Guest TJH Report post Posted October 25, 2002 Before I post these, I want to make it clear that most Australians are good, decent, pro-USA people. But, like any country, we have a selection of left-wing idiots, who boast about stupid conspiracy theories, and foolish anti-American views. Enjoy. Tony Blair has ordered a D-Notice [blackout] on British media - reporting government officials signing court gag orders, concerning a former MI5 officer who has evidence to prove MI6 gave 100,000 English pounds to bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, arms to Iraq and had prior knowledge of terrorist attacks. The story is massive because it is about official collusion with bin Laden, arms deals and attempted assassination plots. Link: It just gets better.....For your information, Howard is the conservative, pro-US, Prime Minister of Australia. One nation France has the balls to tell Israel to quit blowing up innocent Palestinian civilians. The French Foreign Ministry sent a blunt message to Israel - Halt your military operations on schools and Palestinian houses killing woman and children. In the words of the French representative "... result once again from the Israeli Army's recourse to disproportionate military means against civilian Palestinian population in densely populated urban areas." This is a darn site more of value than heard from the pitiful excuses for minister's in the puppet Howard Federal gov't. Eagerly waving joint Aussie and U.S.A. flags for preemptive attack on Iraq, or whomever else fits the target site, whomever the insane U.S. gov't fancies to bully this week. The Australian government is getting Australians killed. Our gov't will expose and line up every backpacking Aussie for retribution, with a bullet in the back of our dazed, torporic skulls, for our dumb ass alliance with American [final?] solution to world instability. That is create more instability by expounding militarism worldwide, screw around in other nations and threaten to bomb the crap out of the populace for failure to align ramrod straight under Emperor Bush's imperial idiot edicts, drafted by his even more idiotic White House cabal, sponsored by even larger mental cases cozy in tight creeping moneywort merchant banking houses and furtive citadel like oil empires. Clandestine Howard expands our complicit miserable role into this select nation screwing cult, by a culpability to go along with the deceit of Anglo/American crimes against world peace. We share in this reprehensible gov't sponsored fake "war on terror." What's a drop of blood to our sandy shores, its just the general populace? How lightening quick increasing incidence for blame is assigned on Islamic fruit cakes by Howard and his cronies. [For that matter Bush and Blair - no different to pattern of WTC attack]. No single vital clue is recognised before an attack on innocent citizens blows up in their poor wretched faces? For officials to swear to know the identity of perpatrators immediately after terrorist hits? How can a culprit be claimed with such bare faced incredulity? The ONLY terrorism rampaging around the world today is gov't sponsored. You cannot grow terrorism in todays sophisticated monitoring arena, unless the volume of surveilance, special intelligence, electronic eavesdropping and military special operations lets it passes by some design. We should join France, denounce Israel, then grow balls for a further step and denounce the insane White House for its crimes against humanity with its deliberate worldwide instability. This is one of the stupidest things you will ever read.... There is now FIRM EVIDENCE that the ongoing drive to induce President George Bush to launch a war against Iraq, is being foisted on the President by a nest of Israeli agents inside the U.S. Government. This evidence also impacts the Australian Government. It makes possible now a change in the position of Prime Minister John Howard - to not allow Australian military involvement in any attack on Iraq or the Middle East anywhere. It is imperative to read this link for the summary evidence of this critical report It will take several moments to access 'RealPlayer' to view document - be patient. This is the most important exposure of information since the WTC attack. And the stupidest and most offensive of all...... BALI CARNAGE ........... The chances of a car bomb doing the damage which has been done in Bali is almost zero. A crater 5 ft deep was left under the building, how come if it was a car bomb the crater isn't under the car? The most likely situation for this explosion is Australia and Indonesia had not gone along with support of attacking Iraq, in full compliance with the insane George Bush and untrustworthy White House. This is probably a deliberate warning to urge stepping up the anti of the Howard government, eg, revisit the anti-terrorist legislation, support U.S. expansionism and for Indonesia to widen the door to greater "invited" U.S. military involvement in its affairs. [All that oil in Indonesia]. These wasted lives were likely the result by one of two nations with the worst records of