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Guest starvenger

X-Men 2 Screen Shots

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Guest starvenger

Well, mass market stuff is good for something, I guess. Check out Entertainment Weekly's website for some shots of the merry mutants.


And it's not exactly unexpected but Kelly Hu's wearing a lot more clothing than she did in Scorpion King. Her nails could use a trim though...

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Guest Sassquatch

Pyro was a super villain in the comic books. He died two years ago from the Legacy Virus which is like AIDS for mutants.


Apparently Singer wants to have Pyro start out as a student of Xavier's. Singer has stated that he will have the rest of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (the group that Pyro was affiliated with in the comics) show up in later sequels.


I would also like to say that Daniel Cudmore is a dead-ringer for Colossus in the movie and I look forward to seeing how he is utilized in the movie.


So after viewing these pics I take it the Sentinels will not appear in the movie? If the things are not 30 stories high then do not put them in the movie. The whole appeal with the Sentinels is that they are these giant killer robots that are intimidating.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Refresh my memory, who is Gen. Stryker in the comics again, i.e. what has he actually done? I can't seem to remember him from anywhere.


Well, of course they're not gonna show off the Sentinel pics right away, as it's probably one of the big surprises/spoilers of the film. And it's also possible, that unless everything is completely finished with the film, that the artists or whoever is responsible still have to add what will obviously be rendered robots during post-production (note: I'm taking wild guesses here, as I have no idea exactly how the film-making processes go).

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Guest Sassquatch

It's actually Reverand Stryker.


Stryker made his debut in the Marvel Comics Graphic Novel "God Loves, Man Kills." The book wass *very* graphic at the time it hit the shelfs in 1986 and was given a low print run because of the possible backlash from fans/parent's groups. One scene in the novel has Kitty Pryde calling one of the racist black kids that she meets up with a "nigger" along with two little mutant boys being blown away by Stryker's Mutant Mandroid Crusade Squad. It is actually a very good book and I highly recommend that everyone goes and reads it if they find a copy.


Yuriko is actually Lady Deathstrike in the comic books whose dad was the man that invented adamantium. Apparently the movie will scrap that and have Deathstrike just be General Stryker's second-in-command of his Anti-Mutant army. Her connections with Wolverine from the comic book will also be scrapped as well (probably for the best).

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Guest Kahran Ramsus







Apparently, Pyro ends up joining Magneto by the end. He was probably my favourite mutant from the comics.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

It was okay. There wasn't really a whole lot left to do with him. I would rather him get killed in a blaze of glory, than ending up all screwed up like Rogue.

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Guest starvenger

You should probably clarify that you're talking about the COMIC Pyro, not the movie one...

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
You should probably clarify that you're talking about the COMIC Pyro, not the movie one...

Sorry, I thought it was pretty clear.

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Guest Sassquatch

Pyro had a few more stories left in him before he died. His appearance in Daredevil (1st series) a couple years ago was pretty good and showed he had some juice left.

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Guest Just call me Dan

What happened when he died? Geez I quit reading right before all the Onslaught mess....

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Guest Sassquatch

Pyro died from the Mutant version of the AIDS virus called the Legacy Virus. His powers were slowly going out of control until he finally died last year in the X-Men.

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

So who else has died of the virus, besides Pyro? I stopped reading in early-2000, but since it came up, I may as well ask. I heard about Colossus infecting himself with the potential cure, and killing himself in order to release it, or some such nonsense, but that's as far as I really know.

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Guest starvenger
So who else has died of the virus, besides Pyro?

Off of the top of my head...


- Illyana Rasputin aka Magik

- Revanche, a ninja assassin whose mind occupied the body of Psylocke. Actually she killed herself but she had the virus.

- a mutant named Bolt had the virus, but I dunno if he died...

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Guest Sassquatch

Colossus gave up his life in issue #390 of the Uncanny X-Men to the Legacy Virus in order to create a vaccine that would cure mutants with the virus.

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