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Guest razazteca

RVD needs a manager

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Guest razazteca

It seems everytime that RVD gets on the mic or even attempts to act it goes wrong, right? So if the only way that RVD can truely become the Main Event then he needs a manager who can make the crowd eat out of his hand. So who should be the mouth piece for the fan favorite spotfest wrestler?


Even though I detest the McMahons I think the best manager would be Shane. He was somewhat successful at helping out Benoit a few years ago and could do the same for RVD.

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Guest Brian

He doesn't need to talk. Look at Benoit. There's some good mic guys on RAW to cover his tracks (Flair, Booker, Jericho).

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Guest razazteca

if RVD is to become the RAW champ then he needs to do the manidatory 20 minute promo to open up the show. Well for RVD they can cut it to a 5 minute promo but still he needs a manager.


He needs Bill Alfonzo back

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Guest Flyboy
He doesn't need to talk. Look at Benoit.

If that's the case...


Give RVD a fucking mic, now!

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Guest razazteca

WWE is Sports Entertainment which means HHH bringing up peoples past, so how is RVD going to respond to his sins of the past other than GRRRRR Your a Lier Dude

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Guest TheHulkster

Knowing Gerwirtz, RVD will have robbed a bank then molested a small child when he faces Triple H at the Survivor Series, and will be exposed for the bank robber and child molestor he is after wrestling a **** hell in a cell match against Jericho on this week's Raw.

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Guest CanadianChick

Why does he need a manager? I thought that he was quite funny tonight, but thats just me I guess

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Guest Rob Edwards

I'd suggest DDP now he can no longer wrestle as a kind of manager/motivator but booked in a less humiliating manner than when he was with Christian

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Guest HartFan86
Stacy with RVD?


I thought the purpose of a manager was to 'cut promos for a guy'. I don't think Stacy cuts promos that well

Eye Candy, my friend. RVD can cut promos fine, just don't make him do a stupid Flair rip-off that makes him look totally blastered.

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Guest netslob

yes, Fonzie is the ONLY choice as far as i'm concerned. y'know, he calls it right down the middle, daddy.

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Guest kindredone

Id say Heyman, after Brock and Heyman part ways,Heyman should pick up RVD.

Fonzie would be awesome though! I can almost hear that whistle again!lol

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

If they are going to give RVD a manager, it would have to be Bill Alfonzo, there is no other person of known status that could be his manager. But, I seriously doubt that RVD is going to get a manager.

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Guest subliminal_animal

The problem with RVD on the mike is that he always seems a little nervous about looking stupid and embarrassed about. That makes him not get totally into what he's saying, which ironically makes him look even stupider than if he had. With the right delivery, that Flair promo could've at least been average.

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Guest Ram

I agree, Jimmy Hart would kick ass.


Could you imagine Hart and Heyman yelling ringside in a RVD/Brock match?

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Guest Anglesault

How about Arn? He's not doing anything, and if they build it up as HHH vs Rob and Flair vs. Anderson (non wrestling) it could be okay.

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Guest razazteca

bring back Mick Foley, forget about Robot Wars on the New TNN, Mick belongs on Raw.

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Knowing Gerwirtz, RVD will have robbed a bank then molested a small child when he faces Triple H at the Survivor Series, and will be exposed for the bank robber and child molestor he is after wrestling a **** hell in a cell match against Jericho on this week's Raw.

No, RVD will turn out to be a former drug dealer who sold rat poison to his customers....

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Guest razazteca

no it will be revealed that RVD was married to Rae Dawn Chong, Tommy's daughter.

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Guest Banky

Rob needs to switch up his extremely stale gimmick. It is soooo boring. His moveset, and fickleness with opponants will ensure he'll never the man in the company. Until he addresses those two issues, there'll be no need for a manager because he'll stay as nothing more than a glorified Jeff Hardy.

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I agree, Jimmy Hart would kick ass.


Could you imagine Hart and Heyman yelling ringside in a RVD/Brock match?

Heh...that would be sweet, yes.


Though Heyman would probably be pissed that Jimmy Hart's Megaphone was drowning out his shouting.

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