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Guest RavishingRickRudo

WWE: Point/Counter-Point

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You can begin by getting the F out!

by Anthony Cali


You know, I was going to write a safe little column explaining why Triple H has set the standard for excellence inside of a WWE ring, but to hell with it. What I read on this very commentary page this past Tuesday afternoon made me absolutely nauseous!


What ever happened to journalistic integrity? How this so-called writer could put together such a negative and one-sided piece is beyond me. In case he has forgotten where he works, this is WWE – and guess what, the E stands for Entertainment. So if he doesn’t like it, he should get the “F” out!


Mr. Negativity should get a job with PBS where he can write a weekly commentary discussing Sesame Street and the effect that the letter “G” has had on our society. In other words, if he doesn’t enjoy being entertained through a variety of mediums (including occasional shock TV), then he’s in the wrong industry.


In case this “old school” writer hasn’t noticed, this is the year 2002. Swing music is not popular anymore. Zoot Suits went out years ago. I don’t know what occurs in his hometown of Dufasville, USA, but here in the real world, we have terrorists, snipers, rapists and yes, even necrophiliacs. As sick as it might be, there are people in this world deranged enough to partake in such a repulsive act. If he were to crawl out from that rock he’s been living under, he might realize that. Unfortunately, I’ve even had to work with a guy who participated in that garbage many years ago at my first job, so I can tell you from experience it’s very real.


The video package that aired Monday night was done in the name of entertainment. Sure it was raunchy and pushed the limits, but that is something that occurs all the time in the entertainment industry. Every now and again, people like to be shocked. Whether it’s seeing brothers undress sisters and fathers undress daughters on Howard Stern’s “It’s Just Wrong” contest or incorrigible lunatics blowing themselves up and performing risks of unadulterated stupidity on MTV’s “Jackass,” Shock TV has become a part of our society.


I’m sure that there were people who were offended, but it should be said that numerous warnings were issued throughout the show explaining how the content of the video package might be offensive to certain viewers. Naturally, most of the audience is only going to be intrigued to stick around and see how far “The Game” would go, but if they did, that was their decision.


This is not the first time necrophilia has been aired on TV. A few years back you would have turned on MTV or VH1 and seen a Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers music video entitled “Last Dance With Mary Jane.” In the video, Petty steals a beautiful woman (Kim Bassinger) from a morgue and dresses her all up so that he can have one last rendezvous with her before she is buried. And while Petty wasn’t actually shown making love to the deceased female, we can only imagine what occurred after their romantic dinner.


As WWE.com reported Tuesday morning, the part of Katie Vick was played by a mannequin. Triple H didn’t really fornicate with a dead person and the video was only done to get under Kane’s skin. It was lighthearted and funny. Was it meant for young children? No. Should young children be up at 10:15 PM on a school night? No (at least I wasn’t). Certain people need to take a good look in the mirror before they begin throwing blame around for a segment they personally didn’t like.


I’m sorry to say that Frank Gotch and George Hackenschmidt aren’t competing anymore. It’s time for some people to move ahead into the 21st century and realize that sports-entertainment isn’t just wrestling anymore. It’s a hybrid of great athleticism and exquisite storytelling. So until “Wally Cleaver” can fathom what this industry is really about, I sincerely recommend a change in occupation.



So basically what he is saying is that it's *our* faults that the angle sucked.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yeah, he's the resident heel. I expect him to run in on the other guys column anytime soon.

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Guest Anglesault

So wait a minute. We are all behind the times. Everyone wants to see this shit. Silly me.

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Guest the pinjockey

"And while Petty wasn’t actually shown making love to the deceased female, we can only imagine what occurred after their romantic dinner"


I think it is safe to assume that he did not put on a mask get in a coffin and yank out some of her brains and conclude with a "witty" remark.


I still love how they think everyone is offended by this. The only way it offended me was the sheer stupidity of the segment. God I wish they would just put him on the booking committee already so there would be no more worked "I Love Everything" columns like this.

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Guest deadbeater

AS much as I am not a heel lover, don't you dare call Cali a heel. Cali's the village idiot.

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Guest AndrewTS
You know, I was going to write a safe little column explaining why Triple H has set the standard for excellence inside of a WWE ring, but to hell with it. What I read on this very commentary page this past Tuesday afternoon made me absolutely nauseous!


What ever happened to journalistic integrity?


You know...it's so sad that I can't even joke about this. "Safe little column explaining why Triple H has set the standard for excellence inside of a WWE ring." Yeah...I can't even joke about that.


