Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted March 2, 2002 Ok, we want the WWf to improve their lacklustre product. 1. Choose only one wrestler to be fired as a signal to the lockerroom that noone is safe from Vince's power 2. Choose one wrestler to get the HHH mega-push, putting the company on this guy's shoulders to start the next wrestling boom. What would you do in this situation? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted March 2, 2002 1. I guess Scott Hall. He needs to do something that would get him fired. I wouldn't fire him for the hell of it. 2. RVD. He's cool, the fans love him. Give them what they want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted March 2, 2002 1. Undertaker: Ask him to job clean to Maven, when he refuses, fire him, on camera if you really want to make a point. That would send a message. If Vince is willing to fire the guy who's been there 11 years, than everyone will get in line. 2. RVD or Booker: Both are over and both are good in the ring. Booker is in his mid-30s so I would push him 1st, if I can only mega-push 1 guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest converge241 Report post Posted March 2, 2002 To be fired as a sign: Hall thats the best one I can think of to say "were not giving any more chances to problem people" maybe Show, for backing off on their promise of "were not bringing him back until he loses weight" or Michaels considering they get zero usage out of the guy, mostly headaches The "To the Moon" push Booker T Maybe RVD , but i dont know if he could handle that role Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted March 2, 2002 1. X-Pac. He is an unprofessional shit, and firing him would send the message that the WWF has truly changed. 2. Lance Storm. Storm is a great wrestler, and he has a good ring precense. Given the proper push, he will be a star. He would be pushed as a heel, much like HHH was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Marius714 Report post Posted March 2, 2002 Interesting topic here. 1) I'd fire RVD just cause I hate him so. If I were VKM I'd do this would be just because I can. 2) The megapush goes to Rikishi. I'd make him into the biggest heel I could. (Lawler and Ross would get the stinkface every damn show too!!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted March 2, 2002 ok, since I started the thread, here are my choices. 1. stone cold. you want the lockerroom to do what's in Vince's best interest, you fire Austin. He has refused potential money making programs with everyone from Jarrett to Hogan. The ratings while he was gone were throuh the roof and his loss would not affect ratings that much plus if done right, could have a Montreal shock value to it. 2. Benoit. the consumate professional. throw shane or heyman in as his voice and let him devour the competition. plus, it might educate people on how wrestling SHOULD be done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted March 2, 2002 Wow goodhelmet, I'm surprised you picked Austin. Like you said. It would have shock value to it. Although if you fire Debra (Who supposedly gets a lot of money) Austin throws a fit and quits or gets fired. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted March 2, 2002 Someone should revoke my Smark Card, I didn't even think of Benoit. Rhyno would be another guy that should be pushed hard upon his return. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted March 2, 2002 Goodhelmet, I would have picked Benoit too, but I don't think he needs it. He was a main eventer when he got hurt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest converge241 Report post Posted March 2, 2002 "Austin!!!!!!! YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE FIRRRRRRRRRREDDDDD!" Seriously though thats an intersting point. We always hear about the Halls, Nashes , Hogans, etc. But Austin has had his own share of that kind of stuff. I guess its the idea that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. those Austin stories are kind of glossed over. That would shake up the locker room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest razazteca Report post Posted March 3, 2002 Fire KANE to mark the end of the cartoon era and making the point that being a super heavyweight means nothing in the business today. Super Mega Push shall go to Hurrincane Helms, he shall become the next Shawn Michaels, that the WWF has been searching for. The Hardys, Edge, Christian experiment has been a failure, its Shane Helms turn to become the next "big thing". Now if they can have Helms without the super hero gimmick. Maybe bring in Nova for a loser drops super hero gimmick feud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mystery Eskimo Report post Posted March 3, 2002 Smark logic dictates: Fire Big Show. Push Benoit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jokir Report post Posted March 3, 2002 Ooh Ooh I'm gonna use WWF logic against them! I'd fire Stephanie McMahon, she's been in the ring in matches therefore she qualifies, according to the WWF, as a wrestler. That would not only get her off everyone's t.v.(a guaranteed rating boost) but send a signal that we care about the direction of the company again. To push I'd choose Raven. I never saw any of his work before he entered the WWF so I'm curious to see what he could do. Or of course there's always Hugh Morris. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HBK WILL ROT IN HELL Report post Posted March 3, 2002 why would you hate RVD marius idiot. yeah rikishi rules. I would fire Shawn Michaels about 5years ago. Go figure why. The backstabbin bitch. I would push RVD big time simply because everbody wants to see him in with the big guns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cobainwasmurdered Report post Posted March 3, 2002 fire austin (see goodhelmet's post) and i'd push Raven Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 3, 2002 To Fire: Big Show He is a big enough name that his firing will make an impact but not that big enough of a name that it will hurt the WWF. To Mega Push: Mike Sanders/Test/ Shane Helms The problem wasn't bringing in the NWO the problem was bringing in Hall, Nash, and Hogan as the NWO. With the above three guys you get mic skills(Sanders), power(Test), and the all arounder(Helms). If them three, or any three young stars, packaged as the nwo, it would have a better impact. No really. