Guest starvenger Report post Posted October 18, 2002 Here's the Newsarama story The pertinent details: - Judd Winick signed a 1-year exclusive contract with DC, and will be the new writer of Green Arrow starting with #23. Arsenal (he still around?) will probably now be revealed as gay and back on heroin. - Winick is leaving Green Lantern, and the new writer is Ben Raab, hack writer and a Friend of The Bob. Be afraid. - There's about a year of eXiles scripts "in the can", so Marvel has a lot of time to figure out what to do with the series. Which in reality means that they'll have that much more time to fuck it up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sassquatch Report post Posted October 18, 2002 So Marvel locks up Kevin Smith and JMS to exclusive contracts and DC gets Marvel's leftovers in Judd. Paul Levitz sure did kick Marvel in the nuts with this deal... *shakes head* I hate Judd so I can't say that I'm going to shed tears over his new deal with DC. What is sad about this deal is that Green Lantern will most likely plummet even further down the listings while the already sluggish sales of GA will go down as well. Levitz needs to get his house in order and letting two dipshits work on two of DC's most prominent titles is just asking for a future revamp to issue #1. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vyce Report post Posted October 20, 2002 I like Winick in small doses. Example: Exiles. Exiles I love, and I do think it'll be fucked up once Winick leaves. I'm not looking forward to Judd on Green Arrow. Although he'd be better than Kevin Smith. [sorry....I'm in the super small minority who feels that Kevin Smith is VASTLY overrated as a comics writer.] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest realsandman420 Report post Posted October 22, 2002 i also think kevin smith is way overrated...i like his clerks comics. i'm gonna hate to see him leave green latern... he has done a fantastic job. in fact i love everything he has written... his barry ween is off the hook!!!! a must have for everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sassquatch Report post Posted October 22, 2002 " i also think kevin smith is way overrated...i like his clerks comics." - realsandman420 I like Clerks too and feel that it is his best movie next to Jay & Silent Bob which had me in stitches. I won't go into a rant as to why Smith sucks the meat missle as a writer due to the insane number of Smith fanboys that would lynch me but needless to say the man is a hack as far as a comic book writer goes. No pacing to his stories and he shoots his load nearly half way into his storyarcs which comes off as forced and unimportant. His characters seem to goofy to actually be taken seriously because Smith can not write a character that is multi-dimensional instead of a prankster. "i'm gonna hate to see him leave green latern... he has done a fantastic job. in fact i love everything he has written... his barry ween is off the hook!!!! a must have for everyone." - realsandman420 I'm going to assume that you are talking about Judd Winick here. If you could expand on why you think that Judd has done a "fantastic job" on Green Lantern then please explain. The sales of Green Lantern along with the public backlash Judd took on his latest soap box story with Terry has indicated otherwise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted October 22, 2002 I won't go into a rant as to why Smith sucks the meat missle as a writer due to the insane number of Smith fanboys that would lynch me but needless to say the man is a hack as far as a comic book writer goes. No pacing to his stories and he shoots his load nearly half way into his storyarcs which comes off as forced and unimportant. His characters seem to goofy to actually be taken seriously because Smith can not write a character that is multi-dimensional instead of a prankster. I've really only the Spider-Man/Black Cat series to go by, but I'll agree with the pacing and shooting his load parts. He's good at portraying the major characters as they're supposed to be, but he seems to have no clue as to what to do with the other characters. This is kinda bourne out in the Spidey/Black Cat mini, where the interaction between the two is tight, and he had a pretty decent story, but he went for the James Bond villain "reveal the plot" halfway through. Aargh. I won't get into the fact that he pretty much gave Kurt Wagner another brother, either... I'm going to assume that you are talking about Judd Winick here. If you could expand on why you think that Judd has done a "fantastic job" on Green Lantern then please explain. The sales of Green Lantern along with the public backlash Judd took on his latest soap box story with Terry has indicated otherwise. I can't speak for GL but Winick's done a pretty good job with Exiles, and sales will probably take a hit once he's gone. Just modo... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sassquatch Report post Posted October 22, 2002 Exiles is a miracle from God in that Judd hasn't fucked this book up...yet. I haven't read any recent issues but as long as Judd stays away from his soap box podium stories then the book should do fine until the transition of writers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest realsandman420 Report post Posted October 23, 2002 please explain this soapbox you keep talking about.... why can't superhero books have some kind of social commantary to it? i love books that make you think after you read them. i loved this new storyline in green latern, now i;m not gay...but i have nothing agaist gay people...if you want to be gay...but i can not for the life of me figure out why people hate gay people....i can't figure it out. judd has done a great job of mixing great action, funny jokes, and social commantary into 1 book. and i for 1 will miss him when he is gone off of GL...i just wish he would do both GL and GA. by the way, i would rank pedro and me right up there with maus....if you all haven't read either of theose books, shame on you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sassquatch Report post Posted October 23, 2002 "please explain this soapbox you keep talking about...." - realsandman420 Pedro was someone from MTV's Real World San Francisco several years ago who was gay and had AIDS. After Pedro passed away from AIDS complications, he was made out to look like this hero for the gays when in fact he was just a complete asshole who treated people like shit and bitched all the time at them. He was pushed down everyone's throats due to him being a homo with AIDS. Judd decided to buddy up with Pedro and soon Judd was extolling how great Pedro was and son he was being treated as this martyr for people that are gay and with AIDS. In reality the fact was that Pedro could have given a shit about most people except himself and the cock which was blatantly obvious after watching his Real World run. Judd saw the opportunity to cash in on Pedro's "specialness" and tried to convince everyone that Pedro was someone special when in fact he was just a homo with AIDS which is not something as rare as Judd treated it. Pedro himself took advantage of the situation and made public speeches about AIDS and being gay when in reality this asshole would more likely spit on you if you asked him the time and were not gay. Judd was also shown as a phony on the show for how he acted as well by making friends but then playing them up against one another when it suited him best and would help him gain something. The Pedro and Judd love everyone speeches are pure bullshit by a couple of phony assholes that had their own agendas. Today, Judd continues to push the topic of someone being gay and how it is something special and forces people to accept gays in society. Yet no one gives a shit anymore about people coming out of the closet due to gays being largely more accepted then what they were 10 years ago and Judd still thinks this is 1994 and that is controversial gay issues bullshit mean something. "why can't superhero books have some kind of social commantary to it?" - realsandman420 Because most of the writers today throw their shit out there with a "social awareness" plot that is played out and contrived in it's execution. Terry in GL is a meaningless piece of shit character that the fans could give a damn about and instead should just have a name tag that says "I AM GAY" in really big letters so that everyone knows he is gay every time that he walks into a room. That is how Judd has shown Terry as and that is why this controversial social awareness crap that Judd pulls out of his ass no longer gets peoples attention because society in general is more accepting then Judd gives them credit for. The sales of GL #154 reflect upon this fact due to no change in GL sales for that issue which was pimped by Judd and DC in trying to gain some pub. Maybe if Terry had actually been built up as a character instead of a walking billboard that said "I'm FLAMIN TONIGHT~!" then maybe the fans would have actually bought the issue to see what happened to Terry. He is a worthless character that is an ode to Judd's dead partner in crime Pedro who is almost exactly like Terry with the "I Am gay and proud" nonsense that Judd paraded around while Pedro was alive. "by the way, i would rank pedro and me right up there with maus....if you all haven't read either of theose books, shame on you." - realsandman420 This has to be one of the most idiotic comments I have read in a while. You are comparing one of the greatest and most heart wrenching stories ever told to a story about a gay asshole and his BUTT buddy who paraded around the fact that one of them was gay and make the situation seem like something extraordinary when in fact it wasn't? I know some guys that gay too. I guess I should infect them with AIDS and then lick their nuts every chance I can get and right a story about them that is pure bullshit and how the dealt with their life style. If you read Pedro and Me or GL #154, that is Judd soap boxing at his best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BA_Baracus Report post Posted October 23, 2002 ^'d think this Winick guy ran over you dog Sass. Get