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Guest Sandman9000

CZW Halloween in Hellaware Results

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Guest Sandman9000

CZW ran outside RACKS bar in Dover Delaware Sat. night. The turnout was reported to be between 150-250 people; more then the last Dover show, but nowhere close to the turnout for TOD. Results are taken from czwfans.com


Match 1: 3 students in an elimination match. No one really knew who they were. Nothing terribly impressive. Lots of blown spots, as could be expected with rookies.


Match 2: Sonjay Dutt loses to Ian Knoxx. Knoxx comes out dressed as Puff The Magic Dragon and briefly wrestles in the suit. Chris Cash does a run-in, costing Sonjay the match to set up one on Nov. 9 (Night of Infamy).


Match 3: Student Battle Royale. Someone named Corey Castle eliminated Jon Dahmer (CZW Head Trainer) to win. Nothing to write home about.


Match 4: Hurricane Kid vs. GQ vs. Nick Berk. Berk came out as Nicky Benz, a Vegas Lounge singer gimmick. Seemed decent.


Match 5: Ruckus vs. Chris Cash. Another "ladder" match, but a minimal number of ladder spots. Sonjay runs in on Cash to return the favor from earlier in the show.


Match 6: Backseat Boys vs. H8 Club. Backseats came out as Cheech and Chong, wigs and mustaches and brown face paint and everything. Interesting spot where Gage hit the Boot Scape on Kashmere in the corner, knocking his sideburn 3 feet into the crowd. H8 Club wins with Gage hitting the ChokeBreaker on Acid.


Match 7: Hellaware Assassin vs. Steve C. Pointless. Steve C beats the shitout out of Assassin with lightbulbs, taking no pain himself. Assassin blades like crazy, said to have 3 5 inch gashes in his head that the staff couldn't stop from bleeding. Assassin might have been the person to hook CZW up with the Dover location, and wanted a spot on the card in return.


Match 8: Wifebeater vs. Zandig, No Rope Barbed Wire 100 Lightbulbs I Quit, Wifebeater's Retirement Match. Violent and vicious, tons of lightbulb and barbed wire spots, including usage of fan-brought weapons, until Lobo and Company did a run-in, attacking both men. They beat the shit out of Zandig, until Beater makes the save with the weedwhacker (no one takes it, thankfully.) Zandig declares it a No-Contest, since Beater didn't quit and he can't continue. (Shouldn't that make Beater the winner, since Zandig is quitting? Welcome to wrestling.) It ends up being another CZW Main Event No Contest ©. Zandig challenges Beater to another "I Quit" match at Night of Infamy, Nov. 9th at the Arena, Beater accepts, which means that tonight wasn't his last match after all.


Overall, it appears to be a disapointing show, with some calling it the worse card for CZW in 2002. Nothing on the card screams "must buy," as blood marks (such as myself) are better off purchasing TOD, Deja Vu, UFOE, and the last Dover show for blood, and wrestling marks are better off buying any other show.


Another No Contest in the main event is disapointing. CZW ran a No Contest at their last Arena show, and had one earlier this year. People are starting to get pissed off about it as well. There have also been a rash of NC's in the undercard too. CZW needs to do something about this.


Night of Infamy on Nov. 9th should be interesting, with ROH running earlier in the day. Zandig vs. Beater, I Quit, (possibly, it will be changed somehow), H8 Club vs mystery team (Da Hit Squad, Tanaka and Ohtani have been rumored), more as to who stole the CZW World belt, and other matches should hopefully make for a good card. They need to start hyping the shit out of COD4 soon, you know, maybe release more then 2 or 3 matches before the event?

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Guest Youth N Asia

Man...coule they have used any more of a B roster??? No Pain, Messiah, Mondo, Rachies, Blade (he did come back afterall).


Really, I am very unimpressed with CZW's rookie batch.

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Guest Sandman9000

Give them time. It took New School nearly a year to develop to the point where they are, and can only get bigger from here. Justice Pain has only been wrestling for what, four years? He's only going to get better.


Give them match time to learn, develop a personality and character, and hope for the best.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Sorry, but with Cash and GQ I see nothing but spot monkeys.


Cash can't even draw heat so he has to spaz his way to the ring pushing fans...I think he should have to do it in the ring before the people have a reason to react to him...did that make sense? I worded it funny.

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Guest Sturgis

I like Cash and GQ. There double team moves are nicely done altough they do it basically at the same time(in the middle of the match) and they don't spead it around like they should. They should be like the Backseat Boys and do somehting in the beginnig, middle, and end to let the crowd rest before popping for the next spot instead of wearing the fans out at once.

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Guest meanmaisch

I know both Chris Cash and GQ. They wrestled in a backyard fed that I was a part of. I'm not surprised that they are both doing well for CZW, though it took CZW a while to develop anything for them. The reason that they are so good at double team moves and working with each other is that they have been working almost exclusively with each other for the last two years. Not only did they enter CZW fighting with each other, they also fought each other at nearly backyard "show" they participated in. I think that their characters will have to be developed further, as they are basically just playing themselves. GQ is as confident and cocky in real life as he is in the ring. Cash can be a spaz at times, not knowing when to control himself. I think that they will do just fine as long as they stay injury free and as long as they don't make any foolish decisions.

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Guest subliminal_animal
Sorry, but with Cash and GQ I see nothing but spot monkeys.


Cash can't even draw heat so he has to spaz his way to the ring pushing fans...I think he should have to do it in the ring before the people have a reason to react to him...did that make sense? I worded it funny.

Nope, didn't make sense. But the "Cash can't even draw heat so he has to spaz his way to the ring pushing fans" part made me laugh. Does he actually push fans? I've only noticed him jumping around and giving them the finger and yelling and etc.


Man...coule they have used any more of a B roster??? No Pain, Messiah, Mondo, Rachies, Blade (he did come back afterall).


Blade came back? When? I thought he wasn't wrestling anymore and had bad blood with CZW anyway.


GQ is as confident and cocky in real life as he is in the ring.

What the hell is he cocky about? I thank God every day I'm not GQ.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Cash has pushed fans around before. It's a cheap way to get heat. Sorry, but I have a hard time taking a 100 lb spot monkey serious, if he could wrestle it'd be another story.


Blade came back at the 10/12 show and did a couple run ins durring Acid and Kashmere matches...he saved Mondo in one of them...Blade/Mond vs Backseat Boyz again...could kick ass...he's bald now also.


His last CZW show was 6/8/02, when he shattered his leg, over 16 months ago.

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Guest Sandman9000

It was basically a house show. No Pain, Mondo, Messiah, Rachies.


It only gained mucho attention since Beater was supposed to retire, which he didn't.

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Guest job squad

blade has not officialy come back zandig or lobo have to rehire him first. right now he is oficialy a wacko fan attacking the wrestlers

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Guest Sandman9000

Well, he attacked the Backseats twice at the show. It looks like they are setting up Blade/Mondo vs. Backseats for COD4, provided Blade doesn't break his leg anytime soon.

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