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Guest BoboBrazil

Vince Sends A Memo To WWE Workers Saying He Will

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Guest BoboBrazil

Vince McMahon sent out a memo the other night saying he wanted to continue on with the necrophilia angle this coming Monday. He cited the quarter hour rating for the segment (how about citing the quarter hour rating after the segment aired) and has gotten very defensive about the criticism and you know what that means.




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Guest Vern Gagne

Good. I hope Vince continues this angle and it puts the WWE out of business. They deserve whatever happens to them.

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Guest RenegadeX28

No wonder people are boycotting RAW. Vince, step down already, or the fans will........

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Guest Army Eye
But this is also a warning. nig ed erlanivolving Ttoreh Shadkedow


From the bottom of today's meltzer update. WTF?

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Guest BoboBrazil
But this is also a warning. nig ed erlanivolving Ttoreh Shadkedow


From the bottom of today's meltzer update. WTF?

Yeah, I had the same reaction when I read that. I don't get it.

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Guest jester

[Ring, Ring]




"Hi Vince. It's me, Austin."


"Steve...well this is a suprise. How are you?"


"All right. Listen, I just saw the last episode of Raw..."




"...and I heard you're going to continue with that angle..."




"...and I just wanted you to know that if you want me back, the price just went up."


[Click, dial tone]

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Guest converge241

when it all fails, they'll have the workers meet in the ring (you know, all the people who were'nt remotely involved in it) to be told the direction failed because their work sucks

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Guest converge241

"not likley so long as the in ring work is good.


Which generally it is. "


what? this has to be sarcastic

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Guest fingers

the only wrestling that sucks is HHH and Kane.


Most of the other talent pull off decent matches.

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Guest AM The Kid

If anyone is good at those word things I believe Meltzers message has the letters twisted around. I suck at that stuff but lets see if anyone else can figure it out...

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Guest LaParkaMarka
But this is also a warning. nig ed erlanivolving Ttoreh Shadkedow


From the bottom of today's meltzer update. WTF?

Yeah, I had the same reaction when I read that. I don't get it.

Looks like a code or something. The third word makes me think "involving", and the last two words are probably a proper name. Hmmm.

I half think it's supposed to read like : this is also a warning - Big _ involving someone.


nig ed erlanvoring Ttoreh Shadkedow


Trying to figure this out is already more interesting that Raw.

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Guest converge241

no they do



they problem is the ones who do ARE USUALLY THE ONES BERATED IN THE MEETINGS coming down from Taker and HHH no less


the long workrate matches have built on ratings..and actually kept them (cause the nonsense has had some high quarters but they meant nada in the final).


what i meant was the people who didnt perform in these idiotic ideas or write them.......are the ones who get the blame for it


not like..you know the responsible parties??


The crew gets told to basically emulate the mecca of Japan wrestling (or whatever capsule you want to use as comparison) by people who dont know their assholes from their elbows


basically its also


"you try even harder so we can blame you again when we fuck up and dont know how to either remove our heads from our ass or install a window in our backs and stomachs to see out of our ass for five seconds to fix it"

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Guest converge241

"nig ed"


i dont like the sound of that at all


*has bad thoughts of a racist angle*

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Guest AndrewTS
[Ring, Ring]




"Hi Vince. It's me, Austin."


"Steve...well this is a suprise. How are you?"


"All right. Listen, I just saw the last episode of Raw..."




"...and I heard you're going to continue with that angle..."




"...and I just wanted you to know that if you want me back, the price just went up."


[Click, dial tone]



Another golden post.


If I were Steve, I'd demand a depush for HHH, a limo full of whores, a raise--and that's just for starters.

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Guest converge241

more like


"Steve , we have a great idea for you."


"first you come back and beat the shit out of Debra live on TV..."

"ill be right there"



Vince doesnt even have to pitch the idea of the new faction: The Drunk Drivers

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Guest AndrewTS
If I was Steve, I'd demand the World title on my first night back, whores, and HHH being fired

Eh...dunno if he'd want to be like Hogan was. Sounds a bit too much like Hogan's WCW debut. (Beat Flair first night back, Cactus, Steamboat, and Austin all fired...I dunno about the whores).


But the HHH being fired bit is good--go with it.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

That doesn't surprise me. Vince gets very offended when someone DARES~! not like what he likes, as if everyone in the entire world should think the same as he.

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Guest The Tino Standard

This is just sad. The worst part is that this is all vintage Vince McMahon. See the forest through the trees for god's sake. There is no possible way that anything positive or redeeming can come from this angle for the company. But it got a tenth of a point higher rating on Monday night than anything else, so BY GOD, IT MUST BE WORKING.


I seriously hope Joe Louis Arena is less than half-filled on Monday night and the people that ARE there turn on this crap violently. And I hope the show draws a 1.4 TV rating. Maybe then these shitheads will understand that nobody wants to watch garbage TV for two hours simply so an out-of-touch company chairman can convince himself that he's still 'cutting edge.'

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Guest Luke Michael

I hope he doesn't mean continuing it for a couple more weeks. That would suck!


I would have Kane and Triple H fight next week over it. I'd have Kane give a promo how Triple H was lying and him and how he was a dumbass. Then in the match I'd have Triple H cheat and win. But right after Triple H wins Rob Van Dam, Booker T, and some other Raw wrestlers come out and all get in a fight with him. Maybe Scott Steiner can come out too.


Then that would set up the Elimination Chamber match at Survivor Series with everyone gunning for Triple H. Triple H would be the coward heel who everyone wants to see get his ass kicked.


So basically I'd do a reality based storyline and have everyone hate Triple H and want to get rid of him.

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Guest eirejmcmahon



Soap opera-centric show rating drops the night after a PPV.


Wrestling orientated show rating rises.

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