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Guest Goodear

Well, I'm writing it...

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Guest Goodear

Hey folks,


I don't know if anyone is actually going ahead with the much-mentioned SWF article on the main page or not, but I'm pretty much in between articles waiting for some staff feedback on a project. So, I'm going to go ahead and start putting the thing together. If there is anything you all want put in there (I'll probably be putting in some promos and maybe a match) just reply to this thread and I'll see what I can do.



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Guest Grand Slam

Ummm... yeah. Well, the first introductory article "From Ringside: The SWF Report" (written by yours truly) is written and submitted. As a matter of fact, I was working on the second article when I saw this post.

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Guest Powerplay

Well, Mark, is yours on the SWF? If so, then maybe Goodear can do one for the SJL, to give the intro to the starter league.

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Guest Goodear
Well, Mark, is yours on the SWF? If so, then maybe Goodear can do one for the SJL, to give the intro to the starter league.

I haven't written anything, I was going to do it today. But if its all under control, then I'll do other things. It's all good.

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Guest Grand Slam

Currently the column has no particular focus on either the WF or JL. It will probably be whatever i think is the most compelling thing to write about at the moment.


Here's the thing...


I was, in effect, sub-contracted to do this by Edwin and Thoth. They handled all of the arrangemants, and I was just left to write the silly thing (an altogether satisfying arrangement). So I would talk to them about column stuff. Then again, if you already have one on the site, then I guess you can use it for whatever you want.


I would also like to ake this opportunity to say that none of the people who said they would write a column for the SWF website have sent me anything. So if you want to write one for there...

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Yeah, the column's pretty well covered, has been sent to Dames and all. Let's let Mark's column take root for a little while before we go for another.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

As far as the website goes, I talked to Mark last week and was given the go-ahead for a bi-weekly one and I've got it mostly done so far.


I am behind schedule, however, because I was out of town.

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Guest Grand Slam



Thanks 'Cast. I have no doubt you guys will come through with some kick-ass columns. I hit a snag in the website this weekend, so its not like I need them RIGHT NOW!!! heck, i doubt I'll need them for a week at least.


Now hopefully, my column will live up to the "press". :)

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Guest Grand Slam

Strictly speaking? No. However, the running theory is that it will appear on Tuesday or Wednesday every week (assuming I keep up) as those are days with less news and articles.


A little warning: the first column is a little light, mostly just an intro to the column, the format and the character. The second column, which I am working on, is already longer than the first and only half done. Also, it is written in character, but not really in kayfabe, so there will be talk aplenty about backstage stuff. I really want to make as much like a column written by a real wrestling insider as possible.


I am looking forward to this, and I have some ideas for the upcoming weeks that i hope you will all enjoy.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Could someone PM me the details on this...who's submitting stuff, who's writing the columns and what they're about?


Also, I could always write a column if you have room or need someone to do it.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Grand Slam

Well Stubbs, I think the long and the short of it is this:


I am writing a column for thesmartmarks.com about the SWF in general. As far as I know, it is the only column for thesmartmarks.com from the SWF.


I have a few names of people who have promised to drop me a column on a regular or irregular basis for the SWF website. No real topic so far on any of them, but it is a diverse group so who knows? :)


As for a column from the commish... well speaking as the de facto webmaster, that would kick serious ass!!! I honestly don't think we are in any danger of having too many columns on OUR website and that would be a great addition!!


And, since we are here, is it officially "The SmartMarks Wrestling Federation" or "The Smarks Wrestling Federation"? Personally, I think SmartMarks is a lot kinder to our hosts...

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Guest Thoth

Agreed, let's call it SmartMarks when it's relevant. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out when it's relevant.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Oo, good idea. The column's looking good, Stubby. I think once Mark's got himself established as a regular writer for the site, we might even be able to get some more off-shoots, or our own little area if people take to it. I'd PM you Mark's intro so you could take a look, but I think I accidentally purged it in the great mailbox wipeout of this weekend.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"If they were still giving us the boards free it might be one thing, but since were just another paying customer now there's no great need to change our name.


Just leave it.


Mothernature says..."

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Guest Tyler McClelland

Heh, if we're paying for it, we might as well call it...



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Guest Grand Slam

All right... let me refine the question...


Should I say "SmartMarks Wrestling Federation" on the website? Or should I change all the graphics?


I'll PM Stubby the column. Should have thought of that before... doh! :bonk:

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