interference in other countries. These countries are guilty of weapons proliferation, they push their weight around ignoring all other nations. These two nations speak loudly about rights but do exactly the opposite. These two nations have their sights on world government, for which the cost of ordinary lives mean zero. The U.S.A. and Israel - its behind the scenes operations are my guess. I do not point a finger at their citizens. Please read the link of horrifying facts of the Bali attack. The frightening conclusions you should draw from this will have you ask questions that fly in the face of official accusations of who really set this explosion off. That is it for today. I hope you had a good laugh at the small amount of idiotic Australians you will find in the world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted October 25, 2002 (buries his head in his hands at the idiots RUINING the image of the entire Left) Kotzenjunge Wishes There Weren't So Many Stupid Liberals Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest hardyz1 Report post Posted October 25, 2002 Yeesh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrTom Report post Posted October 25, 2002 That's some of the stupidest tripe I've ever read. It ranged from downright offensive (most of it) to unintentionally funny (thinking Lyndon LaRouche's website was a credible source for anything). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slapnuts00 Report post Posted October 25, 2002 If these people don't like the US, Australia, Israel and other free democracies let them live in Iraq or some other opressive nation where they'll be tortured and executed for even expressing a dissenting view. They should be thankful they have the RIGHT to challenge the government and speak what's on their minds, not challenging the institutions that uphold these freedoms while glorifying scum that have no regard for human life let alone freedoms like Iraq and the Palestinians. Idiots... O, P.S. my favorite part is about the supposed Israeli officials working within the US government and forcing them to act as they wish. Um, I thought their argument was that Israel is only in power BECAUSE the US gives them so much aid but now it's that somehow Israel is controlling the US from within? Again, idiots... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DARRYLXWF Report post Posted October 26, 2002 the place is and is the voice behind those who are ignored anywhere else. An utterly hopeless and pointless place where no arguement of the right will be listened to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted October 26, 2002 I would condone such a place... if they weren't so goddamn stupid. Kotzenjunge Likes Australia as Much as GERMANY~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the 1inch punch Report post Posted October 26, 2002 You know, most people attack me when i say i hate Austrailians, and now i see this, and i am justified Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DARRYLXWF Report post Posted October 27, 2002 You know, most people attack me when i say i hate Austrailians, and now i see this, and i am justified *Attacks The 1inch punch* C'mon, do I have the right to say that my hate for all southern Americans is justified because of the KKK? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Invader3k Report post Posted October 27, 2002 I would like to think of the Australians as allies of the US in the war on terror. After all, they have contributed to the war in Afghanistan, if I'm not mistaken. I'm starting to think the US should leave the UN, and form some sort of Alliance of Civilized Democracies (or something along those lines), with the UK, Israel, Canada, and possibly Australia and one or two other decent countries. We don't need anyone else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted October 27, 2002 C'mon, do I have the right to say that my hate for all southern Americans is justified because of the KKK? *Attacks Darryl* No. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cynicalprofit Report post Posted October 27, 2002 And if it turns out that the us govt is creating a war for reasons other then to fight terror, how will you feel then. (No that doesnt mean it was done by inside foreigners) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TJH Report post Posted October 27, 2002 I would like to think of the Australians as allies of the US in the war on terror. After all, they have contributed to the war in Afghanistan, if I'm not mistaken. I'm starting to think the US should leave the UN, and form some sort of Alliance of Civilized Democracies (or something along those lines), with the UK, Israel, Canada, and possibly Australia and one or two other decent countries. We don't need anyone else. I can agree with that 100%. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DARRYLXWF Report post Posted October 27, 2002 C'mon, do I have the right to say that my hate for all southern Americans is justified because of the KKK? *Attacks Darryl* No. Exactly *Unattacks Jingus* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites