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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Weekend Box Office Report: 10/27/02

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

1. Jackass: The Movie - $22,700,000/$22,700,000



2. The Ring - $18,800,000/$39,700,000

3. Ghost Ship - $11,715,000/$11,715,000

4. Sweet Home Alabama - $6,400,000/$107,200,000

5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding - $6,315,922/$177,804,869

6. Red Dragon - $4,719,000/$84,976,000

7. Punch-Drunk Love - $3,500,000/$6,050,000

8. Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie - $2,900,000/$19,700,000

9. The Transporter - $2,845,000/$21,504,000

10. Brown Sugar - $2,775,000/$22,340,000

11. The Tuxedo - $2,700,000/ $46,600,000

12. Tuck Everlasting - $2,600,000/$14,000,000



Somewhere way down the list is, "The Truth About Charlie" BOMBED like a knew it would, despite having Marky Mark as the Star.

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Guest starvenger

I think Jackass: the movie will drop next week - it's likely that everyone who wanted to seen it has seen it now, and everyone else is waiting for the DVD 4 months from now...


And given that it IS the weekend before Halloween, you'd have expected more people to see Ghost Ship...

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Guest El Satanico
And given that it IS the weekend before Halloween, you'd have expected more people to see Ghost Ship...

Well The Ring took alot of the horror audience away from Ghost Ship.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Ghost Ship was pretty much trashed by all Critics.

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Guest El Satanico
Ghost Ship was pretty much trashed by all Critics.

You tell us that like it's surprising. 99% of horror movies are trashed by critics, so no big surprise.


Besides no one expected Ghost Ship to be a good movie. At most it will be a fun b level horror movie and that's what most were expecting from it.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Leonard Maltin gave The Ring a thumbs-down, and it was probably the only movie I've seen in the past few years that didn't flat-out insult everybody's intelligence by having some non-sensical swerve.


But hey, what do I know, I just WATCH the movies...

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Guest Vyce

Ring is stealing Ghost Ship's audience because it SHOULD steal Ghost Ship's audience. It's a pretty good movie. I watch a lot of horror; it's better than most of the crap in the genre.


I'm not surprised that Jackass opened so big. Who doesn't want to see a gang of mutants mutilate themselves onscreen?


The real shock.....My Big Fat Greek Wedding has almost made 200 million dollars. That's damn impressive for being such a small picture.

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Guest Lethargic
I think Jackass: the movie will drop next week - it's likely that everyone who wanted to seen it has seen it now, and everyone else is waiting for the DVD 4 months from now...


And given that it IS the weekend before Halloween, you'd have expected more people to see Ghost Ship...

Why would you expect people to see Ghost Ship? Most probably have probably had enough from their first two movies. Hopefully they've learned from their mistakes of watching House on Haunted Hill and 13 Ghosts. Hopefully Dark Castle will fold soon. I can pray at least.


And what's so surprising about the top ten? You're surprised that the biggest release of the week that has been advertised for nearly a year is the #1 movie for the weekend? What's the big deal?

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Guest Kingpk
1. Jackass: The Movie - $22,700,000/$22,700,000

::Shakes head::


There goes my belief that American society isn't circling the drain.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Ebert gave the Ring ** out of ****. I usually agree with Eberts ratings, but for The Ring and Usual Suspects (*1/2) I strongly dissagree

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Guest razazteca
Somewhere way down the list is, "The Truth About Charlie" BOMBED like a knew it would, despite having Marky Mark as the Star

Marky Mark has never been a star, besides his target audience went to see Jackass or the horror movies instead.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I'm glad to see The Ring doing so well. Ghost Ship was a cool concept, but it was executed horribly. I wouldn't expect Dark Castle to fold anytime soon, they have been very profitable. It looks as if Ghost Ship will be the first movie they will lose money on. They should just stick to remaking William Castle films.

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Guest El Satanico
Ghost Ship was a cool concept, but it was executed horribly.