a grip man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sassquatch Report post Posted October 23, 2002 Here comes Baracus with that insightful and thought provoking commentary that he always provides the folder with. "^'d think this Winick guy ran over you dog Sass. Get a grip man." - Baracus You do not bring discussion to the board at all except to tell people to "chill out" or post inane and worthless crap with no real backing to your statements or solid examples for why you feel the way that you do about something. Also learn how to use grammar first before you address me again you dolt. Anyways, getting back on topic... I'll call a spade a spade when I see it. Judd's "Exiles" book is very entertaining to read. "Entertaining" being the key word. It is not a great book by any means but I have enjoyed what I have read from it so far. The book can be humorous at times and has a nice flow to it with the storyline pacing that Judd has been using. The plot development is probably the one thing that stands out in my mind because Judd has had his heroes stay on course with their original goal while putting them through the meat grinder yet also craving out characters for these virtual nobody's that star in the book. Judd has a cult hit on his hands and thankfully he has not fucked it up by trying to impose his own personal agenda crap in the book like he has with Green Lantern (which is bombing in sales currently). I was disappointed when I heard how Judd would be leaving the Exiles. But again, there are probably 10 or more guys out there that can do what Judd has done with the Exiles and might even do it better then him. Or Marvel might just cancel the book now that Judd is leaving which would not be out of the question. The sales for the book are not anything special (40 spot seller) and Quesada has been tossing around the idea of Morph and Blink joining one of the X-Men teams for a while now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest starvenger Report post Posted October 24, 2002 Judd has a cult hit on his hands and thankfully he has not fucked it up by trying to impose his own personal agenda crap in the book like he has with Green Lantern (which is bombing in sales currently). Question: What comic *is* selling well for DC? I know that Batman finished #1, but that was Jim Lee popping a rating. And it's pretty shocking that Winick hasn't pushed the gay issue seeing as Sunfire is RIGHT THERE, but to his credit he's treated her like a normal person. Imagine that, a homosexual being treated as nothing special!! The sales for the book are not anything special (40 spot seller) and Quesada has been tossing around the idea of Morph and Blink joining one of the X-Men teams for a while now. I hope that this doesn't happen. I mean, there's no paradox issue here since Blink and Changeling are dead but where are you gonna stick them? Plus you have to take into account that the characters are intereating because they're existing outside of Marvel continuity. But hey, Jemas gave himself a book and is apparently gonna extend it's run, so anything's possible I suppose... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sassquatch Report post Posted October 24, 2002 "Question: What comic *is* selling well for DC? I know that Batman finished #1, but that was Jim Lee popping a rating." - starvenger The most consistently best selling title for DC has been the JLA, Green Arrow and Batman. Those books are still sporadic in terms of holding stable high sales in the top selling books. Every other book from DC that has made it into the Top 15 this year dropped off immediately by the next month when the rankings came out which suggested that DC could pop a high sale but not maintain reader's interest. "And it's pretty shocking that Winick hasn't pushed the gay issue seeing as Sunfire is RIGHT THERE, but to his credit he's treated her like a normal person. Imagine that, a homosexual being treated as nothing special!!" - starvenger I still pinch myself every now and then when I read the Exiles and go "this is written by Winick??" I know, it's still shocking that Judd has not turned Sunfire into the Flamer or something lame like that. I keep my fingers crossed that Judd won't sink the book before he leaves for DC just in the hopes that Marvel does salvage book and give the writing position to someone competent. "I hope that this doesn't happen. I mean, there's no paradox issue here since Blink and Changeling are dead but where are you gonna stick them? Plus you have to take into account that the characters are intereating because they're existing outside of Marvel continuity. But hey, Jemas gave himself a book and is apparently gonna extend it's run, so anything's possible I suppose... " - starvenger Jemas has no business peddling his ego shit down the throats of the fans. He is 44 years old and has not written one mainstream comic book story until this latest debacle with David and Quesada. Hell, most people believe that Jemas had his book ghost written which is not too far fetched. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites