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Guest El Satanico

The Salton Sea & The Boondock Saints

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Guest El Satanico

I recently watched these two movies and i liked them alot. Both are interesting and stylistic crime movies.


The Salton Sea: It takes the scenic yet interesting route to get there, but it's basically a nice little revenge/crime movie. It also has some good unexpected(perhaps unplanned) humor scattered through the movie. It has a much better cast then you'd expect from a movie that recieved very little promotion.


The Boondock Saints: It's about two brothers that kill criminals and lowlives in the name of god. It's a good action/crime movie that raises some good moral questions without ramming them down viewer's throat. It also features a great over the top performance from Willem Dafoe.

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Guest El Satanico

What's the big deal with the word "boondock" that would make you avoid a movie.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I still haven't seen Boondock Saints, but The Salton Sea is one of my favourite films of the year.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

The Salton Sea was the bomb-diggity, I work at a video store and it's one of my constant reccomendations to customers. If they come back and tell me they didn't like it, I laugh in their stupid faces.


I've also been pimping out B-Dock Saints since D One, Willem Dafoe is so fuckin cool it's not right, and the courtroom scene at the end is moviemaking gold.

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Guest nl5xsk1

I couldn't agree more about Salton Sea being one of the best films that I've seen this year. I went to see it on a whim, and had no idea what to expect, and was blown away by how much I liked it.


I'm actually kind of surprised to see so many other people that saw it and liked it ... I asked about buying it at my local video store, and the guy that worked there had absolutely no idea what I was talking about.

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