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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

N. Korea has nukes, violates 1994 agreement w/ US

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
North Korea admits it has secret nuclear weapons programme

By Rupert Cornwell in Washington

17 October 2002

North Korea has stunned the United States by admitting it has a secret nuclear weapons programme, in violation of a 1994 agreement with the Clinton administration, a senior US official disclosed last night.


Pyongyang is also understood to have informed American diplomats that it no longer considers itself bound by the deal, which in essence traded US financial assistance for a promise by the North Korean regime to abandon its nuclear weapons programme and submit its nuclear facilities to international inspection.


The latest developments have come at an unexpected moment – just when North Korea, branded a member of the "axis of evil" by President George Bush along with Iraq and Iran, has been showing every sign of seeking rapprochement with its neighbours and the US.


Not only did the US recently seem to initiate a slight thaw in its ties with the reclusive regime by sending James Kelly, an assistant secretary of state, to Pyongyang for talks, the highest level contacts between the two countries since President Bush took office in January 2001. Mr Kelly demanded that the North reverse its previous refusal and admit nuclear inspectors. He is also understood to have cited evidence that North Korea may have a uranium-enrichment programme.


The apparent defiance by the North comes shortly after it admitted kidnapping Japanese nationals in the 1970s and 1980s. That was seen as a historic gesture to help mend fences with its traditional foe Japan, driven by North Korea's acute economic difficulties. Ties have also been improving with South Korea, which had been dismayed by the Bush administration's earlier hard line.


Now relations between Pyongyang and Washington are certain to chill. According to the official, the Bush administration has not yet decided how to respond. "We're going to keep talking," he said.


We don't even know for 100% sure that Iraq has nuclear weapons, and President Bush is gung-ho to go and attack Iraq. North Korea flat out tells the US they have nuclear weapons, and it looks as if President Bush is going to pretty much ignore it, even though North Korea is more of a threat to the US (Specifically Alaska and Hawaii) then Iraq is....

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

They probably got the nukes because Bush put them in the Axis of Evil posse and hurt their feelings -- what a meanie...

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I don't think we need to worry about N. Korea as much as you may think, they do seem to be trying to normalise relations with their neighbours.


I think they realize that after 9/11 they are not going to be able to get away with a lot of stuff they did before, so there best bet is to try and make peace with the rest of the international community. I would hope that this issue will be resolved diplomatically, and I believe it will be.

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Guest cartman

I think Bush explained why he wants to kick Saddam's ass as opposed to N.Korea when he claimed it was a personal vendetta he has against Saddam because of what he did to his father.

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Guest danielisthor

something else to thank Clinton, Gore and Carter for. Nothing like giving your enemies nuclear power. way to go there, smart policy move on their part.


Can we not still charge Clinton with treason yet.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Clinton, Gore, and CARTER? I take it ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happened during those twelve years combined with Bush and Reagan?


Silly me, of course not.


I thought we knew this already. Either that or I'm just precognizant. I've been telling people that North Korea had nuclear weapons for about five years now, and thought it was a fact.



Thinks It'd be Downright Retarded to Charge Clinton with Treason

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Guest danielisthor

I don't really believe that you would think that the great communist killer Ronald Reagan would give a Communist Nation like North Korea the ability to make Nuclear Weapons.


1994 - Clinton gave North Korea the ability and technology to build nuclear reactors to bring them into the modern era at the behest of Jimmy "i kill mad rabbits" Carter who was having discussions with North Korea's leaders trying to defuse a violitile situation. In exchange for peace, we gave them nuclear.


Now i am not a scientist but i am willing to bet, that if you can build a nuclear reactor, you can build a nuclear bomb.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"Clinton, Gore, and CARTER? I take it ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happened during those twelve years combined with Bush and Reagan?


Silly me, of course not."


They were too busy trying to wipe out the inner cities by shipping crack in there. Too bad they f'd up...

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Guest Big Poppa Popick



Okay, so here's how foreign relations work.


We have allies

Other people have allies

Some allies are strong and bound by hardy ties

Others are weak and are not.


We, the US, want stability so that our economy doesn't hit the shitter faster than a crack addict humping 2 enemas.


So, those Asian countries we all hear about, remember when they nosedived like the Hindenburg.


Yeah, the economy sucked. I lost my job because of it. So did alot of others.


Now, the reasons why their economies tanked are not because of a destabilization of the balance of power.


A destabilization of a balance of power would have the same effect though.


In simple econ terms, certainty = good, uncertainty = bad


So we tried to ingratiate ourselves to the most rogue element over there *China is quite stable, au contrair*


Good idea, maybe the result was good or bad. Needless, it did improve relations.


The benefits of better neighbor relations due to increased US involvement /participation ... gee i bet that made their neighbors feel a little better right?


So why aren't we complaining about Isreal having nukes when they are supposed to... same thing right? A country having nukes that isn't supposed to...Just because they're our ally or not doesnt make the nukes more or less dangerous

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Guest DrTom
Just because they're our ally or not doesnt make the nukes more or less dangerous

It does when you consider the possibility that they might point them at us one day.

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Guest Samurai_Goat

In all honesty, though, I think there's only one true path to world peace, one way to end all this silly North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Isreal, United States nuke problem.

Give all the nukes to Canada.

Now, come on, name one country you would trust more with the worlds supply of nukes. If any country steps too far out of line, Canada blows them all to Hell. I think that would result in a utopian world free of war and strife and dischord and other greek gods. And even if Canada had to use the nukes, who could get mad at Canada? I know I couldn't. Canada Rules!

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Guest Figure4
In all honesty, though, I think there's only one true path to world peace, one way to end all this silly North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Isreal, United States nuke problem.

Give all the nukes to Canada.

Now, come on, name one country you would trust more with the worlds supply of nukes. If any country steps too far out of line, Canada blows them all to Hell. I think that would result in a utopian world free of war and strife and dischord and other greek gods. And even if Canada had to use the nukes, who could get mad at Canada? I know I couldn't. Canada Rules!

I agree with that, just change "Canada" to "South Africa".

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Guest The Metal Maniac

We'd never fire a shot...


I swear, we could get invaded by any nation on Earth, and WE'D end up apologizing for it...

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