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Guest SmarkySmark

Would Kane be better without the mask?

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Guest SmarkySmark

I've been waiting for Kane to take off the mask for awhile.  They've teased us with the idea back at SummerSlam '00 and on a smackdown a few months ago when Kane was acting like he almost lost the mask during a match.


No one cares about the whole "Kane was burned in the fire" storyline anymore.  Most new fans don't even know that story.  So why keep the mask?  I'm sure it's hard to breathe and his vision is somewhat limited by it.  


He could have a storyline in which he gets plastic surgery to remove the scars and takes off the mask.  It helped Rey Mysterio and Juventud.  


Plus we're far enough removed that most fans won't say "hey that's Isaac Yankem."  Those that know he used to be Isaac Yankem already know he's not really Taker's brother.  Most fans nowdays realize that certain wrestlers used to wrestle with other gimmicks.


I think it would help him reinvent his character away from that old storyline that quite frankly should have died when Taker came back as a biker.

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Guest Tony149

IMO, Kane's career could die. The only gimmick he had success with was "Kane". All his other gimmicks failed. With the trouble the current writing team is having...if Kane lost his mask, his career would start to die a slow death.

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Guest Anglesault

I think Kane should drop everything he is doing right now and lose the mask, totally forgetting about any current feuds.


IMO, Kane's career could die. The only gimmick he had success with was "Kane". All his other gimmicks failed. With the trouble the current writing team is having...if Kane lost his mask, his career would start to die a slow death.



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Guest Risk

Both Kane and Big Show need to use their names.  Kane needs to lose his mask, it needs to be explaned it was all a storyline.  Getting him plastic surgery is an insult to the fans' intelligence, limited as the marks may be.  Kane should be a gimmick at Wrestlecrap, along with SUPERNATURAL Undertaker, Brother Love, and Paul Bearer(Sorry William).

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

"It helped Rey Mysterio and Juventud.  "


Ummm....no it didn't.  Especially not Misterio.  His career never recovered after he lost the mask.

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Guest Anglesault
Both Kane and Big Show need to use their names.  Kane needs to lose his mask, it needs to be explaned it was all a storyline.  Getting him plastic surgery is an insult to the fans' intelligence, limited as the marks may be.  Kane should be a gimmick at Wrestlecrap, along with SUPERNATURAL Undertaker, Brother Love, and Paul Bearer(Sorry William).

It's MUCH better to just say "Wrestling's fake, you stupidheads, this is Glen Jacobs!" Maybe we can call him "Big" Glen Jacobs

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Guest the jesuit pig

Glenn Jacobs is fugly so I doubt the WWF or mankind wants him without a mask to hide his ugly ass face.

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Guest muswp1

Ok people, why on earth would Kane want to lose the mask?  There is no upside to losing the mask and usually losing something integral to your storyline like that is followed by an immeadite death to whatever heat you had before.  See Juvateud and Rey Mysterio if you need proof.  The only thing Kane needs is a consistant direction to go in.

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Guest midnight_burn

I think that Kane does need something to reinvigorate his WWF career, but i don't think losing his mask is the answer.


His mask makes him unique, without it he'd just be another generic big man, like Test.

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Guest goodhelmet

thejesuitpig is right. keep the friggin thing on. Never take it off unless it is to put a different one on.

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Guest Army Eye

Don't take off the mask unless you have a damn good storyline for him to go with after that.  True, an unmasking is probably the only way for him to move UP in the card, but there's also tons of downside potential, much more than the upside

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Guest The Hitman Returns

I don't think he should lose the mask, but the ugly red outfit has to go.  I always thoght he would look pretty cool in jeans like Taker.

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Guest The Hitman Returns

Man Cobain, You make me sound like a fruit or something.


Guess we could put him in the gay horsemen

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

MUST NOT FLAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he knows not what he says. why oh why do trolls always do this??

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Guest converge

Kane should lose the mask. He could still be Kane with the outfit and fire imagery. They have  aperfect storyline built in for him too.  Have him be the "New Sting", the guy to stop the NWO. Have him suffer a huge beatdown and in the process the NWO taks the mask.

Then have a big deal exposing how he was never burnt and how mentally unbalanced he is. Then you have a whole vindication storyline where he "finds himself" and destroys the NWO.

He has that look that would catch on with non-fans, like the Crow character did. He's not the best wrestler or talker, but they can work on that during his build-up.

Hey, its better than what theyve already done: One monster push until WM 14 and a one day title reign that's never even mentioned.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

kane *needs* to keep the mask. one of the few areas where the wwf has shown long-term continuity in recent years is the "kane is horribly burnt" storyline.  if they were to do this, they would need to get kane off tv and wait a long time to bring back jacobs, and he would need a new haircut, etc.  but why bother, kane is sorta over with marks, is treading water in the midcard (i dont wanna see him pushed, and thats what a new gimmick would mean).  also, as someone said, this is his only successful gimmick, and as a wise man once said, "if it aint broke, dont fix it."  and after all, losing the mask isnt gonna make kane any more able to pull off a decent match or draw, so why bother?

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Guest areacode212

No, Kane would not be better without the mask. If they did an angle where he took it off, it might be pretty exciting (but probably not) for a segment or two, but after that, he would just be just another big ugly dude (see Undertaker, Bradshaw, Big Show, etc..). With the mask, he gets to keep a unique look that gives him a bit of heat.

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Guest Risk

Well, the gimmick sucks.  He needs a new gimmick or he needs to get off my tv.

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Guest The Fett

Kane should keep the mask. It gives him character and makes him unique. What Kane needs is somone to do the talking for him. He's at his best when he just plays the big silent monster that beats people up.


I say they stick him with someone like Kanyon to do the talking for him. Maybe Kanyon can even start wearing his mask again to match Kane's. Or they can have Kane tag up with Hurricane where Hurricane can play a similar role X-Pac used to play when they were tag partners. I can picture it now, Kane doing his fire explosion pose with Hurricane in front of him doing his superhero pose.

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Guest Risk

Kane and Hurricane have really bad characters.  They need to bget new gimmicks...NOW.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Things the WWF could never pull off successfully -

Kane unmasking

Dudleyz split

The Invasion

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Guest Tony149
kane *needs* to keep the mask. one of the few areas where the wwf has shown long-term continuity in recent years is the "kane is horribly burnt" storyline.

Well, they screwed that up in 2000. Kane was supposed to have a horribly burned left arm. At Summerslam 2000, Kane debuted his new tights (The one he uses today) without the left arm covered.

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Guest areacode212

How would making him Glen Jacobs be any more successful than past attempts, such as turning Shark into John Tenta, or turning Goldust into Dustin Runnels, or Beaver Cleavage into fun-loving Jersey guy Chaz, etc...?

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Guest Risk

I don't care about what the name is, I just want someone for Glen to portray other than Kane, Yankeem, or fake Diesel.  Hell, even fake Diesel would be better than Kane...

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Guest X-Factor Corperation

He could get rid of the mask but unless they were going to use him it'd be a bad idea. With the mask he's a had a long character.

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