It’s time for some people to move ahead into the 21st century and realize that sports-entertainment isn’t just wrestling anymore. It’s a hybrid of great athleticism and exquisite storytelling.


We haven't seen this in the WWE ever, except for a few sporadic really good angles.


Whatever, let Vince's shills keep shoveling. They'll be the first to go when budget cuts come around.

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Guest Cataclysm911
In case he has forgotten where he works, this is WWE – and guess what, the E stands for Entertainment. So if he doesn’t like it, he should get the “F” out!

Well guess what? That second "W" stand for wrestling, and it comes before the "E" so you can eat a dick.

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Guest BoboBrazil

This is getting so predictable. Every week that one guy writes how wrestling needs to come back and how he doesn't like pointless segments and this guy writes one how he loves them. This has gone on the last 3 or 4 weeks. It is getting so boring. I'm not even going to bother reading them anymore.

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Guest Mulatto Heat



Solomon writes what's on his mind, and Cali reacts to it like a five year old having a tantrum. The cycle continues. And we're expected to think that Cali is the "cool" one and thus "in the right".


Get over yourself, Cali. Accept that not everyone will like everything WWE puts out and move along. Jesus.

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Guest NoCalMike

I am not sure if he understands that being "offended" has nothing to do with it. In fact I am more offended that WWE thought I would rather watch 20 minutes of HHH(in a Kane mask) having sex with a corpse(implied) rather than watching a WRESTLING match.


If I want to hear/see something about necrophilia I will watch Autopsy on HBO. I don't watch Sopranos or Oz to see Armbars and suplexes, so in return grant me the luxury of not having too see melo-drama and raping of dead bodies on a WRESTLING show.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Trolls should be banned from writing columns on prominent websites.


Would I be a bad person to want this person to be shot, skullfucked, anally raped, blown to bits, or all of the above?


Fo sheez,


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Guest Trivia247

Im waiting for someone to say

"Jane you Ignorant Slut!"


for those unaware thats referance to the late 70's SNL skit on the news spoof called point counterpoint.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Yeah, never mind shock TV has never worked for them before, and isn't working now. Nevermind that most people don't find necrophilia entertaining.


Oh, the fans will "Get the 'F Out" in droves, no question there.


This guy makes Mark Madden look like a saint.

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Guest DerangedHermit
Would I be a bad person to want this person to be shot, skullfucked, anally raped, blown to bits, or all of the above?

Yes, that means SOMEBODY has to actually touch him.

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Guest AM The Kid

What a loser, talk about a brown-noser.



"I'm uh THE GAME uh"

"Can I suck you off now...Game?"

"Wait uh until Jericho uh is done uh."

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Guest cabbageboy

I actually don't have a problem with bizarre and controversial angles. What I do object to is ones that are unentertaining and that cannot possibly lead to any sort of decent match. That is what HHH/Kane is. I could overlook the whole Satanic Ministry angle to some extent because it was silly fun and also usually led to a match I had interest in seeing.


This HHH and Kane crap is going to lead to anything good...just a lame match that will be lucky to break negative stars.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Would I be a bad person to want this person to be shot, skullfucked, anally raped, blown to bits, or all of the above?


-Nope, you'd be a WWF writer. ZING!

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Guest jester

Good ol' WWE. Trying to handle a controvery that just isn't there.


"There is CONTROVERSY! Look at all the CONTROVERSY! Anyone? Look, we were being CONTROVERSIAL! Did you see us being CONTROVERSIAL? Watch, we'll do it again."


The only way they can save this angle is to have Kane come out next week and cut this promo.


"Last week I kidnapped HHH. What do you think I did to him, once I had him safely away? Once I had him helpless? Once I...aw, fuck it. Let's just wrestle."

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Guest notJames

I wouldn't be surprised if Cali and Solomon were the same person, writing opposing columns to feed and/or feed on public opinion, especially the volatile and divided IWC. Seems like a typical WW_ move.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
As sick as it might be, there are people in this world deranged enough to partake in such a repulsive act.


Just because a few sick perverts decide they want to screw dead people doesn't mean that everyone wants to see it on TV, let alone a supposed Wrestling program. And the people that do want to see it are probably not exactly the target audience that the WWE needs to be attracting..

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Guest RevEvil
Im waiting for someone to say

"Jane you Ignorant Slut!"


for those unaware thats referance to the late 70's SNL skit on the news spoof called point counterpoint.

I was going to make a reference to that, but no-o-o-o-o!

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