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Guest NoCalMike

Shirley Manson on Christina Aguilera.....

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Guest NoCalMike

Garbage's Shirley Manson has labelled US pop star Christina Aguilera a c**t in a blast of uncompromising fury on the band's official website, dotmusic can report.


Manson, who explains on the site that the new Garbage album is virtually complete and is at the point of being mixed, lets go with considerable bile in her latest report on the recordings.


She rants: Oh life can be so glorious sometimes. Christina Aguilera's MTV Diary was just on and I was cackling with glee for what seemed like the entire duration of this choice piece of programming. What marvellous entertainment!!!!


There's a particularly nauseating scene where we lucky viewers get to witness something really intimate and sacred. We get to see a cheap rehash of a scene pulled straight out of "In Bed With Madonna" where we get to witness tiny Christina backstage before a show surrounded by her wonderfully sincere circle of true, lifelong "friends".


They're all unselfconsciously (?!) immersed in a pre-show ritual which consists of everyone performing on stage that night holding hands together and praying to GOD to help Christina's voice during the show etc etc, explains Manson.


Her bitching reaches a reaches a peak at this point, as the Garbage singer asks: Why not struggle to be a nicer person Christina? Perhaps that would bring you closer to God because rumour has it from numerous and decidedly reliable sources that you are an absolute C**T.


Secondly: I know this may come as a ghastly surprise but I'm pretty sure that the Lord GOD Almighty just might have some rather more pressing matters to attend to than to ensure you and your "friends" have a good show.

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Guest notJames

I think Stupid Girl should be dedicated to that no-talent waifish c*nt ad nauseum.

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Guest NoCalMike

Everytime I read a Christina Aguilera interview, it is always, "white boy this, white boy that, I don't like no white boy, I just dated my first whiteboy" what a stupid bitch. First off, she is white, oh wait I forgot, she turned so latina from reading spanish cue cards for her spanish album. Even if she has some hispanic blood in her, she is so enriched with the american upperclass lifestyle, that she should realize she is a white.

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Guest Incandenza
Shirley Manson on Christina Aguilera....., bwahahaha.....


Hey, that was misleading!

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Guest converge241

I used to love shirley (and met her) until she got that new haircut



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Guest Madmartigan21
Everytime I read a Christina Aguilera interview, it is always, "white boy this, white boy that, I don't like no white boy, I just dated my first whiteboy"  what a stupid bitch.  First off, she is white, oh wait I forgot, she turned so latina from reading spanish cue cards for her spanish album.  Even if she has some hispanic blood in her, she is so enriched with the american upperclass lifestyle, that she should realize she is a white.

Actually, I believe her roots are from Spain. This would make her of European descent, not Hispanic or Latina. I know this seems like semantics, but it makes her just as caucasian as me. Most Hispanic people, besides their obvious Spanish ancestry, have mixed heritage which includes blacks and/or American Indians. The Spanish were mixed to some degree with the Moors(sp?), but from the looks of her, Aguilera doesn't have much if any in her. And generally speaking, the Spanish have an arrogance of superiority about their dialect versus the various Hipsanic dialects.


I could go on and on, but suffice it to say, being from Spain doesn't make a person Hispanic. She's a white girl.

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Guest razazteca

Did Shirley Manson let her natural red hair grow back yet?


Christina is just a clone of Brittney nothing more than just a waif jailbait collection of body parts of plastic or natural orgin.

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Guest LooseCannon
Everytime I read a Christina Aguilera interview, it is always, "white boy this, white boy that, I don't like no white boy, I just dated my first whiteboy"  what a stupid bitch.  First off, she is white, oh wait I forgot, she turned so latina from reading spanish cue cards for her spanish album.  Even if she has some hispanic blood in her, she is so enriched with the american upperclass lifestyle, that she should realize she is a white.

Actually, I believe her roots are from Spain. This would make her of European descent, not Hispanic or Latina. I know this seems like semantics, but it makes her just as caucasian as me. Most Hispanic people, besides their obvious Spanish ancestry, have mixed heritage which includes blacks and/or American Indians. The Spanish were mixed to some degree with the Moors(sp?), but from the looks of her, Aguilera doesn't have much if any in her. And generally speaking, the Spanish have an arrogance of superiority about their dialect versus the various Hipsanic dialects.


I could go on and on, but suffice it to say, being from Spain doesn't make a person Hispanic. She's a white girl.

It's not semantics at all. If you're from Spain, you're not hispanic, you're Spanish.

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Guest saturnmark4life

i hate shirley manson and garbage, always have and always will. Not that i care for Christina Aguilera, but i FUCKING HATE GARBAGE.

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Guest cynicalprofit

On behind the music with Christina Aguilera

"I was sucking 5 or 6 six cocks at a time, the coke was flowing free and there wasnt a white boy in site."


*Voice over* And then it all came tumbling down.


"People realized I had no talent and they stopped buying my music. I was so depressed I ate a whole twinkie and scrwed 100 white guys in 12 days while on an ounce of speed."

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Guest starvenger
"People realized I had no talent and they stopped buying my music.

You know, that's about the one thing that you can't say about Aguilera. She's got a good voice and knows how to use it well. Don't let the pop music bias fool you in that.


back on topic with the Shirley Manson thing... well, that was pretty entertaining, and if this is the beginning of a feud then I think it should be settled by some good old fashioned jello wrasslin'

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Guest El Satanico

Jello? fuck that i want to see Shirley Manson kick Christina's white ass in a no holds barred street fight.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Christina Aguilera was the radio here right before she became a big star, and was really soft spoken and down to earth, but when she game back she was a bitch. So I think what Shirley Manson is saying has some merit.

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Guest the 1inch punch
I used to love shirley (and met her) until she got that new haircut



Yeah thats pretty much how i feel

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
...The Spanish were mixed to some degree with the Moors(sp?)...


That's MOOPS~!

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Guest areacode212

I think this is old news...I seem to remember Christina's "people" threatening to sue Shirl for slander or something over this rant.

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Guest cynicalprofit

She had talent, Ill admit that, but lately its not as good as it was, that mulan(?) song was very good, but lately, it doesnt seem like shes trying as near as hard. And the image change will negate any talent because no one will care.

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