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest X-Factor Corperation Report post Posted March 3, 2002 If I could chose between the two I'd have to do the second option as firing someone accomplishes nothing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cobainwasmurdered Report post Posted March 3, 2002 firing someone does too accomplish things. all though bret was leaving anyway vince screwing him over and forcing himout of the company made vince into a mega-heel that launched the wwf into the stratasphere Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CaptRiker Report post Posted March 3, 2002 Tony, bringing in Test, Mike Sanders and Shane Helms as the nWo would have sucked as they had never been in the nWo before, like they're not the *real* nWo. I mean, think of the reasons the Alliance failed - because they brought in a lot of jobbers and not really any of the stars you think of when you think of WCW (ie Hogan, Nash, Flair, Goldberg , Sting etc). They would have completely botched the nWo even if they had brought in say Hennig, Bossman and Xpac, even though the three of them had been in the nWo beforehand. Though I'm kind of off on a tangent here. If they fired anyone, it should be Undertaker, and if they mega-pushed anyone, it should be RVD. Or maybe Mike Awesome . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 3, 2002 Firing a main eventer on the spot won't get anything done. If you want to kill morale, then open up a spot and push someone into it. Think of how people will look at things afterwards. They'll be so fucking frightened about losing their job because they're interchangable, I can't even imagine how people would react. If they wanted to do things right, they should have never hired the NWO in the first place, but they've made that mistake already and there's no point in making another. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted March 3, 2002 Fire Steph (yeah well ideally) Push Raven/give him creative input on a stable or hardcore division (the rhyno match at backlash was largely his spots) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TonyJaymz316 Report post Posted March 3, 2002 "Tony, bringing in Test, Mike Sanders and Shane Helms as the nWo would have sucked as they had never been in the nWo before, like they're not the *real* nWo. I mean, think of the reasons the Alliance failed - because they brought in a lot of jobbers and not really any of the stars you think of when you think of WCW (ie Hogan, Nash, Flair, Goldberg , Sting etc). They would have completely botched the nWo even if they had brought in say Hennig, Bossman and Xpac, even though the three of them had been in the nWo beforehand. Though I'm kind of off on a tangent here. If they fired anyone, it should be Undertaker, and if they mega-pushed anyone, it should be RVD. Or maybe Mike Awesome . " I was using those three as an example, because they have all the best qualities of hall, nash, and hogan without the drawbacks. And the group doesn't even need the NWO name. Right now, the WWF needs a super hot heel or a super hot heel group more than anything, and the nwo isn't working at all. And i think that the alliance would have gone over, if 1)they didn't bring ECW into it and had kept it WCW vs. WWF and 2) that Vinny Mac and the Good O' Boys didn't make them look like pussies. Believe me, if Booker T had pinned Rock cleanly at Summerslam or if they had Jindrack/O'Haire run roughshed through the WWF tag teams, then they would have gotten over. The problems with the whole invasion angle was that it became watered down with WWF guys. The ONLY WWF guy i thought should have been in the Alliance was Test, because the storyline actually gave him joining it some depth. I donno...I'm a little bitter about the whole thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Human Fly Report post Posted March 3, 2002 1. I'd fire all of the black holes of heat like Godfather and Bossman. Send the message that if you can't get over after numerous chances you won't stick around. 2. I'd push Kanyon when he comes back. He's got the moves and the mic skills. If not Kanyon then Booker T. should get it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted March 3, 2002 I'd fire Undertaker. I'd push RVD. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Fett Report post Posted March 3, 2002 1. Fire Taker 2. Push Kanyon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Slapnuts00 Report post Posted March 3, 2002 Only one, huh? 1. Fire Taker. Like someone else mentioned if he agrees to go over Maven cleanly then he can stick around in an agent/booking role, otherwise it's out with the old, he's more than run his course, and needs to give up his spot. 2. RVD, no question. Whether you love him or hate him (and I'm honestly in the middle), there's no denying he's the most unique, exciting superstar to come along in a while and truly excites the fans, in whatever he does. He's basically gotten over on ringwork and attitude, has been a proffesional and paid his dues. Give him a year long run with the IC title, win next year's Royal Rumble, and then the WWF title at Wrestlemania 19, where he can relinquish the IC title. Obviously guys like Big Show, Godfather, Goldust, etc. should be dropped put to pick ONE who will make an impact and give a message it's got to be Taker, who has been there the longest, is a main eventer and big lockeroom influence. I love guys like Benoit and Storm as much as the next smark, and agree they should be given pushes, but in terms of that HUGE carry the company as the champion role, RVD is the guy being how exciting he is, and how much he's over with the fans. Unfortunately, Storm could never carry that role, and Benoit is definitly WWF champ material especially as a face but I certainly wouldn't put the weight of being the company's top guy on him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tim Cooke Report post Posted March 3, 2002 "I mean, think of the reasons the Alliance failed - because they brought in a lot of jobbers and not really any of the stars you think of when you think of WCW (ie Hogan, Nash, Flair, Goldberg , Sting etc)." *THIS* is why the Invasion failed? Might be a small part of it but the WWF's inability to put over WCW as either ultimate babyfaces or smart heels as well as the overall booking is what killed the Invasion angle. Having those big guys would have helped somewhat, but if they were portrayed like the rest, both booking wise and from an announcing standpoint, they would have died just as fast. Tim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted March 3, 2002 1. I think I would fire Lita or Test... maybe even Nash. 2. Geez, so many choices... if I could narrow it down it would be between Storm (WCW pushed him greatly), RVD, Booker T., Kanyon, Benoit, and Rhyno. But, I would pick RVD out of all of them. Why? The fans love him, the WWF could raise him as a huge superstar, merchadise, etc. Why hasn't the WWF haven't already *slowly* start doing this just shows where the WWF booking is at... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Shaved Bear Report post Posted March 3, 2002 Fire: X-Pac hes got a shit attitude, gets no heat or pops when he wrestles, and if Vince does a shoot firing of him on TV while X-Pac does another complaining thing, that sends a direct message to the Clique that their shit isnt gonna be taken Push: Benoit or Storm I'd say Benoit because hes older, and more seasoned, but both guys put on entertaining matches, and Benoit was able to get to the Main Event Status on wrestlng abilities alone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites