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Guest mach7

Final Fantasy X-2?

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Guest mach7

I know it's a spin-off of FFX, but is Squaresoft taking advice from WWE? First we get Wrestlemania X-8. Now we've got Final Fantasy X-2 coming down the road. ;) More on topic, I never played FFX, but I am buying a PS2 as soon as I can get a good deal. Is it worth picking up? Keeping in mind I'm a diehard fan of the SNES Final Fantasy games. The ones on PSX didn't really do that much for me...

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Guest chirs3

I'd say it's worth picking up, as it has the best magic/ability/combat system to ever appear in a Final Fantasy game.


It's horribly linear, not much freedom in where you get to go, but that's the only major flaw with it.

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Guest J*ingus

X was easily the best game of the Sony era, but what exactly are they doing for this sequel?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

All I know is that Yuna is slated to be the main character, and it's actually going to be a true sequel to X, same world and everything, only there's going to be more machines and such.


mach-definitely pick it up if all the guns and crap from the other games bothered you. It goes back to swords and magic. Fun game, albeit linear. Hopefully this sequel remedies that problem somewhat.

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Guest J*ingus
All I know is that Yuna is slated to be the main character,

Wow, that'll be, uh, boring. Unless Yuna goes through some major character development in the last section of the game I haven't played, what about her suggests the need for a whole 'nother game? (At least you gave me a nice backhanded spoiler that she doesn't get Aerised along the way.)

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

perhaps she comes back from the dead after a good shagging from HHH. I have spoiled nothing.

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Guest MD2020
mach-definitely pick it up if all the guns and crap from the other games bothered you. It goes back to swords and magic. Fun game, albeit linear. Hopefully this sequel remedies that problem somewhat.





Hope I don't ruin anything for anybody, but in X-2, they're sort of back to the guns and stuff. In the promotional poster for the game, they have Yuna packing heat. Just so you know.

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Guest mach7

Question, does X have "Guardian Forces"... ?

If so, do they have different attacks? That's one thing that really bothered me about fighting in FF8. The GF's only had one LONG animation each. SOOOO ANNOYING! :P

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Spoilers ahead for X so be warned....













OK then,


Since the spirits that formed the aeons were released after the defeat of Sin, I would say that they weren't part of the game. HOWEVER since summonings seem to be part and parcel of the FF series nowadays, the summons may just take a new form. It looks to me like the Al Behd beliefs of the use of "machina" were reintroduced to society and are now slowly becoming part of everyday life of X-2, which is 2 years after X if I recall.















Anyway, the game itself sounds interesting enough what with trying to introduce elements of platforming to the area screens, although the thought of Yuna acting like Lara Croft scares me somehow. I just want to see Lulu again in her old getup personally.






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Guest mach7
It was long so you could boost them

I realize that, but the same animation each time? Gets old quickly.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Well, I'd say the soul of Final Fantasy is now dead. Last person, please turn out the lights.


I can see the emails now:


From: SquareSoft

To: Game Developers

Subj: Running of out ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111


Hey guys, we need some help. See, we're can't really think up anything new to do for our next game. Please help us out!


To: SquareSoft

From: Core Design

Subj: Re:Running of out ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111


Hey, saw your email. Stop me if you've heard this one.....

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Guest Special K

FFX was top-notch in my opinion. Best system since 6, good storyline, great graphics, only problem being linear, and all the side-quests being inaccesible until the end.


FFX2 is supposed to be more nonlinear.


And They are making a true FFXII in addition to X-2


Since it's squaresoft, anyone know anything about the teaser at the end of Kindom Hearts? That looked Incredible.

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Guest Special K

Since it's a FF thread, and I'm bored, my judgments on the games I've spent a good part of my youth on.


FFI- Truly an innovator of its time. Good, large graphics, nonexistant storyline, but a high watermark for the time


FFII- Haven't played, apparently the worst.


FFIII- Haven't played. Brought about job system.


FFIV- Story doesn't hold up as well as it used to. Still, Kane kicks ass, great music, good, straightforward system, good challenge (for hardtype, though I honestly didn't see too much difference.


FFV- Great system, pretty awful story, hardest one so far. Great if you like levelling up the classes, but I thought it just took too long. Eventually wore out its welcome.


FFVI- Probably the best one. Great characters and system, numerous secrets, 1st GREAT FF villain, really good story, until the 2nd world, but then you had nonlinearity. Just a great game. Oh yeah, and 2nd best soundtrack EVER (edged by Xenogears.)


FFVII- Love it. Really good characters and story, best villain ever, pretty good system, the next step in graphics. Localization made the story confusing.


FFVIII- One of my least favorites. Good characters, lame story outside of interplay of characters, absolutely awful system.


