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Guest Angle-plex

Favorite Kevin Smith Movie


46 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Kevin Smith Movie

    • Clerks
    • Mallrats
    • Chasing Amy
    • Dogma
    • Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back

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Guest Youth N Asia

Mallrats, I can pretty much quote the movie from beginning to end.


Anyone that picks J&SBSB deserve to be shot at close range with a sawed off shotgun...I know people should be allowed to have their opinions and all, but that movie fuckin sucked.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Mallrats was the second-to-last KS movie I saw, and was my fav.


JASBSB wasn't THAT bad, was it?...

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I'll go with Dogma.


As for Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, I hated it the first time I saw it, but after multiple viewings at work I have grown to really like it. Some parts of it are hilarious.

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Guest Banky

J&SBSB is for the hardcore fans to watch one time only. The first time I saw it I was at the end of my seat waiting to see what gimmick Kevin Smith was going to bust out next. It was a thank you to all of the loyal fans who followed the series closely. That said, it is the least watched VA movie in my collection BUT it was the greatest movie-going experience of my life when i saw it.


The only thing that will beat? Well thats easy, when Fletch Won comes out with my and your God, Jason Lee.

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Guest Karnage

Clerks is the best.


Mallrats was a really good movie, but the guy who plays TS was horrible.


Chasing Amy, I need to view again.


Dogma had an excellent story but fell flat on the silver screen for some reason.


Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back is good for all the tongue in cheek stuff, but the diamond thieves thing wasn't necessary.

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Guest saturnmark4life

i haven't seen dogma, and i like all of em, i think clerks is probably my favourite too, just for its whole atmosphere. The one thing i hate about chasing amy is that chick's voice. Pisses me off. Very fundamental flaw, and i think apart from that it's the best 'movie' out of all of em, just not my fave.

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Guest LooseCannon

Clerks is the best as Smith's flaws as a director were hidden by the film's budget constraints. Though the acting isn't that good. It's a likable and fun little movie. Chasing Amy is the worst. Without Jason Lee there would not have been a single enjoyable moment in this piece of shit filled with bad 10 minute sappy monologues.

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Guest kingkamala

i couldn't decide, so i just picked the one i saw first when i clsoed my eyes and went up and down the page and it came to J&SB:SB

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Guest godthedog

'chasing amy', by far. funny as shit, and true to its suitably flawed & deep characters.

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Guest Banky

If any one of Smith's movies flicker to all hell, it would be Dogma. In fact, I am surprised to see all the Dogma praise on this board. Aside from some cool character, this movie is basically the shits. Fiorontino, Rickman, and Hayek had absolutly no place to be in this show. Honestly, it was Smith's way of trying to throw this movie into the mainstream. If more time was done developing Azrael's evilness, Carlin's religious hypocracy, and the basic trying to rejuvinated catholicism - this flick woulda ruled it all. But it doesn't. Anyone but Fiorentino shoulda been the last zion.

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Guest danielisthor

Chris Rock, Jason Lee, Salma Hayek, Linda Fiorentino, Matt Damon, George Carlin and the turd Ben Affleck made this a great Kevin Smith Flick. The only bad thing about the movie was Alanis as God.

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Guest Youth N Asia
i couldn't decide, so i just picked the one i saw first when i clsoed my eyes and went up and down the page and it came to J&SB:SB

That's the only way that turd of a movie would have gotten a vote, such an unfunny piece of work, can't believe I paid to see it on the big screen

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Guest Banky
Chris Rock, Jason Lee, Salma Hayek, Linda Fiorentino, Matt Damon, George Carlin and the turd Ben Affleck made this a great Kevin Smith Flick. The only bad thing about the movie was Alanis as God.

Are you on glue? When has Linda Fiorentino made any movie good? C'mon dude, admit it - she was a terrible lead actress. Plus, Selma Hayek was rather unspectacular on this piece. Her character had no place in it.


And yes, J&SBSB is quite funny, I thought you'd be hard pressed to find any VA to say that movie is unfunny. Maybe you didn't get some of the jokes, or missed some of the satire - but there was some stuff that was damn funny. It clearly isn't the best movie, but still a fullfilling flick in itself.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Please don't use the "you just didn't get it" defense...I got it. It's just not funny. It's not hard to get "dick, ass, cock, fuck" jokes.


They did a lot of poking at his other movies durring the thing. But none of that came off too funny.


The whole Chris Rock thing was unfunny, if it was a little more suttle it could have worked. Ferrel was painfully unfunny for as much as he was in it.


The thing where they make a joke then look at the camera, that's funny exactly once in a movie...not 3 or 4 or 5 times. I think that might have bigged me more then anyone else. Like the knocks on Matt and Ben, snickered at them, didn't really laugh though.


Unlike all of his others I did not have at least one big laugh, I just kinda snickered every now and then.


Maybe he thought the cameos alone would have made people laugh.

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus

Mallrats was okay enough, but a little too slap-sticky for me, and not as good as the other three. I thought Chasing Amy was best, followed closely by Clerks, with Dogma as a slightly distant third.


I dont' deign to recognize J&SBSB. That movie licked balls.

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Guest godthedog
Chris Rock, Jason Lee, Salma Hayek, Linda Fiorentino, Matt Damon, George Carlin and the turd Ben Affleck made this a great Kevin Smith Flick. The only bad thing about the movie was Alanis as God.

Are you on glue? When has Linda Fiorentino made any movie good? C'mon dude, admit it - she was a terrible lead actress. Plus, Selma Hayek was rather unspectacular on this piece. Her character had no place in it.


And yes, J&SBSB is quite funny, I thought you'd be hard pressed to find any VA to say that movie is unfunny. Maybe you didn't get some of the jokes, or missed some of the satire - but there was some stuff that was damn funny. It clearly isn't the best movie, but still a fullfilling flick in itself.

linda fiorentino WAS horribly out of place in 'dogma', but to say she's never made any movie good...did you see 'the last seduction'? she MADE that fucking movie.

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Guest cynicalprofit

The only funny part about J&BSB was the "read the sign" bit, because it was building up from clerks.


I really have no favorite as I enjoy them all, it depends on my mood and then I'll watch that flcik.

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Guest BorneAgain
If more time was done developing Azrael's evilness, Carlin's religious hypocracy, and the basic trying to rejuvinated catholicism - this flick woulda ruled it all.  But it doesn't.

That's a good point. I wish Smith could have dropped some of the scenes with Hayek and Rickman and instead included the deleted stuff with Azreal and Cardinal Glick. In fact my favorite scene in the film is the deleted cut in which Azrael explains the nature of hell. Jason Lee's acting in that scene is incredible.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I agree with that one...with the exception of the "Fat Albert" scene the one with Lee having a huge speach about hell is my favorite. Definatly should have stayed in the film.

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Guest Banky

Lee, since Chasing Amy, has been given smaller roles because he isn't a big enough name. Smith, along with Miramax, want to sell the flicks with household actors. Thats why Affleck always gets the juicy VA roles ahead of Lee - who I'm sure would love to have a leading role with Kevin.

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