Anything that starts off with the words "Hogan! Hahaha! You have never defeated... A WARRIOR!" has to be bad, and you know Hogan was just sitting back there weeks in advance convincing someone to hire the guy just so he could beat him and kick him out of the company. Obviously no long term plan for the feud existed and the short feud still gave way to some of the dumbest things to ever happen on a wrestling show...


Warrior in The Mirror, The Disciple as Warrior's Slave, Bulldog's trap door injury, The completely botched appearance and dissapearance when he appeared in the cage to attack The Giant... and worst of all twenty minute promos in the Warrior's good ol' seal skin coat. The start to the feud was horrid... the whole feud was horrid. Let us never mention it again...


One thing I'd like to hear about though, is has there ever been a feud in your opinion that started off horribly but actually ended up being really good? I can't think of one off the top of my head... but maybe you guys could help me out.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

well the edge-booker t feud has the potential to turn out well.

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Guest KTA

Bad Guy, I think you don't fully understand.


See, there is a small problaem here. I really thought that the WWF DID grow and win the Monday night wars while russo was allowed to do some writing. He was definately HELPING every thing out for his shows. From crash TV, to The BRILLIANT turning of Bret int a heel in USA and leavin him a FACE in CANADA, Mark Henry getting over with his ghetto raps/ poetry and so on. He had a hand in those things. Or he created those stories with someone else, either fucking way, he did write some good WWF TV before he left them for Ted Turner and WCW. I liked his elevation of Mick Foley, Vince MC HAmmer didn't like his looks and could be gone with FOley in the midcard. He just let him go . . .


Maybe it was Taylor or someone besides Russo writing these but honestly, Ms. Hancok, Booker's post-Bro push, Benoit's push as a bad ass, The Misfits made Hugh important, and so . . .  ya see they're those shining examples of his skill. He made them at least more interesting (CHARACTERWISE) , and even helpe d out guys in the lower cards by giving them a fucking storyline.


However, let's not kid ourselves.The Vampiro/Sting shit, The 'competition' he had which ended up w/a bald Ric Flair , The Block, Big Gal Al, Viagra on a pole, Goldberg turning heel , they all Fucked up into something horrible and blew up back in their collective faces. They ALL ookd pretty fucking stupid after all of those fiascos, and it didn't help the show and it's quality overall. He is not above criticism because of his past. So that's all I was doing. PINATA PINATA PINATA, let's pour some JR palsy sauce on them mexicans because they'll never get over anywas- remember that?

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

if you want to talk about bad russo ideas don't forget the whole david arquette as world champion thing. Or having Juvi beat Jushin Liger with a tequila bottle to the head.

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Guest GoodOmens

Has everyone forgotten "Rap is Crap?"  Any fued that involves its own music video automatically makes it the worst.

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Guest gusmahler

Unfortunately, several of these responses are talking about bad feuds, not bad reasons for feuds.  For example, Warrior/Hogan had a good reason for a feud, Warrior's belief that Hogan can't beat him.  The feud itself was bad, but the reasoning was sound.  


Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), I didn't watch WCW at all the final 3 years, so I can't comment on it.


I guess the quality of a feud is more lingering than the reasoning for it.  For example, Austin/Angle led to a series of 4 star matches so is looked upon highly.  But the reason for the feud was that Austin thought that Vince gave Angle too much attention and too many hugs.  Pretty silly, if you ask me.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Unfortunately, several of these responses are talking about bad feuds, not bad reasons for feuds.  For example, Warrior/Hogan had a good reason for a feud, Warrior's belief that Hogan can't beat him.  The feud itself was bad, but the reasoning was sound.  


Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), I didn't watch WCW at all the final 3 years, so I can't comment on it.


I guess the quality of a feud is more lingering than the reasoning for it.  For example, Austin/Angle led to a series of 4 star matches so is looked upon highly.  But the reason for the feud was that Austin thought that Vince gave Angle too much attention and too many hugs.  Pretty silly, if you ask me.

Well, in the case of Austin/Angle, they had been feuding off and on since January, joined up with Vince around June-ish, and were feuding again around late July, so basically the Alliance/WWF part of the feud was just another chapter.

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