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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Weekend Box Office Report: 10/20/02

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

1 The Ring $15,000,000/$15,000,000


2 Sweet Home Alabama $9,600,000/$98,500,000

3 Red Dragon $8,797,000/$77,844,000

4 My Big Fat Greek Wedding $7,154,488/$169,302,158

5 Brown Sugar $5,310,000/$18,597,000

6 Abandon $5,300,000/$5,300,000

7 The Transporter $5,010,000/$17,118,000

8 The Tuxedo $4,100,000/$43,100,000

9 Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie $4,100,000/$16,200,000

10 Tuck Everlasting $3,700,000/$10,600,000

11 White Oleander $3,210,000/$10,813,000

12 Formula 51 $2,900,000/$2,900,000



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Guest CoreyLazarus416
TheRing got nice press (not OVERBLOWN, but nice press) and a good buzz from the 'net and just by word of mouth. I didn't doubt it topping the weekend, especially since Halloween is in a week and a half (now is the PERFECT time to release scary movies).

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

"Ghost Ship" should do some good business Next Week.

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Guest C.H.U.D.
The Ring would have did better if Dreamworks had opened it in more than 1,900 theatres, since it's average per screen was double anything else.

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Guest Mattdotcom

I'm glad The Ring took number one. I'm excited to see it...in the safety of my own home, that is.


Formula 51 bombed. I figured it would.


Sweet Home Alabama is doing TOO good. Christ, nearly $100-million...figures, though.


Red Dragon slipped...I figured it would stay at two.

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Guest Youth N Asia

The Ring, looks good, plan on seeing it real soon...a little suprised it got the top spot.


Abandon...Christ! Hasn't this movie been done 100 times over already, looks like crap and if I am not promised Katie Holmes nudity I will never see it...sorry if I sound pigish, but it looks rancid.


Tuck Everlasting...I really don't know what to think of this one, it's had to tell what age bracket they're aiming at. Looks like a love story, with teenagers, that's rated PG...now, with little kids, I'd think they'd be too bored to want to see this...the teen-young adult group you'd think would want PG 13 at least...so this one seems to be going for older people, women, and maybe a little of the teen audiance.


Formula 51 looks like it should suck

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Guest NoCalMike

I am glad the Ring was #1, as it was scary, and it deserved the good fortune. Hopefully it will continue to do good as it gets released in more theaters.


Thank goodness that Abandon did shitty as all week long at my job I had to hear that damn line by Katie Holmes, "Why are you doing this" about a million times over and over. Plus the fact that this movie is just a remake of a remake of a clone of a remake etc......

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