FFIX- Good, and unspectacular. A nice throwback, with straightforward characters and story, good system, but missed that Something.



FFX- Thouroughly enjoyable, great graphics, chracters, good story, really fun system, pretty bad replay due to linearity and length of story segments.

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Guest chirs3

Since that guy did it, I'll do it too. Just the ones I've played.


Final Fantasy VI - Best. Game. Ever. Best music, best story, best characters, best villain...


Final Fantasy VII - Very good, but not as great as people let on. Materia system is one of the best they've had, but there's no memorable music, pretty awful writing/translation, and most of the characters I didn't give a flying flip about.


Final Fantasy VIII - Second. Most. Overrated. Game. Ever. God this was horrible. You don't SEE the villain until the very end, the music is forgettable, the writing is awful, no character progression for 3 discs, lame story, obscene GF summon lengths, and more!


Final Fantasy IX - Underrated. Everyone shits on it because of the ending boss, forgetting that the 4 discs BEFORE the end boss contained the second best FF to date. A return of great music, an good story with twists that actually... uh... twist... a better villain than VIII and VII... yea... this one's good.


Final Fantasy X - Impossibly linear... but other than that, it's alright. It's got the best magic/level/ability system to ever grace a Final Fantasy game, and it's got Rikku. Definitely worth looking into.

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Guest the 1inch punch
FFVII- Love it. Really good characters and story, best villain ever, pretty good system, the next step in graphics. Localization made the story confusing.

Best game ever

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Guest Renegade

FFI- Never played it, never will either.


FFII- Again havent played


FFIII- Good compared to what else was around at the time, il never play it today though.


FFIV- See above.


FFV- I was let down by the storyline, but the gameplay was spot on, very good at the time.


FFVI- Best FF game, best system, best villain.


FFVII- Eh... *puts flame shield on* it was good...but not great. Didn't give me the same rush as FFVI did, i went through way too many random battles to give a crap about the story after a while.


FFVIII- Great FMV, ok/good game.


FFIX- Good game, although I seem to be one of the people who actually liked the more modern look of FFVIII.


FFX- I'm getting it soon 2nd hand.


But IMO no RPG will ever compare to Chrono Trigger. Why the hell aren't square going to follow that up? (Chrono Cross doesnt count)

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Guest chirs3

Why doesn't Chrono Cross count?


And there's another Chrono title in the works, or so I've heard, either "Chrono Break" or "Chrono Sphere".

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Guest Renegade

-One of the best aspects of Chrono trigger was the doube/triple techs in battles, which actually made your group a "team" rather than all single attacks.


Chrono Cross: Ten or so combined attacks, and most party memebers cannot participate in them.


-Chrono Triggers magic system made your party more distinctive. Each character has their own strength and weakness


Example: Marle can heal party members, where Lucca could deal big damage with fire attacks.


Chrono Cross: Any character can can use any spell, not as well as some others, but its still takes some fun out of it for me.


-Chrono Triggers time travel allowed you to go to different time periods (about five), each with a unique and different look.


Chrono Cross: The alternate dimension looks pretty much the same as the original, a few differences, the characters have slightly different personalities, but its pretty poor in terms of diversity.


-The characters themselves: Seven characters which develop well throughout the game and have a great effect on the storyline.


Chrono Cross: 45 playable characters, very few of them have any real development (Zoah is a prime example of what I'm talking about.), which makes it one big mess.


The way that Chrono Cross tries to tie itself (and very badly may I add) with the original Chrono tirgger game. Some of it seems so rushed at times I cant help but think Square could have done much much better.


I actually like Chrono Cross, but its still nothing compared to Chrono Trigger.

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Guest chirs3

Good enough for me. I liked Chrono Cross' combat and color-magic systems myself, but I the Triple Techs and such were missed.

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Guest Special K

In my mind, FFIII and Chrono Trigger are tied for best RPG ever.


Chrono Trigger has a better story, FFIII has better characters

Chrono Trigger has better graphics, FFIII has better music

Both have lots of sidequests.

Both have good systems

I honestly can't pick which one I like more.


Though I have to say, with a better system, and an OK 2nd disc Xenogears would be best ever. As it is it's an ECTREMELY flawed masterpiece.BTW, since we're talking square, anyone played any good emulation-only games lately? I personally have to say that Bahamut Lagoon is awesome, thought too easy (Der Langrisser reigns supreme in SRPGs) Treasure Hunter G was OK, but a big dissapointment, and Romancing SaGa is Crap.

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Guest Renegade

I thought Romancing Saga 3 was quite good, but it was badly rushed. Lack of explanation really killed it.

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