Well that seems to be what this studio is good at producing. Movies who have good concepts, creepy atmosphere and nice looking enviroment yet aren't executed that well and fall apart by the end.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

True enough. If you didn't like the first two Dark Castle films, then stay away from Ghost Ship, it's their worst film yet.

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Guest J*ingus

WORSE than 13 Ghosts?! I wouldn't have thought that such a thing was possible. Even the remake of The Haunting wasn't as astoundingly bad as that particular dungheap. (I must confess to enjoying House on Haunted Hill, though.)

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Guest El Satanico

It's not that i hated them. The first two just disappointed me to no end. It drove me nuts that they couldn't put it all together in the end because both looked good and had nice creepy vibe.


I figure on seeing Ghost Ship at some point just because it looks like a fun b level horror movie so i won't be that disappointed this time.

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Guest HBK16

Jackass sold horribly at my theater. I am seeing it again though during the week since I can get in for free. Thought I would bring a few friends a long too. I dont have the Ring at my theater but when I went to see it, all the shows for that day were sold out. Greek Wedding is finally starting to cool down for the first time in a few weeks. It had a good run.

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Guest NoCalMike

I kind of feel The Ring could be like the 6th sense. It came out the same time as Blair Witch(which dominated the media) and opened fair, yet word of mouth spread and people kept it steady for awhile. Much like how The Ring, didn't get OVERLY exposed in commercials and stuff, so it is up to people who have seen it to go out and tell others.....

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Did any critics even bother with Jackass? Also, I am anxiously awaiting the CAP review (A Chrisitian Movie Review site that usually gets linked on FARK) They attempted to review Rules of Attraction and walked out on it 14 minutes, giving it a BAD Christian review (call em captain obvious..). I bet Jackass would break that record.




I doubt they'll review it..

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Guest starvenger
I think Jackass: the movie will drop next week - it's likely that everyone who wanted to seen it has seen it now, and everyone else is waiting for the DVD 4 months from now...


And given that it IS the weekend before Halloween, you'd have expected more people to see Ghost Ship...

Why would you expect people to see Ghost Ship? Most probably have probably had enough from their first two movies. Hopefully they've learned from their mistakes of watching House on Haunted Hill and 13 Ghosts. Hopefully Dark Castle will fold soon. I can pray at least.

Like I said, because it's the weekend before Halloween, which should (in theory) allow a "scary" movie to garner a better-than-average gross. I mean, that's why it opened when it opened, isn't it?

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Guest starvenger
Did any critics even bother with Jackass? Also, I am anxiously awaiting the CAP review (A Chrisitian Movie Review site that usually gets linked on FARK) They attempted to review Rules of Attraction and walked out on it 14 minutes, giving it a BAD Christian review (call em captain obvious..). I bet Jackass would break that record.




I doubt they'll review it..

Aren't these the same guys who called South Park the most offensive movie ever (or at least up to that point)? If so, then they probably will.

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Guest TUS_02

I have no problem with Jackass. I have no problem calling it one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. I have no problem, since I've been following these guys (well, the CKY gentlemen) for what seemed to be forever.


What I DO have a problem with is the fact that they are taking money away from movies that could have plot, a story etc... Like I said before, this was great fucking fun and if I had a bigger supply of cash... I'd see the movie every showing, but I will get PISSED off if they make a second one. Unless it's direct to video :)

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Guest Lethargic
Like I said, because it's the weekend before Halloween, which should (in theory) allow a "scary" movie to garner a better-than-average gross. I mean, that's why it opened when it opened, isn't it?

Shitty is shitty no matter when it opens.

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Guest starvenger
Shitty is shitty no matter when it opens.

Hey, no argument on that point, but you can't always bank on shitty film = bad box office gross, know what I mean?

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Guest evenflowDDT

To think, Jackass made more in its opening weekend then Brown Sugar has in its entire run so far... stupid MTV and their stupid movies.

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Guest Incandenza
Punch-Drunk Love is doing very well, considering its playing on less than 500 screens.

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