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Guest Sandman9000

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Guest Sandman9000

Another milestone for me, more blood and guts for you.


This is a tribute to the Wifebeater, who is retiring from wrestling. Bastard gave us everything he had, fucked his shoulder up permanently, and god knows how bad his back must be.


So, to the Beater, thank you.



















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Guest Youth N Asia
Bastard gave us everything he had

Now if he only given a ** match


Don't get me wrong, Ultraviolence is alright, but for me only in small doses, and I cannot feel too sorry for the guy. He knew every risk he took in the ring and took it anyway.


Just not a big WB mark...at least with Mondo you get highspots

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Guest Sandman9000

I've more or less said everything about Beater that I could in his retirement thread in Miss. Feds. folder, but you know going in that you aren't going to get a technical masterpiece out of Beater. I respect the man for willingly going out and shortening his life drastically for my entertainment. He may have not been able to wrestle worth shit, but he was able to entertain me in his own way. Others may not like him, but I did, and it's an understanable shame that he has to call it quits.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

that is a really disturbing pic isn't it?


I mean shit, that's alot of blood.

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Guest Youth N Asia

After seeing every CZW show from 2001-now I can assure you that any blood there is real, any of the scars are real...guys like Beater, Zandig, Lobo, and Mondo do some over the top sick shit.


I saw a match with Zandig from earlier this year, after the match he was cutting a promo, and he had a tendon hanging from his elbow...very nasty

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Guest HBK16

I haven't seen too many CZW shows but I have seen my fair share of blood and I do know that it is real.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

CZW Photographer = Dream Job.


uh....good job Sandman. <_<

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